123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966 |
- import os
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import unittest
- import warnings
- from io import StringIO
- from unittest import mock
- from django.apps import apps
- from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
- from django.core import management
- from django.core.files.temp import NamedTemporaryFile
- from django.core.management import CommandError
- from django.core.management.commands.dumpdata import ProxyModelWarning
- from django.core.serializers.base import ProgressBar
- from django.db import IntegrityError, connection
- from django.test import TestCase, TransactionTestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
- from .models import (
- Article, Category, CircularA, CircularB, NaturalKeyThing,
- PrimaryKeyUUIDModel, ProxySpy, Spy, Tag, Visa,
- )
- try:
- import bz2 # NOQA
- HAS_BZ2 = True
- except ImportError:
- HAS_BZ2 = False
- try:
- import lzma # NOQA
- HAS_LZMA = True
- except ImportError:
- HAS_LZMA = False
- class TestCaseFixtureLoadingTests(TestCase):
- fixtures = ['fixture1.json', 'fixture2.json']
- def test_class_fixtures(self):
- "Test case has installed 3 fixture objects"
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True), [
- 'Django conquers world!',
- 'Copyright is fine the way it is',
- 'Poker has no place on ESPN',
- ],
- )
- class SubclassTestCaseFixtureLoadingTests(TestCaseFixtureLoadingTests):
- """
- Make sure that subclasses can remove fixtures from parent class (#21089).
- """
- fixtures = []
- def test_class_fixtures(self):
- "There were no fixture objects installed"
- self.assertEqual(Article.objects.count(), 0)
- class DumpDataAssertMixin:
- def _dumpdata_assert(self, args, output, format='json', filename=None,
- natural_foreign_keys=False, natural_primary_keys=False,
- use_base_manager=False, exclude_list=[], primary_keys=''):
- new_io = StringIO()
- filename = filename and os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), filename)
- management.call_command(
- 'dumpdata',
- *args,
- format=format,
- stdout=new_io,
- stderr=new_io,
- output=filename,
- use_natural_foreign_keys=natural_foreign_keys,
- use_natural_primary_keys=natural_primary_keys,
- use_base_manager=use_base_manager,
- exclude=exclude_list,
- primary_keys=primary_keys,
- )
- if filename:
- with open(filename) as f:
- command_output = f.read()
- os.remove(filename)
- else:
- command_output = new_io.getvalue().strip()
- if format == "json":
- self.assertJSONEqual(command_output, output)
- elif format == "xml":
- self.assertXMLEqual(command_output, output)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(command_output, output)
- class FixtureLoadingTests(DumpDataAssertMixin, TestCase):
- def test_loading_and_dumping(self):
- apps.clear_cache()
- Site.objects.all().delete()
- # Load fixture 1. Single JSON file, with two objects.
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1.json', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- ['Time to reform copyright', 'Poker has no place on ESPN'],
- )
- # Dump the current contents of the database as a JSON fixture
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place '
- 'on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- # Try just dumping the contents of fixtures.Category
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Category'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", '
- '"title": "News Stories"}}]'
- )
- # ...and just fixtures.Article
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Article'],
- '[{"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place on ESPN", '
- '"pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": '
- '"Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- # ...and both
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Category', 'fixtures.Article'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", '
- '"title": "News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has '
- 'no place on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", '
- '"fields": {"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- # Specify a specific model twice
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Article', 'fixtures.Article'],
- (
- '[{"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place on ESPN", '
- '"pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": '
- '"Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- )
- # Specify a dump that specifies Article both explicitly and implicitly
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Article', 'fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place '
- 'on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- # Specify a dump that specifies Article both explicitly and implicitly,
- # but lists the app first (#22025).
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures', 'fixtures.Article'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place '
- 'on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- # Same again, but specify in the reverse order
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no '
- 'place on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields":'
- ' {"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- # Specify one model from one application, and an entire other application.
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Category', 'sites'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "sites.site", "fields": {"domain": "example.com", "name": '
- '"example.com"}}]'
- )
- # Load fixture 2. JSON file imported by default. Overwrites some existing objects
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture2.json', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- [
- 'Django conquers world!',
- 'Copyright is fine the way it is',
- 'Poker has no place on ESPN',
- ],
- )
- # Load fixture 3, XML format.
