generic-editing.txt 10 KB

  1. =====================
  2. Generic editing views
  3. =====================
  4. The following views are described on this page and provide a foundation for
  5. editing content:
  6. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.FormView`
  7. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.CreateView`
  8. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.UpdateView`
  9. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.DeleteView`
  10. .. seealso::
  11. The :doc:`messages framework </ref/contrib/messages>` contains
  12. :class:`~django.contrib.messages.views.SuccessMessageMixin`, which
  13. facilitates presenting messages about successful form submissions.
  14. .. note::
  15. Some of the examples on this page assume that an ``Author`` model has been
  16. defined as follows in ``myapp/``::
  17. from django.db import models
  18. from django.urls import reverse
  19. class Author(models.Model):
  20. name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
  21. def get_absolute_url(self):
  22. return reverse('author-detail', kwargs={'pk':})
  23. ``FormView``
  24. ============
  25. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.FormView
  26. A view that displays a form. On error, redisplays the form with validation
  27. errors; on success, redirects to a new URL.
  28. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  29. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  30. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin`
  31. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.BaseFormView`
  32. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin`
  33. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ProcessFormView`
  34. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.View`
  35. **Example myapp/**::
  36. from django import forms
  37. class ContactForm(forms.Form):
  38. name = forms.CharField()
  39. message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
  40. def send_email(self):
  41. # send email using the self.cleaned_data dictionary
  42. pass
  43. **Example myapp/**::
  44. from myapp.forms import ContactForm
  45. from django.views.generic.edit import FormView
  46. class ContactView(FormView):
  47. template_name = 'contact.html'
  48. form_class = ContactForm
  49. success_url = '/thanks/'
  50. def form_valid(self, form):
  51. # This method is called when valid form data has been POSTed.
  52. # It should return an HttpResponse.
  53. form.send_email()
  54. return super().form_valid(form)
  55. **Example myapp/contact.html**:
  56. .. code-block:: html+django
  57. <form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
  58. {{ form.as_p }}
  59. <input type="submit" value="Send message">
  60. </form>
  61. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.BaseFormView
  62. A base view for displaying a form. It is not intended to be used directly,
  63. but rather as a parent class of the
  64. :class:`django.views.generic.edit.FormView` or other views displaying a
  65. form.
  66. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  67. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  68. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin`
  69. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ProcessFormView`
  70. ``CreateView``
  71. ==============
  72. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.CreateView
  73. A view that displays a form for creating an object, redisplaying the form
  74. with validation errors (if there are any) and saving the object.
  75. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  76. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  77. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin`
  78. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin`
  79. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.BaseCreateView`
  80. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ModelFormMixin`
  81. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin`
  82. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectMixin`
  83. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ProcessFormView`
  84. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.View`
  85. **Attributes**
  86. .. attribute:: template_name_suffix
  87. The ``CreateView`` page displayed to a ``GET`` request uses a
  88. ``template_name_suffix`` of ``'_form'``. For
  89. example, changing this attribute to ``'_create_form'`` for a view
  90. creating objects for the example ``Author`` model would cause the
  91. default ``template_name`` to be ``'myapp/author_create_form.html'``.
  92. .. attribute:: object
  93. When using ``CreateView`` you have access to ``self.object``, which is
  94. the object being created. If the object hasn't been created yet, the
  95. value will be ``None``.
  96. **Example myapp/**::
  97. from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView
  98. from myapp.models import Author
  99. class AuthorCreate(CreateView):
  100. model = Author
  101. fields = ['name']
  102. **Example myapp/author_form.html**:
  103. .. code-block:: html+django
  104. <form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
  105. {{ form.as_p }}
  106. <input type="submit" value="Save">
  107. </form>
  108. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.BaseCreateView
  109. A base view for creating a new object instance. It is not intended to be
  110. used directly, but rather as a parent class of the
  111. :class:`django.views.generic.edit.CreateView`.
