querysets.txt 98 KB

  1. ======================
  2. QuerySet API reference
  3. ======================
  4. .. currentmodule:: django.db.models.query
  5. This document describes the details of the ``QuerySet`` API. It builds on the
  6. material presented in the :doc:`model </topics/db/models>` and :doc:`database
  7. query </topics/db/queries>` guides, so you'll probably want to read and
  8. understand those documents before reading this one.
  9. Throughout this reference we'll use the :ref:`example Weblog models
  10. <queryset-model-example>` presented in the :doc:`database query guide
  11. </topics/db/queries>`.
  12. .. _when-querysets-are-evaluated:
  13. When QuerySets are evaluated
  14. ============================
  15. Internally, a ``QuerySet`` can be constructed, filtered, sliced, and generally
  16. passed around without actually hitting the database. No database activity
  17. actually occurs until you do something to evaluate the queryset.
  18. You can evaluate a ``QuerySet`` in the following ways:
  19. * **Iteration.** A ``QuerySet`` is iterable, and it executes its database
  20. query the first time you iterate over it. For example, this will print
  21. the headline of all entries in the database::
  22. for e in Entry.objects.all():
  23. print(e.headline)
  24. Note: Don't use this if all you want to do is determine if at least one
  25. result exists. It's more efficient to use :meth:`~QuerySet.exists`.
  26. * **Slicing.** As explained in :ref:`limiting-querysets`, a ``QuerySet`` can
  27. be sliced, using Python's array-slicing syntax. Slicing an unevaluated
  28. ``QuerySet`` usually returns another unevaluated ``QuerySet``, but Django
  29. will execute the database query if you use the "step" parameter of slice
  30. syntax, and will return a list. Slicing a ``QuerySet`` that has been
  31. evaluated (partially or fully) also returns a list.
  32. * **Pickling/Caching.** See the following section for details of what
  33. is involved when `pickling QuerySets`_. The important thing for the
  34. purposes of this section is that the results are read from the database.
  35. * **repr().** A ``QuerySet`` is evaluated when you call ``repr()`` on it.
  36. This is for convenience in the Python interactive interpreter, so you can
  37. immediately see your results when using the API interactively.
  38. * **len().** A ``QuerySet`` is evaluated when you call ``len()`` on it.
  39. This, as you might expect, returns the length of the result list.
  40. Note: *Don't* use ``len()`` on ``QuerySet``\s if all you want to do is
  41. determine the number of records in the set. It's much more efficient to
  42. handle a count at the database level, using SQL's ``SELECT COUNT(*)``,
  43. and Django provides a ``count()`` method for precisely this reason. See
  44. ``count()`` below.
  45. * **list().** Force evaluation of a ``QuerySet`` by calling ``list()`` on
  46. it. For example::
  47. entry_list = list(Entry.objects.all())
  48. Be warned, though, that this could have a large memory overhead, because
  49. Django will load each element of the list into memory. In contrast,
  50. iterating over a ``QuerySet`` will take advantage of your database to
  51. load data and instantiate objects only as you need them.
  52. * **bool().** Testing a ``QuerySet`` in a boolean context, such as using
  53. ``bool()``, ``or``, ``and`` or an ``if`` statement, will cause the query
  54. to be executed. If there is at least one result, the ``QuerySet`` is
  55. ``True``, otherwise ``False``. For example::
  56. if Entry.objects.filter(headline="Test"):
  57. print("There is at least one Entry with the headline Test")
  58. Note: *Don't* use this if all you want to do is determine if at least one
  59. result exists, and don't need the actual objects. It's more efficient to
  60. use :meth:`~QuerySet.exists` (see below).
  61. .. _pickling QuerySets:
  62. Pickling QuerySets
  63. ------------------
  64. If you :mod:`pickle` a ``QuerySet``, this will force all the results to be loaded
  65. into memory prior to pickling. Pickling is usually used as a precursor to
  66. caching and when the cached queryset is reloaded, you want the results to
  67. already be present and ready for use (reading from the database can take some
  68. time, defeating the purpose of caching). This means that when you unpickle a
  69. ``QuerySet``, it contains the results at the moment it was pickled, rather
  70. than the results that are currently in the database.
  71. If you only want to pickle the necessary information to recreate the
  72. ``QuerySet`` from the database at a later time, pickle the ``query`` attribute
  73. of the ``QuerySet``. You can then recreate the original ``QuerySet`` (without
  74. any results loaded) using some code like this::
  75. >>> import pickle
  76. >>> query = pickle.loads(s) # Assuming 's' is the pickled string.
  77. >>> qs = MyModel.objects.all()
  78. >>> qs.query = query # Restore the original 'query'.
  79. The ``query`` attribute is an opaque object. It represents the internals of
  80. the query construction and is not part of the public API. However, it is safe
  81. (and fully supported) to pickle and unpickle the attribute's contents as
  82. described here.
  83. .. admonition:: You can't share pickles between versions
  84. Pickles of ``QuerySets`` are only valid for the version of Django that
  85. was used to generate them. If you generate a pickle using Django
  86. version N, there is no guarantee that pickle will be readable with
  87. Django version N+1. Pickles should not be used as part of a long-term
  88. archival strategy.
  89. .. versionadded:: 1.8
  90. Since pickle compatibility errors can be difficult to diagnose, such as
  91. silently corrupted objects, a ``RuntimeWarning`` is raised when you try to
  92. unpickle a queryset in a Django version that is different than the one in
  93. which it was pickled.
  94. .. _queryset-api:
  95. QuerySet API
  96. ============
  97. Here's the formal declaration of a ``QuerySet``:
  98. .. class:: QuerySet([model=None, query=None, using=None])
  99. Usually when you'll interact with a ``QuerySet`` you'll use it by
  100. :ref:`chaining filters <chaining-filters>`. To make this work, most
  101. ``QuerySet`` methods return new querysets. These methods are covered in
  102. detail later in this section.
  103. The ``QuerySet`` class has two public attributes you can use for
  104. introspection:
  105. .. attribute:: ordered
  106. ``True`` if the ``QuerySet`` is ordered — i.e. has an
  107. :meth:`order_by()` clause or a default ordering on the model.
  108. ``False`` otherwise.
  109. .. attribute:: db
  110. The database that will be used if this query is executed now.
  111. .. note::
  112. The ``query`` parameter to :class:`QuerySet` exists so that specialized
  113. query subclasses such as
  114. :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoQuerySet` can reconstruct
  115. internal query state. The value of the parameter is an opaque
  116. representation of that query state and is not part of a public API.
  117. To put it simply: if you need to ask, you don't need to use it.
  118. .. currentmodule:: django.db.models.query.QuerySet
  119. Methods that return new QuerySets
  120. ---------------------------------
  121. Django provides a range of ``QuerySet`` refinement methods that modify either
  122. the types of results returned by the ``QuerySet`` or the way its SQL query is
  123. executed.
  124. filter
  125. ~~~~~~
  126. .. method:: filter(**kwargs)
  127. Returns a new ``QuerySet`` containing objects that match the given lookup
  128. parameters.
  129. The lookup parameters (``**kwargs``) should be in the format described in
  130. `Field lookups`_ below. Multiple parameters are joined via ``AND`` in the
  131. underlying SQL statement.
  132. exclude
  133. ~~~~~~~
  134. .. method:: exclude(**kwargs)
  135. Returns a new ``QuerySet`` containing objects that do *not* match the given
  136. lookup parameters.
  137. The lookup parameters (``**kwargs``) should be in the format described in
  138. `Field lookups`_ below. Multiple parameters are joined via ``AND`` in the
  139. underlying SQL statement, and the whole thing is enclosed in a ``NOT()``.
  140. This example excludes all entries whose ``pub_date`` is later than 2005-1-3
  141. AND whose ``headline`` is "Hello"::
  142. Entry.objects.exclude(pub_date__gt=datetime.date(2005, 1, 3), headline='Hello')
  143. In SQL terms, that evaluates to::
  144. SELECT ...
  145. WHERE NOT (pub_date > '2005-1-3' AND headline = 'Hello')
  146. This example excludes all entries whose ``pub_date`` is later than 2005-1-3
  147. OR whose headline is "Hello"::
  148. Entry.objects.exclude(pub_date__gt=datetime.date(2005, 1, 3)).exclude(headline='Hello')
  149. In SQL terms, that evaluates to::
  150. SELECT ...
  151. WHERE NOT pub_date > '2005-1-3'
  152. AND NOT headline = 'Hello'
  153. Note the second example is more restrictive.
  154. annotate
  155. ~~~~~~~~
  156. .. method:: annotate(*args, **kwargs)
  157. Annotates each object in the ``QuerySet`` with the provided list of
  158. aggregate values (averages, sums, etc) that have been computed over
  159. the objects that are related to the objects in the ``QuerySet``.
  160. Each argument to ``annotate()`` is an annotation that will be added
  161. to each object in the ``QuerySet`` that is returned.
  162. The aggregation functions that are provided by Django are described
  163. in `Aggregation Functions`_ below.
  164. Annotations specified using keyword arguments will use the keyword as
  165. the alias for the annotation. Anonymous arguments will have an alias
  166. generated for them based upon the name of the aggregate function and
  167. the model field that is being aggregated.
  168. For example, if you were manipulating a list of blogs, you may want
  169. to determine how many entries have been made in each blog::
  170. >>> from django.db.models import Count
  171. >>> q = Blog.objects.annotate(Count('entry'))
  172. # The name of the first blog
  173. >>> q[0].name
  174. 'Blogasaurus'
  175. # The number of entries on the first blog
  176. >>> q[0].entry__count
  177. 42
  178. The ``Blog`` model doesn't define an ``entry__count`` attribute by itself,
  179. but by using a keyword argument to specify the aggregate function, you can
  180. control the name of the annotation::
  181. >>> q = Blog.objects.annotate(number_of_entries=Count('entry'))
  182. # The number of entries on the first blog, using the name provided
  183. >>> q[0].number_of_entries
  184. 42
  185. For an in-depth discussion of aggregation, see :doc:`the topic guide on
  186. Aggregation </topics/db/aggregation>`.
  187. order_by
  188. ~~~~~~~~
  189. .. method:: order_by(*fields)
  190. By default, results returned by a ``QuerySet`` are ordered by the ordering
  191. tuple given by the ``ordering`` option in the model's ``Meta``. You can
  192. override this on a per-``QuerySet`` basis by using the ``order_by`` method.
  193. Example::
  194. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2005).order_by('-pub_date', 'headline')
  195. The result above will be ordered by ``pub_date`` descending, then by
  196. ``headline`` ascending. The negative sign in front of ``"-pub_date"`` indicates
  197. *descending* order. Ascending order is implied. To order randomly, use ``"?"``,
  198. like so::
  199. Entry.objects.order_by('?')
  200. Note: ``order_by('?')`` queries may be expensive and slow, depending on the
  201. database backend you're using.
  202. To order by a field in a different model, use the same syntax as when you are
  203. querying across model relations. That is, the name of the field, followed by a
  204. double underscore (``__``), followed by the name of the field in the new model,
  205. and so on for as many models as you want to join. For example::
  206. Entry.objects.order_by('blog__name', 'headline')
  207. If you try to order by a field that is a relation to another model, Django will
  208. use the default ordering on the related model (or order by the related model's
  209. primary key if there is no :attr:`Meta.ordering
  210. <django.db.models.Options.ordering>` specified. For example::
  211. Entry.objects.order_by('blog')
  212. ...is identical to::
  213. Entry.objects.order_by('blog__id')
  214. ...since the ``Blog`` model has no default ordering specified.
  215. .. versionadded:: 1.7
  216. Note that it is also possible to order a queryset by a related field,
  217. without incurring the cost of a JOIN, by referring to the ``_id`` of the
  218. related field::
  219. # No Join
  220. Entry.objects.order_by('blog_id')
  221. # Join
  222. Entry.objects.order_by('blog__id')
  223. Be cautious when ordering by fields in related models if you are also using
  224. :meth:`distinct()`. See the note in :meth:`distinct` for an explanation of how
  225. related model ordering can change the expected results.
  226. .. note::
  227. It is permissible to specify a multi-valued field to order the results by
  228. (for example, a :class:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField` field, or the
  229. reverse relation of a :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey` field).
  230. Consider this case::
  231. class Event(Model):
  232. parent = models.ForeignKey('self', related_name='children')
  233. date = models.DateField()
  234. Event.objects.order_by('children__date')
  235. Here, there could potentially be multiple ordering data for each ``Event``;
  236. each ``Event`` with multiple ``children`` will be returned multiple times
  237. into the new ``QuerySet`` that ``order_by()`` creates. In other words,
  238. using ``order_by()`` on the ``QuerySet`` could return more items than you
  239. were working on to begin with - which is probably neither expected nor
  240. useful.