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture3.xml', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- [
- 'XML identified as leading cause of cancer',
- 'Django conquers world!',
- 'Copyright is fine the way it is',
- 'Poker on TV is great!',
- ],
- )
- # Load fixture 6, JSON file with dynamic ContentType fields. Testing ManyToOne.
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture6.json', verbosity=0)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Tag.objects.all(), [
- '<Tag: <Article: Copyright is fine the way it is> tagged "copyright">',
- '<Tag: <Article: Copyright is fine the way it is> tagged "law">',
- ], transform=repr, ordered=False)
- # Load fixture 7, XML file with dynamic ContentType fields. Testing ManyToOne.
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture7.xml', verbosity=0)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Tag.objects.all(), [
- '<Tag: <Article: Copyright is fine the way it is> tagged "copyright">',
- '<Tag: <Article: Copyright is fine the way it is> tagged "legal">',
- '<Tag: <Article: Django conquers world!> tagged "django">',
- '<Tag: <Article: Django conquers world!> tagged "world domination">',
- ], transform=repr, ordered=False)
- # Load fixture 8, JSON file with dynamic Permission fields. Testing ManyToMany.
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture8.json', verbosity=0)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Visa.objects.all(), [
- '<Visa: Django Reinhardt Can add user, Can change user, Can delete user>',
- '<Visa: Stephane Grappelli Can add user>',
- '<Visa: Prince >'
- ], transform=repr, ordered=False)
- # Load fixture 9, XML file with dynamic Permission fields. Testing ManyToMany.
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture9.xml', verbosity=0)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Visa.objects.all(), [
- '<Visa: Django Reinhardt Can add user, Can change user, Can delete user>',
- '<Visa: Stephane Grappelli Can add user, Can delete user>',
- '<Visa: Artist formerly known as "Prince" Can change user>'
- ], transform=repr, ordered=False)
- # object list is unaffected
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- [
- 'XML identified as leading cause of cancer',
- 'Django conquers world!',
- 'Copyright is fine the way it is',
- 'Poker on TV is great!',
- ],
- )
- # By default, you get raw keys on dumpdata
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.book'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.book", "fields": {"name": "Music for all ages", "authors": [3, 1]}}]'
- )
- # But you can get natural keys if you ask for them and they are available
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.book'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.book", "fields": {"name": "Music for all ages", "authors": [["Artist '
- 'formerly known as \\"Prince\\""], ["Django Reinhardt"]]}}]',
- natural_foreign_keys=True
- )
- # You can also omit the primary keys for models that we can get later with natural keys.
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.person'],
- '[{"fields": {"name": "Django Reinhardt"}, "model": "fixtures.person"}, {"fields": {"name": "Stephane '
- 'Grappelli"}, "model": "fixtures.person"}, {"fields": {"name": "Artist formerly known as '
- '\\"Prince\\""}, "model": "fixtures.person"}]',
- natural_primary_keys=True
- )
- # Dump the current contents of the database as a JSON fixture
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker on TV is '
- 'great!", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T11:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Copyright is fine the way it is", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T14:00:00"}}, {"pk": 4, '
- '"model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Django conquers world!", "pub_date": '
- '"2006-06-16T15:00:00"}}, {"pk": 5, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "XML '
- 'identified as leading cause of cancer", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T16:00:00"}}, {"pk": 1, "model": '
- '"fixtures.tag", "fields": {"tagged_type": ["fixtures", "article"], "name": "copyright", "tagged_id": '
- '3}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.tag", "fields": {"tagged_type": ["fixtures", "article"], "name": '
- '"legal", "tagged_id": 3}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.tag", "fields": {"tagged_type": ["fixtures", '
- '"article"], "name": "django", "tagged_id": 4}}, {"pk": 4, "model": "fixtures.tag", "fields": '
- '{"tagged_type": ["fixtures", "article"], "name": "world domination", "tagged_id": 4}}, {"pk": 1, '
- '"model": "fixtures.person", "fields": {"name": "Django Reinhardt"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": '
- '"fixtures.person", "fields": {"name": "Stephane Grappelli"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.person", '
- '"fields": {"name": "Artist formerly known as \\"Prince\\""}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.visa", '
- '"fields": {"person": ["Django Reinhardt"], "permissions": [["add_user", "auth", "user"], '
- '["change_user", "auth", "user"], ["delete_user", "auth", "user"]]}}, {"pk": 2, "model": '
- '"fixtures.visa", "fields": {"person": ["Stephane Grappelli"], "permissions": [["add_user", "auth", '
- '"user"], ["delete_user", "auth", "user"]]}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.visa", "fields": {"person":'
