123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281 |
- Error reporting
- ===============
- When you're running a public site you should always turn off the
- :setting:`DEBUG` setting. That will make your server run much faster, and will
- also prevent malicious users from seeing details of your application that can be
- revealed by the error pages.
- However, running with :setting:`DEBUG` set to ``False`` means you'll never see
- errors generated by your site -- everyone will just see your public error pages.
- You need to keep track of errors that occur in deployed sites, so Django can be
- configured to create reports with details about those errors.
- Email reports
- -------------
- Server errors
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``, Django will email the users listed in the
- :setting:`ADMINS` setting whenever your code raises an unhandled exception and
- results in an internal server error (HTTP status code 500). This gives the
- administrators immediate notification of any errors. The :setting:`ADMINS` will
- get a description of the error, a complete Python traceback, and details about
- the HTTP request that caused the error.
- .. note::
- In order to send email, Django requires a few settings telling it
- how to connect to your mail server. At the very least, you'll need
- to specify :setting:`EMAIL_HOST` and possibly
- :setting:`EMAIL_HOST_USER` and :setting:`EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD`,
- though other settings may be also required depending on your mail
- server's configuration. Consult :doc:`the Django settings
- documentation </ref/settings>` for a full list of email-related
- settings.
- By default, Django will send email from root@localhost. However, some mail
- providers reject all email from this address. To use a different sender
- address, modify the :setting:`SERVER_EMAIL` setting.
- To activate this behavior, put the email addresses of the recipients in the
- :setting:`ADMINS` setting.
- .. seealso::
- Server error emails are sent using the logging framework, so you can
- customize this behavior by :doc:`customizing your logging configuration
- </topics/logging>`.
- 404 errors
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Django can also be configured to email errors about broken links (404 "page
- not found" errors). Django sends emails about 404 errors when:
- * :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``;
- * Your :setting:`MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES` setting includes
- :class:`django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware`.
- If those conditions are met, Django will email the users listed in the
- :setting:`MANAGERS` setting whenever your code raises a 404 and the request has
- a referer. (It doesn't bother to email for 404s that don't have a referer --
- those are usually just people typing in broken URLs or broken Web 'bots).
- .. note::
- :class:`~django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware` must appear
- before other middleware that intercepts 404 errors, such as
- :class:`~django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware` or
- :class:`~django.contrib.flatpages.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware`.
- Put it towards the top of your :setting:`MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES` setting.
- You can tell Django to stop reporting particular 404s by tweaking the
- :setting:`IGNORABLE_404_URLS` setting. It should be a tuple of compiled
- regular expression objects. For example::
- import re
- re.compile(r'\.(php|cgi)$'),
- re.compile(r'^/phpmyadmin/'),
- )
- In this example, a 404 to any URL ending with ``.php`` or ``.cgi`` will *not* be
- reported. Neither will any URL starting with ``/phpmyadmin/``.
- The following example shows how to exclude some conventional URLs that browsers and
- crawlers often request::
- import re
- re.compile(r'^/apple-touch-icon.*\.png$'),
- re.compile(r'^/favicon\.ico$'),
- re.compile(r'^/robots\.txt$'),
- )
- (Note that these are regular expressions, so we put a backslash in front of
- periods to escape them.)
- If you'd like to customize the behavior of
- :class:`django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware` further (for
- example to ignore requests coming from web crawlers), you should subclass it
- and override its methods.
- .. seealso::
- 404 errors are logged using the logging framework. By default, these log
- records are ignored, but you can use them for error reporting by writing a
- handler and :doc:`configuring logging </topics/logging>` appropriately.
- .. _filtering-error-reports:
- Filtering error reports
- -----------------------
- Filtering sensitive information
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. currentmodule:: django.views.decorators.debug
- Error reports are really helpful for debugging errors, so it is generally
- useful to record as much relevant information about those errors as possible.
- For example, by default Django records the `full traceback`_ for the
- exception raised, each `traceback frame`_’s local variables, and the
- :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest`’s :ref:`attributes<httprequest-attributes>`.
- However, sometimes certain types of information may be too sensitive and thus
- may not be appropriate to be kept track of, for example a user's password or
- credit card number. So Django offers a set of function decorators to help you
- control which information should be filtered out of error reports in a
- production environment (that is, where :setting:`DEBUG` is set to ``False``):
- :func:`sensitive_variables` and :func:`sensitive_post_parameters`.
- .. _`full traceback`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_trace
- .. _`traceback frame`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_frame
- .. function:: sensitive_variables(*variables)
- If a function (either a view or any regular callback) in your code uses
- local variables susceptible to contain sensitive information, you may
- prevent the values of those variables from being included in error reports
- using the ``sensitive_variables`` decorator::
- from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_variables
- @sensitive_variables('user', 'pw', 'cc')
- def process_info(user):
- pw = user.pass_word
- cc = user.credit_card_number
- name = user.name
- ...