  241. Thus, take care when using multi-valued field to order the results. **If**
  242. you can be sure that there will only be one ordering piece of data for each
  243. of the items you're ordering, this approach should not present problems. If
  244. not, make sure the results are what you expect.
  245. There's no way to specify whether ordering should be case sensitive. With
  246. respect to case-sensitivity, Django will order results however your database
  247. backend normally orders them.
  248. If you don't want any ordering to be applied to a query, not even the default
  249. ordering, call :meth:`order_by()` with no parameters.
  250. You can tell if a query is ordered or not by checking the
  251. :attr:`.QuerySet.ordered` attribute, which will be ``True`` if the
  252. ``QuerySet`` has been ordered in any way.
  253. .. warning::
  254. Ordering is not a free operation. Each field you add to the ordering
  255. incurs a cost to your database. Each foreign key you add will
  256. implicitly include all of its default orderings as well.
  257. reverse
  258. ~~~~~~~
  259. .. method:: reverse()
  260. Use the ``reverse()`` method to reverse the order in which a queryset's
  261. elements are returned. Calling ``reverse()`` a second time restores the
  262. ordering back to the normal direction.
  263. To retrieve the "last" five items in a queryset, you could do this::
  264. my_queryset.reverse()[:5]
  265. Note that this is not quite the same as slicing from the end of a sequence in
  266. Python. The above example will return the last item first, then the
  267. penultimate item and so on. If we had a Python sequence and looked at
  268. ``seq[-5:]``, we would see the fifth-last item first. Django doesn't support
  269. that mode of access (slicing from the end), because it's not possible to do it
  270. efficiently in SQL.
  271. Also, note that ``reverse()`` should generally only be called on a ``QuerySet``
  272. which has a defined ordering (e.g., when querying against a model which defines
  273. a default ordering, or when using :meth:`order_by()`). If no such ordering is
  274. defined for a given ``QuerySet``, calling ``reverse()`` on it has no real
  275. effect (the ordering was undefined prior to calling ``reverse()``, and will
  276. remain undefined afterward).
  277. distinct
  278. ~~~~~~~~
  279. .. method:: distinct([*fields])
  280. Returns a new ``QuerySet`` that uses ``SELECT DISTINCT`` in its SQL query. This
  281. eliminates duplicate rows from the query results.
  282. By default, a ``QuerySet`` will not eliminate duplicate rows. In practice, this
  283. is rarely a problem, because simple queries such as ``Blog.objects.all()``
  284. don't introduce the possibility of duplicate result rows. However, if your
  285. query spans multiple tables, it's possible to get duplicate results when a
  286. ``QuerySet`` is evaluated. That's when you'd use ``distinct()``.
  287. .. note::
  288. Any fields used in an :meth:`order_by` call are included in the SQL
  289. ``SELECT`` columns. This can sometimes lead to unexpected results when used
  290. in conjunction with ``distinct()``. If you order by fields from a related
  291. model, those fields will be added to the selected columns and they may make
  292. otherwise duplicate rows appear to be distinct. Since the extra columns
  293. don't appear in the returned results (they are only there to support
  294. ordering), it sometimes looks like non-distinct results are being returned.
  295. Similarly, if you use a :meth:`values()` query to restrict the columns
  296. selected, the columns used in any :meth:`order_by()` (or default model
  297. ordering) will still be involved and may affect uniqueness of the results.
  298. The moral here is that if you are using ``distinct()`` be careful about
  299. ordering by related models. Similarly, when using ``distinct()`` and
  300. :meth:`values()` together, be careful when ordering by fields not in the
  301. :meth:`values()` call.
  302. On PostgreSQL only, you can pass positional arguments (``*fields``) in order to
  303. specify the names of fields to which the ``DISTINCT`` should apply. This
  304. translates to a ``SELECT DISTINCT ON`` SQL query. Here's the difference. For a
  305. normal ``distinct()`` call, the database compares *each* field in each row when
  306. determining which rows are distinct. For a ``distinct()`` call with specified
  307. field names, the database will only compare the specified field names.
  308. .. note::
  309. When you specify field names, you *must* provide an ``order_by()`` in the
  310. ``QuerySet``, and the fields in ``order_by()`` must start with the fields in
  311. ``distinct()``, in the same order.
  312. For example, ``SELECT DISTINCT ON (a)`` gives you the first row for each
  313. value in column ``a``. If you don't specify an order, you'll get some
  314. arbitrary row.
  315. Examples (those after the first will only work on PostgreSQL)::
  316. >>> Author.objects.distinct()
  317. [...]
  318. >>> Entry.objects.order_by('pub_date').distinct('pub_date')
  319. [...]
  320. >>> Entry.objects.order_by('blog').distinct('blog')
  321. [...]
  322. >>> Entry.objects.order_by('author', 'pub_date').distinct('author', 'pub_date')
  323. [...]
  324. >>> Entry.objects.order_by('blog__name', 'mod_date').distinct('blog__name', 'mod_date')
  325. [...]
  326. >>> Entry.objects.order_by('author', 'pub_date').distinct('author')
  327. [...]
  328. .. note::
  329. Keep in mind that :meth:`order_by` uses any default related model ordering
  330. that has been defined. You might have to explicitly order by the relation
  331. ``_id`` or referenced field to make sure the ``DISTINCT ON`` expressions
  332. match those at the beginning of the ``ORDER BY`` clause. For example, if
  333. the ``Blog`` model defined an :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.ordering` by
  334. ``name``::
  335. Entry.objects.order_by('blog').distinct('blog')
  336. ...wouldn't work because the query would be ordered by ``blog__name`` thus
  337. mismatching the ``DISTINCT ON`` expression. You'd have to explicitly order
  338. by the relation `_id` field (``blog_id`` in this case) or the referenced
  339. one (``blog__pk``) to make sure both expressions match.
  340. values
  341. ~~~~~~
  342. .. method:: values(*fields)
  343. Returns a ``ValuesQuerySet`` — a ``QuerySet`` subclass that returns
  344. dictionaries when used as an iterable, rather than model-instance objects.
  345. Each of those dictionaries represents an object, with the keys corresponding to
  346. the attribute names of model objects.
  347. This example compares the dictionaries of ``values()`` with the normal model
  348. objects::
  349. # This list contains a Blog object.
  350. >>> Blog.objects.filter(name__startswith='Beatles')
  351. [<Blog: Beatles Blog>]
  352. # This list contains a dictionary.
  353. >>> Blog.objects.filter(name__startswith='Beatles').values()
  354. [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Beatles Blog', 'tagline': 'All the latest Beatles news.'}]
  355. The ``values()`` method takes optional positional arguments, ``*fields``, which
  356. specify field names to which the ``SELECT`` should be limited. If you specify
  357. the fields, each dictionary will contain only the field keys/values for the
  358. fields you specify. If you don't specify the fields, each dictionary will
  359. contain a key and value for every field in the database table.
  360. Example::
  361. >>> Blog.objects.values()
  362. [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Beatles Blog', 'tagline': 'All the latest Beatles news.'}],
  363. >>> Blog.objects.values('id', 'name')
  364. [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Beatles Blog'}]
  365. A few subtleties that are worth mentioning:
  366. * If you have a field called ``foo`` that is a
  367. :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey`, the default ``values()`` call
  368. will return a dictionary key called ``foo_id``, since this is the name
  369. of the hidden model attribute that stores the actual value (the ``foo``
  370. attribute refers to the related model). When you are calling
  371. ``values()`` and passing in field names, you can pass in either ``foo``
  372. or ``foo_id`` and you will get back the same thing (the dictionary key
  373. will match the field name you passed in).
  374. For example::
  375. >>> Entry.objects.values()
  376. [{'blog_id': 1, 'headline': 'First Entry', ...}, ...]
  377. >>> Entry.objects.values('blog')
  378. [{'blog': 1}, ...]
  379. >>> Entry.objects.values('blog_id')
  380. [{'blog_id': 1}, ...]
  381. * When using ``values()`` together with :meth:`distinct()`, be aware that
  382. ordering can affect the results. See the note in :meth:`distinct` for
  383. details.
  384. * If you use a ``values()`` clause after an :meth:`extra()` call,
  385. any fields defined by a ``select`` argument in the :meth:`extra()` must
  386. be explicitly included in the ``values()`` call. Any :meth:`extra()` call
  387. made after a ``values()`` call will have its extra selected fields
  388. ignored.
  389. * Calling :meth:`only()` and :meth:`defer()` after ``values()`` doesn't make
  390. sense, so doing so will raise a ``NotImplementedError``.
  391. .. versionadded:: 1.7
  392. The last point above is new. Previously, calling :meth:`only()` and
  393. :meth:`defer()` after ``values()`` was allowed, but it either crashed or
  394. returned incorrect results.
  395. A ``ValuesQuerySet`` is useful when you know you're only going to need values
  396. from a small number of the available fields and you won't need the
  397. functionality of a model instance object. It's more efficient to select only
  398. the fields you need to use.
  399. Finally, note that a ``ValuesQuerySet`` is a subclass of ``QuerySet`` and it
  400. implements most of the same methods. You can call ``filter()`` on it,
  401. ``order_by()``, etc. That means that these two calls are identical::
  402. Blog.objects.values().order_by('id')
  403. Blog.objects.order_by('id').values()
  404. The people who made Django prefer to put all the SQL-affecting methods first,
  405. followed (optionally) by any output-affecting methods (such as ``values()``),
  406. but it doesn't really matter. This is your chance to really flaunt your
  407. individualism.
  408. You can also refer to fields on related models with reverse relations through
  409. ``OneToOneField``, ``ForeignKey`` and ``ManyToManyField`` attributes::
  410. Blog.objects.values('name', 'entry__headline')
  411. [{'name': 'My blog', 'entry__headline': 'An entry'},
  412. {'name': 'My blog', 'entry__headline': 'Another entry'}, ...]
  413. .. warning::
  414. Because :class:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField` attributes and reverse
  415. relations can have multiple related rows, including these can have a
  416. multiplier effect on the size of your result set. This will be especially
  417. pronounced if you include multiple such fields in your ``values()`` query,
  418. in which case all possible combinations will be returned.
  419. values_list
  420. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  421. .. method:: values_list(*fields, flat=False)
  422. This is similar to ``values()`` except that instead of returning dictionaries,
  423. it returns tuples when iterated over. Each tuple contains the value from the
  424. respective field passed into the ``values_list()`` call — so the first item is
  425. the first field, etc. For example::
  426. >>> Entry.objects.values_list('id', 'headline')
  427. [(1, 'First entry'), ...]
  428. If you only pass in a single field, you can also pass in the ``flat``
  429. parameter. If ``True``, this will mean the returned results are single values,
  430. rather than one-tuples. An example should make the difference clearer::
  431. >>> Entry.objects.values_list('id').order_by('id')
  432. [(1,), (2,), (3,), ...]
  433. >>> Entry.objects.values_list('id', flat=True).order_by('id')
  434. [1, 2, 3, ...]
  435. It is an error to pass in ``flat`` when there is more than one field.
  436. If you don't pass any values to ``values_list()``, it will return all the
  437. fields in the model, in the order they were declared.
  438. Note that this method returns a ``ValuesListQuerySet``. This class behaves
  439. like a list. Most of the time this is enough, but if you require an actual
  440. Python list object, you can simply call ``list()`` on it, which will evaluate
  441. the queryset.
  442. dates
  443. ~~~~~
  444. .. method:: dates(field, kind, order='ASC')
  445. Returns a ``DateQuerySet`` — a ``QuerySet`` that evaluates to a list of
  446. :class:`datetime.date` objects representing all available dates of a
  447. particular kind within the contents of the ``QuerySet``.
  448. ``field`` should be the name of a ``DateField`` of your model.
  449. ``kind`` should be either ``"year"``, ``"month"`` or ``"day"``. Each
  450. ``datetime.date`` object in the result list is "truncated" to the given
  451. ``type``.
  452. * ``"year"`` returns a list of all distinct year values for the field.
  453. * ``"month"`` returns a list of all distinct year/month values for the
  454. field.
  455. * ``"day"`` returns a list of all distinct year/month/day values for the
  456. field.
  457. ``order``, which defaults to ``'ASC'``, should be either ``'ASC'`` or
  458. ``'DESC'``. This specifies how to order the results.
  459. Examples::
  460. >>> Entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'year')
  461. [datetime.date(2005, 1, 1)]
  462. >>> Entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'month')
  463. [datetime.date(2005, 2, 1), datetime.date(2005, 3, 1)]
  464. >>> Entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'day')
  465. [datetime.date(2005, 2, 20), datetime.date(2005, 3, 20)]
  466. >>> Entry.objects.dates('pub_date', 'day', order='DESC')
  467. [datetime.date(2005, 3, 20), datetime.date(2005, 2, 20)]
  468. >>> Entry.objects.filter(headline__contains='Lennon').dates('pub_date', 'day')
  469. [datetime.date(2005, 3, 20)]
  470. datetimes
  471. ~~~~~~~~~
  472. .. method:: datetimes(field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None)
  473. Returns a ``DateTimeQuerySet`` — a ``QuerySet`` that evaluates to a list of
  474. :class:`datetime.datetime` objects representing all available dates of a
  475. particular kind within the contents of the ``QuerySet``.
