5.0.txt 15 KB

  1. ============================================
  2. Django 5.0 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
  3. ============================================
  4. *Expected December 2023*
  5. Welcome to Django 5.0!
  6. These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-5.0>`, as well as
  7. some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-5.0>` you'll
  8. want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 4.2 or earlier. We've
  9. :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features
  10. <deprecated-features-5.0>`.
  11. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing
  12. project.
  13. Python compatibility
  14. ====================
  15. Django 5.0 supports Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. We **highly recommend** and
  16. only officially support the latest release of each series.
  17. The Django 4.2.x series is the last to support Python 3.8 and 3.9.
  18. Third-party library support for older version of Django
  19. =======================================================
  20. Following the release of Django 5.0, we suggest that third-party app authors
  21. drop support for all versions of Django prior to 4.2. At that time, you should
  22. be able to run your package's tests using ``python -Wd`` so that deprecation
  23. warnings appear. After making the deprecation warning fixes, your app should be
  24. compatible with Django 5.0.
  25. .. _whats-new-5.0:
  26. What's new in Django 5.0
  27. ========================
  28. Facet filters in the admin
  29. --------------------------
  30. Facet counts are now shown for applied filters in the admin changelist when
  31. toggled on via the UI. This behavior can be changed via the new
  32. :attr:`.ModelAdmin.show_facets` attribute. For more information see
  33. :ref:`facet-filters`.
  34. Simplified templates for form field rendering
  35. ---------------------------------------------
  36. Django 5.0 introduces the concept of a field group, and field group templates.
  37. This simplifies rendering of the related elements of a Django form field such
  38. as its label, widget, help text, and errors.
  39. For example, the template below:
  40. .. code-block:: html+django
  41. <form>
  42. ...
  43. <div>
  44. {{ form.name.label }}
  45. {% if form.name.help_text %}
  46. <div class="helptext">{{ form.name.help_text|safe }}</div>
  47. {% endif %}
  48. {{ form.name.errors }}
  49. {{ form.name }}
  50. <div class="row">
  51. <div class="col">
  52. {{ form.email.label }}
  53. {% if form.email.help_text %}
  54. <div class="helptext">{{ form.email.help_text|safe }}</div>
  55. {% endif %}
  56. {{ form.email.errors }}
  57. {{ form.email }}
  58. </div>
  59. <div class="col">
  60. {{ form.password.label }}
  61. {% if form.password.help_text %}
  62. <div class="helptext">{{ form.password.help_text|safe }}</div>
  63. {% endif %}
  64. {{ form.password.errors }}
  65. {{ form.password }}
  66. </div>
  67. </div>
  68. </div>
  69. ...
  70. </form>
  71. Can now be simplified to:
  72. .. code-block:: html+django
  73. <form>
  74. ...
  75. <div>
  76. {{ form.name.as_field_group }}
  77. <div class="row">
  78. <div class="col">{{ form.email.as_field_group }}</div>
  79. <div class="col">{{ form.password.as_field_group }}</div>
  80. </div>
  81. </div>
  82. ...
  83. </form>
  84. :meth:`~django.forms.BoundField.as_field_group` renders fields with the
  85. ``"django/forms/field.html"`` template by default and can be customized on a
  86. per-project, per-field, or per-request basis. See
  87. :ref:`reusable-field-group-templates`.
  88. Database-computed default values
  89. --------------------------------
  90. The new :attr:`Field.db_default <django.db.models.Field.db_default>` parameter
  91. sets a database-computed default value. For example::
  92. from django.db import models
  93. from django.db.models.functions import Now, Pi
  94. class MyModel(models.Model):
  95. age = models.IntegerField(db_default=18)
  96. created = models.DateTimeField(db_default=Now())
  97. circumference = models.FloatField(db_default=2 * Pi())
  98. Minor features
  99. --------------
  100. :mod:`django.contrib.admin`
  101. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  102. * The new :meth:`.AdminSite.get_log_entries` method allows customizing the
  103. queryset for the site's listed log entries.
