4.2.txt 11 KB

  1. ============================================
  2. Django 4.2 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
  3. ============================================
  4. *Expected April 2023*
  5. Welcome to Django 4.2!
  6. These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-4.2>`, as well as
  7. some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-4.2>` you'll
  8. want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 4.1 or earlier. We've
  9. :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features
  10. <deprecated-features-4.2>`.
  11. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing
  12. project.
  13. Python compatibility
  14. ====================
  15. Django 4.2 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11. We **highly recommend**
  16. and only officially support the latest release of each series.
  17. .. _whats-new-4.2:
  18. What's new in Django 4.2
  19. ========================
  20. Minor features
  21. --------------
  22. :mod:`django.contrib.admin`
  23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. * The light or dark color theme of the admin can now be toggled in the UI, as
  25. well as being set to follow the system setting.
  26. * The admin's font stack now prefers system UI fonts and no longer requires
  27. downloading fonts. Additionally, CSS variables are available to more easily
  28. override the default font families.
  29. * The :source:`admin/delete_confirmation.html
  30. <django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html>` template now
  31. has some additional blocks and scripting hooks to ease customization.
  32. * The chosen options of
  33. :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.filter_horizontal` and
  34. :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.filter_vertical` widgets are now
  35. filterable.
  36. * The ``admin/base.html`` template now has a new block ``nav-breadcrumbs``
  37. which contains the navigation landmark and the ``breadcrumbs`` block.
  38. * :attr:`.ModelAdmin.list_editable` now uses atomic transactions when making
  39. edits.
  40. :mod:`django.contrib.admindocs`
  41. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  42. * ...
  43. :mod:`django.contrib.auth`
  44. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  45. * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from
  46. 390,000 to 480,000.
  47. :mod:`django.contrib.contenttypes`
  48. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  49. * ...
  50. :mod:`django.contrib.gis`
  51. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  52. * The :doc:`GeoJSON serializer </ref/contrib/gis/serializers>` now outputs the
  53. ``id`` key for serialized features, which defaults to the primary key of
  54. objects.
  55. * The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALRaster` class now supports
  56. :class:`pathlib.Path`.
  57. * The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geoip2.GeoIP2` class now supports ``.mmdb``
  58. files downloaded from DB-IP.
  59. * The OpenLayers template widget no longer includes inline CSS (which also
  60. removes the former ``map_css`` block) to better comply with a strict Content
  61. Security Policy.
  62. :mod:`django.contrib.messages`
  63. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  64. * ...
  65. :mod:`django.contrib.postgres`
  66. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  67. * The new :lookup:`trigram_strict_word_similar` lookup, and the
  68. :class:`TrigramStrictWordSimilarity()
  69. <django.contrib.postgres.search.TrigramStrictWordSimilarity>` and
  70. :class:`TrigramStrictWordDistance()
  71. <django.contrib.postgres.search.TrigramStrictWordDistance>` expressions allow
  72. using trigram strict word similarity.
  73. :mod:`django.contrib.redirects`
  74. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  75. * ...
  76. :mod:`django.contrib.sessions`
  77. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  78. * ...
  79. :mod:`django.contrib.sitemaps`
  80. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  81. * ...
  82. :mod:`django.contrib.sites`
  83. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  84. * ...
  85. :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles`
  86. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  87. * ...
  88. :mod:`django.contrib.syndication`
  89. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  90. * ...
  91. Cache
  92. ~~~~~
  93. * ...
  94. CSRF
  95. ~~~~
  96. * ...
  97. Decorators
  98. ~~~~~~~~~~
  99. * ...
  100. Email
  101. ~~~~~
  102. * ...
  103. Error Reporting
  104. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  105. * ...
  106. File Storage
  107. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  108. * ...
  109. File Uploads
  110. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  111. * ...
  112. Forms
  113. ~~~~~
  114. * :class:`~django.forms.ModelForm` now accepts the new ``Meta`` option
  115. ``formfield_callback`` to customize form fields.