  476. ``field_name`` should be the name of a ``DateTimeField`` of your model.
  477. ``kind`` should be either ``"year"``, ``"month"``, ``"day"``, ``"hour"``,
  478. ``"minute"`` or ``"second"``. Each ``datetime.datetime`` object in the result
  479. list is "truncated" to the given ``type``.
  480. ``order``, which defaults to ``'ASC'``, should be either ``'ASC'`` or
  481. ``'DESC'``. This specifies how to order the results.
  482. ``tzinfo`` defines the time zone to which datetimes are converted prior to
  483. truncation. Indeed, a given datetime has different representations depending
  484. on the time zone in use. This parameter must be a :class:`datetime.tzinfo`
  485. object. If it's ``None``, Django uses the :ref:`current time zone
  486. <default-current-time-zone>`. It has no effect when :setting:`USE_TZ` is
  487. ``False``.
  488. .. _database-time-zone-definitions:
  489. .. note::
  490. This function performs time zone conversions directly in the database.
  491. As a consequence, your database must be able to interpret the value of
  492. ``tzinfo.tzname(None)``. This translates into the following requirements:
  493. - SQLite: install pytz_ — conversions are actually performed in Python.
  494. - PostgreSQL: no requirements (see `Time Zones`_).
  495. - Oracle: no requirements (see `Choosing a Time Zone File`_).
  496. - MySQL: install pytz_ and load the time zone tables with
  497. `mysql_tzinfo_to_sql`_.
  498. .. _pytz: http://pytz.sourceforge.net/
  499. .. _Time Zones: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-datetime.html#DATATYPE-TIMEZONES
  500. .. _Choosing a Time Zone File: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14225/ch4datetime.htm#i1006667
  501. .. _mysql_tzinfo_to_sql: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/mysql-tzinfo-to-sql.html
  502. none
  503. ~~~~
  504. .. method:: none()
  505. Calling none() will create a queryset that never returns any objects and no
  506. query will be executed when accessing the results. A qs.none() queryset
  507. is an instance of ``EmptyQuerySet``.
  508. Examples::
  509. >>> Entry.objects.none()
  510. []
  511. >>> from django.db.models.query import EmptyQuerySet
  512. >>> isinstance(Entry.objects.none(), EmptyQuerySet)
  513. True
  514. all
  515. ~~~
  516. .. method:: all()
  517. Returns a *copy* of the current ``QuerySet`` (or ``QuerySet`` subclass). This
  518. can be useful in situations where you might want to pass in either a model
  519. manager or a ``QuerySet`` and do further filtering on the result. After calling
  520. ``all()`` on either object, you'll definitely have a ``QuerySet`` to work with.
  521. When a ``QuerySet`` is :ref:`evaluated <when-querysets-are-evaluated>`, it
  522. typically caches its results. If the data in the database might have changed
  523. since a ``QuerySet`` was evaluated, you can get updated results for the same
  524. query by calling ``all()`` on a previously evaluated ``QuerySet``.
  525. select_related
  526. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  527. .. method:: select_related(*fields)
  528. Returns a ``QuerySet`` that will "follow" foreign-key relationships, selecting
  529. additional related-object data when it executes its query. This is a
  530. performance booster which results in a single more complex query but means
  531. later use of foreign-key relationships won't require database queries.
  532. The following examples illustrate the difference between plain lookups and
  533. ``select_related()`` lookups. Here's standard lookup::
  534. # Hits the database.
  535. e = Entry.objects.get(id=5)
  536. # Hits the database again to get the related Blog object.
  537. b = e.blog
  538. And here's ``select_related`` lookup::
  539. # Hits the database.
  540. e = Entry.objects.select_related('blog').get(id=5)
  541. # Doesn't hit the database, because e.blog has been prepopulated
  542. # in the previous query.
  543. b = e.blog
  544. You can use ``select_related()`` with any queryset of objects::
  545. from django.utils import timezone
  546. # Find all the blogs with entries scheduled to be published in the future.
  547. blogs = set()
  548. for e in Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__gt=timezone.now()).select_related('blog'):
  549. # Without select_related(), this would make a database query for each
  550. # loop iteration in order to fetch the related blog for each entry.
  551. blogs.add(e.blog)
  552. The order of ``filter()`` and ``select_related()`` chaining isn't important.
  553. These querysets are equivalent::
  554. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__gt=timezone.now()).selected_related('blog')
  555. Entry.objects.selected_related('blog').filter(pub_date__gt=timezone.now())
  556. You can follow foreign keys in a similar way to querying them. If you have the
  557. following models::
  558. from django.db import models
  559. class City(models.Model):
  560. # ...
  561. pass
  562. class Person(models.Model):
  563. # ...
  564. hometown = models.ForeignKey(City)
  565. class Book(models.Model):
  566. # ...
  567. author = models.ForeignKey(Person)
  568. ... then a call to ``Book.objects.select_related('author__hometown').get(id=4)``
  569. will cache the related ``Person`` *and* the related ``City``::
  570. b = Book.objects.select_related('author__hometown').get(id=4)
  571. p = b.author # Doesn't hit the database.
  572. c = p.hometown # Doesn't hit the database.
  573. b = Book.objects.get(id=4) # No select_related() in this example.
  574. p = b.author # Hits the database.
  575. c = p.hometown # Hits the database.
  576. You can refer to any :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey` or
  577. :class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` relation in the list of fields
  578. passed to ``select_related()``.
  579. You can also refer to the reverse direction of a
  580. :class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` in the list of fields passed to
  581. ``select_related`` — that is, you can traverse a
  582. :class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` back to the object on which the field
  583. is defined. Instead of specifying the field name, use the :attr:`related_name
  584. <django.db.models.ForeignKey.related_name>` for the field on the related object.
  585. There may be some situations where you wish to call ``select_related()`` with a
  586. lot of related objects, or where you don't know all of the relations. In these
  587. cases it is possible to call ``select_related()`` with no arguments. This will
  588. follow all non-null foreign keys it can find - nullable foreign keys must be
  589. specified. This is not recommended in most cases as it is likely to make the
  590. underlying query more complex, and return more data, than is actually needed.
  591. If you need to clear the list of related fields added by past calls of
  592. ``select_related`` on a ``QuerySet``, you can pass ``None`` as a parameter::
  593. >>> without_relations = queryset.select_related(None)
  594. Chaining ``select_related`` calls works in a similar way to other methods -
  595. that is that ``select_related('foo', 'bar')`` is equivalent to
  596. ``select_related('foo').select_related('bar')``.
  597. .. versionchanged:: 1.7
  598. Previously the latter would have been equivalent to
  599. ``select_related('bar')``.
  600. prefetch_related
  601. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  602. .. method:: prefetch_related(*lookups)
  603. Returns a ``QuerySet`` that will automatically retrieve, in a single batch,
  604. related objects for each of the specified lookups.
  605. This has a similar purpose to ``select_related``, in that both are designed to
  606. stop the deluge of database queries that is caused by accessing related objects,
  607. but the strategy is quite different.
  608. ``select_related`` works by creating an SQL join and including the fields of the
  609. related object in the ``SELECT`` statement. For this reason, ``select_related``
  610. gets the related objects in the same database query. However, to avoid the much
  611. larger result set that would result from joining across a 'many' relationship,
  612. ``select_related`` is limited to single-valued relationships - foreign key and
  613. one-to-one.
  614. ``prefetch_related``, on the other hand, does a separate lookup for each
  615. relationship, and does the 'joining' in Python. This allows it to prefetch
  616. many-to-many and many-to-one objects, which cannot be done using
  617. ``select_related``, in addition to the foreign key and one-to-one relationships
  618. that are supported by ``select_related``. It also supports prefetching of
  619. :class:`~django.contrib.contenttypes.fields.GenericRelation` and
  620. :class:`~django.contrib.contenttypes.fields.GenericForeignKey`.
  621. For example, suppose you have these models::
  622. from django.db import models
  623. class Topping(models.Model):
  624. name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
  625. class Pizza(models.Model):
  626. name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
  627. toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
  628. def __str__(self): # __unicode__ on Python 2
  629. return "%s (%s)" % (self.name, ", ".join([topping.name
  630. for topping in self.toppings.all()]))
  631. and run::
  632. >>> Pizza.objects.all()
  633. ["Hawaiian (ham, pineapple)", "Seafood (prawns, smoked salmon)"...
  634. The problem with this is that every time ``Pizza.__str__()`` asks for
  635. ``self.toppings.all()`` it has to query the database, so
  636. ``Pizza.objects.all()`` will run a query on the Toppings table for **every**
  637. item in the Pizza ``QuerySet``.
  638. We can reduce to just two queries using ``prefetch_related``:
  639. >>> Pizza.objects.all().prefetch_related('toppings')
  640. This implies a ``self.toppings.all()`` for each ``Pizza``; now each time
  641. ``self.toppings.all()`` is called, instead of having to go to the database for
  642. the items, it will find them in a prefetched ``QuerySet`` cache that was
  643. populated in a single query.
  644. That is, all the relevant toppings will have been fetched in a single query,
  645. and used to make ``QuerySets`` that have a pre-filled cache of the relevant
  646. results; these ``QuerySets`` are then used in the ``self.toppings.all()`` calls.
  647. The additional queries in ``prefetch_related()`` are executed after the
  648. ``QuerySet`` has begun to be evaluated and the primary query has been executed.
  649. Note that the result cache of the primary ``QuerySet`` and all specified related
  650. objects will then be fully loaded into memory. This changes the typical
  651. behavior of ``QuerySets``, which normally try to avoid loading all objects into
  652. memory before they are needed, even after a query has been executed in the
  653. database.
  654. .. note::
  655. Remember that, as always with ``QuerySets``, any subsequent chained methods
  656. which imply a different database query will ignore previously cached
  657. results, and retrieve data using a fresh database query. So, if you write
  658. the following:
  659. >>> pizzas = Pizza.objects.prefetch_related('toppings')
  660. >>> [list(pizza.toppings.filter(spicy=True)) for pizza in pizzas]
  661. ...then the fact that ``pizza.toppings.all()`` has been prefetched will not
  662. help you. The ``prefetch_related('toppings')`` implied
  663. ``pizza.toppings.all()``, but ``pizza.toppings.filter()`` is a new and
  664. different query. The prefetched cache can't help here; in fact it hurts
  665. performance, since you have done a database query that you haven't used. So
  666. use this feature with caution!
  667. You can also use the normal join syntax to do related fields of related
  668. fields. Suppose we have an additional model to the example above::
  669. class Restaurant(models.Model):
  670. pizzas = models.ManyToMany(Pizza, related_name='restaurants')
  671. best_pizza = models.ForeignKey(Pizza, related_name='championed_by')
  672. The following are all legal:
  673. >>> Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related('pizzas__toppings')
  674. This will prefetch all pizzas belonging to restaurants, and all toppings
  675. belonging to those pizzas. This will result in a total of 3 database queries -
  676. one for the restaurants, one for the pizzas, and one for the toppings.
  677. >>> Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related('best_pizza__toppings')
  678. This will fetch the best pizza and all the toppings for the best pizza for each
  679. restaurant. This will be done in 3 database queries - one for the restaurants,
  680. one for the 'best pizzas', and one for one for the toppings.
  681. Of course, the ``best_pizza`` relationship could also be fetched using
  682. ``select_related`` to reduce the query count to 2:
  683. >>> Restaurant.objects.select_related('best_pizza').prefetch_related('best_pizza__toppings')
  684. Since the prefetch is executed after the main query (which includes the joins
  685. needed by ``select_related``), it is able to detect that the ``best_pizza``
  686. objects have already been fetched, and it will skip fetching them again.
  687. Chaining ``prefetch_related`` calls will accumulate the lookups that are
  688. prefetched. To clear any ``prefetch_related`` behavior, pass ``None`` as a
  689. parameter:
  690. >>> non_prefetched = qs.prefetch_related(None)
  691. One difference to note when using ``prefetch_related`` is that objects created
  692. by a query can be shared between the different objects that they are related to
  693. i.e. a single Python model instance can appear at more than one point in the
  694. tree of objects that are returned. This will normally happen with foreign key
  695. relationships. Typically this behavior will not be a problem, and will in fact
  696. save both memory and CPU time.
  697. While ``prefetch_related`` supports prefetching ``GenericForeignKey``
  698. relationships, the number of queries will depend on the data. Since a
  699. ``GenericForeignKey`` can reference data in multiple tables, one query per table
  700. referenced is needed, rather than one query for all the items. There could be
  701. additional queries on the ``ContentType`` table if the relevant rows have not
  702. already been fetched.