- ' ["Artist formerly known as \\"Prince\\""], "permissions": [["change_user", "auth", "user"]]}}, '
- '{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.book", "fields": {"name": "Music for all ages", "authors": [["Artist '
- 'formerly known as \\"Prince\\""], ["Django Reinhardt"]]}}]',
- natural_foreign_keys=True
- )
- # Dump the current contents of the database as an XML fixture
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><django-objects version="1.0"><object pk="1" '
- 'model="fixtures.category"><field type="CharField" name="title">News Stories</field><field '
- 'type="TextField" name="description">Latest news stories</field></object><object pk="2" '
- 'model="fixtures.article"><field type="CharField" name="headline">Poker on TV is great!</field><field '
- 'type="DateTimeField" name="pub_date">2006-06-16T11:00:00</field></object><object pk="3" '
- 'model="fixtures.article"><field type="CharField" name="headline">Copyright is fine the way it '
- 'is</field><field type="DateTimeField" name="pub_date">2006-06-16T14:00:00</field></object><object '
- 'pk="4" model="fixtures.article"><field type="CharField" name="headline">Django conquers world!'
- '</field><field type="DateTimeField" name="pub_date">2006-06-16T15:00:00</field></object><object '
- 'pk="5" model="fixtures.article"><field type="CharField" name="headline">XML identified as leading '
- 'cause of cancer</field><field type="DateTimeField" name="pub_date">2006-06-16T16:00:00</field>'
- '</object><object pk="1" model="fixtures.tag"><field type="CharField" name="name">copyright</field>'
- '<field to="contenttypes.contenttype" name="tagged_type" rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>fixtures'
- '</natural><natural>article</natural></field><field type="PositiveIntegerField" name="tagged_id">3'
- '</field></object><object pk="2" model="fixtures.tag"><field type="CharField" name="name">legal'
- '</field><field to="contenttypes.contenttype" name="tagged_type" rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>'
- 'fixtures</natural><natural>article</natural></field><field type="PositiveIntegerField" '
- 'name="tagged_id">3</field></object><object pk="3" model="fixtures.tag"><field type="CharField" '
- 'name="name">django</field><field to="contenttypes.contenttype" name="tagged_type" '
- 'rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>fixtures</natural><natural>article</natural></field><field '
- 'type="PositiveIntegerField" name="tagged_id">4</field></object><object pk="4" model="fixtures.tag">'
- '<field type="CharField" name="name">world domination</field><field to="contenttypes.contenttype" '
- 'name="tagged_type" rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>fixtures</natural><natural>article</natural></field>'
- '<field type="PositiveIntegerField" name="tagged_id">4</field></object><object pk="1" '
- 'model="fixtures.person"><field type="CharField" name="name">Django Reinhardt</field></object>'
- '<object pk="2" model="fixtures.person"><field type="CharField" name="name">Stephane Grappelli'
- '</field></object><object pk="3" model="fixtures.person"><field type="CharField" name="name">'
- 'Artist formerly known as "Prince"</field></object><object pk="1" model="fixtures.visa"><field '
- 'to="fixtures.person" name="person" rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>Django Reinhardt</natural></field>'
- '<field to="auth.permission" name="permissions" rel="ManyToManyRel"><object><natural>add_user'
- '</natural><natural>auth</natural><natural>user</natural></object><object><natural>change_user'
- '</natural><natural>auth</natural><natural>user</natural></object><object><natural>delete_user'
- '</natural><natural>auth</natural><natural>user</natural></object></field></object><object pk="2" '
- 'model="fixtures.visa"><field to="fixtures.person" name="person" rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>Stephane'
- ' Grappelli</natural></field><field to="auth.permission" name="permissions" rel="ManyToManyRel">'
- '<object><natural>add_user</natural><natural>auth</natural><natural>user</natural></object><object>'
- '<natural>delete_user</natural><natural>auth</natural><natural>user</natural></object></field>'
- '</object><object pk="3" model="fixtures.visa"><field to="fixtures.person" name="person" '
- 'rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>Artist formerly known as "Prince"</natural></field><field '
- 'to="auth.permission" name="permissions" rel="ManyToManyRel"><object><natural>change_user</natural>'
- '<natural>auth</natural><natural>user</natural></object></field></object><object pk="1" '
- 'model="fixtures.book"><field type="CharField" name="name">Music for all ages</field><field '
- 'to="fixtures.person" name="authors" rel="ManyToManyRel"><object><natural>Artist formerly known as '
- '"Prince"</natural></object><object><natural>Django Reinhardt</natural></object></field></object>'
- '</django-objects>',
- format='xml', natural_foreign_keys=True
- )
- def test_dumpdata_with_excludes(self):
- # Load fixture1 which has a site, two articles, and a category
- Site.objects.all().delete()
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1.json', verbosity=0)
- # Excluding fixtures app should only leave sites
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['sites', 'fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "sites.site", "fields": {"domain": "example.com", "name": "example.com"}}]',
