123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283 |
- from django.db import IntegrityError
- from django.db.models import ProtectedError, Q, Sum
- from django.forms.models import modelform_factory
- from django.test import TestCase, skipIfDBFeature
- from .models import (
- A, Address, B, Board, C, Cafe, CharLink, Company, Contact, Content, D,
- Developer, Guild, HasLinkThing, Link, Node, Note, OddRelation1,
- OddRelation2, Organization, Person, Place, Related, Restaurant, Tag, Team,
- TextLink,
- )
- class GenericRelationTests(TestCase):
- def test_inherited_models_content_type(self):
- """
- GenericRelations on inherited classes use the correct content type.
- """
- p = Place.objects.create(name="South Park")
- r = Restaurant.objects.create(name="Chubby's")
- l1 = Link.objects.create(content_object=p)
- l2 = Link.objects.create(content_object=r)
- self.assertEqual(list(p.links.all()), [l1])
- self.assertEqual(list(r.links.all()), [l2])
- def test_reverse_relation_pk(self):
- """
- The correct column name is used for the primary key on the
- originating model of a query. See #12664.
- """
- p = Person.objects.create(account=23, name='Chef')
- Address.objects.create(street='123 Anywhere Place',
- city='Conifer', state='CO',
- zipcode='80433', content_object=p)
- qs = Person.objects.filter(addresses__zipcode='80433')
- self.assertEqual(1, qs.count())
- self.assertEqual('Chef', qs[0].name)
- def test_charlink_delete(self):
- oddrel = OddRelation1.objects.create(name='clink')
- CharLink.objects.create(content_object=oddrel)
- oddrel.delete()
- def test_textlink_delete(self):
- oddrel = OddRelation2.objects.create(name='tlink')
- TextLink.objects.create(content_object=oddrel)
- oddrel.delete()
- def test_coerce_object_id_remote_field_cache_persistence(self):
- restaurant = Restaurant.objects.create()
- CharLink.objects.create(content_object=restaurant)
- charlink = CharLink.objects.latest('pk')
- self.assertIs(charlink.content_object, charlink.content_object)
- # If the model (Cafe) uses more than one level of multi-table inheritance.
- cafe = Cafe.objects.create()
- CharLink.objects.create(content_object=cafe)
- charlink = CharLink.objects.latest('pk')
- self.assertIs(charlink.content_object, charlink.content_object)
- def test_q_object_or(self):
- """
- SQL query parameters for generic relations are properly
- grouped when OR is used (#11535).
- In this bug the first query (below) works while the second, with the
- query parameters the same but in reverse order, does not.
- The issue is that the generic relation conditions do not get properly
- grouped in parentheses.
- """
- note_contact = Contact.objects.create()
- org_contact = Contact.objects.create()
- Note.objects.create(note='note', content_object=note_contact)
- org = Organization.objects.create(name='org name')
- org.contacts.add(org_contact)
- # search with a non-matching note and a matching org name
- qs = Contact.objects.filter(Q(notes__note__icontains=r'other note') |
- Q(organizations__name__icontains=r'org name'))
- self.assertIn(org_contact, qs)
- # search again, with the same query parameters, in reverse order
- qs = Contact.objects.filter(
- Q(organizations__name__icontains=r'org name') |
- Q(notes__note__icontains=r'other note'))
- self.assertIn(org_contact, qs)
- def test_join_reuse(self):
- qs = Person.objects.filter(
- addresses__street='foo'
- ).filter(
- addresses__street='bar'
- )
- self.assertEqual(str(qs.query).count('JOIN'), 2)
- def test_generic_relation_ordering(self):
- """
- Ordering over a generic relation does not include extraneous
- duplicate results, nor excludes rows not participating in the relation.
- """
- p1 = Place.objects.create(name="South Park")
- p2 = Place.objects.create(name="The City")
- c = Company.objects.create(name="Chubby's Intl.")
- Link.objects.create(content_object=p1)
- Link.objects.create(content_object=c)
- places = list(Place.objects.order_by('links__id'))
- def count_places(place):
- return len([p for p in places if p.id == place.id])
- self.assertEqual(len(places), 2)
- self.assertEqual(count_places(p1), 1)
- self.assertEqual(count_places(p2), 1)
- def test_target_model_is_unsaved(self):
- """Test related to #13085"""
- # Fails with another, ORM-level error
- dev1 = Developer(name='Joe')
- note = Note(note='Deserves promotion', content_object=dev1)
- with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
- note.save()
- def test_target_model_len_zero(self):
- """
- Saving a model with a GenericForeignKey to a model instance whose
- __len__ method returns 0 (Team.__len__() here) shouldn't fail (#13085).
- """
- team1 = Team.objects.create(name='Backend devs')
- note = Note(note='Deserve a bonus', content_object=team1)
- note.save()
- def test_target_model_bool_false(self):
- """
- Saving a model with a GenericForeignKey to a model instance whose
- __bool__ method returns False (Guild.__bool__() here) shouldn't fail
- (#13085).
- """
- g1 = Guild.objects.create(name='First guild')
- note = Note(note='Note for guild', content_object=g1)
- note.save()
- @skipIfDBFeature('interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls')
- def test_gfk_to_model_with_empty_pk(self):
- """Test related to #13085"""
- # Saving model with GenericForeignKey to model instance with an
- # empty CharField PK
- b1 = Board.objects.create(name='')
- tag = Tag(label='VP', content_object=b1)
- tag.save()
- def test_ticket_20378(self):
- # Create a couple of extra HasLinkThing so that the autopk value
- # isn't the same for Link and HasLinkThing.