  104. * The ``django.contrib.admin.AllValuesFieldListFilter``,
  105. ``ChoicesFieldListFilter``, ``RelatedFieldListFilter``, and
  106. ``RelatedOnlyFieldListFilter`` admin filters now handle multi-valued query
  107. parameters.
  108. * ``XRegExp`` is upgraded from version 3.2.0 to 5.1.1.
  109. :mod:`django.contrib.admindocs`
  110. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  111. * ...
  112. :mod:`django.contrib.auth`
  113. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  114. * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from
  115. 600,000 to 720,000.
  116. * ``AuthenticationMiddleware`` now adds an :meth:`.HttpRequest.auser`
  117. asynchronous method that returns the currently logged-in user.
  118. * The new :func:`django.contrib.auth.hashers.acheck_password` asynchronous
  119. function and :meth:`.AbstractBaseUser.acheck_password` method allow
  120. asynchronous checking of user passwords.
  121. :mod:`django.contrib.contenttypes`
  122. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  123. * ...
  124. :mod:`django.contrib.gis`
  125. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  126. * The new
  127. :class:`ClosestPoint() <django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.ClosestPoint>`
  128. function returns a 2-dimensional point on the geometry that is closest to
  129. another geometry.
  130. :mod:`django.contrib.messages`
  131. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  132. * ...
  133. :mod:`django.contrib.postgres`
  134. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  135. * The new :attr:`~.ExclusionConstraint.violation_error_code` attribute of
  136. :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint` allows
  137. customizing the ``code`` of ``ValidationError`` raised during
  138. :ref:`model validation <validating-objects>`.
  139. :mod:`django.contrib.redirects`
  140. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  141. * ...
  142. :mod:`django.contrib.sessions`
  143. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  144. * ...
  145. :mod:`django.contrib.sitemaps`
  146. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  147. * ...
  148. :mod:`django.contrib.sites`
  149. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  150. * ...
  151. :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles`
  152. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  153. * ...
  154. :mod:`django.contrib.syndication`
  155. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  156. * ...
  157. Asynchronous views
  158. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  159. * Under ASGI, ``http.disconnect`` events are now handled. This allows views to
  160. perform any necessary cleanup if a client disconnects before the response is
  161. generated. See :ref:`async-handling-disconnect` for more details.
  162. Cache
  163. ~~~~~
  164. * ...
  165. CSRF
  166. ~~~~
  167. * ...
  168. Decorators
  169. ~~~~~~~~~~
  170. * The :func:`~django.views.decorators.cache.cache_control` and
  171. :func:`~django.views.decorators.cache.never_cache` decorators now support
  172. wrapping asynchronous view functions.
  173. Email
  174. ~~~~~
  175. * ...
  176. Error Reporting
  177. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  178. * ...
  179. File Storage
  180. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  181. * ...
  182. File Uploads
  183. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  184. * ...
  185. Forms
  186. ~~~~~
  187. * :attr:`.ChoiceField.choices` now accepts
  188. :ref:`Choices classes <field-choices-enum-types>` directly instead of
  189. requiring expansion with the ``choices`` attribute.
  190. * The new ``assume_scheme`` argument for :class:`~django.forms.URLField` allows
  191. specifying a default URL scheme.
  192. Generic Views
  193. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  194. * ...
  195. Internationalization
  196. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  197. * ...
  198. Logging
  199. ~~~~~~~
  200. * ...
  201. Management Commands
  202. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  203. * ...
  204. Migrations
  205. ~~~~~~~~~~
  206. * ...
  207. Models
  208. ~~~~~~
  209. * The new ``create_defaults`` argument of :meth:`.QuerySet.update_or_create`
  210. and :meth:`.QuerySet.aupdate_or_create` methods allows specifying a different
  211. field values for the create operation.
  212. * The new ``violation_error_code`` attribute of
  213. :class:`~django.db.models.BaseConstraint`,
  214. :class:`~django.db.models.CheckConstraint`, and
  215. :class:`~django.db.models.UniqueConstraint` allows customizing the ``code``
  216. of ``ValidationError`` raised during
  217. :ref:`model validation <validating-objects>`.
  218. * :attr:`.Field.choices` now accepts
  219. :ref:`Choices classes <field-choices-enum-types>` directly instead of
  220. requiring expansion with the ``choices`` attribute.
