mixins-multiple-object.txt 7.7 KB

  1. ======================
  2. Multiple object mixins
  3. ======================
  4. MultipleObjectMixin
  5. -------------------
  6. .. class:: django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin
  7. A mixin that can be used to display a list of objects.
  8. If ``paginate_by`` is specified, Django will paginate the results returned
  9. by this. You can specify the page number in the URL in one of two ways:
  10. * Use the ``page`` parameter in the URLconf. For example, this is what
  11. your URLconf might look like::
  12. (r'^objects/page(?P<page>[0-9]+)/$', PaginatedView.as_view())
  13. * Pass the page number via the ``page`` query-string parameter. For
  14. example, a URL would look like this::
  15. /objects/?page=3
  16. These values and lists are 1-based, not 0-based, so the first page would be
  17. represented as page ``1``.
  18. For more on pagination, read the :doc:`pagination documentation
  19. </topics/pagination>`.
  20. As a special case, you are also permitted to use ``last`` as a value for
  21. ``page``::
  22. /objects/?page=last
  23. This allows you to access the final page of results without first having to
  24. determine how many pages there are.
  25. Note that ``page`` *must* be either a valid page number or the value
  26. ``last``; any other value for ``page`` will result in a 404 error.
  27. **Extends**
  28. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.ContextMixin`
  29. **Methods and Attributes**
  30. .. attribute:: allow_empty
  31. A boolean specifying whether to display the page if no objects are
  32. available. If this is ``False`` and no objects are available, the view
  33. will raise a 404 instead of displaying an empty page. By default, this
  34. is ``True``.
  35. .. attribute:: model
  36. The model that this view will display data for. Specifying ``model
  37. = Foo`` is effectively the same as specifying ``queryset =
  38. Foo.objects.all()``.
  39. .. attribute:: queryset
  40. A ``QuerySet`` that represents the objects. If provided, the value of
  41. :attr:`MultipleObjectMixin.queryset` supersedes the value provided for
  42. :attr:`MultipleObjectMixin.model`.
  43. .. attribute:: paginate_by
  44. An integer specifying how many objects should be displayed per page. If
  45. this is given, the view will paginate objects with
  46. :attr:`MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_by` objects per page. The view will
  47. expect either a ``page`` query string parameter (via ``request.GET``)
  48. or a ``page`` variable specified in the URLconf.
  49. .. attribute:: paginate_orphans
  50. .. versionadded:: 1.6
  51. An integer specifying the number of "overflow" objects the last page
  52. can contain. This extends the :attr:`MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_by`
  53. limit on the last page by up to
  54. :attr:`MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_orphans`, in order to keep the last
  55. page from having a very small number of objects.
  56. .. attribute:: page_kwarg
  57. .. versionadded:: 1.5
  58. A string specifying the name to use for the page parameter.
  59. The view will expect this prameter to be available either as a query
  60. string parameter (via ``request.GET``) or as a kwarg variable specified
  61. in the URLconf. Defaults to ``page``.
  62. .. attribute:: paginator_class
  63. The paginator class to be used for pagination. By default,
  64. :class:`django.core.paginator.Paginator` is used. If the custom paginator
  65. class doesn't have the same constructor interface as
  66. :class:`django.core.paginator.Paginator`, you will also need to
  67. provide an implementation for :meth:`MultipleObjectMixin.get_paginator`.
  68. .. attribute:: context_object_name
  69. Designates the name of the variable to use in the context.
  70. .. method:: get_queryset()
  71. Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable and may
  72. be a queryset (in which queryset-specific behavior will be enabled).
  73. .. method:: paginate_queryset(queryset, page_size)
  74. Returns a 4-tuple containing (``paginator``, ``page``, ``object_list``,
  75. ``is_paginated``).
  76. Constructed by paginating ``queryset`` into pages of size ``page_size``.
  77. If the request contains a ``page`` argument, either as a captured URL
  78. argument or as a GET argument, ``object_list`` will correspond to the
  79. objects from that page.
  80. .. method:: get_paginate_by(queryset)
  81. Returns the number of items to paginate by, or ``None`` for no
  82. pagination. By default this simply returns the value of
  83. :attr:`MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_by`.
  84. .. method:: get_paginator(queryset, per_page, orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True)
  85. Returns an instance of the paginator to use for this view. By default,
  86. instantiates an instance of :attr:`paginator_class`.
  87. .. method:: get_paginate_by()
  88. .. versionadded:: 1.6
  89. An integer specifying the number of "overflow" objects the last page
  90. can contain. By default this simply returns the value of
  91. :attr:`MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_orphans`.
  92. .. method:: get_allow_empty()
  93. Return a boolean specifying whether to display the page if no objects
  94. are available. If this method returns ``False`` and no objects are
  95. available, the view will raise a 404 instead of displaying an empty
  96. page. By default, this is ``True``.
  97. .. method:: get_context_object_name(object_list)
  98. Return the context variable name that will be used to contain
  99. the list of data that this view is manipulating. If
  100. ``object_list`` is a queryset of Django objects and
  101. :attr:`~MultipleObjectMixin.context_object_name` is not set,
  102. the context name will be the ``object_name`` of the model that
  103. the queryset is composed from, with postfix ``'_list'``
  104. appended. For example, the model ``Article`` would have a
  105. context object named ``article_list``.
  106. .. method:: get_context_data(**kwargs)
  107. Returns context data for displaying the list of objects.
  108. **Context**
  109. * ``object_list``: The list of objects that this view is displaying. If
  110. ``context_object_name`` is specified, that variable will also be set
  111. in the context, with the same value as ``object_list``.
  112. * ``is_paginated``: A boolean representing whether the results are
  113. paginated. Specifically, this is set to ``False`` if no page size has
  114. been specified, or if the available objects do not span multiple
  115. pages.
  116. * ``paginator``: An instance of
  117. :class:`django.core.paginator.Paginator`. If the page is not
  118. paginated, this context variable will be ``None``.
  119. * ``page_obj``: An instance of
  120. :class:`django.core.paginator.Page`. If the page is not paginated,
  121. this context variable will be ``None``.
  122. MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin
  123. -----------------------------------
  124. .. class:: django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin
  125. A mixin class that performs template-based response rendering for views
  126. that operate upon a list of object instances. Requires that the view it is
  127. mixed with provides ``self.object_list``, the list of object instances that
  128. the view is operating on. ``self.object_list`` may be, but is not required
  129. to be, a :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet`.
  130. **Extends**
  131. * :class:`~django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin`
  132. **Methods and Attributes**
  133. .. attribute:: template_name_suffix
  134. The suffix to append to the auto-generated candidate template name.
  135. Default suffix is ``_list``.
  136. .. method:: get_template_names()
  137. Returns a list of candidate template names. Returns the following list:
  138. * the value of ``template_name`` on the view (if provided)
  139. * ``<app_label>/<object_name><template_name_suffix>.html``