- hs1 = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- hs2 = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- hs3 = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- hs4 = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- l1 = Link.objects.create(content_object=hs3)
- l2 = Link.objects.create(content_object=hs4)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(HasLinkThing.objects.filter(links=l1), [hs3])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(HasLinkThing.objects.filter(links=l2), [hs4])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(HasLinkThing.objects.exclude(links=l2), [hs1, hs2, hs3])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(HasLinkThing.objects.exclude(links=l1), [hs1, hs2, hs4])
- def test_ticket_20564(self):
- b1 = B.objects.create()
- b2 = B.objects.create()
- b3 = B.objects.create()
- c1 = C.objects.create(b=b1)
- c2 = C.objects.create(b=b2)
- c3 = C.objects.create(b=b3)
- A.objects.create(flag=None, content_object=b1)
- A.objects.create(flag=True, content_object=b2)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(C.objects.filter(b__a__flag=None), [c1, c3])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(C.objects.exclude(b__a__flag=None), [c2])
- def test_ticket_20564_nullable_fk(self):
- b1 = B.objects.create()
- b2 = B.objects.create()
- b3 = B.objects.create()
- d1 = D.objects.create(b=b1)
- d2 = D.objects.create(b=b2)
- d3 = D.objects.create(b=b3)
- d4 = D.objects.create()
- A.objects.create(flag=None, content_object=b1)
- A.objects.create(flag=True, content_object=b1)
- A.objects.create(flag=True, content_object=b2)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(D.objects.exclude(b__a__flag=None), [d2])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(D.objects.filter(b__a__flag=None), [d1, d3, d4])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(B.objects.filter(a__flag=None), [b1, b3])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(B.objects.exclude(a__flag=None), [b2])
- def test_extra_join_condition(self):
- # A crude check that content_type_id is taken in account in the
- # join/subquery condition.
- self.assertIn("content_type_id", str(B.objects.exclude(a__flag=None).query).lower())
- # No need for any joins - the join from inner query can be trimmed in
- # this case (but not in the above case as no a objects at all for given
- # B would then fail).
- self.assertNotIn(" join ", str(B.objects.exclude(a__flag=True).query).lower())
- self.assertIn("content_type_id", str(B.objects.exclude(a__flag=True).query).lower())
- def test_annotate(self):
- hs1 = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- hs2 = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- b = Board.objects.create(name=str(hs1.pk))
- Link.objects.create(content_object=hs2)
- link = Link.objects.create(content_object=hs1)
- Link.objects.create(content_object=b)
- qs = HasLinkThing.objects.annotate(Sum('links')).filter(pk=hs1.pk)
- # If content_type restriction isn't in the query's join condition,
- # then wrong results are produced here as the link to b will also match
- # (b and hs1 have equal pks).
- self.assertEqual(qs.count(), 1)
- self.assertEqual(qs[0].links__sum, link.id)
- link.delete()
- # Now if we don't have proper left join, we will not produce any
- # results at all here.
- # clear cached results
- qs = qs.all()
- self.assertEqual(qs.count(), 1)
- # Note - 0 here would be a nicer result...
- self.assertIs(qs[0].links__sum, None)
- # Finally test that filtering works.
- self.assertEqual(qs.filter(links__sum__isnull=True).count(), 1)
- self.assertEqual(qs.filter(links__sum__isnull=False).count(), 0)
- def test_filter_targets_related_pk(self):
- HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- hs2 = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- link = Link.objects.create(content_object=hs2)
- self.assertNotEqual(link.object_id, link.pk)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(HasLinkThing.objects.filter(links=link.pk), [hs2])
- def test_editable_generic_rel(self):
- GenericRelationForm = modelform_factory(HasLinkThing, fields='__all__')
- form = GenericRelationForm()
- self.assertIn('links', form.fields)
- form = GenericRelationForm({'links': None})
- self.assertTrue(form.is_valid())
- form.save()
- links = HasLinkThing._meta.get_field('links')
- self.assertEqual(links.save_form_data_calls, 1)
- def test_ticket_22998(self):
- related = Related.objects.create()
- content = Content.objects.create(related_obj=related)
- Node.objects.create(content=content)
- # deleting the Related cascades to the Content cascades to the Node,
- # where the pre_delete signal should fire and prevent deletion.
- with self.assertRaises(ProtectedError):
- related.delete()
- def test_ticket_22982(self):
- place = Place.objects.create(name='My Place')
- self.assertIn('GenericRelatedObjectManager', str(place.links))
- def test_filter_on_related_proxy_model(self):
- place = Place.objects.create()
- Link.objects.create(content_object=place)
- self.assertEqual(Place.objects.get(link_proxy__object_id=place.id), place)
- def test_generic_reverse_relation_with_mti(self):
- """
- Filtering with a reverse generic relation, where the GenericRelation
- comes from multi-table inheritance.
- """
- place = Place.objects.create(name='Test Place')
- link = Link.objects.create(content_object=place)
- result = Link.objects.filter(places=place)
- self.assertCountEqual(result, [link])
- def test_generic_reverse_relation_with_abc(self):
- """
- The reverse generic relation accessor (targets) is created if the
- GenericRelation comes from an abstract base model (HasLinks).
- """
- thing = HasLinkThing.objects.create()
- link = Link.objects.create(content_object=thing)
- self.assertCountEqual(link.targets.all(), [thing])