1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009 |
- # Unittests for fixtures.
- import json
- import os
- import unittest
- from io import StringIO
- from pathlib import Path
- from django.core import management, serializers
- from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
- from django.core.serializers.base import DeserializationError
- from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction
- from django.db.models import signals
- from django.test import (
- TestCase,
- TransactionTestCase,
- override_settings,
- skipIfDBFeature,
- skipUnlessDBFeature,
- )
- from .models import (
- Absolute,
- Animal,
- Article,
- Book,
- Child,
- Circle1,
- Circle2,
- Circle3,
- ExternalDependency,
- M2MCircular1ThroughAB,
- M2MCircular1ThroughBC,
- M2MCircular1ThroughCA,
- M2MCircular2ThroughAB,
- M2MComplexA,
- M2MComplexB,
- M2MComplexCircular1A,
- M2MComplexCircular1B,
- M2MComplexCircular1C,
- M2MComplexCircular2A,
- M2MComplexCircular2B,
- M2MSimpleA,
- M2MSimpleB,
- M2MSimpleCircularA,
- M2MSimpleCircularB,
- M2MThroughAB,
- NaturalKeyWithFKDependency,
- NKChild,
- Parent,
- Person,
- RefToNKChild,
- Store,
- Stuff,
- Thingy,
- Widget,
- )
- try:
- import yaml # NOQA
- HAS_YAML = True
- except ImportError:
- HAS_YAML = False
- _cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- class TestFixtures(TestCase):
- def animal_pre_save_check(self, signal, sender, instance, **kwargs):
- self.pre_save_checks.append(
- (
- "Count = %s (%s)" % (instance.count, type(instance.count)),
- "Weight = %s (%s)" % (instance.weight, type(instance.weight)),
- )
- )
- def test_duplicate_pk(self):
- """
- This is a regression test for ticket #3790.
- """
- # Load a fixture that uses PK=1
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "sequence",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- # Create a new animal. Without a sequence reset, this new object
- # will take a PK of 1 (on Postgres), and the save will fail.
- animal = Animal(
- name="Platypus",
- latin_name="Ornithorhynchus anatinus",
- count=2,
- weight=2.2,
- )
- animal.save()
- self.assertGreater(animal.id, 1)
- def test_loaddata_not_found_fields_not_ignore(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #9279 -- Error is raised for entries in
- the serialized data for fields that have been removed
- from the database when not ignored.
- """
- test_fixtures = [
- "sequence_extra",
- "sequence_extra_jsonl",
- ]
- if HAS_YAML:
- test_fixtures.append("sequence_extra_yaml")
- for fixture_file in test_fixtures:
- with (
- self.subTest(fixture_file=fixture_file),
- self.assertRaises(DeserializationError),
- ):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- fixture_file,
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #9279 -- Ignores entries in
- the serialized data for fields that have been removed
- from the database.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "sequence_extra",
- ignore=True,
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Animal.specimens.all()[0].name, "Lion")
- def test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore_xml(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #19998 -- Ignore entries in the XML serialized data
- for fields that have been removed from the model definition.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "sequence_extra_xml",
- ignore=True,
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Animal.specimens.all()[0].name, "Wolf")
- def test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore_jsonl(self):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "sequence_extra_jsonl",
- ignore=True,
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Animal.specimens.all()[0].name, "Eagle")
- @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_YAML, "No yaml library detected")
- def test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore_yaml(self):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "sequence_extra_yaml",
- ignore=True,
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Animal.specimens.all()[0].name, "Cat")
- def test_loaddata_empty_lines_jsonl(self):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "sequence_empty_lines_jsonl.jsonl",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Animal.specimens.all()[0].name, "Eagle")
- @skipIfDBFeature("interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls")
- def test_pretty_print_xml(self):
- """
- Regression test for ticket #4558 -- pretty printing of XML fixtures
- doesn't affect parsing of None values.
- """
- # Load a pretty-printed XML fixture with Nulls.
