test_serializers.py 4.4 KB

  1. import json
  2. from django.contrib.gis.geos import LinearRing, Point, Polygon
  3. from django.core import serializers
  4. from django.test import TestCase
  5. from .models import City, MultiFields, PennsylvaniaCity
  6. class GeoJSONSerializerTests(TestCase):
  7. fixtures = ["initial"]
  8. def test_builtin_serializers(self):
  9. """
  10. 'geojson' should be listed in available serializers.
  11. """
  12. all_formats = set(serializers.get_serializer_formats())
  13. public_formats = set(serializers.get_public_serializer_formats())
  14. self.assertIn("geojson", all_formats)
  15. self.assertIn("geojson", public_formats)
  16. def test_serialization_base(self):
  17. geojson = serializers.serialize("geojson", City.objects.order_by("name"))
  18. geodata = json.loads(geojson)
  19. self.assertEqual(list(geodata.keys()), ["type", "features"])
  20. self.assertEqual(geodata["type"], "FeatureCollection")
  21. self.assertEqual(len(geodata["features"]), len(City.objects.all()))
  22. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["geometry"]["type"], "Point")
  23. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["properties"]["name"], "Chicago")
  24. first_city = City.objects.order_by("name").first()
  25. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["id"], first_city.pk)
  26. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["properties"]["pk"], str(first_city.pk))
  27. def test_geometry_field_option(self):
  28. """
  29. When a model has several geometry fields, the 'geometry_field' option
  30. can be used to specify the field to use as the 'geometry' key.
  31. """
  32. MultiFields.objects.create(
  33. city=City.objects.first(),
  34. name="Name",
  35. point=Point(5, 23),
  36. poly=Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0))),
  37. )
  38. geojson = serializers.serialize("geojson", MultiFields.objects.all())
  39. geodata = json.loads(geojson)
  40. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["geometry"]["type"], "Point")
  41. geojson = serializers.serialize(
  42. "geojson", MultiFields.objects.all(), geometry_field="poly"
  43. )
  44. geodata = json.loads(geojson)
  45. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["geometry"]["type"], "Polygon")
  46. # geometry_field is considered even if not in fields (#26138).
  47. geojson = serializers.serialize(
  48. "geojson",
  49. MultiFields.objects.all(),
  50. geometry_field="poly",
  51. fields=("city",),
  52. )
  53. geodata = json.loads(geojson)
  54. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["geometry"]["type"], "Polygon")
  55. def test_id_field_option(self):
  56. """
  57. By default Django uses the pk of the object as the id for a feature.
  58. The 'id_field' option can be used to specify a different field to use
  59. as the id.
  60. """
  61. cities = City.objects.order_by("name")
  62. geojson = serializers.serialize("geojson", cities, id_field="name")
  63. geodata = json.loads(geojson)
  64. self.assertEqual(geodata["features"][0]["id"], cities[0].name)
  65. def test_fields_option(self):
  66. """
  67. The fields option allows to define a subset of fields to be present in
  68. the 'properties' of the generated output.
  69. """
  70. PennsylvaniaCity.objects.create(
  71. name="Mansfield", county="Tioga", point="POINT(-77.071445 41.823881)"
  72. )
  73. geojson = serializers.serialize(
  74. "geojson",
  75. PennsylvaniaCity.objects.all(),
  76. fields=("county", "point"),
  77. )
  78. geodata = json.loads(geojson)
  79. self.assertIn("county", geodata["features"][0]["properties"])
  80. self.assertNotIn("founded", geodata["features"][0]["properties"])
  81. self.assertNotIn("pk", geodata["features"][0]["properties"])
  82. def test_srid_option(self):
  83. geojson = serializers.serialize(
  84. "geojson", City.objects.order_by("name"), srid=2847
  85. )
  86. geodata = json.loads(geojson)
  87. coordinates = geodata["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"]
  88. # Different PROJ versions use different transformations, all are
  89. # correct as having a 1 meter accuracy.
  90. self.assertAlmostEqual(coordinates[0], 1564802, -1)
  91. self.assertAlmostEqual(coordinates[1], 5613214, -1)
  92. def test_deserialization_exception(self):
  93. """
  94. GeoJSON cannot be deserialized.
  95. """
  96. with self.assertRaises(serializers.base.SerializerDoesNotExist):
  97. serializers.deserialize("geojson", "{}")