  112. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  113. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  114. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ModelFormMixin`
  115. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ProcessFormView`
  116. **Methods**
  117. .. method:: get(request, *args, **kwargs)
  118. Sets the current object instance (``self.object``) to ``None``.
  119. .. method:: post(request, *args, **kwargs)
  120. Sets the current object instance (``self.object``) to ``None``.
  121. ``UpdateView``
  122. ==============
  123. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.UpdateView
  124. A view that displays a form for editing an existing object, redisplaying
  125. the form with validation errors (if there are any) and saving changes to
  126. the object. This uses a form automatically generated from the object's
  127. model class (unless a form class is manually specified).
  128. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  129. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  130. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin`
  131. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin`
  132. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.BaseUpdateView`
  133. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ModelFormMixin`
  134. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin`
  135. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectMixin`
  136. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ProcessFormView`
  137. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.View`
  138. **Attributes**
  139. .. attribute:: template_name_suffix
  140. The ``UpdateView`` page displayed to a ``GET`` request uses a
  141. ``template_name_suffix`` of ``'_form'``. For
  142. example, changing this attribute to ``'_update_form'`` for a view
  143. updating objects for the example ``Author`` model would cause the
  144. default ``template_name`` to be ``'myapp/author_update_form.html'``.
  145. .. attribute:: object
  146. When using ``UpdateView`` you have access to ``self.object``, which is
  147. the object being updated.
  148. **Example myapp/**::
  149. from django.views.generic.edit import UpdateView
  150. from myapp.models import Author
  151. class AuthorUpdate(UpdateView):
  152. model = Author
  153. fields = ['name']
  154. template_name_suffix = '_update_form'
  155. **Example myapp/author_update_form.html**:
  156. .. code-block:: html+django
  157. <form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
  158. {{ form.as_p }}
  159. <input type="submit" value="Update">
  160. </form>
  161. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.BaseUpdateView
  162. A base view for updating an existing object instance. It is not intended to
  163. be used directly, but rather as a parent class of the
  164. :class:`django.views.generic.edit.UpdateView`.
  165. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  166. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  167. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ModelFormMixin`
  168. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ProcessFormView`
  169. **Methods**
  170. .. method:: get(request, *args, **kwargs)
  171. Sets the current object instance (``self.object``).
  172. .. method:: post(request, *args, **kwargs)
  173. Sets the current object instance (``self.object``).
  174. ``DeleteView``
  175. ==============
  176. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.DeleteView
  177. A view that displays a confirmation page and deletes an existing object.
  178. The given object will only be deleted if the request method is ``POST``. If
  179. this view is fetched via ``GET``, it will display a confirmation page that
  180. should contain a form that POSTs to the same URL.
  181. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  182. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  183. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin`
  184. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin`
  185. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.BaseDeleteView`
  186. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.DeletionMixin`
  187. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.BaseDetailView`
  188. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectMixin`
  189. * :class:`django.views.generic.base.View`
  190. **Attributes**
  191. .. attribute:: template_name_suffix
  192. The ``DeleteView`` page displayed to a ``GET`` request uses a
  193. ``template_name_suffix`` of ``'_confirm_delete'``. For
  194. example, changing this attribute to ``'_check_delete'`` for a view
  195. deleting objects for the example ``Author`` model would cause the
  196. default ``template_name`` to be ``'myapp/author_check_delete.html'``.
  197. **Example myapp/**::
  198. from django.urls import reverse_lazy
  199. from django.views.generic.edit import DeleteView
  200. from myapp.models import Author
  201. class AuthorDelete(DeleteView):
  202. model = Author
  203. success_url = reverse_lazy('author-list')
  204. **Example myapp/author_confirm_delete.html**:
  205. .. code-block:: html+django
  206. <form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
  207. <p>Are you sure you want to delete "{{ object }}"?</p>
  208. <input type="submit" value="Confirm">
  209. </form>
  210. .. class:: django.views.generic.edit.BaseDeleteView
  211. A base view for deleting an object instance. It is not intended to be used
  212. directly, but rather as a parent class of the
  213. :class:`django.views.generic.edit.DeleteView`.
  214. **Ancestors (MRO)**
  215. This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:
  216. * :class:`django.views.generic.edit.DeletionMixin`
  217. * :class:`django.views.generic.detail.BaseDetailView`