- In the above example, the values for the ``user``, ``pw`` and ``cc``
- variables will be hidden and replaced with stars (`**********`) in the
- error reports, whereas the value of the ``name`` variable will be
- disclosed.
- To systematically hide all local variables of a function from error logs,
- do not provide any argument to the ``sensitive_variables`` decorator::
- @sensitive_variables()
- def my_function():
- ...
- .. admonition:: When using mutiple decorators
- If the variable you want to hide is also a function argument (e.g.
- '``user``’ in the following example), and if the decorated function has
- mutiple decorators, then make sure to place ``@sensitive_variables`` at
- the top of the decorator chain. This way it will also hide the function
- argument as it gets passed through the other decorators::
- @sensitive_variables('user', 'pw', 'cc')
- @some_decorator
- @another_decorator
- def process_info(user):
- ...
- .. function:: sensitive_post_parameters(*parameters)
- If one of your views receives an :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` object
- with :attr:`POST parameters<django.http.HttpRequest.POST>` susceptible to
- contain sensitive information, you may prevent the values of those
- parameters from being included in the error reports using the
- ``sensitive_post_parameters`` decorator::
- from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_post_parameters
- @sensitive_post_parameters('pass_word', 'credit_card_number')
- def record_user_profile(request):
- UserProfile.create(user=request.user,
- password=request.POST['pass_word'],
- credit_card=request.POST['credit_card_number'],
- name=request.POST['name'])
- ...
- In the above example, the values for the ``pass_word`` and
- ``credit_card_number`` POST parameters will be hidden and replaced with
- stars (`**********`) in the request's representation inside the error
- reports, whereas the value of the ``name`` parameter will be disclosed.
- To systematically hide all POST parameters of a request in error reports,
- do not provide any argument to the ``sensitive_post_parameters`` decorator::
- @sensitive_post_parameters()
- def my_view(request):
- ...
- All POST parameters are systematically filtered out of error reports for
- certain :mod:`django.contrib.auth.views` views (``login``,
- ``password_reset_confirm``, ``password_change``, and ``add_view`` and
- ``user_change_password`` in the ``auth`` admin) to prevent the leaking of
- sensitive information such as user passwords.
- .. _custom-error-reports:
- Custom error reports
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- All :func:`sensitive_variables` and :func:`sensitive_post_parameters` do is,
- respectively, annotate the decorated function with the names of sensitive
- variables and annotate the ``HttpRequest`` object with the names of sensitive
- POST parameters, so that this sensitive information can later be filtered out
- of reports when an error occurs. The actual filtering is done by Django's
- default error reporter filter:
- :class:`django.views.debug.SafeExceptionReporterFilter`. This filter uses the
- decorators' annotations to replace the corresponding values with stars
- (`**********`) when the error reports are produced. If you wish to override or
- customize this default behavior for your entire site, you need to define your
- own filter class and tell Django to use it via the
- DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER = 'path.to.your.CustomExceptionReporterFilter'
- You may also control in a more granular way which filter to use within any
- given view by setting the ``HttpRequest``’s ``exception_reporter_filter``
- attribute::
- def my_view(request):
- if request.user.is_authenticated():
- request.exception_reporter_filter = CustomExceptionReporterFilter()
- ...
- .. currentmodule:: django.views.debug
- Your custom filter class needs to inherit from
- :class:`django.views.debug.SafeExceptionReporterFilter` and may override the
- following methods:
- .. class:: SafeExceptionReporterFilter
- .. method:: SafeExceptionReporterFilter.is_active(request)
- Returns ``True`` to activate the filtering operated in the other methods.
- By default the filter is active if :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``.
- .. method:: SafeExceptionReporterFilter.get_request_repr(request)
- Returns the representation string of the request object, that is, the
- value that would be returned by ``repr(request)``, except it uses the
- filtered dictionary of POST parameters as determined by
- :meth:`SafeExceptionReporterFilter.get_post_parameters`.
- .. method:: SafeExceptionReporterFilter.get_post_parameters(request)
- Returns the filtered dictionary of POST parameters. By default it replaces
- the values of sensitive parameters with stars (`**********`).
- .. method:: SafeExceptionReporterFilter.get_traceback_frame_variables(request, tb_frame)
- Returns the filtered dictionary of local variables for the given traceback
- frame. By default it replaces the values of sensitive variables with stars
- (`**********`).
- .. seealso::
- You can also set up custom error reporting by writing a custom piece of
- :ref:`exception middleware <exception-middleware>`. If you do write custom
- error handling, it's a good idea to emulate Django's built-in error handling
- and only report/log errors if :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``.