- exclude_list=['fixtures'],
- )
- # Excluding fixtures.Article/Book should leave fixtures.Category
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['sites', 'fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "sites.site", "fields": {"domain": "example.com", "name": "example.com"}}, '
- '{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}]',
- exclude_list=['fixtures.Article', 'fixtures.Book']
- )
- # Excluding fixtures and fixtures.Article/Book should be a no-op
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['sites', 'fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "sites.site", "fields": {"domain": "example.com", "name": "example.com"}}, '
- '{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}]',
- exclude_list=['fixtures.Article', 'fixtures.Book']
- )
- # Excluding sites and fixtures.Article/Book should only leave fixtures.Category
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['sites', 'fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}]',
- exclude_list=['fixtures.Article', 'fixtures.Book', 'sites']
- )
- # Excluding a bogus app should throw an error
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, "No installed app with label 'foo_app'."):
- self._dumpdata_assert(['fixtures', 'sites'], '', exclude_list=['foo_app'])
- # Excluding a bogus model should throw an error
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, "Unknown model: fixtures.FooModel"):
- self._dumpdata_assert(['fixtures', 'sites'], '', exclude_list=['fixtures.FooModel'])
- @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'win32', "Windows doesn't support '?' in filenames.")
- def test_load_fixture_with_special_characters(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture_with[special]chars', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'How To Deal With Special Characters',
- )
- def test_dumpdata_with_filtering_manager(self):
- spy1 = Spy.objects.create(name='Paul')
- spy2 = Spy.objects.create(name='Alex', cover_blown=True)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(Spy.objects.all(), [spy1])
- # Use the default manager
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Spy'],
- '[{"pk": %d, "model": "fixtures.spy", "fields": {"cover_blown": false}}]' % spy1.pk
- )
- # Dump using Django's base manager. Should return all objects,
- # even those normally filtered by the manager
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Spy'],
- '[{"pk": %d, "model": "fixtures.spy", "fields": {"cover_blown": true}}, {"pk": %d, "model": '
- '"fixtures.spy", "fields": {"cover_blown": false}}]' % (spy2.pk, spy1.pk),
- use_base_manager=True
- )
- def test_dumpdata_with_pks(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1.json', verbosity=0)
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture2.json', verbosity=0)
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Article'],
- '[{"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place on ESPN", '
- '"pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": '
- '"Copyright is fine the way it is", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T14:00:00"}}]',
- primary_keys='2,3'
- )
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Article'],
- '[{"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place on ESPN", '
- '"pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}]',
- primary_keys='2'
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, "You can only use --pks option with one model"):
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place on ESPN", '
- '"pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Copyright is fine the way it is", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T14:00:00"}}]',
- primary_keys='2,3'
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, "You can only use --pks option with one model"):
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- '',
- '[{"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place on ESPN", '
- '"pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Copyright is fine the way it is", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T14:00:00"}}]',
- primary_keys='2,3'
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, "You can only use --pks option with one model"):
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.Article', 'fixtures.category'],
- '[{"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place on ESPN", '
- '"pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Copyright is fine the way it is", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T14:00:00"}}]',
- primary_keys='2,3'
- )
- def test_dumpdata_with_uuid_pks(self):
- m1 = PrimaryKeyUUIDModel.objects.create()
- m2 = PrimaryKeyUUIDModel.objects.create()
- output = StringIO()
- management.call_command(
- 'dumpdata', 'fixtures.PrimaryKeyUUIDModel', '--pks', ', '.join([str(m1.id), str(m2.id)]),
- stdout=output,
- )
- result = output.getvalue()
- self.assertIn('"pk": "%s"' % m1.id, result)
- self.assertIn('"pk": "%s"' % m2.id, result)
- def test_dumpdata_with_file_output(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1.json', verbosity=0)
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place '
- 'on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]',
- filename='dumpdata.json'
- )
- def test_dumpdata_progressbar(self):
- """
- Dumpdata shows a progress bar on the command line when --output is set,
- stdout is a tty, and verbosity > 0.