  703. ``prefetch_related`` in most cases will be implemented using an SQL query that
  704. uses the 'IN' operator. This means that for a large ``QuerySet`` a large 'IN' clause
  705. could be generated, which, depending on the database, might have performance
  706. problems of its own when it comes to parsing or executing the SQL query. Always
  707. profile for your use case!
  708. Note that if you use ``iterator()`` to run the query, ``prefetch_related()``
  709. calls will be ignored since these two optimizations do not make sense together.
  710. .. versionadded:: 1.7
  711. You can use the :class:`~django.db.models.Prefetch` object to further control
  712. the prefetch operation.
  713. In its simplest form ``Prefetch`` is equivalent to the traditional string based
  714. lookups:
  715. >>> Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related(Prefetch('pizzas__toppings'))
  716. You can provide a custom queryset with the optional ``queryset`` argument.
  717. This can be used to change the default ordering of the queryset:
  718. >>> Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related(
  719. ... Prefetch('pizzas__toppings', queryset=Toppings.objects.order_by('name')))
  720. Or to call :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_related()` when
  721. applicable to reduce the number of queries even further:
  722. >>> Pizza.objects.prefetch_related(
  723. ... Prefetch('restaurants', queryset=Restaurant.objects.select_related('best_pizza')))
  724. You can also assign the prefetched result to a custom attribute with the optional
  725. ``to_attr`` argument. The result will be stored directly in a list.
  726. This allows prefetching the same relation multiple times with a different
  727. ``QuerySet``; for instance:
  728. >>> vegetarian_pizzas = Pizza.objects.filter(vegetarian=True)
  729. >>> Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related(
  730. ... Prefetch('pizzas', to_attr='menu'),
  731. ... Prefetch('pizzas', queryset=vegetarian_pizzas, to_attr='vegetarian_menu'))
  732. Lookups created with custom ``to_attr`` can still be traversed as usual by other
  733. lookups:
  734. >>> vegetarian_pizzas = Pizza.objects.filter(vegetarian=True)
  735. >>> Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related(
  736. ... Prefetch('pizzas', queryset=vegetarian_pizzas, to_attr='vegetarian_menu'),
  737. ... 'vegetarian_menu__toppings')
  738. Using ``to_attr`` is recommended when filtering down the prefetch result as it is
  739. less ambiguous than storing a filtered result in the related manager's cache:
  740. >>> queryset = Pizza.objects.filter(vegetarian=True)
  741. >>>
  742. >>> # Recommended:
  743. >>> restaurants = Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related(
  744. ... Prefetch('pizzas', queryset=queryset, to_attr='vegetarian_pizzas'))
  745. >>> vegetarian_pizzas = restaurants[0].vegetarian_pizzas
  746. >>>
  747. >>> # Not recommended:
  748. >>> restaurants = Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related(
  749. ... Prefetch('pizzas', queryset=queryset))
  750. >>> vegetarian_pizzas = restaurants[0].pizzas.all()
  751. Custom prefetching also works with single related relations like
  752. forward ``ForeignKey`` or ``OneToOneField``. Generally you'll want to use
  753. :meth:`select_related()` for these relations, but there are a number of cases
  754. where prefetching with a custom ``QuerySet`` is useful:
  755. * You want to use a ``QuerySet`` that performs further prefetching
  756. on related models.
  757. * You want to prefetch only a subset of the related objects.
  758. * You want to use performance optimization techniques like
  759. :meth:`deferred fields <defer()>`:
  760. >>> queryset = Pizza.objects.only('name')
  761. >>>
  762. >>> restaurants = Restaurant.objects.prefetch_related(
  763. ... Prefetch('best_pizza', queryset=queryset))
  764. .. note::
  765. The ordering of lookups matters.
  766. Take the following examples:
  767. >>> prefetch_related('pizzas__toppings', 'pizzas')
  768. This works even though it's unordered because ``'pizzas__toppings'``
  769. already contains all the needed information, therefore the second argument
  770. ``'pizzas'`` is actually redundant.
  771. >>> prefetch_related('pizzas__toppings', Prefetch('pizzas', queryset=Pizza.objects.all()))
  772. This will raise a ``ValueError`` because of the attempt to redefine the
  773. queryset of a previously seen lookup. Note that an implicit queryset was
  774. created to traverse ``'pizzas'`` as part of the ``'pizzas__toppings'``
  775. lookup.
  776. >>> prefetch_related('pizza_list__toppings', Prefetch('pizzas', to_attr='pizza_list'))
  777. This will trigger an ``AttributeError`` because ``'pizza_list'`` doesn't exist yet
  778. when ``'pizza_list__toppings'`` is being processed.
  779. This consideration is not limited to the use of ``Prefetch`` objects. Some
  780. advanced techniques may require that the lookups be performed in a
  781. specific order to avoid creating extra queries; therefore it's recommended
  782. to always carefully order ``prefetch_related`` arguments.
  783. extra
  784. ~~~~~
  785. .. method:: extra(select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None)
  786. Sometimes, the Django query syntax by itself can't easily express a complex
  787. ``WHERE`` clause. For these edge cases, Django provides the ``extra()``
  788. ``QuerySet`` modifier — a hook for injecting specific clauses into the SQL
  789. generated by a ``QuerySet``.
  790. .. warning::
  791. You should be very careful whenever you use ``extra()``. Every time you use
  792. it, you should escape any parameters that the user can control by using
  793. ``params`` in order to protect against SQL injection attacks . Please
  794. read more about :ref:`SQL injection protection <sql-injection-protection>`.
  795. By definition, these extra lookups may not be portable to different database
  796. engines (because you're explicitly writing SQL code) and violate the DRY
  797. principle, so you should avoid them if possible.
  798. Specify one or more of ``params``, ``select``, ``where`` or ``tables``. None
  799. of the arguments is required, but you should use at least one of them.
  800. * ``select``
  801. The ``select`` argument lets you put extra fields in the ``SELECT``
  802. clause. It should be a dictionary mapping attribute names to SQL
  803. clauses to use to calculate that attribute.
  804. Example::
  805. Entry.objects.extra(select={'is_recent': "pub_date > '2006-01-01'"})
  806. As a result, each ``Entry`` object will have an extra attribute,
  807. ``is_recent``, a boolean representing whether the entry's ``pub_date``
  808. is greater than Jan. 1, 2006.
  809. Django inserts the given SQL snippet directly into the ``SELECT``
  810. statement, so the resulting SQL of the above example would be something
  811. like::
  812. SELECT blog_entry.*, (pub_date > '2006-01-01') AS is_recent
  813. FROM blog_entry;
  814. The next example is more advanced; it does a subquery to give each
  815. resulting ``Blog`` object an ``entry_count`` attribute, an integer count
  816. of associated ``Entry`` objects::
  817. Blog.objects.extra(
  818. select={
  819. 'entry_count': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blog_entry WHERE blog_entry.blog_id = blog_blog.id'
  820. },
  821. )
  822. In this particular case, we're exploiting the fact that the query will
  823. already contain the ``blog_blog`` table in its ``FROM`` clause.
  824. The resulting SQL of the above example would be::
  825. SELECT blog_blog.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blog_entry WHERE blog_entry.blog_id = blog_blog.id) AS entry_count
  826. FROM blog_blog;
  827. Note that the parentheses required by most database engines around
  828. subqueries are not required in Django's ``select`` clauses. Also note
  829. that some database backends, such as some MySQL versions, don't support
  830. subqueries.
  831. In some rare cases, you might wish to pass parameters to the SQL
  832. fragments in ``extra(select=...)``. For this purpose, use the
  833. ``select_params`` parameter. Since ``select_params`` is a sequence and
  834. the ``select`` attribute is a dictionary, some care is required so that
  835. the parameters are matched up correctly with the extra select pieces.
  836. In this situation, you should use a :class:`collections.OrderedDict` for
  837. the ``select`` value, not just a normal Python dictionary.
  838. This will work, for example::
  839. Blog.objects.extra(
  840. select=OrderedDict([('a', '%s'), ('b', '%s')]),
  841. select_params=('one', 'two'))
  842. If you need to use a literal ``%s`` inside your select string, use
  843. the sequence ``%%s``.
  844. .. versionchanged:: 1.8
  845. Prior to 1.8, you were unable to escape a literal ``%s``.
  846. * ``where`` / ``tables``
  847. You can define explicit SQL ``WHERE`` clauses — perhaps to perform
  848. non-explicit joins — by using ``where``. You can manually add tables to
  849. the SQL ``FROM`` clause by using ``tables``.
  850. ``where`` and ``tables`` both take a list of strings. All ``where``
  851. parameters are "AND"ed to any other search criteria.
  852. Example::
  853. Entry.objects.extra(where=["foo='a' OR bar = 'a'", "baz = 'a'"])
  854. ...translates (roughly) into the following SQL::
  855. SELECT * FROM blog_entry WHERE (foo='a' OR bar='a') AND (baz='a')
  856. Be careful when using the ``tables`` parameter if you're specifying
  857. tables that are already used in the query. When you add extra tables
  858. via the ``tables`` parameter, Django assumes you want that table
  859. included an extra time, if it is already included. That creates a
  860. problem, since the table name will then be given an alias. If a table
  861. appears multiple times in an SQL statement, the second and subsequent
  862. occurrences must use aliases so the database can tell them apart. If
  863. you're referring to the extra table you added in the extra ``where``
  864. parameter this is going to cause errors.
  865. Normally you'll only be adding extra tables that don't already appear
  866. in the query. However, if the case outlined above does occur, there are
  867. a few solutions. First, see if you can get by without including the
  868. extra table and use the one already in the query. If that isn't
  869. possible, put your ``extra()`` call at the front of the queryset
  870. construction so that your table is the first use of that table.
  871. Finally, if all else fails, look at the query produced and rewrite your
  872. ``where`` addition to use the alias given to your extra table. The
  873. alias will be the same each time you construct the queryset in the same
  874. way, so you can rely upon the alias name to not change.
  875. * ``order_by``
  876. If you need to order the resulting queryset using some of the new
  877. fields or tables you have included via ``extra()`` use the ``order_by``
  878. parameter to ``extra()`` and pass in a sequence of strings. These
  879. strings should either be model fields (as in the normal
  880. :meth:`order_by()` method on querysets), of the form
  881. ``table_name.column_name`` or an alias for a column that you specified
  882. in the ``select`` parameter to ``extra()``.
  883. For example::
  884. q = Entry.objects.extra(select={'is_recent': "pub_date > '2006-01-01'"})
  885. q = q.extra(order_by = ['-is_recent'])
  886. This would sort all the items for which ``is_recent`` is true to the
  887. front of the result set (``True`` sorts before ``False`` in a
  888. descending ordering).
  889. This shows, by the way, that you can make multiple calls to ``extra()``
  890. and it will behave as you expect (adding new constraints each time).
  891. * ``params``
  892. The ``where`` parameter described above may use standard Python
  893. database string placeholders — ``'%s'`` to indicate parameters the
  894. database engine should automatically quote. The ``params`` argument is
  895. a list of any extra parameters to be substituted.
  896. Example::
  897. Entry.objects.extra(where=['headline=%s'], params=['Lennon'])
  898. Always use ``params`` instead of embedding values directly into
  899. ``where`` because ``params`` will ensure values are quoted correctly
  900. according to your particular backend. For example, quotes will be
  901. escaped correctly.
  902. Bad::
  903. Entry.objects.extra(where=["headline='Lennon'"])
  904. Good::
  905. Entry.objects.extra(where=['headline=%s'], params=['Lennon'])
  906. .. warning::
  907. If you are performing queries on MySQL, note that MySQL's silent type coercion
  908. may cause unexpected results when mixing types. If you query on a string
  909. type column, but with an integer value, MySQL will coerce the types of all values
  910. in the table to an integer before performing the comparison. For example, if your
  911. table contains the values ``'abc'``, ``'def'`` and you query for ``WHERE mycolumn=0``,
  912. both rows will match. To prevent this, perform the correct typecasting
  913. before using the value in a query.
  914. defer
  915. ~~~~~
  916. .. method:: defer(*fields)
  917. In some complex data-modeling situations, your models might contain a lot of
  918. fields, some of which could contain a lot of data (for example, text fields),
  919. or require expensive processing to convert them to Python objects. If you are
  920. using the results of a queryset in some situation where you don't know
  921. if you need those particular fields when you initially fetch the data, you can
  922. tell Django not to retrieve them from the database.
  923. This is done by passing the names of the fields to not load to ``defer()``::
  924. Entry.objects.defer("headline", "body")
  925. A queryset that has deferred fields will still return model instances. Each
  926. deferred field will be retrieved from the database if you access that field
  927. (one at a time, not all the deferred fields at once).
  928. You can make multiple calls to ``defer()``. Each call adds new fields to the
  929. deferred set::
  930. # Defers both the body and headline fields.