  221. Pagination
  222. ~~~~~~~~~~
  223. * The new :attr:`django.core.paginator.Paginator.error_messages` argument
  224. allows customizing the error messages raised by :meth:`.Paginator.page`.
  225. Requests and Responses
  226. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  227. * ...
  228. Security
  229. ~~~~~~~~
  230. * ...
  231. Serialization
  232. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  233. * ...
  234. Signals
  235. ~~~~~~~
  236. * The new :meth:`.Signal.asend` and :meth:`.Signal.asend_robust` methods allow
  237. asynchronous signal dispatch. Signal receivers may be synchronous or
  238. asynchronous, and will be automatically adapted to the correct calling style.
  239. Templates
  240. ~~~~~~~~~
  241. * ...
  242. Tests
  243. ~~~~~
  244. * ...
  245. URLs
  246. ~~~~
  247. * ...
  248. Utilities
  249. ~~~~~~~~~
  250. * ...
  251. Validators
  252. ~~~~~~~~~~
  253. * ...
  254. .. _backwards-incompatible-5.0:
  255. Backwards incompatible changes in 5.0
  256. =====================================
  257. Database backend API
  258. --------------------
  259. This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database
  260. backends.
  261. * ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_expression_defaults`` should be set to ``False``
  262. if the database doesn't support using database functions as defaults.
  263. * ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_default_keyword_in_insert`` should be set to
  264. ``False`` if the database doesn't support the ``DEFAULT`` keyword in
  265. ``INSERT`` queries.
  266. * ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_default_keyword_in_bulk insert`` should be set to
  267. ``False`` if the database doesn't support the ``DEFAULT`` keyword in bulk
  268. ``INSERT`` queries.
  269. Using ``create_defaults__exact`` may now be required with ``QuerySet.update_or_create()``
  270. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  271. :meth:`.QuerySet.update_or_create` now supports the parameter
  272. ``create_defaults``. As a consequence, any models that have a field named
  273. ``create_defaults`` that are used with an ``update_or_create()`` should specify
  274. the field in the lookup with ``create_defaults__exact``.
  275. Miscellaneous
  276. -------------
  277. * The ``instance`` argument of the undocumented
  278. ``BaseModelFormSet.save_existing()`` method is renamed to ``obj``.
  279. * The undocumented ``django.contrib.admin.helpers.checkbox`` is removed.
  280. * Integer fields are now validated as 64-bit integers on SQLite to match the
  281. behavior of ``sqlite3``.
  282. * The undocumented ``Query.annotation_select_mask`` attribute is changed from a
  283. set of strings to an ordered list of strings.
  284. * ``ImageField.update_dimension_fields()`` is no longer called on the
  285. ``post_init`` signal if ``width_field`` and ``height_field`` are not set.
  286. * :class:`~django.db.models.functions.Now` database function now uses
  287. ``LOCALTIMESTAMP`` instead of ``CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`` on Oracle.
  288. .. _deprecated-features-5.0:
  289. Features deprecated in 5.0
  290. ==========================
  291. Miscellaneous
  292. -------------
  293. * The ``DjangoDivFormRenderer`` and ``Jinja2DivFormRenderer`` transitional form
  294. renderers are deprecated.
  295. * Passing positional arguments ``name`` and ``violation_error_message`` to
  296. :class:`~django.db.models.BaseConstraint` is deprecated in favor of
  297. keyword-only arguments.
  298. * ``request`` is added to the signature of :meth:`.ModelAdmin.lookup_allowed`.
  299. Support for ``ModelAdmin`` subclasses that do not accept this argument is
  300. deprecated.
  301. * The ``get_joining_columns()`` method of ``ForeignObject`` and
  302. ``ForeignObjectRel`` is deprecated. Starting with Django 6.0,
  303. ``django.db.models.sql.datastructures.Join`` will no longer fallback to
  304. ``get_joining_columns()``. Subclasses should implement
  305. ``get_joining_fields()`` instead.
  306. * The ``ForeignObject.get_reverse_joining_columns()`` method is deprecated.