- """
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1.json', verbosity=0)
- new_io = StringIO()
- new_io.isatty = lambda: True
- with NamedTemporaryFile() as file:
- options = {
- 'format': 'json',
- 'stdout': new_io,
- 'stderr': new_io,
- 'output': file.name,
- }
- management.call_command('dumpdata', 'fixtures', **options)
- self.assertTrue(new_io.getvalue().endswith('[' + '.' * ProgressBar.progress_width + ']\n'))
- # Test no progress bar when verbosity = 0
- options['verbosity'] = 0
- new_io = StringIO()
- new_io.isatty = lambda: True
- options.update({'stdout': new_io, 'stderr': new_io})
- management.call_command('dumpdata', 'fixtures', **options)
- self.assertEqual(new_io.getvalue(), '')
- def test_dumpdata_proxy_without_concrete(self):
- """
- A warning is displayed if a proxy model is dumped without its concrete
- parent.
- """
- ProxySpy.objects.create(name='Paul')
- msg = "fixtures.ProxySpy is a proxy model and won't be serialized."
- with self.assertWarnsMessage(ProxyModelWarning, msg):
- self._dumpdata_assert(['fixtures.ProxySpy'], '[]')
- def test_dumpdata_proxy_with_concrete(self):
- """
- A warning isn't displayed if a proxy model is dumped with its concrete
- parent.
- """
- spy = ProxySpy.objects.create(name='Paul')
- with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures.ProxySpy', 'fixtures.Spy'],
- '[{"pk": %d, "model": "fixtures.spy", "fields": {"cover_blown": false}}]' % spy.pk
- )
- self.assertEqual(len(warning_list), 0)
- def test_compress_format_loading(self):
- # Load fixture 4 (compressed), using format specification
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture4.json', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(Article.objects.get().headline, 'Django pets kitten')
- def test_compressed_specified_loading(self):
- # Load fixture 5 (compressed), using format *and* compression specification
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture5.json.zip', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'WoW subscribers now outnumber readers',
- )
- def test_compressed_loading(self):
- # Load fixture 5 (compressed), only compression specification
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture5.zip', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'WoW subscribers now outnumber readers',
- )
- def test_compressed_loading_gzip(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture5.json.gz', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'WoW subscribers now outnumber readers',
- )
- @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_BZ2, 'No bz2 library detected.')
- def test_compressed_loading_bz2(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture5.json.bz2', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'WoW subscribers now outnumber readers',
- )
- @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_LZMA, 'No lzma library detected.')
- def test_compressed_loading_lzma(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture5.json.lzma', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'WoW subscribers now outnumber readers',
- )
- @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_LZMA, 'No lzma library detected.')
- def test_compressed_loading_xz(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture5.json.xz', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'WoW subscribers now outnumber readers',
- )
- def test_ambiguous_compressed_fixture(self):
- # The name "fixture5" is ambiguous, so loading raises an error.
- msg = "Multiple fixtures named 'fixture5'"
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, msg):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture5', verbosity=0)
- def test_db_loading(self):
- # Load db fixtures 1 and 2. These will load using the 'default' database identifier implicitly
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_1', verbosity=0)
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_2', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- [
- 'Who needs more than one database?',
- 'Who needs to use compressed data?',
- ],
- )
- def test_loaddata_error_message(self):
- """
- Loading a fixture which contains an invalid object outputs an error
- message which contains the pk of the object that triggered the error.
- """
- # MySQL needs a little prodding to reject invalid data.
