test_json_array.py 5.6 KB

  1. import unittest
  2. from django.db import NotSupportedError, connection
  3. from django.db.models import CharField, F, Value
  4. from django.db.models.functions import Cast, JSONArray, JSONObject, Lower
  5. from django.test import TestCase
  6. from django.test.testcases import skipIfDBFeature, skipUnlessDBFeature
  7. from django.utils import timezone
  8. from ..models import Article, Author
  9. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_json_field")
  10. class JSONArrayTests(TestCase):
  11. @classmethod
  12. def setUpTestData(cls):
  13. Author.objects.create(name="Ivan Ivanov", alias="iivanov")
  14. def test_empty(self):
  15. obj = Author.objects.annotate(json_array=JSONArray()).first()
  16. self.assertEqual(obj.json_array, [])
  17. def test_basic(self):
  18. obj = Author.objects.annotate(
  19. json_array=JSONArray(Value("name"), F("name"))
  20. ).first()
  21. self.assertEqual(obj.json_array, ["name", "Ivan Ivanov"])
  22. def test_expressions(self):
  23. obj = Author.objects.annotate(
  24. json_array=JSONArray(
  25. Lower("name"),
  26. F("alias"),
  27. F("goes_by"),
  28. Value(30000.15),
  29. F("age") * 2,
  30. )
  31. ).first()
  32. self.assertEqual(
  33. obj.json_array,
  34. [
  35. "ivan ivanov",
  36. "iivanov",
  37. None,
  38. 30000.15,
  39. 60,
  40. ],
  41. )
  42. def test_nested_json_array(self):
  43. obj = Author.objects.annotate(
  44. json_array=JSONArray(
  45. F("name"),
  46. JSONArray(F("alias"), F("age")),
  47. )
  48. ).first()
  49. self.assertEqual(
  50. obj.json_array,
  51. [
  52. "Ivan Ivanov",
  53. ["iivanov", 30],
  54. ],
  55. )
  56. def test_nested_empty_json_array(self):
  57. obj = Author.objects.annotate(
  58. json_array=JSONArray(
  59. F("name"),
  60. JSONArray(),
  61. )
  62. ).first()
  63. self.assertEqual(
  64. obj.json_array,
  65. [
  66. "Ivan Ivanov",
  67. [],
  68. ],
  69. )
  70. def test_textfield(self):
  71. Article.objects.create(
  72. title="The Title",
  73. text="x" * 4000,
  74. written=timezone.now(),
  75. )
  76. obj = Article.objects.annotate(json_array=JSONArray(F("text"))).first()
  77. self.assertEqual(obj.json_array, ["x" * 4000])
  78. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific tests")
  79. def test_explicit_cast(self):
  80. qs = Author.objects.annotate(
  81. json_array=JSONArray(Cast("age", CharField()))
  82. ).values("json_array")
  83. with self.assertNumQueries(1) as ctx:
  84. self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [{"json_array": ["30"]}])
  85. sql = ctx.captured_queries[0]["sql"]
  86. self.assertIn("::varchar", sql)
  87. self.assertNotIn("::varchar)::varchar", sql)
  88. def test_order_by_key(self):
  89. qs = Author.objects.annotate(arr=JSONArray(F("alias"))).order_by("arr__0")
  90. self.assertQuerySetEqual(qs, Author.objects.order_by("alias"))
  91. def test_order_by_nested_key(self):
  92. qs = Author.objects.annotate(arr=JSONArray(JSONArray(F("alias")))).order_by(
  93. "-arr__0__0"
  94. )
  95. self.assertQuerySetEqual(qs, Author.objects.order_by("-alias"))
  96. @skipIfDBFeature("supports_json_field")
  97. class JSONArrayNotSupportedTests(TestCase):
  98. def test_not_supported(self):
  99. msg = "JSONFields are not supported on this database backend."
  100. with self.assertRaisesMessage(NotSupportedError, msg):
  101. Author.objects.annotate(json_array=JSONArray()).first()
  102. @skipUnlessDBFeature("has_json_object_function", "supports_json_field")
  103. class JSONArrayObjectTests(TestCase):
  104. @classmethod
  105. def setUpTestData(cls):
  106. Author.objects.create(name="Ivan Ivanov", alias="iivanov")
  107. def test_nested_json_array_object(self):
  108. obj = Author.objects.annotate(
  109. json_array=JSONArray(
  110. JSONObject(
  111. name1="name",
  112. nested_json_object1=JSONObject(alias1="alias", age1="age"),
  113. ),
  114. JSONObject(
  115. name2="name",
  116. nested_json_object2=JSONObject(alias2="alias", age2="age"),
  117. ),
  118. )
  119. ).first()
  120. self.assertEqual(
  121. obj.json_array,
  122. [
  123. {
  124. "name1": "Ivan Ivanov",
  125. "nested_json_object1": {"alias1": "iivanov", "age1": 30},
  126. },
  127. {
  128. "name2": "Ivan Ivanov",
  129. "nested_json_object2": {"alias2": "iivanov", "age2": 30},
  130. },
  131. ],
  132. )
  133. def test_nested_json_object_array(self):
  134. obj = Author.objects.annotate(
  135. json_object=JSONObject(
  136. name="name",
  137. nested_json_array=JSONArray(
  138. JSONObject(alias1="alias", age1="age"),
  139. JSONObject(alias2="alias", age2="age"),
  140. ),
  141. )
  142. ).first()
  143. self.assertEqual(
  144. obj.json_object,
  145. {
  146. "name": "Ivan Ivanov",
  147. "nested_json_array": [
  148. {"alias1": "iivanov", "age1": 30},
  149. {"alias2": "iivanov", "age2": 30},
  150. ],
  151. },
  152. )
  153. def test_order_by_nested_key(self):
  154. qs = Author.objects.annotate(
  155. arr=JSONArray(JSONObject(alias=F("alias")))
  156. ).order_by("-arr__0__alias")
  157. self.assertQuerySetEqual(qs, Author.objects.order_by("-alias"))