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "pretty.xml",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertIsNone(Stuff.objects.all()[0].name)
- self.assertIsNone(Stuff.objects.all()[0].owner)
- @skipUnlessDBFeature("interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls")
- def test_pretty_print_xml_empty_strings(self):
- """
- Regression test for ticket #4558 -- pretty printing of XML fixtures
- doesn't affect parsing of None values.
- """
- # Load a pretty-printed XML fixture with Nulls.
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "pretty.xml",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Stuff.objects.all()[0].name, "")
- self.assertIsNone(Stuff.objects.all()[0].owner)
- def test_absolute_path(self):
- """
- Regression test for ticket #6436 --
- os.path.join will throw away the initial parts of a path if it
- encounters an absolute path.
- This means that if a fixture is specified as an absolute path,
- we need to make sure we don't discover the absolute path in every
- fixture directory.
- """
- load_absolute_path = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixtures", "absolute.json"
- )
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- load_absolute_path,
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Absolute.objects.count(), 1)
- def test_relative_path(self, path=["fixtures", "absolute.json"]):
- relative_path = os.path.join(*path)
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- try:
- os.chdir(_cur_dir)
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- relative_path,
- verbosity=0,
- )
- finally:
- os.chdir(cwd)
- self.assertEqual(Absolute.objects.count(), 1)
- @override_settings(FIXTURE_DIRS=[os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures_1")])
- def test_relative_path_in_fixture_dirs(self):
- self.test_relative_path(path=["inner", "absolute.json"])
- def test_path_containing_dots(self):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "path.containing.dots.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Absolute.objects.count(), 1)
- def test_unknown_format(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading data of an unknown format should fail
- Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
- """
- msg = (
- "Problem installing fixture 'bad_fix.ture1': unkn is not a known "
- "serialization format."
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, msg):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "bad_fix.ture1.unkn",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- @override_settings(SERIALIZATION_MODULES={"unkn": "unexistent.path"})
- def test_unimportable_serializer(self):
- """
- Failing serializer import raises the proper error
- """
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(ImportError, "No module named 'unexistent'"):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "bad_fix.ture1.unkn",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_invalid_data(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with invalid data
- using explicit filename.
- Test for ticket #18213 -- warning conditions are caught correctly
- """
- msg = "No fixture data found for 'bad_fixture2'. (File format may be invalid.)"
- with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "bad_fixture2.xml",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_invalid_data_no_ext(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with invalid data
- without file extension.
- Test for ticket #18213 -- warning conditions are caught correctly
- """
- msg = "No fixture data found for 'bad_fixture2'. (File format may be invalid.)"
- with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "bad_fixture2",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_empty(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #18213 -- Loading a fixture file with no data output a warning.
- Previously empty fixture raises an error exception, see ticket #4371.
- """
- msg = "No fixture data found for 'empty'. (File format may be invalid.)"
- with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "empty",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_error_message(self):
- """
- Regression for #9011 - error message is correct.
- Change from error to warning for ticket #18213.
- """
- msg = "No fixture data found for 'bad_fixture2'. (File format may be invalid.)"
- with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "bad_fixture2",
- "animal",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_pg_sequence_resetting_checks(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #7565 -- PostgreSQL sequence resetting checks shouldn't
- ascend to parent models when inheritance is used
- (since they are treated individually).
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "model-inheritance.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Parent.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
- self.assertEqual(Child.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
- def test_close_connection_after_loaddata(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #7572 -- MySQL has a problem if the same connection is
- used to create tables, load data, and then query over that data.
- To compensate, we close the connection after running loaddata.
- This ensures that a new connection is opened when test queries are
- issued.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "big-fixture.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- articles = Article.objects.exclude(id=9)
- self.assertEqual(
- list(articles.values_list("id", flat=True)), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
- )
- # Just for good measure, run the same query again.
- # Under the influence of ticket #7572, this will
- # give a different result to the previous call.