  931. Entry.objects.defer("body").filter(rating=5).defer("headline")
  932. The order in which fields are added to the deferred set does not matter.
  933. Calling ``defer()`` with a field name that has already been deferred is
  934. harmless (the field will still be deferred).
  935. You can defer loading of fields in related models (if the related models are
  936. loading via :meth:`select_related()`) by using the standard double-underscore
  937. notation to separate related fields::
  938. Blog.objects.select_related().defer("entry__headline", "entry__body")
  939. If you want to clear the set of deferred fields, pass ``None`` as a parameter
  940. to ``defer()``::
  941. # Load all fields immediately.
  942. my_queryset.defer(None)
  943. Some fields in a model won't be deferred, even if you ask for them. You can
  944. never defer the loading of the primary key. If you are using
  945. :meth:`select_related()` to retrieve related models, you shouldn't defer the
  946. loading of the field that connects from the primary model to the related
  947. one, doing so will result in an error.
  948. .. note::
  949. The ``defer()`` method (and its cousin, :meth:`only()`, below) are only for
  950. advanced use-cases. They provide an optimization for when you have analyzed
  951. your queries closely and understand *exactly* what information you need and
  952. have measured that the difference between returning the fields you need and
  953. the full set of fields for the model will be significant.
  954. Even if you think you are in the advanced use-case situation, **only use
  955. defer() when you cannot, at queryset load time, determine if you will need
  956. the extra fields or not**. If you are frequently loading and using a
  957. particular subset of your data, the best choice you can make is to
  958. normalize your models and put the non-loaded data into a separate model
  959. (and database table). If the columns *must* stay in the one table for some
  960. reason, create a model with ``Meta.managed = False`` (see the
  961. :attr:`managed attribute <django.db.models.Options.managed>` documentation)
  962. containing just the fields you normally need to load and use that where you
  963. might otherwise call ``defer()``. This makes your code more explicit to the
  964. reader, is slightly faster and consumes a little less memory in the Python
  965. process.
  966. .. note::
  967. When calling :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.save()` for instances with
  968. deferred fields, only the loaded fields will be saved. See
  969. :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.save()` for more details.
  970. only
  971. ~~~~
  972. .. method:: only(*fields)
  973. The ``only()`` method is more or less the opposite of :meth:`defer()`. You call
  974. it with the fields that should *not* be deferred when retrieving a model. If
  975. you have a model where almost all the fields need to be deferred, using
  976. ``only()`` to specify the complementary set of fields can result in simpler
  977. code.
  978. Suppose you have a model with fields ``name``, ``age`` and ``biography``. The
  979. following two querysets are the same, in terms of deferred fields::
  980. Person.objects.defer("age", "biography")
  981. Person.objects.only("name")
  982. Whenever you call ``only()`` it *replaces* the set of fields to load
  983. immediately. The method's name is mnemonic: **only** those fields are loaded
  984. immediately; the remainder are deferred. Thus, successive calls to ``only()``
  985. result in only the final fields being considered::
  986. # This will defer all fields except the headline.
  987. Entry.objects.only("body", "rating").only("headline")
  988. Since ``defer()`` acts incrementally (adding fields to the deferred list), you
  989. can combine calls to ``only()`` and ``defer()`` and things will behave
  990. logically::
  991. # Final result is that everything except "headline" is deferred.
  992. Entry.objects.only("headline", "body").defer("body")
  993. # Final result loads headline and body immediately (only() replaces any
  994. # existing set of fields).
  995. Entry.objects.defer("body").only("headline", "body")
  996. All of the cautions in the note for the :meth:`defer` documentation apply to
  997. ``only()`` as well. Use it cautiously and only after exhausting your other
  998. options.
  999. Using :meth:`only` and omitting a field requested using :meth:`select_related`
  1000. is an error as well.
  1001. .. note::
  1002. When calling :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.save()` for instances with
  1003. deferred fields, only the loaded fields will be saved. See
  1004. :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.save()` for more details.
  1005. using
  1006. ~~~~~
  1007. .. method:: using(alias)
  1008. This method is for controlling which database the ``QuerySet`` will be
  1009. evaluated against if you are using more than one database. The only argument
  1010. this method takes is the alias of a database, as defined in
  1011. :setting:`DATABASES`.
  1012. For example::
  1013. # queries the database with the 'default' alias.
  1014. >>> Entry.objects.all()
  1015. # queries the database with the 'backup' alias
  1016. >>> Entry.objects.using('backup')
  1017. select_for_update
  1018. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1019. .. method:: select_for_update(nowait=False)
  1020. Returns a queryset that will lock rows until the end of the transaction,
  1021. generating a ``SELECT ... FOR UPDATE`` SQL statement on supported databases.
  1022. For example::
  1023. entries = Entry.objects.select_for_update().filter(author=request.user)
  1024. All matched entries will be locked until the end of the transaction block,
  1025. meaning that other transactions will be prevented from changing or acquiring
  1026. locks on them.
  1027. Usually, if another transaction has already acquired a lock on one of the
  1028. selected rows, the query will block until the lock is released. If this is
  1029. not the behavior you want, call ``select_for_update(nowait=True)``. This will
  1030. make the call non-blocking. If a conflicting lock is already acquired by
  1031. another transaction, :exc:`~django.db.DatabaseError` will be raised when the
  1032. queryset is evaluated.
  1033. Currently, the ``postgresql_psycopg2``, ``oracle``, and ``mysql`` database
  1034. backends support ``select_for_update()``. However, MySQL has no support for the
  1035. ``nowait`` argument. Obviously, users of external third-party backends should
  1036. check with their backend's documentation for specifics in those cases.
  1037. Passing ``nowait=True`` to ``select_for_update()`` using database backends that
  1038. do not support ``nowait``, such as MySQL, will cause a
  1039. :exc:`~django.db.DatabaseError` to be raised. This is in order to prevent code
  1040. unexpectedly blocking.
  1041. Evaluating a queryset with ``select_for_update()`` in autocommit mode is
  1042. a :exc:`~django.db.transaction.TransactionManagementError` error because the
  1043. rows are not locked in that case. If allowed, this would facilitate data
  1044. corruption and could easily be caused by calling code that expects to be run in
  1045. a transaction outside of one.
  1046. Using ``select_for_update()`` on backends which do not support
  1047. ``SELECT ... FOR UPDATE`` (such as SQLite) will have no effect.
  1048. .. versionchanged:: 1.6.3
  1049. It is now an error to execute a query with ``select_for_update()`` in
  1050. autocommit mode. With earlier releases in the 1.6 series it was a no-op.
  1051. .. warning::
  1052. Although ``select_for_update()`` normally fails in autocommit mode, since
  1053. :class:`~django.test.TestCase` automatically wraps each test in a
  1054. transaction, calling ``select_for_update()`` in a ``TestCase`` even outside
  1055. an :func:`~django.db.transaction.atomic()` block will (perhaps unexpectedly)
  1056. pass without raising a ``TransactionManagementError``. To properly test
  1057. ``select_for_update()`` you should use
  1058. :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase`.
  1059. raw
  1060. ~~~
  1061. .. method:: raw(raw_query, params=None, translations=None)
  1062. .. versionchanged:: 1.7
  1063. ``raw`` was moved to the ``QuerySet`` class. It was previously only on
  1064. :class:`~django.db.models.Manager`.
  1065. Takes a raw SQL query, executes it, and returns a
  1066. ``django.db.models.query.RawQuerySet`` instance. This ``RawQuerySet`` instance
  1067. can be iterated over just like an normal ``QuerySet`` to provide object instances.
  1068. See the :doc:`/topics/db/sql` for more information.
  1069. .. warning::
  1070. ``raw()`` always triggers a new query and doesn't account for previous
  1071. filtering. As such, it should generally be called from the ``Manager`` or
  1072. from a fresh ``QuerySet`` instance.
  1073. Methods that do not return QuerySets
  1074. ------------------------------------
  1075. The following ``QuerySet`` methods evaluate the ``QuerySet`` and return
  1076. something *other than* a ``QuerySet``.
  1077. These methods do not use a cache (see :ref:`caching-and-querysets`). Rather,
  1078. they query the database each time they're called.
  1079. get
  1080. ~~~
  1081. .. method:: get(**kwargs)
  1082. Returns the object matching the given lookup parameters, which should be in
  1083. the format described in `Field lookups`_.
  1084. ``get()`` raises :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned` if more
  1085. than one object was found. The
  1086. :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned` exception is an
  1087. attribute of the model class.
  1088. ``get()`` raises a :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.DoesNotExist` exception if an
  1089. object wasn't found for the given parameters. This exception is also an
  1090. attribute of the model class. Example::
  1091. Entry.objects.get(id='foo') # raises Entry.DoesNotExist
  1092. The :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.DoesNotExist` exception inherits from
  1093. :exc:`django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist`, so you can target multiple
  1094. :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.DoesNotExist` exceptions. Example::
  1095. from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
  1096. try:
  1097. e = Entry.objects.get(id=3)
  1098. b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
  1099. except ObjectDoesNotExist:
  1100. print("Either the entry or blog doesn't exist.")
  1101. create
  1102. ~~~~~~
  1103. .. method:: create(**kwargs)
  1104. A convenience method for creating an object and saving it all in one step. Thus::
  1105. p = Person.objects.create(first_name="Bruce", last_name="Springsteen")
  1106. and::
  1107. p = Person(first_name="Bruce", last_name="Springsteen")
  1108. p.save(force_insert=True)
  1109. are equivalent.
  1110. The :ref:`force_insert <ref-models-force-insert>` parameter is documented
  1111. elsewhere, but all it means is that a new object will always be created.
  1112. Normally you won't need to worry about this. However, if your model contains a
  1113. manual primary key value that you set and if that value already exists in the
  1114. database, a call to ``create()`` will fail with an
  1115. :exc:`~django.db.IntegrityError` since primary keys must be unique. Be
  1116. prepared to handle the exception if you are using manual primary keys.
  1117. get_or_create
  1118. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1119. .. method:: get_or_create(defaults=None, **kwargs)
  1120. A convenience method for looking up an object with the given ``kwargs`` (may be
  1121. empty if your model has defaults for all fields), creating one if necessary.
  1122. Returns a tuple of ``(object, created)``, where ``object`` is the retrieved or
  1123. created object and ``created`` is a boolean specifying whether a new object was
  1124. created.
  1125. This is meant as a shortcut to boilerplatish code. For example::
  1126. try:
  1127. obj = Person.objects.get(first_name='John', last_name='Lennon')
  1128. except Person.DoesNotExist:
  1129. obj = Person(first_name='John', last_name='Lennon', birthday=date(1940, 10, 9))
  1130. obj.save()
  1131. This pattern gets quite unwieldy as the number of fields in a model goes up.
  1132. The above example can be rewritten using ``get_or_create()`` like so::
  1133. obj, created = Person.objects.get_or_create(first_name='John', last_name='Lennon',
  1134. defaults={'birthday': date(1940, 10, 9)})
  1135. Any keyword arguments passed to ``get_or_create()`` — *except* an optional one
  1136. called ``defaults`` — will be used in a :meth:`get()` call. If an object is
  1137. found, ``get_or_create()`` returns a tuple of that object and ``False``. If
  1138. multiple objects are found, ``get_or_create`` raises
  1139. :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned`. If an object is *not*
  1140. found, ``get_or_create()`` will instantiate and save a new object, returning a
  1141. tuple of the new object and ``True``. The new object will be created roughly
  1142. according to this algorithm::
  1143. params = dict([(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if '__' not in k])
  1144. params.update(defaults)
  1145. obj = self.model(**params)
  1146. obj.save()
  1147. In English, that means start with any non-``'defaults'`` keyword argument that
  1148. doesn't contain a double underscore (which would indicate a non-exact lookup).
  1149. Then add the contents of ``defaults``, overriding any keys if necessary, and
  1150. use the result as the keyword arguments to the model class. As hinted at
  1151. above, this is a simplification of the algorithm that is used, but it contains
  1152. all the pertinent details. The internal implementation has some more
  1153. error-checking than this and handles some extra edge-conditions; if you're
  1154. interested, read the code.
  1155. If you have a field named ``defaults`` and want to use it as an exact lookup in
  1156. ``get_or_create()``, just use ``'defaults__exact'``, like so::
  1157. Foo.objects.get_or_create(defaults__exact='bar', defaults={'defaults': 'baz'})
  1158. The ``get_or_create()`` method has similar error behavior to :meth:`create()`
  1159. when you're using manually specified primary keys. If an object needs to be
  1160. created and the key already exists in the database, an
  1161. :exc:`~django.db.IntegrityError` will be raised.
