123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import os.path
- import sys
- import types
- import unittest
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- from django.template import Context, TemplateDoesNotExist
- from django.template.engine import Engine
- from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings
- from django.utils import six
- from .utils import TEMPLATE_DIR
- try:
- import pkg_resources
- except ImportError:
- pkg_resources = None
- class CachedLoaderTests(SimpleTestCase):
- def create_engine(self, **kwargs):
- return Engine(
- loaders=[
- ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', [
- 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',
- ]),
- ],
- )
- def test_templatedir_caching(self):
- """
- #13573 -- Template directories should be part of the cache key.
- """
- engine = self.create_engine()
- # Retrieve a template specifying a template directory to check
- t1, name = engine.find_template('test.html', (os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'first'),))
- # Now retrieve the same template name, but from a different directory
- t2, name = engine.find_template('test.html', (os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'second'),))
- # The two templates should not have the same content
- self.assertNotEqual(t1.render(Context({})), t2.render(Context({})))
- def test_missing_template_is_cached(self):
- """
- #19949 -- TemplateDoesNotExist exceptions should be cached.
- """
- engine = self.create_engine()
- loader = engine.template_loaders[0]
- self.assertFalse('missing.html' in loader.template_cache)
- with self.assertRaises(TemplateDoesNotExist):
- loader.load_template("missing.html")
- self.assertEqual(
- loader.template_cache["missing.html"],
- TemplateDoesNotExist,
- "Cached loader failed to cache the TemplateDoesNotExist exception",
- )
- def test_debug_nodelist_name(self):
- template_name = 'index.html'
- engine = Engine(dirs=[TEMPLATE_DIR], debug=True)
- template = engine.get_template(template_name)
- name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
- self.assertTrue(
- name.endswith(template_name),
- 'Template loaded through cached loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name,
- )
- template = engine.get_template(template_name)
- name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
- self.assertTrue(
- name.endswith(template_name),
- 'Cached template loaded through cached loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name,
- )
- @unittest.skipUnless(pkg_resources, 'setuptools is not installed')
- class EggLoaderTests(SimpleTestCase):
- @contextmanager
- def create_egg(self, name, resources):
- """
- Creates a mock egg with a list of resources.
- name: The name of the module.
- resources: A dictionary of template names mapped to file-like objects.
- """
- if six.PY2:
- name = name.encode('utf-8')
- class MockLoader(object):
- pass
- class MockProvider(pkg_resources.NullProvider):
- def __init__(self, module):
- pkg_resources.NullProvider.__init__(self, module)
- self.module = module
- def _has(self, path):
- return path in self.module._resources
- def _isdir(self, path):
- return False
- def get_resource_stream(self, manager, resource_name):
- return self.module._resources[resource_name]
- def _get(self, path):
- return self.module._resources[path].read()
- def _fn(self, base, resource_name):
- return os.path.normcase(resource_name)
- egg = types.ModuleType(name)
- egg.__loader__ = MockLoader()
- egg.__path__ = ['/some/bogus/path/']
- egg.__file__ = '/some/bogus/path/__init__.pyc'
- egg._resources = resources
- sys.modules[name] = egg
- pkg_resources._provider_factories[MockLoader] = MockProvider
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- del sys.modules[name]
- del pkg_resources._provider_factories[MockLoader]
- def setUp(self):
- engine = Engine(loaders=[
- 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader',
- ])
- self.loader = engine.template_loaders[0]
- def test_existing(self):
- templates = {
- os.path.normcase('templates/y.html'): six.StringIO("y"),
- }
- with self.create_egg('egg', templates):
- with override_settings(INSTALLED_APPS=['egg']):
- contents, template_name = self.loader.load_template_source("y.html")
- self.assertEqual(contents, "y")
- self.assertEqual(template_name, "egg:egg:templates/y.html")
- def test_non_existing(self):
- """
- Template loading fails if the template is not in the egg.
- """
- with self.create_egg('egg', {}):
- with override_settings(INSTALLED_APPS=['egg']):
- with self.assertRaises(TemplateDoesNotExist):
- self.loader.load_template_source("not-existing.html")
- def test_not_installed(self):
- """
- Template loading fails if the egg is not in INSTALLED_APPS.
- """
- templates = {
- os.path.normcase('templates/y.html'): six.StringIO("y"),
- }
- with self.create_egg('egg', templates):
- with self.assertRaises(TemplateDoesNotExist):
- self.loader.load_template_source("y.html")
- class FileSystemLoaderTests(SimpleTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.engine = Engine()
- @contextmanager
- def source_checker(self, dirs):
- loader = self.engine.template_loaders[0]
- def check_sources(path, expected_sources):
- expected_sources = [os.path.abspath(s) for s in expected_sources]
- self.assertEqual(
- list(loader.get_template_sources(path)),
- expected_sources,
- )
- original_dirs = self.engine.dirs
- self.engine.dirs = dirs
- try:
- yield check_sources
- finally:
- self.engine.dirs = original_dirs
- def test_directory_security(self):
- with self.source_checker(['/dir1', '/dir2']) as check_sources:
- check_sources('index.html', ['/dir1/index.html', '/dir2/index.html'])
- check_sources('/etc/passwd', [])
- check_sources('etc/passwd', ['/dir1/etc/passwd', '/dir2/etc/passwd'])
- check_sources('../etc/passwd', [])
- check_sources('../../../etc/passwd', [])
- check_sources('/dir1/index.html', ['/dir1/index.html'])
- check_sources('../dir2/index.html', ['/dir2/index.html'])
- check_sources('/dir1blah', [])
- check_sources('../dir1blah', [])
- def test_unicode_template_name(self):
- with self.source_checker(['/dir1', '/dir2']) as check_sources:
- # UTF-8 bytestrings are permitted.
- check_sources(b'\xc3\x85ngstr\xc3\xb6m', ['/dir1/Ångström', '/dir2/Ångström'])
- # Unicode strings are permitted.
- check_sources('Ångström', ['/dir1/Ångström', '/dir2/Ångström'])
- def test_utf8_bytestring(self):
- """
- Invalid UTF-8 encoding in bytestrings should raise a useful error
- """
- engine = Engine()
- loader = engine.template_loaders[0]
- with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
- list(loader.get_template_sources(b'\xc3\xc3', ['/dir1']))
- def test_unicode_dir_name(self):
- with self.source_checker([b'/Stra\xc3\x9fe']) as check_sources:
- check_sources('Ångström', ['/Straße/Ångström'])
- check_sources(b'\xc3\x85ngstr\xc3\xb6m', ['/Straße/Ångström'])
- @unittest.skipUnless(
- os.path.normcase('/TEST') == os.path.normpath('/test'),
- "This test only runs on case-sensitive file systems.",
- )
- def test_case_sensitivity(self):
- with self.source_checker(['/dir1', '/DIR2']) as check_sources:
- check_sources('index.html', ['/dir1/index.html', '/DIR2/index.html'])
- check_sources('/DIR1/index.HTML', ['/DIR1/index.HTML'])
- class AppDirectoriesLoaderTest(SimpleTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.engine = Engine(
- loaders=['django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader'],
- )
- @override_settings(INSTALLED_APPS=['template_tests'])
- def test_load_template(self):
- self.engine.get_template('index.html')
- @override_settings(INSTALLED_APPS=[])
- def test_not_installed(self):
- with self.assertRaises(TemplateDoesNotExist):
- self.engine.get_template('index.html')