- # This won't affect other tests because the database connection
- # is closed at the end of each test.
- if connection.vendor == 'mysql':
- with connection.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute("SET sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL'")
- msg = 'Could not load fixtures.Article(pk=1):'
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(IntegrityError, msg):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'invalid.json', verbosity=0)
- @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'postgresql', 'psycopg2 prohibits null characters in data.')
- def test_loaddata_null_characters_on_postgresql(self):
- msg = (
- 'Could not load fixtures.Article(pk=2): '
- 'A string literal cannot contain NUL (0x00) characters.'
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'null_character_in_field_value.json')
- def test_loaddata_app_option(self):
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(CommandError, "No fixture named 'db_fixture_1' found."):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_1', verbosity=0, app_label="someotherapp")
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Article.objects.all(), [])
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_1', verbosity=0, app_label="fixtures")
- self.assertEqual(
- Article.objects.get().headline,
- 'Who needs more than one database?',
- )
- def test_loaddata_verbosity_three(self):
- output = StringIO()
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1.json', verbosity=3, stdout=output, stderr=output)
- command_output = output.getvalue()
- self.assertIn(
- "\rProcessed 1 object(s).\rProcessed 2 object(s)."
- "\rProcessed 3 object(s).\rProcessed 4 object(s).\n",
- command_output
- )
- def test_loading_using(self):
- # Load db fixtures 1 and 2. These will load using the 'default' database identifier explicitly
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_1', verbosity=0, database='default')
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_2', verbosity=0, database='default')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- [
- 'Who needs more than one database?',
- 'Who needs to use compressed data?',
- ],
- )
- def test_unmatched_identifier_loading(self):
- # Try to load db fixture 3. This won't load because the database identifier doesn't match
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(CommandError, "No fixture named 'db_fixture_3' found."):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_3', verbosity=0)
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(CommandError, "No fixture named 'db_fixture_3' found."):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'db_fixture_3', verbosity=0, database='default')
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Article.objects.all(), [])
- def test_output_formats(self):
- # Load back in fixture 1, we need the articles from it
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1', verbosity=0)
- # Try to load fixture 6 using format discovery
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture6', verbosity=0)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Tag.objects.all(), [
- '<Tag: <Article: Time to reform copyright> tagged "copyright">',
- '<Tag: <Article: Time to reform copyright> tagged "law">'
- ], transform=repr, ordered=False)
- # Dump the current contents of the database as a JSON fixture
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place '
- 'on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}, {"pk": 1, "model": '
- '"fixtures.tag", "fields": {"tagged_type": ["fixtures", "article"], "name": "copyright", "tagged_id": '
- '3}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.tag", "fields": {"tagged_type": ["fixtures", "article"], "name": '
- '"law", "tagged_id": 3}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.person", "fields": {"name": "Django '
- 'Reinhardt"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.person", "fields": {"name": "Stephane Grappelli"}}, '
- '{"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.person", "fields": {"name": "Prince"}}]',
- natural_foreign_keys=True
- )
- # Dump the current contents of the database as an XML fixture
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><django-objects version="1.0"><object pk="1" '
- 'model="fixtures.category"><field type="CharField" name="title">News Stories</field><field '
- 'type="TextField" name="description">Latest news stories</field></object><object pk="2" '
- 'model="fixtures.article"><field type="CharField" name="headline">Poker has no place on ESPN</field>'
- '<field type="DateTimeField" name="pub_date">2006-06-16T12:00:00</field></object><object pk="3" '
- 'model="fixtures.article"><field type="CharField" name="headline">Time to reform copyright</field>'
- '<field type="DateTimeField" name="pub_date">2006-06-16T13:00:00</field></object><object pk="1" '
- 'model="fixtures.tag"><field type="CharField" name="name">copyright</field><field '
- 'to="contenttypes.contenttype" name="tagged_type" rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>fixtures</natural>'
- '<natural>article</natural></field><field type="PositiveIntegerField" name="tagged_id">3</field>'
- '</object><object pk="2" model="fixtures.tag"><field type="CharField" name="name">law</field><field '
- 'to="contenttypes.contenttype" name="tagged_type" rel="ManyToOneRel"><natural>fixtures</natural>'
- '<natural>article</natural></field><field type="PositiveIntegerField" name="tagged_id">3</field>'
- '</object><object pk="1" model="fixtures.person"><field type="CharField" name="name">Django Reinhardt'
- '</field></object><object pk="2" model="fixtures.person"><field type="CharField" name="name">Stephane '
- 'Grappelli</field></object><object pk="3" model="fixtures.person"><field type="CharField" name="name">'
- 'Prince</field></object></django-objects>',
- format='xml', natural_foreign_keys=True
- )
- def test_loading_with_exclude_app(self):
- Site.objects.all().delete()
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1', exclude=['fixtures'], verbosity=0)
- self.assertFalse(Article.objects.exists())
- self.assertFalse(Category.objects.exists())
- self.assertEqual(Site.objects.get().domain, 'example.com')
- def test_loading_with_exclude_model(self):
- Site.objects.all().delete()
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1', exclude=['fixtures.Article'], verbosity=0)
- self.assertFalse(Article.objects.exists())
- self.assertEqual(Category.objects.get().title, 'News Stories')
- self.assertEqual(Site.objects.get().domain, 'example.com')
- def test_exclude_option_errors(self):
- """Excluding a bogus app or model should raise an error."""