  307. * The default scheme for ``forms.URLField`` will change from ``"http"`` to
  308. ``"https"`` in Django 6.0.
  309. Features removed in 5.0
  310. =======================
  311. These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and are removed
  312. in Django 5.0.
  313. See :ref:`deprecated-features-4.0` for details on these changes, including how
  314. to remove usage of these features.
  315. * The ``SERIALIZE`` test setting is removed.
  316. * The undocumented ``django.utils.baseconv`` module is removed.
  317. * The undocumented ``django.utils.datetime_safe`` module is removed.
  318. * The default value of the ``USE_TZ`` setting is changed from ``False`` to
  319. ``True``.
  320. * The default sitemap protocol for sitemaps built outside the context of a
  321. request is changed from ``'http'`` to ``'https'``.
  322. * The ``extra_tests`` argument for ``DiscoverRunner.build_suite()`` and
  323. ``DiscoverRunner.run_tests()`` is removed.
  324. * The ``django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg``, ``JSONBAgg``, and
  325. ``StringAgg`` aggregates no longer return ``[]``, ``[]``, and ``''``,
  326. respectively, when there are no rows.
  327. * The ``USE_L10N`` setting is removed.
  328. * The ``USE_DEPRECATED_PYTZ`` transitional setting is removed.
  329. * Support for ``pytz`` timezones is removed.
  330. * The ``is_dst`` argument is removed from:
  331. * ``QuerySet.datetimes()``
  332. * ``django.utils.timezone.make_aware()``
  333. * ``django.db.models.functions.Trunc()``
  334. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncSecond()``
  335. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncMinute()``
  336. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncHour()``
  337. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncDay()``
  338. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncWeek()``
  339. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncMonth()``
  340. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncQuarter()``
  341. * ``django.db.models.functions.TruncYear()``
  342. * The ``django.contrib.gis.admin.GeoModelAdmin`` and ``OSMGeoAdmin`` classes
  343. are removed.
  344. * The undocumented ``BaseForm._html_output()`` method is removed.
  345. * The ability to return a ``str``, rather than a ``SafeString``, when rendering
  346. an ``ErrorDict`` and ``ErrorList`` is removed.
  347. See :ref:`deprecated-features-4.1` for details on these changes, including how
  348. to remove usage of these features.
  349. * The ``SitemapIndexItem.__str__()`` method is removed.
  350. * The ``CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED`` transitional setting is removed.
  351. * The ``name`` argument of ``django.utils.functional.cached_property()`` is
  352. removed.
  353. * The ``opclasses`` argument of
  354. ``django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint`` is removed.
  355. * The undocumented ability to pass ``errors=None`` to
  356. ``SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()`` and ``assertFormsetError()`` is removed.
  357. * ``django.contrib.sessions.serializers.PickleSerializer`` is removed.
  358. * The usage of ``QuerySet.iterator()`` on a queryset that prefetches related
  359. objects without providing the ``chunk_size`` argument is no longer allowed.
  360. * Passing unsaved model instances to related filters is no longer allowed.
  361. * ``created=True`` is required in the signature of
  362. ``RemoteUserBackend.configure_user()`` subclasses.
  363. * Support for logging out via ``GET`` requests in the
  364. ``django.contrib.auth.views.LogoutView`` and
  365. ``django.contrib.auth.views.logout_then_login()`` is removed.
  366. * The ``django.utils.timezone.utc`` alias to ``datetime.timezone.utc`` is
  367. removed.
  368. * Passing a response object and a form/formset name to
  369. ``SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()`` and ``assertFormSetError()`` is no
  370. longer allowed.
  371. * The ``django.contrib.gis.admin.OpenLayersWidget`` is removed.
  372. + The ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.CryptPasswordHasher`` is removed.
  373. * The ``"django/forms/default.html"`` and
  374. ``"django/forms/formsets/default.html"`` templates are removed.
  375. * The default form and formset rendering style is changed to the div-based.
  376. * Passing ``nulls_first=False`` or ``nulls_last=False`` to ``Expression.asc()``
  377. and ``Expression.desc()`` methods, and the ``OrderBy`` expression is no
  378. longer allowed.