  1162. This method is atomic assuming correct usage, correct database configuration,
  1163. and correct behavior of the underlying database. However, if uniqueness is not
  1164. enforced at the database level for the ``kwargs`` used in a ``get_or_create``
  1165. call (see :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.unique` or
  1166. :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.unique_together`), this method is prone to a
  1167. race-condition which can result in multiple rows with the same parameters being
  1168. inserted simultaneously.
  1169. If you are using MySQL, be sure to use the ``READ COMMITTED`` isolation level
  1170. rather than ``REPEATABLE READ`` (the default), otherwise you may see cases
  1171. where ``get_or_create`` will raise an :exc:`~django.db.IntegrityError` but the
  1172. object won't appear in a subsequent :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.get`
  1173. call.
  1174. Finally, a word on using ``get_or_create()`` in Django views. Please make sure
  1175. to use it only in ``POST`` requests unless you have a good reason not to.
  1176. ``GET`` requests shouldn't have any effect on data. Instead, use ``POST``
  1177. whenever a request to a page has a side effect on your data. For more, see
  1178. `Safe methods`_ in the HTTP spec.
  1179. .. _Safe methods: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html#sec9.1.1
  1180. .. warning::
  1181. You can use ``get_or_create()`` through :class:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField`
  1182. attributes and reverse relations. In that case you will restrict the queries
  1183. inside the context of that relation. That could lead you to some integrity
  1184. problems if you don't use it consistently.
  1185. Being the following models::
  1186. class Chapter(models.Model):
  1187. title = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  1188. class Book(models.Model):
  1189. title = models.CharField(max_length=256)
  1190. chapters = models.ManyToManyField(Chapter)
  1191. You can use ``get_or_create()`` through Book's chapters field, but it only
  1192. fetches inside the context of that book::
  1193. >>> book = Book.objects.create(title="Ulysses")
  1194. >>> book.chapters.get_or_create(title="Telemachus")
  1195. (<Chapter: Telemachus>, True)
  1196. >>> book.chapters.get_or_create(title="Telemachus")
  1197. (<Chapter: Telemachus>, False)
  1198. >>> Chapter.objects.create(title="Chapter 1")
  1199. <Chapter: Chapter 1>
  1200. >>> book.chapters.get_or_create(title="Chapter 1")
  1201. # Raises IntegrityError
  1202. This is happening because it's trying to get or create "Chapter 1" through the
  1203. book "Ulysses", but it can't do any of them: the relation can't fetch that
  1204. chapter because it isn't related to that book, but it can't create it either
  1205. because ``title`` field should be unique.
  1206. update_or_create
  1207. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1208. .. method:: update_or_create(defaults=None, **kwargs)
  1209. .. versionadded:: 1.7
  1210. A convenience method for updating an object with the given ``kwargs``, creating
  1211. a new one if necessary. The ``defaults`` is a dictionary of (field, value)
  1212. pairs used to update the object.
  1213. Returns a tuple of ``(object, created)``, where ``object`` is the created or
  1214. updated object and ``created`` is a boolean specifying whether a new object was
  1215. created.
  1216. The ``update_or_create`` method tries to fetch an object from database based on
  1217. the given ``kwargs``. If a match is found, it updates the fields passed in the
  1218. ``defaults`` dictionary.
  1219. This is meant as a shortcut to boilerplatish code. For example::
  1220. try:
  1221. obj = Person.objects.get(first_name='John', last_name='Lennon')
  1222. for key, value in updated_values.iteritems():
  1223. setattr(obj, key, value)
  1224. obj.save()
  1225. except Person.DoesNotExist:
  1226. updated_values.update({'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Lennon'})
  1227. obj = Person(**updated_values)
  1228. obj.save()
  1229. This pattern gets quite unwieldy as the number of fields in a model goes up.
  1230. The above example can be rewritten using ``update_or_create()`` like so::
  1231. obj, created = Person.objects.update_or_create(
  1232. first_name='John', last_name='Lennon', defaults=updated_values)
  1233. For detailed description how names passed in ``kwargs`` are resolved see
  1234. :meth:`get_or_create`.
  1235. As described above in :meth:`get_or_create`, this method is prone to a
  1236. race-condition which can result in multiple rows being inserted simultaneously
  1237. if uniqueness is not enforced at the database level.
  1238. bulk_create
  1239. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  1240. .. method:: bulk_create(objs, batch_size=None)
  1241. This method inserts the provided list of objects into the database in an
  1242. efficient manner (generally only 1 query, no matter how many objects there
  1243. are)::
  1244. >>> Entry.objects.bulk_create([
  1245. ... Entry(headline="Django 1.0 Released"),
  1246. ... Entry(headline="Django 1.1 Announced"),
  1247. ... Entry(headline="Breaking: Django is awesome")
  1248. ... ])
  1249. This has a number of caveats though:
  1250. * The model's ``save()`` method will not be called, and the ``pre_save`` and
  1251. ``post_save`` signals will not be sent.
  1252. * It does not work with child models in a multi-table inheritance scenario.
  1253. * If the model's primary key is an :class:`~django.db.models.AutoField` it
  1254. does not retrieve and set the primary key attribute, as ``save()`` does.
  1255. * It does not work with many-to-many relationships.
  1256. The ``batch_size`` parameter controls how many objects are created in single
  1257. query. The default is to create all objects in one batch, except for SQLite
  1258. where the default is such that at most 999 variables per query are used.
  1259. count
  1260. ~~~~~
  1261. .. method:: count()
  1262. Returns an integer representing the number of objects in the database matching
  1263. the ``QuerySet``. The ``count()`` method never raises exceptions.
  1264. Example::
  1265. # Returns the total number of entries in the database.
  1266. Entry.objects.count()
  1267. # Returns the number of entries whose headline contains 'Lennon'
  1268. Entry.objects.filter(headline__contains='Lennon').count()
  1269. A ``count()`` call performs a ``SELECT COUNT(*)`` behind the scenes, so you
  1270. should always use ``count()`` rather than loading all of the record into Python
  1271. objects and calling ``len()`` on the result (unless you need to load the
  1272. objects into memory anyway, in which case ``len()`` will be faster).
  1273. Depending on which database you're using (e.g. PostgreSQL vs. MySQL),
  1274. ``count()`` may return a long integer instead of a normal Python integer. This
  1275. is an underlying implementation quirk that shouldn't pose any real-world
  1276. problems.
  1277. in_bulk
  1278. ~~~~~~~
  1279. .. method:: in_bulk(id_list)
  1280. Takes a list of primary-key values and returns a dictionary mapping each
  1281. primary-key value to an instance of the object with the given ID.
  1282. Example::
  1283. >>> Blog.objects.in_bulk([1])
  1284. {1: <Blog: Beatles Blog>}
  1285. >>> Blog.objects.in_bulk([1, 2])
  1286. {1: <Blog: Beatles Blog>, 2: <Blog: Cheddar Talk>}
  1287. >>> Blog.objects.in_bulk([])
  1288. {}
  1289. If you pass ``in_bulk()`` an empty list, you'll get an empty dictionary.
  1290. iterator
  1291. ~~~~~~~~
  1292. .. method:: iterator()
  1293. Evaluates the ``QuerySet`` (by performing the query) and returns an iterator
  1294. (see :pep:`234`) over the results. A ``QuerySet`` typically caches its results
  1295. internally so that repeated evaluations do not result in additional queries. In
  1296. contrast, ``iterator()`` will read results directly, without doing any caching
  1297. at the ``QuerySet`` level (internally, the default iterator calls ``iterator()``
  1298. and caches the return value). For a ``QuerySet`` which returns a large number of
  1299. objects that you only need to access once, this can result in better
  1300. performance and a significant reduction in memory.
  1301. Note that using ``iterator()`` on a ``QuerySet`` which has already been
  1302. evaluated will force it to evaluate again, repeating the query.
  1303. Also, use of ``iterator()`` causes previous ``prefetch_related()`` calls to be
  1304. ignored since these two optimizations do not make sense together.
  1305. .. warning::
  1306. Some Python database drivers like ``psycopg2`` perform caching if using
  1307. client side cursors (instantiated with ``connection.cursor()`` and what
  1308. Django's ORM uses). Using ``iterator()`` does not affect caching at the
  1309. database driver level. To disable this caching, look at `server side
  1310. cursors`_.
  1311. .. _server side cursors: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/usage.html#server-side-cursors
  1312. latest
  1313. ~~~~~~
  1314. .. method:: latest(field_name=None)
  1315. Returns the latest object in the table, by date, using the ``field_name``
  1316. provided as the date field.
  1317. This example returns the latest ``Entry`` in the table, according to the
  1318. ``pub_date`` field::
  1319. Entry.objects.latest('pub_date')
  1320. If your model's :ref:`Meta <meta-options>` specifies
  1321. :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.get_latest_by`, you can leave off the
  1322. ``field_name`` argument to ``earliest()`` or ``latest()``. Django will use the
  1323. field specified in :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.get_latest_by` by default.
  1324. Like :meth:`get()`, ``earliest()`` and ``latest()`` raise
  1325. :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.DoesNotExist` if there is no object with the
  1326. given parameters.
  1327. Note that ``earliest()`` and ``latest()`` exist purely for convenience and
  1328. readability.
  1329. earliest
  1330. ~~~~~~~~
  1331. .. method:: earliest(field_name=None)
  1332. Works otherwise like :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.latest` except
  1333. the direction is changed.
  1334. first
  1335. ~~~~~
  1336. .. method:: first()
  1337. Returns the first object matched by the queryset, or ``None`` if there
  1338. is no matching object. If the ``QuerySet`` has no ordering defined, then the
  1339. queryset is automatically ordered by the primary key.
  1340. Example::
  1341. p = Article.objects.order_by('title', 'pub_date').first()
  1342. Note that ``first()`` is a convenience method, the following code sample is
  1343. equivalent to the above example::
  1344. try:
  1345. p = Article.objects.order_by('title', 'pub_date')[0]
  1346. except IndexError:
  1347. p = None
  1348. last
  1349. ~~~~
  1350. .. method:: last()
  1351. Works like :meth:`first()`, but returns the last object in the queryset.
  1352. aggregate
  1353. ~~~~~~~~~
  1354. .. method:: aggregate(*args, **kwargs)
  1355. Returns a dictionary of aggregate values (averages, sums, etc) calculated over
  1356. the ``QuerySet``. Each argument to ``aggregate()`` specifies a value that will
  1357. be included in the dictionary that is returned.
  1358. The aggregation functions that are provided by Django are described in
  1359. `Aggregation Functions`_ below.
  1360. Aggregates specified using keyword arguments will use the keyword as the name
  1361. for the annotation. Anonymous arguments will have a name generated for them
  1362. based upon the name of the aggregate function and the model field that is being
  1363. aggregated.
  1364. For example, when you are working with blog entries, you may want to know the
  1365. number of authors that have contributed blog entries::
  1366. >>> from django.db.models import Count
  1367. >>> q = Blog.objects.aggregate(Count('entry'))
  1368. {'entry__count': 16}
  1369. By using a keyword argument to specify the aggregate function, you can
  1370. control the name of the aggregation value that is returned::
  1371. >>> q = Blog.objects.aggregate(number_of_entries=Count('entry'))
  1372. {'number_of_entries': 16}
  1373. For an in-depth discussion of aggregation, see :doc:`the topic guide on
  1374. Aggregation </topics/db/aggregation>`.
  1375. exists
  1376. ~~~~~~
  1377. .. method:: exists()
  1378. Returns ``True`` if the :class:`.QuerySet` contains any results, and ``False``
  1379. if not. This tries to perform the query in the simplest and fastest way
  1380. possible, but it *does* execute nearly the same query as a normal
  1381. :class:`.QuerySet` query.
  1382. :meth:`~.QuerySet.exists` is useful for searches relating to both
  1383. object membership in a :class:`.QuerySet` and to the existence of any objects in
  1384. a :class:`.QuerySet`, particularly in the context of a large :class:`.QuerySet`.
  1385. The most efficient method of finding whether a model with a unique field
  1386. (e.g. ``primary_key``) is a member of a :class:`.QuerySet` is::
  1387. entry = Entry.objects.get(pk=123)
  1388. if some_queryset.filter(pk=entry.pk).exists():
  1389. print("Entry contained in queryset")
  1390. Which will be faster than the following which requires evaluating and iterating
  1391. through the entire queryset::
  1392. if entry in some_queryset:
  1393. print("Entry contained in QuerySet")
  1394. And to find whether a queryset contains any items::
  1395. if some_queryset.exists():
  1396. print("There is at least one object in some_queryset")
  1397. Which will be faster than::
  1398. if some_queryset:
  1399. print("There is at least one object in some_queryset")
  1400. ... but not by a large degree (hence needing a large queryset for efficiency
  1401. gains).
  1402. Additionally, if a ``some_queryset`` has not yet been evaluated, but you know
  1403. that it will be at some point, then using ``some_queryset.exists()`` will do
  1404. more overall work (one query for the existence check plus an extra one to later
  1405. retrieve the results) than simply using ``bool(some_queryset)``, which
  1406. retrieves the results and then checks if any were returned.