- msg = "No installed app with label 'foo_app'."
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, msg):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1', exclude=['foo_app'], verbosity=0)
- msg = "Unknown model: fixtures.FooModel"
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, msg):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1', exclude=['fixtures.FooModel'], verbosity=0)
- def test_stdin_without_format(self):
- """Reading from stdin raises an error if format isn't specified."""
- msg = '--format must be specified when reading from stdin.'
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, msg):
- management.call_command('loaddata', '-', verbosity=0)
- def test_loading_stdin(self):
- """Loading fixtures from stdin with json and xml."""
- tests_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- fixture_json = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'fixtures', 'fixture1.json')
- fixture_xml = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'fixtures', 'fixture3.xml')
- with mock.patch('django.core.management.commands.loaddata.sys.stdin', open(fixture_json)):
- management.call_command('loaddata', '--format=json', '-', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- ['Time to reform copyright', 'Poker has no place on ESPN'],
- )
- with mock.patch('django.core.management.commands.loaddata.sys.stdin', open(fixture_xml)):
- management.call_command('loaddata', '--format=xml', '-', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- [
- 'XML identified as leading cause of cancer',
- 'Time to reform copyright',
- 'Poker on TV is great!',
- ],
- )
- class NonexistentFixtureTests(TestCase):
- """
- Custom class to limit fixture dirs.
- """
- def test_loaddata_not_existent_fixture_file(self):
- stdout_output = StringIO()
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(CommandError, "No fixture named 'this_fixture_doesnt_exist' found."):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'this_fixture_doesnt_exist', stdout=stdout_output)
- @mock.patch('django.db.connection.enable_constraint_checking')
- @mock.patch('django.db.connection.disable_constraint_checking')
- def test_nonexistent_fixture_no_constraint_checking(
- self, disable_constraint_checking, enable_constraint_checking):
- """
- If no fixtures match the loaddata command, constraints checks on the
- database shouldn't be disabled. This is performance critical on MSSQL.