- self.assertEqual(
- list(articles.values_list("id", flat=True)), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
- )
- def test_field_value_coerce(self):
- """
- Test for tickets #8298, #9942 - Field values should be coerced into the
- correct type by the deserializer, not as part of the database write.
- """
- self.pre_save_checks = []
- signals.pre_save.connect(self.animal_pre_save_check)
- try:
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "animal.xml",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- self.pre_save_checks,
- [("Count = 42 (<class 'int'>)", "Weight = 1.2 (<class 'float'>)")],
- )
- finally:
- signals.pre_save.disconnect(self.animal_pre_save_check)
- def test_dumpdata_uses_default_manager(self):
- """
- Regression for #11286
- Dumpdata honors the default manager. Dump the current contents of
- the database as a JSON fixture
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "animal.xml",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "sequence.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- animal = Animal(
- name="Platypus",
- latin_name="Ornithorhynchus anatinus",
- count=2,
- weight=2.2,
- )
- animal.save()
- out = StringIO()
- management.call_command(
- "dumpdata",
- "fixtures_regress.animal",
- format="json",
- stdout=out,
- )
- # Output order isn't guaranteed, so check for parts
- data = out.getvalue()
- animals_data = sorted(
- [
- {
- "pk": 1,
- "model": "fixtures_regress.animal",
- "fields": {
- "count": 3,
- "weight": 1.2,
- "name": "Lion",
- "latin_name": "Panthera leo",
- },
- },
- {
- "pk": 10,
- "model": "fixtures_regress.animal",
- "fields": {
- "count": 42,
- "weight": 1.2,
- "name": "Emu",
- "latin_name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae",
- },
- },
- {
- "pk": animal.pk,
- "model": "fixtures_regress.animal",
- "fields": {
- "count": 2,
- "weight": 2.2,
- "name": "Platypus",
- "latin_name": "Ornithorhynchus anatinus",
- },
- },
- ],
- key=lambda x: x["pk"],
- )
- data = sorted(json.loads(data), key=lambda x: x["pk"])
- self.maxDiff = 1024
- self.assertEqual(data, animals_data)
- def test_proxy_model_included(self):
- """
- Regression for #11428 - Proxy models aren't included when you dumpdata
- """
- out = StringIO()
- # Create an instance of the concrete class
- widget = Widget.objects.create(name="grommet")
- management.call_command(
- "dumpdata",
- "fixtures_regress.widget",
- "fixtures_regress.widgetproxy",
- format="json",
- stdout=out,
- )
- self.assertJSONEqual(
- out.getvalue(),
- '[{"pk": %d, "model": "fixtures_regress.widget", '
- '"fields": {"name": "grommet"}}]' % widget.pk,
- )
- @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_forward_references")
- def test_loaddata_works_when_fixture_has_forward_refs(self):
- """
- Forward references cause fixtures not to load in MySQL (InnoDB).
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "forward_ref.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
- self.assertEqual(Person.objects.all()[0].id, 4)
- def test_loaddata_raises_error_when_fixture_has_invalid_foreign_key(self):
- """
- Data with nonexistent child key references raises error.
- """
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(IntegrityError, "Problem installing fixture"):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "forward_ref_bad_data.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_forward_references")
- @override_settings(
- os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures_1"),
- os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures_2"),
- ]
- )
- def test_loaddata_forward_refs_split_fixtures(self):
- """
- Regression for #17530 - should be able to cope with forward references
- when the fixtures are not in the same files or directories.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "forward_ref_1.json",
- "forward_ref_2.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
- self.assertEqual(Person.objects.all()[0].id, 4)
- def test_loaddata_no_fixture_specified(self):
- """
- Error is quickly reported when no fixtures is provided in the command
- line.
- """
- msg = (
- "No database fixture specified. Please provide the path of at least one "
- "fixture in the command line."