  1407. update
  1408. ~~~~~~
  1409. .. method:: update(**kwargs)
  1410. Performs an SQL update query for the specified fields, and returns
  1411. the number of rows matched (which may not be equal to the number of rows
  1412. updated if some rows already have the new value).
  1413. For example, to turn comments off for all blog entries published in 2010,
  1414. you could do this::
  1415. >>> Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2010).update(comments_on=False)
  1416. (This assumes your ``Entry`` model has fields ``pub_date`` and ``comments_on``.)
  1417. You can update multiple fields — there's no limit on how many. For example,
  1418. here we update the ``comments_on`` and ``headline`` fields::
  1419. >>> Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2010).update(comments_on=False, headline='This is old')
  1420. The ``update()`` method is applied instantly, and the only restriction on the
  1421. :class:`.QuerySet` that is updated is that it can only update columns in the
  1422. model's main table, not on related models. You can't do this, for example::
  1423. >>> Entry.objects.update(blog__name='foo') # Won't work!
  1424. Filtering based on related fields is still possible, though::
  1425. >>> Entry.objects.filter(blog__id=1).update(comments_on=True)
  1426. You cannot call ``update()`` on a :class:`.QuerySet` that has had a slice taken
  1427. or can otherwise no longer be filtered.
  1428. The ``update()`` method returns the number of affected rows::
  1429. >>> Entry.objects.filter(id=64).update(comments_on=True)
  1430. 1
  1431. >>> Entry.objects.filter(slug='nonexistent-slug').update(comments_on=True)
  1432. 0
  1433. >>> Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2010).update(comments_on=False)
  1434. 132
  1435. If you're just updating a record and don't need to do anything with the model
  1436. object, the most efficient approach is to call ``update()``, rather than
  1437. loading the model object into memory. For example, instead of doing this::
  1438. e = Entry.objects.get(id=10)
  1439. e.comments_on = False
  1440. e.save()
  1441. ...do this::
  1442. Entry.objects.filter(id=10).update(comments_on=False)
  1443. Using ``update()`` also prevents a race condition wherein something might
  1444. change in your database in the short period of time between loading the object
  1445. and calling ``save()``.
  1446. Finally, realize that ``update()`` does an update at the SQL level and, thus,
  1447. does not call any ``save()`` methods on your models, nor does it emit the
  1448. :attr:`~django.db.models.signals.pre_save` or
  1449. :attr:`~django.db.models.signals.post_save` signals (which are a consequence of
  1450. calling :meth:`Model.save() <django.db.models.Model.save>`). If you want to
  1451. update a bunch of records for a model that has a custom
  1452. :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.save()` method, loop over them and call
  1453. :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.save()`, like this::
  1454. for e in Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2010):
  1455. e.comments_on = False
  1456. e.save()
  1457. delete
  1458. ~~~~~~
  1459. .. method:: delete()
  1460. Performs an SQL delete query on all rows in the :class:`.QuerySet`. The
  1461. ``delete()`` is applied instantly. You cannot call ``delete()`` on a
  1462. :class:`.QuerySet` that has had a slice taken or can otherwise no longer be
  1463. filtered.
  1464. For example, to delete all the entries in a particular blog::
  1465. >>> b = Blog.objects.get(pk=1)
  1466. # Delete all the entries belonging to this Blog.
  1467. >>> Entry.objects.filter(blog=b).delete()
  1468. By default, Django's :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey` emulates the SQL
  1469. constraint ``ON DELETE CASCADE`` — in other words, any objects with foreign
  1470. keys pointing at the objects to be deleted will be deleted along with them.
  1471. For example::
  1472. blogs = Blog.objects.all()
  1473. # This will delete all Blogs and all of their Entry objects.
  1474. blogs.delete()
  1475. This cascade behavior is customizable via the
  1476. :attr:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey.on_delete` argument to the
  1477. :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey`.
  1478. The ``delete()`` method does a bulk delete and does not call any ``delete()``
  1479. methods on your models. It does, however, emit the
  1480. :data:`~django.db.models.signals.pre_delete` and
  1481. :data:`~django.db.models.signals.post_delete` signals for all deleted objects
  1482. (including cascaded deletions).
  1483. Django needs to fetch objects into memory to send signals and handle cascades.
  1484. However, if there are no cascades and no signals, then Django may take a
  1485. fast-path and delete objects without fetching into memory. For large
  1486. deletes this can result in significantly reduced memory usage. The amount of
  1487. executed queries can be reduced, too.
  1488. ForeignKeys which are set to :attr:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey.on_delete`
  1489. ``DO_NOTHING`` do not prevent taking the fast-path in deletion.
  1490. Note that the queries generated in object deletion is an implementation
  1491. detail subject to change.
  1492. as_manager
  1493. ~~~~~~~~~~
  1494. .. classmethod:: as_manager()
  1495. .. versionadded:: 1.7
  1496. Class method that returns an instance of :class:`~django.db.models.Manager`
  1497. with a copy of the ``QuerySet``’s methods. See
  1498. :ref:`create-manager-with-queryset-methods` for more details.
  1499. .. _field-lookups:
  1500. Field lookups
  1501. -------------
  1502. Field lookups are how you specify the meat of an SQL ``WHERE`` clause. They're
  1503. specified as keyword arguments to the ``QuerySet`` methods :meth:`filter()`,
  1504. :meth:`exclude()` and :meth:`get()`.
  1505. For an introduction, see :ref:`models and database queries documentation
  1506. <field-lookups-intro>`.
  1507. Django's inbuilt lookups are listed below. It is also possible to write
  1508. :doc:`custom lookups </howto/custom-lookups>` for model fields.
  1509. As a convenience when no lookup type is provided (like in
  1510. ``Entry.objects.get(id=14)``) the lookup type is assumed to be :lookup:`exact`.
  1511. .. fieldlookup:: exact
  1512. exact
  1513. ~~~~~
  1514. Exact match. If the value provided for comparison is ``None``, it will be
  1515. interpreted as an SQL ``NULL`` (see :lookup:`isnull` for more details).
  1516. Examples::
  1517. Entry.objects.get(id__exact=14)
  1518. Entry.objects.get(id__exact=None)
  1519. SQL equivalents::
  1520. SELECT ... WHERE id = 14;
  1521. SELECT ... WHERE id IS NULL;
  1522. .. admonition:: MySQL comparisons
  1523. In MySQL, a database table's "collation" setting determines whether
  1524. ``exact`` comparisons are case-sensitive. This is a database setting, *not*
  1525. a Django setting. It's possible to configure your MySQL tables to use
  1526. case-sensitive comparisons, but some trade-offs are involved. For more
  1527. information about this, see the :ref:`collation section <mysql-collation>`
  1528. in the :doc:`databases </ref/databases>` documentation.
  1529. .. fieldlookup:: iexact
  1530. iexact
  1531. ~~~~~~
  1532. Case-insensitive exact match.
  1533. .. versionchanged:: 1.7
  1534. If the value provided for comparison is ``None``, it will be interpreted
  1535. as an SQL ``NULL`` (see :lookup:`isnull` for more details).
  1536. Example::
  1537. Blog.objects.get(name__iexact='beatles blog')
  1538. Blog.objects.get(name__iexact=None)
  1539. SQL equivalents::
  1540. SELECT ... WHERE name ILIKE 'beatles blog';
  1541. SELECT ... WHERE name IS NULL;
  1542. Note the first query will match ``'Beatles Blog'``, ``'beatles blog'``,
  1543. ``'BeAtLes BLoG'``, etc.
  1544. .. admonition:: SQLite users
  1545. When using the SQLite backend and Unicode (non-ASCII) strings, bear in
  1546. mind the :ref:`database note <sqlite-string-matching>` about string
  1547. comparisons. SQLite does not do case-insensitive matching for Unicode
  1548. strings.
  1549. .. fieldlookup:: contains
  1550. contains
  1551. ~~~~~~~~
  1552. Case-sensitive containment test.
  1553. Example::
  1554. Entry.objects.get(headline__contains='Lennon')
  1555. SQL equivalent::
  1556. SELECT ... WHERE headline LIKE '%Lennon%';
  1557. Note this will match the headline ``'Lennon honored today'`` but not ``'lennon
  1558. honored today'``.
  1559. .. admonition:: SQLite users
  1560. SQLite doesn't support case-sensitive ``LIKE`` statements; ``contains``
  1561. acts like ``icontains`` for SQLite. See the :ref:`database note
  1562. <sqlite-string-matching>` for more information.
  1563. .. fieldlookup:: icontains
  1564. icontains
  1565. ~~~~~~~~~
  1566. Case-insensitive containment test.
  1567. Example::
  1568. Entry.objects.get(headline__icontains='Lennon')
  1569. SQL equivalent::
  1570. SELECT ... WHERE headline ILIKE '%Lennon%';
  1571. .. admonition:: SQLite users
  1572. When using the SQLite backend and Unicode (non-ASCII) strings, bear in
  1573. mind the :ref:`database note <sqlite-string-matching>` about string
  1574. comparisons.
  1575. .. fieldlookup:: in
  1576. in
  1577. ~~
  1578. In a given list.
  1579. Example::
  1580. Entry.objects.filter(id__in=[1, 3, 4])
  1581. SQL equivalent::
  1582. SELECT ... WHERE id IN (1, 3, 4);
  1583. You can also use a queryset to dynamically evaluate the list of values
  1584. instead of providing a list of literal values::
  1585. inner_qs = Blog.objects.filter(name__contains='Cheddar')
  1586. entries = Entry.objects.filter(blog__in=inner_qs)
  1587. This queryset will be evaluated as subselect statement::
  1588. SELECT ... WHERE blog.id IN (SELECT id FROM ... WHERE NAME LIKE '%Cheddar%')
  1589. If you pass in a ``ValuesQuerySet`` or ``ValuesListQuerySet`` (the result of
  1590. calling ``values()`` or ``values_list()`` on a queryset) as the value to an
  1591. ``__in`` lookup, you need to ensure you are only extracting one field in the
  1592. result. For example, this will work (filtering on the blog names)::
  1593. inner_qs = Blog.objects.filter(name__contains='Ch').values('name')
  1594. entries = Entry.objects.filter(blog__name__in=inner_qs)
  1595. This example will raise an exception, since the inner query is trying to
  1596. extract two field values, where only one is expected::
  1597. # Bad code! Will raise a TypeError.
  1598. inner_qs = Blog.objects.filter(name__contains='Ch').values('name', 'id')
  1599. entries = Entry.objects.filter(blog__name__in=inner_qs)
  1600. .. _nested-queries-performance:
  1601. .. admonition:: Performance considerations
  1602. Be cautious about using nested queries and understand your database
  1603. server's performance characteristics (if in doubt, benchmark!). Some
  1604. database backends, most notably MySQL, don't optimize nested queries very
  1605. well. It is more efficient, in those cases, to extract a list of values
  1606. and then pass that into the second query. That is, execute two queries
  1607. instead of one::
  1608. values = Blog.objects.filter(
  1609. name__contains='Cheddar').values_list('pk', flat=True)
  1610. entries = Entry.objects.filter(blog__in=list(values))
  1611. Note the ``list()`` call around the Blog ``QuerySet`` to force execution of
  1612. the first query. Without it, a nested query would be executed, because
  1613. :ref:`querysets-are-lazy`.
  1614. .. fieldlookup:: gt
  1615. gt
  1616. ~~
  1617. Greater than.
  1618. Example::
  1619. Entry.objects.filter(id__gt=4)
  1620. SQL equivalent::
  1621. SELECT ... WHERE id > 4;
  1622. .. fieldlookup:: gte
  1623. gte
  1624. ~~~
  1625. Greater than or equal to.
  1626. .. fieldlookup:: lt
  1627. lt
  1628. ~~
  1629. Less than.
  1630. .. fieldlookup:: lte
  1631. lte
  1632. ~~~
  1633. Less than or equal to.
  1634. .. fieldlookup:: startswith
  1635. startswith
  1636. ~~~~~~~~~~
  1637. Case-sensitive starts-with.
  1638. Example::
  1639. Entry.objects.filter(headline__startswith='Will')
  1640. SQL equivalent::
  1641. SELECT ... WHERE headline LIKE 'Will%';
  1642. SQLite doesn't support case-sensitive ``LIKE`` statements; ``startswith`` acts
  1643. like ``istartswith`` for SQLite.
  1644. .. fieldlookup:: istartswith
  1645. istartswith
  1646. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  1647. Case-insensitive starts-with.
  1648. Example::
  1649. Entry.objects.filter(headline__istartswith='will')
  1650. SQL equivalent::
  1651. SELECT ... WHERE headline ILIKE 'Will%';
  1652. .. admonition:: SQLite users
  1653. When using the SQLite backend and Unicode (non-ASCII) strings, bear in
  1654. mind the :ref:`database note <sqlite-string-matching>` about string
  1655. comparisons.