- """
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(CommandError, "No fixture named 'this_fixture_doesnt_exist' found."):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'this_fixture_doesnt_exist', verbosity=0)
- disable_constraint_checking.assert_not_called()
- enable_constraint_checking.assert_not_called()
- class FixtureTransactionTests(DumpDataAssertMixin, TransactionTestCase):
- available_apps = [
- 'fixtures',
- 'django.contrib.sites',
- ]
- @skipUnlessDBFeature('supports_forward_references')
- def test_format_discovery(self):
- # Load fixture 1 again, using format discovery
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture1', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- ['Time to reform copyright', 'Poker has no place on ESPN'],
- )
- # Try to load fixture 2 using format discovery; this will fail
- # because there are two fixture2's in the fixtures directory
- msg = "Multiple fixtures named 'fixture2'"
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, msg):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture2', verbosity=0)
- # object list is unaffected
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- ['Time to reform copyright', 'Poker has no place on ESPN'],
- )
- # Dump the current contents of the database as a JSON fixture
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures.category", "fields": {"description": "Latest news stories", "title": '
- '"News Stories"}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": {"headline": "Poker has no place '
- 'on ESPN", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T12:00:00"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "fixtures.article", "fields": '
- '{"headline": "Time to reform copyright", "pub_date": "2006-06-16T13:00:00"}}]'
- )
- # Load fixture 4 (compressed), using format discovery
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture4', verbosity=0)
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- Article.objects.values_list('headline', flat=True),
- [
- 'Django pets kitten',
- 'Time to reform copyright',
- 'Poker has no place on ESPN',
- ],
- )
- class ForwardReferenceTests(DumpDataAssertMixin, TestCase):
- def test_forward_reference_fk(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'forward_reference_fk.json', verbosity=0)
- t1, t2 = NaturalKeyThing.objects.all()
- self.assertEqual(t1.other_thing, t2)
- self.assertEqual(t2.other_thing, t1)
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", "pk": 1, '
- '"fields": {"key": "t1", "other_thing": 2, "other_things": []}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", "pk": 2, '
- '"fields": {"key": "t2", "other_thing": 1, "other_things": []}}]',
- )
- def test_forward_reference_fk_natural_key(self):
- management.call_command(
- 'loaddata',
- 'forward_reference_fk_natural_key.json',
- verbosity=0,
- )
- t1, t2 = NaturalKeyThing.objects.all()
- self.assertEqual(t1.other_thing, t2)
- self.assertEqual(t2.other_thing, t1)
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", '
- '"fields": {"key": "t1", "other_thing": ["t2"], "other_things": []}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", '
- '"fields": {"key": "t2", "other_thing": ["t1"], "other_things": []}}]',
- natural_primary_keys=True,
- natural_foreign_keys=True,
- )
- def test_forward_reference_m2m(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'forward_reference_m2m.json', verbosity=0)
- self.assertEqual(NaturalKeyThing.objects.count(), 3)
- t1 = NaturalKeyThing.objects.get_by_natural_key('t1')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- t1.other_things.order_by('key').values_list('key', flat=True),
- ['t2', 't3'],
- )
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", "pk": 1, '
- '"fields": {"key": "t1", "other_thing": null, "other_things": [2, 3]}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", "pk": 2, '
- '"fields": {"key": "t2", "other_thing": null, "other_things": []}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", "pk": 3, '
- '"fields": {"key": "t3", "other_thing": null, "other_things": []}}]',
- )
- def test_forward_reference_m2m_natural_key(self):
- management.call_command(
- 'loaddata',
- 'forward_reference_m2m_natural_key.json',
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(NaturalKeyThing.objects.count(), 3)
- t1 = NaturalKeyThing.objects.get_by_natural_key('t1')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- t1.other_things.order_by('key').values_list('key', flat=True),
- ['t2', 't3'],
- )
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", '
- '"fields": {"key": "t1", "other_thing": null, "other_things": [["t2"], ["t3"]]}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", '
- '"fields": {"key": "t2", "other_thing": null, "other_things": []}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.naturalkeything", '
- '"fields": {"key": "t3", "other_thing": null, "other_things": []}}]',
- natural_primary_keys=True,
- natural_foreign_keys=True,
- )
- class CircularReferenceTests(DumpDataAssertMixin, TestCase):
- def test_circular_reference(self):
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'circular_reference.json', verbosity=0)
- obj_a = CircularA.objects.get()
- obj_b = CircularB.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(obj_a.obj, obj_b)
- self.assertEqual(obj_b.obj, obj_a)
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"model": "fixtures.circulara", "pk": 1, '
- '"fields": {"key": "x", "obj": 1}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.circularb", "pk": 1, '
- '"fields": {"key": "y", "obj": 1}}]',
- )
- def test_circular_reference_natural_key(self):
- management.call_command(
- 'loaddata',
- 'circular_reference_natural_key.json',
- verbosity=0,
- )
- obj_a = CircularA.objects.get()
- obj_b = CircularB.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(obj_a.obj, obj_b)
- self.assertEqual(obj_b.obj, obj_a)
- self._dumpdata_assert(
- ['fixtures'],
- '[{"model": "fixtures.circulara", '
- '"fields": {"key": "x", "obj": ["y"]}}, '
- '{"model": "fixtures.circularb", '
- '"fields": {"key": "y", "obj": ["x"]}}]',
- natural_primary_keys=True,
- natural_foreign_keys=True,
- )