  116. * :func:`~django.forms.models.modelform_factory` now respects the
  117. ``formfield_callback`` attribute of the ``form``’s ``Meta``.
  118. Generic Views
  119. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  120. * ...
  121. Internationalization
  122. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  123. * Added support and translations for the Central Kurdish (Sorani) language.
  124. * The :class:`~django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware` now respects a
  125. language from the request when :func:`~django.conf.urls.i18n.i18n_patterns`
  126. is used with the ``prefix_default_language`` argument set to ``False``.
  127. Logging
  128. ~~~~~~~
  129. * ...
  130. Management Commands
  131. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  132. * :djadmin:`makemessages` command now supports locales with private sub-tags
  133. such as ``nl_NL-x-informal``.
  134. * The new :option:`makemigrations --update` option merges model changes into
  135. the latest migration and optimizes the resulting operations.
  136. Migrations
  137. ~~~~~~~~~~
  138. * Migrations now support serialization of ``enum.Flag`` objects.
  139. Models
  140. ~~~~~~
  141. * ``QuerySet`` now extensively supports filtering against
  142. :ref:`window-functions` with the exception of disjunctive filter lookups
  143. against window functions when performing aggregation.
  144. * :meth:`~.QuerySet.prefetch_related` now supports
  145. :class:`~django.db.models.Prefetch` objects with sliced querysets.
  146. * :ref:`Registering lookups <lookup-registration-api>` on
  147. :class:`~django.db.models.Field` instances is now supported.
  148. * The new ``robust`` argument for :func:`~django.db.transaction.on_commit`
  149. allows performing actions that can fail after a database transaction is
  150. successfully committed.
  151. * The new :class:`KT() <django.db.models.fields.json.KT>` expression represents
  152. the text value of a key, index, or path transform of
  153. :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField`.
  154. * :class:`~django.db.models.functions.Now` now supports microsecond precision
  155. on MySQL and millisecond precision on SQLite.
  156. Requests and Responses
  157. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  158. * ...
  159. Security
  160. ~~~~~~~~
  161. * ...
  162. Serialization
  163. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  164. * ...
  165. Signals
  166. ~~~~~~~
  167. * ...
  168. Templates
  169. ~~~~~~~~~
  170. * ...
  171. Tests
  172. ~~~~~
  173. * The :option:`test --debug-sql` option now formats SQL queries with
  174. ``sqlparse``.
  175. URLs
  176. ~~~~
  177. * ...
  178. Utilities
  179. ~~~~~~~~~
  180. * The new ``encoder`` parameter for :meth:`django.utils.html.json_script`
  181. function allows customizing a JSON encoder class.
  182. * The private internal vendored copy of ``urllib.parse.urlsplit()`` now strips
  183. ``'\r'``, ``'\n'``, and ``'\t'`` (see :cve:`2022-0391` and :bpo:`43882`).
  184. This is to protect projects that may be incorrectly using the internal
  185. ``url_has_allowed_host_and_scheme()`` function, instead of using one of the
  186. documented functions for handling URL redirects. The Django functions were
  187. not affected.
  188. Validators
  189. ~~~~~~~~~~
  190. * The list of common passwords used by ``CommonPasswordValidator`` is updated
  191. to the most recent version.
  192. .. _backwards-incompatible-4.2:
  193. Backwards incompatible changes in 4.2
  194. =====================================
  195. Database backend API
  196. --------------------
  197. This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database
  198. backends.
  199. * ...
  200. Dropped support for MariaDB 10.3
  201. --------------------------------
  202. Upstream support for MariaDB 10.3 ends in May 2023. Django 4.2 supports MariaDB
  203. 10.4 and higher.
  204. Dropped support for MySQL 5.7
  205. -----------------------------
  206. Upstream support for MySQL 5.7 ends in October 2023. Django 4.2 supports MySQL
  207. 8 and higher.
  208. Dropped support for PostgreSQL 11
  209. ---------------------------------
  210. Upstream support for PostgreSQL 11 ends in November 2023. Django 4.2 supports
  211. PostgreSQL 12 and higher.
  212. Miscellaneous
  213. -------------
  214. * The undocumented ``SimpleTemplateResponse.rendering_attrs`` and
  215. ``TemplateResponse.rendering_attrs`` are renamed to ``non_picklable_attrs``.