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(management.CommandError, msg):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_ticket_20820(self):
- """
- Regression for ticket #20820 -- loaddata on a model that inherits
- from a model with a M2M shouldn't blow up.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "special-article.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_ticket_22421(self):
- """
- Regression for ticket #22421 -- loaddata on a model that inherits from
- a grand-parent model with a M2M but via an abstract parent shouldn't
- blow up.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "feature.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- def test_loaddata_with_m2m_to_self(self):
- """
- Regression test for ticket #17946.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "m2mtoself.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- @override_settings(
- os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures_1"),
- os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures_1"),
- ]
- )
- def test_fixture_dirs_with_duplicates(self):
- """
- settings.FIXTURE_DIRS cannot contain duplicates in order to avoid
- repeated fixture loading.
- """
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(
- ImproperlyConfigured, "settings.FIXTURE_DIRS contains duplicates."
- ):
- management.call_command("loaddata", "absolute.json", verbosity=0)
- @override_settings(FIXTURE_DIRS=[os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures")])
- def test_fixture_dirs_with_default_fixture_path(self):
- """
- settings.FIXTURE_DIRS cannot contain a default fixtures directory
- for application (app/fixtures) in order to avoid repeated fixture loading.
- """
- msg = (
- "'%s' is a default fixture directory for the '%s' app "
- "and cannot be listed in settings.FIXTURE_DIRS."
- % (os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures"), "fixtures_regress")
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(ImproperlyConfigured, msg):
- management.call_command("loaddata", "absolute.json", verbosity=0)
- @override_settings(FIXTURE_DIRS=[Path(_cur_dir) / "fixtures"])
- def test_fixture_dirs_with_default_fixture_path_as_pathlib(self):
- """
- settings.FIXTURE_DIRS cannot contain a default fixtures directory
- for application (app/fixtures) in order to avoid repeated fixture loading.
- """
- msg = (
- "'%s' is a default fixture directory for the '%s' app "
- "and cannot be listed in settings.FIXTURE_DIRS."
- % (os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures"), "fixtures_regress")
- )
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(ImproperlyConfigured, msg):
- management.call_command("loaddata", "absolute.json", verbosity=0)
- @override_settings(
- os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures_1"),
- os.path.join(_cur_dir, "fixtures_2"),
- ]
- )
- def test_loaddata_with_valid_fixture_dirs(self):
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "absolute.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- @override_settings(FIXTURE_DIRS=[Path(_cur_dir) / "fixtures_1"])
- def test_fixtures_dir_pathlib(self):
- management.call_command("loaddata", "inner/absolute.json", verbosity=0)
- self.assertQuerySetEqual(Absolute.objects.all(), [1], transform=lambda o: o.pk)
- class NaturalKeyFixtureTests(TestCase):
- def test_nk_deserialize(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #13030 - Python based parser version
- natural keys deserialize with fk to inheriting model
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "model-inheritance.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "nk-inheritance.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(NKChild.objects.get(pk=1).data, "apple")
- self.assertEqual(RefToNKChild.objects.get(pk=1).nk_fk.data, "apple")
- def test_nk_deserialize_xml(self):
- """
- Test for ticket #13030 - XML version
- natural keys deserialize with fk to inheriting model
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "model-inheritance.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "nk-inheritance.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "nk-inheritance2.xml",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(NKChild.objects.get(pk=2).data, "banana")
- self.assertEqual(RefToNKChild.objects.get(pk=2).nk_fk.data, "apple")
- def test_nk_on_serialize(self):
- """
- Natural key requirements are taken into account when serializing models.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "forward_ref_lookup.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- out = StringIO()
- management.call_command(
- "dumpdata",
- "fixtures_regress.book",
- "fixtures_regress.person",
- "fixtures_regress.store",
- verbosity=0,
- format="json",
- use_natural_foreign_keys=True,
- use_natural_primary_keys=True,
- stdout=out,
- )
- self.assertJSONEqual(
- out.getvalue(),
- """
- [{"fields": {"main": null, "name": "Amazon"},
- "model": "fixtures_regress.store"},
- {"fields": {"main": null, "name": "Borders"},
- "model": "fixtures_regress.store"},
- {"fields": {"name": "Neal Stephenson"}, "model": "fixtures_regress.person"},
- {"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures_regress.book",
- "fields": {"stores": [["Amazon"], ["Borders"]],
- "name": "Cryptonomicon", "author": ["Neal Stephenson"]}}]
- """,
- )
- def test_dependency_sorting(self):
- """
- It doesn't matter what order you mention the models, Store *must* be
- serialized before then Person, and both must be serialized before Book.