  1656. .. fieldlookup:: endswith
  1657. endswith
  1658. ~~~~~~~~
  1659. Case-sensitive ends-with.
  1660. Example::
  1661. Entry.objects.filter(headline__endswith='cats')
  1662. SQL equivalent::
  1663. SELECT ... WHERE headline LIKE '%cats';
  1664. .. admonition:: SQLite users
  1665. SQLite doesn't support case-sensitive ``LIKE`` statements; ``endswith``
  1666. acts like ``iendswith`` for SQLite. Refer to the :ref:`database note
  1667. <sqlite-string-matching>` documentation for more.
  1668. .. fieldlookup:: iendswith
  1669. iendswith
  1670. ~~~~~~~~~
  1671. Case-insensitive ends-with.
  1672. Example::
  1673. Entry.objects.filter(headline__iendswith='will')
  1674. SQL equivalent::
  1675. SELECT ... WHERE headline ILIKE '%will'
  1676. .. admonition:: SQLite users
  1677. When using the SQLite backend and Unicode (non-ASCII) strings, bear in
  1678. mind the :ref:`database note <sqlite-string-matching>` about string
  1679. comparisons.
  1680. .. fieldlookup:: range
  1681. range
  1682. ~~~~~
  1683. Range test (inclusive).
  1684. Example::
  1685. import datetime
  1686. start_date = datetime.date(2005, 1, 1)
  1687. end_date = datetime.date(2005, 3, 31)
  1688. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__range=(start_date, end_date))
  1689. SQL equivalent::
  1690. SELECT ... WHERE pub_date BETWEEN '2005-01-01' and '2005-03-31';
  1691. You can use ``range`` anywhere you can use ``BETWEEN`` in SQL — for dates,
  1692. numbers and even characters.
  1693. .. warning::
  1694. Filtering a ``DateTimeField`` with dates won't include items on the last
  1695. day, because the bounds are interpreted as "0am on the given date". If
  1696. ``pub_date`` was a ``DateTimeField``, the above expression would be turned
  1697. into this SQL::
  1698. SELECT ... WHERE pub_date BETWEEN '2005-01-01 00:00:00' and '2005-03-31 00:00:00';
  1699. Generally speaking, you can't mix dates and datetimes.
  1700. .. fieldlookup:: year
  1701. year
  1702. ~~~~
  1703. For date and datetime fields, an exact year match. Takes an integer year.
  1704. Example::
  1705. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2005)
  1706. SQL equivalent::
  1707. SELECT ... WHERE pub_date BETWEEN '2005-01-01' AND '2005-12-31';
  1708. (The exact SQL syntax varies for each database engine.)
  1709. When :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, datetime fields are converted to the
  1710. current time zone before filtering.
  1711. .. fieldlookup:: month
  1712. month
  1713. ~~~~~
  1714. For date and datetime fields, an exact month match. Takes an integer 1
  1715. (January) through 12 (December).
  1716. Example::
  1717. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__month=12)
  1718. SQL equivalent::
  1719. SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('month' FROM pub_date) = '12';
  1720. (The exact SQL syntax varies for each database engine.)
  1721. When :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, datetime fields are converted to the
  1722. current time zone before filtering. This requires :ref:`time zone definitions
  1723. in the database <database-time-zone-definitions>`.
  1724. .. fieldlookup:: day
  1725. day
  1726. ~~~
  1727. For date and datetime fields, an exact day match. Takes an integer day.
  1728. Example::
  1729. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__day=3)
  1730. SQL equivalent::
  1731. SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('day' FROM pub_date) = '3';
  1732. (The exact SQL syntax varies for each database engine.)
  1733. Note this will match any record with a pub_date on the third day of the month,
  1734. such as January 3, July 3, etc.
  1735. When :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, datetime fields are converted to the
  1736. current time zone before filtering. This requires :ref:`time zone definitions
  1737. in the database <database-time-zone-definitions>`.
  1738. .. fieldlookup:: week_day
  1739. week_day
  1740. ~~~~~~~~
  1741. For date and datetime fields, a 'day of the week' match.
  1742. Takes an integer value representing the day of week from 1 (Sunday) to 7
  1743. (Saturday).
  1744. Example::
  1745. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__week_day=2)
  1746. (No equivalent SQL code fragment is included for this lookup because
  1747. implementation of the relevant query varies among different database engines.)
  1748. Note this will match any record with a ``pub_date`` that falls on a Monday (day
  1749. 2 of the week), regardless of the month or year in which it occurs. Week days
  1750. are indexed with day 1 being Sunday and day 7 being Saturday.
  1751. When :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, datetime fields are converted to the
  1752. current time zone before filtering. This requires :ref:`time zone definitions
  1753. in the database <database-time-zone-definitions>`.
  1754. .. fieldlookup:: hour
  1755. hour
  1756. ~~~~
  1757. For datetime fields, an exact hour match. Takes an integer between 0 and 23.
  1758. Example::
  1759. Event.objects.filter(timestamp__hour=23)
  1760. SQL equivalent::
  1761. SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('hour' FROM timestamp) = '23';
  1762. (The exact SQL syntax varies for each database engine.)
  1763. When :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, values are converted to the current time
  1764. zone before filtering.
  1765. .. fieldlookup:: minute
  1766. minute
  1767. ~~~~~~
  1768. For datetime fields, an exact minute match. Takes an integer between 0 and 59.
  1769. Example::
  1770. Event.objects.filter(timestamp__minute=29)
  1771. SQL equivalent::
  1772. SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('minute' FROM timestamp) = '29';
  1773. (The exact SQL syntax varies for each database engine.)
  1774. When :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, values are converted to the current time
  1775. zone before filtering.
  1776. .. fieldlookup:: second
  1777. second
  1778. ~~~~~~
  1779. For datetime fields, an exact second match. Takes an integer between 0 and 59.
  1780. Example::
  1781. Event.objects.filter(timestamp__second=31)
  1782. SQL equivalent::
  1783. SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('second' FROM timestamp) = '31';
  1784. (The exact SQL syntax varies for each database engine.)
  1785. When :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True``, values are converted to the current time
  1786. zone before filtering.
  1787. .. fieldlookup:: isnull
  1788. isnull
  1789. ~~~~~~
  1790. Takes either ``True`` or ``False``, which correspond to SQL queries of
  1791. ``IS NULL`` and ``IS NOT NULL``, respectively.
  1792. Example::
  1793. Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__isnull=True)
  1794. SQL equivalent::
  1795. SELECT ... WHERE pub_date IS NULL;
  1796. .. fieldlookup:: search
  1797. search
  1798. ~~~~~~
  1799. A boolean full-text search, taking advantage of full-text indexing. This is
  1800. like :lookup:`contains` but is significantly faster due to full-text indexing.
  1801. Example::
  1802. Entry.objects.filter(headline__search="+Django -jazz Python")
  1803. SQL equivalent::
  1804. SELECT ... WHERE MATCH(tablename, headline) AGAINST (+Django -jazz Python IN BOOLEAN MODE);
  1805. Note this is only available in MySQL and requires direct manipulation of the
  1806. database to add the full-text index. By default Django uses BOOLEAN MODE for
  1807. full text searches. See the `MySQL documentation`_ for additional details.
  1808. .. _MySQL documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/fulltext-boolean.html
  1809. .. fieldlookup:: regex
  1810. regex
  1811. ~~~~~
  1812. Case-sensitive regular expression match.
  1813. The regular expression syntax is that of the database backend in use.
  1814. In the case of SQLite, which has no built in regular expression support,
  1815. this feature is provided by a (Python) user-defined REGEXP function, and
  1816. the regular expression syntax is therefore that of Python's ``re`` module.
  1817. Example::
  1818. Entry.objects.get(title__regex=r'^(An?|The) +')
  1819. SQL equivalents::
  1820. SELECT ... WHERE title REGEXP BINARY '^(An?|The) +'; -- MySQL
  1821. SELECT ... WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(title, '^(an?|the) +', 'c'); -- Oracle
  1822. SELECT ... WHERE title ~ '^(An?|The) +'; -- PostgreSQL
  1823. SELECT ... WHERE title REGEXP '^(An?|The) +'; -- SQLite
  1824. Using raw strings (e.g., ``r'foo'`` instead of ``'foo'``) for passing in the
  1825. regular expression syntax is recommended.
  1826. .. fieldlookup:: iregex
  1827. iregex
  1828. ~~~~~~
  1829. Case-insensitive regular expression match.
  1830. Example::
  1831. Entry.objects.get(title__iregex=r'^(an?|the) +')
  1832. SQL equivalents::
  1833. SELECT ... WHERE title REGEXP '^(an?|the) +'; -- MySQL
  1834. SELECT ... WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(title, '^(an?|the) +', 'i'); -- Oracle
  1835. SELECT ... WHERE title ~* '^(an?|the) +'; -- PostgreSQL
  1836. SELECT ... WHERE title REGEXP '(?i)^(an?|the) +'; -- SQLite
  1837. .. _aggregation-functions:
  1838. Aggregation functions
  1839. ---------------------
  1840. .. currentmodule:: django.db.models
  1841. Django provides the following aggregation functions in the
  1842. ``django.db.models`` module. For details on how to use these
  1843. aggregate functions, see
  1844. :doc:`the topic guide on aggregation </topics/db/aggregation>`.
  1845. .. warning::
  1846. SQLite can't handle aggregation on date/time fields out of the box.
  1847. This is because there are no native date/time fields in SQLite and Django
  1848. currently emulates these features using a text field. Attempts to use
  1849. aggregation on date/time fields in SQLite will raise
  1850. ``NotImplementedError``.
  1851. .. admonition:: Note
  1852. Aggregation functions return ``None`` when used with an empty
  1853. ``QuerySet``. For example, the ``Sum`` aggregation function returns ``None``
  1854. instead of ``0`` if the ``QuerySet`` contains no entries. An exception is
  1855. ``Count``, which does return ``0`` if the ``QuerySet`` is empty.
  1856. Avg
  1857. ~~~
  1858. .. class:: Avg(field)
  1859. Returns the mean value of the given field, which must be numeric.
  1860. * Default alias: ``<field>__avg``
  1861. * Return type: ``float``
  1862. Count
  1863. ~~~~~
  1864. .. class:: Count(field, distinct=False)
  1865. Returns the number of objects that are related through the provided field.
  1866. * Default alias: ``<field>__count``
  1867. * Return type: ``int``
  1868. Has one optional argument:
  1869. .. attribute:: distinct
  1870. If ``distinct=True``, the count will only include unique instances.
  1871. This is the SQL equivalent of ``COUNT(DISTINCT <field>)``. The default
  1872. value is ``False``.
  1873. Max
  1874. ~~~
  1875. .. class:: Max(field)
  1876. Returns the maximum value of the given field.
  1877. * Default alias: ``<field>__max``
  1878. * Return type: same as input field
  1879. Min
  1880. ~~~
  1881. .. class:: Min(field)
  1882. Returns the minimum value of the given field.
  1883. * Default alias: ``<field>__min``
  1884. * Return type: same as input field
  1885. StdDev
  1886. ~~~~~~
  1887. .. class:: StdDev(field, sample=False)
  1888. Returns the standard deviation of the data in the provided field.
  1889. * Default alias: ``<field>__stddev``
  1890. * Return type: ``float``
  1891. Has one optional argument:
  1892. .. attribute:: sample
  1893. By default, ``StdDev`` returns the population standard deviation. However,
  1894. if ``sample=True``, the return value will be the sample standard deviation.
  1895. .. admonition:: SQLite
  1896. SQLite doesn't provide ``StdDev`` out of the box. An implementation
  1897. is available as an extension module for SQLite. Consult the `SQlite
  1898. documentation`_ for instructions on obtaining and installing this
  1899. extension.
  1900. Sum
  1901. ~~~
  1902. .. class:: Sum(field)
  1903. Computes the sum of all values of the given field.
  1904. * Default alias: ``<field>__sum``
  1905. * Return type: same as input field
  1906. Variance
  1907. ~~~~~~~~
  1908. .. class:: Variance(field, sample=False)
  1909. Returns the variance of the data in the provided field.
  1910. * Default alias: ``<field>__variance``
  1911. * Return type: ``float``
  1912. Has one optional argument:
  1913. .. attribute:: sample
  1914. By default, ``Variance`` returns the population variance. However,
  1915. if ``sample=True``, the return value will be the sample variance.
  1916. .. admonition:: SQLite
  1917. SQLite doesn't provide ``Variance`` out of the box. An implementation
  1918. is available as an extension module for SQLite. Consult the `SQlite
  1919. documentation`_ for instructions on obtaining and installing this
  1920. extension.
  1921. .. _SQLite documentation: http://www.sqlite.org/contrib