  216. * The undocumented ``django.http.multipartparser.parse_header()`` function is
  217. removed. Use ``django.utils.http.parse_header_parameters()`` instead.
  218. * :ttag:`{% blocktranslate asvar … %}<blocktranslate>` result is now marked as
  219. safe for (HTML) output purposes.
  220. * The ``autofocus`` HTML attribute in the admin search box is removed as it can
  221. be confusing for screen readers.
  222. * The :option:`makemigrations --check` option no longer creates missing
  223. migration files.
  224. * The ``alias`` argument for :meth:`.Expression.get_group_by_cols` is removed.
  225. * The minimum supported version of ``sqlparse`` is increased from 0.2.2 to
  226. 0.2.3.
  227. .. _deprecated-features-4.2:
  228. Features deprecated in 4.2
  229. ==========================
  230. ``index_together`` option is deprecated in favor of ``indexes``
  231. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  232. The :attr:`Meta.index_together <django.db.models.Options.index_together>`
  233. option is deprecated in favor of the :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.indexes`
  234. option.
  235. Migrating existing ``index_together`` should be handled as a migration. For
  236. example::
  237. class Author(models.Model):
  238. rank = models.IntegerField()
  239. name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
  240. class Meta:
  241. index_together = [["rank", "name"]]
  242. Should become::
  243. class Author(models.Model):
  244. rank = models.IntegerField()
  245. name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
  246. class Meta:
  247. indexes = [models.Index(fields=["rank", "name"])]
  248. Running the :djadmin:`makemigrations` command will generate a migration
  249. containing a :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameIndex` operation
  250. which will rename the existing index.
  251. The ``AlterIndexTogether`` migration operation is now officially supported only
  252. for pre-Django 4.2 migration files. For backward compatibility reasons, it's
  253. still part of the public API, and there's no plan to deprecate or remove it,
  254. but it should not be used for new migrations. Use
  255. :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.AddIndex` and
  256. :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RemoveIndex` operations instead.
  257. Miscellaneous
  258. -------------
  259. * The ``BaseUserManager.make_random_password()`` method is deprecated. See
  260. `recipes and best practices
  261. <https://docs.python.org/3/library/secrets.html#recipes-and-best-practices>`_
  262. for using Python's :py:mod:`secrets` module to generate passwords.
  263. * The ``length_is`` template filter is deprecated in favor of :tfilter:`length`
  264. and the ``==`` operator within an :ttag:`{% if %}<if>` tag. For example
  265. .. code-block:: html+django
  266. {% if value|length == 4 %}…{% endif %}
  267. {% if value|length == 4 %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}
  268. instead of:
  269. .. code-block:: html+django
  270. {% if value|length_is:4 %}…{% endif %}
  271. {{ value|length_is:4 }}
  272. * ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.SHA1PasswordHasher``,
  273. ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher``, and
  274. ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher`` are deprecated.
  275. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CICharField`` is deprecated in favor of
  276. ``CharField(db_collation="…")`` with a case-insensitive non-deterministic
  277. collation.
  278. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CIEmailField`` is deprecated in favor of
  279. ``EmailField(db_collation="…")`` with a case-insensitive non-deterministic
  280. collation.
  281. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CITextField`` is deprecated in favor of
  282. ``TextField(db_collation="…")`` with a case-insensitive non-deterministic
  283. collation.
  284. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CIText`` mixin is deprecated.
  285. * The ``map_height`` and ``map_width`` attributes of ``BaseGeometryWidget`` are
  286. deprecated, use CSS to size map widgets instead.
  287. * ``SimpleTestCase.assertFormsetError()`` is deprecated in favor of
  288. ``assertFormSetError()``.
  289. * ``TransactionTestCase.assertQuerysetEqual()`` is deprecated in favor of
  290. ``assertQuerySetEqual()``.