- """
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Book, Person, Store])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Store, Person, Book])
- def test_dependency_sorting_2(self):
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Book, Store, Person])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Store, Person, Book])
- def test_dependency_sorting_3(self):
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Store, Book, Person])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Store, Person, Book])
- def test_dependency_sorting_4(self):
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Store, Person, Book])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Store, Person, Book])
- def test_dependency_sorting_5(self):
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Person, Book, Store])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Store, Person, Book])
- def test_dependency_sorting_6(self):
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Person, Store, Book])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Store, Person, Book])
- def test_dependency_sorting_dangling(self):
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Person, Circle1, Store, Book])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Circle1, Store, Person, Book])
- def test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular(self):
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(
- RuntimeError,
- "Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, "
- "fixtures_regress.Circle2 in serialized app list.",
- ):
- serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Person, Circle2, Circle1, Store, Book])]
- )
- def test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular_2(self):
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(
- RuntimeError,
- "Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, "
- "fixtures_regress.Circle2 in serialized app list.",
- ):
- serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Circle1, Book, Circle2])]
- )
- def test_dependency_self_referential(self):
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(
- RuntimeError,
- "Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle3 in "
- "serialized app list.",
- ):
- serializers.sort_dependencies([("fixtures_regress", [Book, Circle3])])
- def test_dependency_sorting_long(self):
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(
- RuntimeError,
- "Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, "
- "fixtures_regress.Circle2, fixtures_regress.Circle3 in serialized "
- "app list.",
- ):
- serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Person, Circle2, Circle1, Circle3, Store, Book])]
- )
- def test_dependency_sorting_normal(self):
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [Person, ExternalDependency, Book])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [Person, Book, ExternalDependency])
- def test_normal_pk(self):
- """
- Normal primary keys work on a model with natural key capabilities.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "non_natural_1.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "forward_ref_lookup.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "non_natural_2.xml",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- books = Book.objects.all()
- self.assertQuerySetEqual(
- books,
- [
- "<Book: Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (available at Amazon, "
- "Borders)>",
- "<Book: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (available at Collins "
- "Bookstore)>",
- "<Book: Permutation City by Greg Egan (available at Angus and "
- "Robertson)>",
- ],
- transform=repr,
- )
- class NaturalKeyFixtureOnOtherDatabaseTests(TestCase):
- databases = {"other"}
- def test_natural_key_dependencies(self):
- """
- Natural keys with foreign keys in dependencies works in a multiple
- database setup.
- """
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "nk_with_foreign_key.json",
- database="other",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- obj = NaturalKeyWithFKDependency.objects.using("other").get()
- self.assertEqual(obj.name, "The Lord of the Rings")
- self.assertEqual(obj.author.name, "J.R.R. Tolkien")
- class M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests(TestCase):
- """Tests for ticket #14426."""
- def test_dependency_sorting_m2m_simple(self):
- """
- M2M relations without explicit through models SHOULD count as dependencies
- Regression test for bugs that could be caused by flawed fixes to
- #14226, namely if M2M checks are removed from sort_dependencies
- altogether.
- """
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [M2MSimpleA, M2MSimpleB])]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps, [M2MSimpleB, M2MSimpleA])
- def test_dependency_sorting_m2m_simple_circular(self):
- """
- Resolving circular M2M relations without explicit through models should
- fail loudly
- """
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(
- RuntimeError,
- "Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.M2MSimpleCircularA, "
- "fixtures_regress.M2MSimpleCircularB in serialized app list.",
- ):
- serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [M2MSimpleCircularA, M2MSimpleCircularB])]
- )
- def test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex(self):
- """
- M2M relations with explicit through models should NOT count as
- dependencies. The through model itself will have dependencies, though.
- """
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [M2MComplexA, M2MComplexB, M2MThroughAB])]
- )
- # Order between M2MComplexA and M2MComplexB doesn't matter. The through
- # model has dependencies to them though, so it should come last.
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps[-1], M2MThroughAB)
- def test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex_circular_1(self):
- """
- Circular M2M relations with explicit through models should be serializable
- """
- A, B, C, AtoB, BtoC, CtoA = (
- M2MComplexCircular1A,
- M2MComplexCircular1B,
- M2MComplexCircular1C,
- M2MCircular1ThroughAB,
- M2MCircular1ThroughBC,
- M2MCircular1ThroughCA,
- )
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [("fixtures_regress", [A, B, C, AtoB, BtoC, CtoA])]
- )
- # The dependency sorting should not result in an error, and the
- # through model should have dependencies to the other models and as
- # such come last in the list.
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps[:3], [A, B, C])
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps[3:], [AtoB, BtoC, CtoA])
- def test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex_circular_2(self):
- """
- Circular M2M relations with explicit through models should be serializable
- This test tests the circularity with explicit natural_key.dependencies
- """
- sorted_deps = serializers.sort_dependencies(
- [
- (
- "fixtures_regress",
- [M2MComplexCircular2A, M2MComplexCircular2B, M2MCircular2ThroughAB],
- )
- ]
- )
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps[:2], [M2MComplexCircular2A, M2MComplexCircular2B])
- self.assertEqual(sorted_deps[2:], [M2MCircular2ThroughAB])
- def test_dump_and_load_m2m_simple(self):
- """
- Test serializing and deserializing back models with simple M2M relations
- """
- a = M2MSimpleA.objects.create(data="a")
- b1 = M2MSimpleB.objects.create(data="b1")
- b2 = M2MSimpleB.objects.create(data="b2")
- a.b_set.add(b1)
- a.b_set.add(b2)
- out = StringIO()
- management.call_command(
- "dumpdata",
- "fixtures_regress.M2MSimpleA",
- "fixtures_regress.M2MSimpleB",
- use_natural_foreign_keys=True,
- stdout=out,
- )
- for model in [M2MSimpleA, M2MSimpleB]:
- model.objects.all().delete()
- objects = serializers.deserialize("json", out.getvalue())
- for obj in objects:
- obj.save()
- new_a = M2MSimpleA.objects.get_by_natural_key("a")
- self.assertCountEqual(new_a.b_set.all(), [b1, b2])
- class TestTicket11101(TransactionTestCase):
- available_apps = ["fixtures_regress"]
- @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_transactions")
- def test_ticket_11101(self):
- """Fixtures can be rolled back (ticket #11101)."""
- with transaction.atomic():
- management.call_command(
- "loaddata",
- "thingy.json",
- verbosity=0,
- )
- self.assertEqual(Thingy.objects.count(), 1)
- transaction.set_rollback(True)
- self.assertEqual(Thingy.objects.count(), 0)
- class TestLoadFixtureFromOtherAppDirectory(TestCase):
- """
- #23612 -- fixtures path should be normalized to allow referencing relative
- paths on Windows.
- """
- current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- # relative_prefix is something like tests/fixtures_regress or
- # fixtures_regress depending on how runtests.py is invoked.
- # All path separators must be / in order to be a proper regression test on
- # Windows, so replace as appropriate.
- relative_prefix = os.path.relpath(current_dir, os.getcwd()).replace("\\", "/")
- fixtures = [relative_prefix + "/fixtures/absolute.json"]
- def test_fixtures_loaded(self):
- count = Absolute.objects.count()
- self.assertGreater(count, 0, "Fixtures not loaded properly.")