tests.py 195 KB

  1. import datetime
  2. import itertools
  3. import unittest
  4. from copy import copy
  5. from unittest import mock
  6. from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
  7. from django.core.management.color import no_style
  8. from django.db import (
  9. DatabaseError,
  10. DataError,
  11. IntegrityError,
  12. OperationalError,
  13. connection,
  14. )
  15. from django.db.models import (
  16. CASCADE,
  17. PROTECT,
  18. AutoField,
  19. BigAutoField,
  20. BigIntegerField,
  21. BinaryField,
  22. BooleanField,
  23. CharField,
  24. CheckConstraint,
  25. DateField,
  26. DateTimeField,
  27. DecimalField,
  28. DurationField,
  29. F,
  30. FloatField,
  31. ForeignKey,
  32. ForeignObject,
  33. Index,
  34. IntegerField,
  35. JSONField,
  36. ManyToManyField,
  37. Model,
  38. OneToOneField,
  39. OrderBy,
  40. PositiveIntegerField,
  41. Q,
  42. SlugField,
  43. SmallAutoField,
  44. SmallIntegerField,
  45. TextField,
  46. TimeField,
  47. UniqueConstraint,
  48. UUIDField,
  49. Value,
  50. )
  51. from django.db.models.fields.json import KeyTextTransform
  52. from django.db.models.functions import Abs, Cast, Collate, Lower, Random, Upper
  53. from django.db.models.indexes import IndexExpression
  54. from django.db.transaction import TransactionManagementError, atomic
  55. from django.test import (
  56. TransactionTestCase,
  57. ignore_warnings,
  58. skipIfDBFeature,
  59. skipUnlessDBFeature,
  60. )
  61. from django.test.utils import CaptureQueriesContext, isolate_apps, register_lookup
  62. from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango51Warning
  63. from .fields import CustomManyToManyField, InheritedManyToManyField, MediumBlobField
  64. from .models import (
  65. Author,
  66. AuthorCharFieldWithIndex,
  67. AuthorTextFieldWithIndex,
  68. AuthorWithDefaultHeight,
  69. AuthorWithEvenLongerName,
  70. AuthorWithIndexedName,
  71. AuthorWithUniqueName,
  72. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday,
  73. Book,
  74. BookForeignObj,
  75. BookWeak,
  76. BookWithLongName,
  77. BookWithO2O,
  78. BookWithoutAuthor,
  79. BookWithSlug,
  80. IntegerPK,
  81. Node,
  82. Note,
  83. NoteRename,
  84. Tag,
  85. TagM2MTest,
  86. TagUniqueRename,
  87. Thing,
  88. UniqueTest,
  89. new_apps,
  90. )
  91. class SchemaTests(TransactionTestCase):
  92. """
  93. Tests for the schema-alteration code.
  94. Be aware that these tests are more liable than most to false results,
  95. as sometimes the code to check if a test has worked is almost as complex
  96. as the code it is testing.
  97. """
  98. available_apps = []
  99. models = [
  100. Author,
  101. AuthorCharFieldWithIndex,
  102. AuthorTextFieldWithIndex,
  103. AuthorWithDefaultHeight,
  104. AuthorWithEvenLongerName,
  105. Book,
  106. BookWeak,
  107. BookWithLongName,
  108. BookWithO2O,
  109. BookWithSlug,
  110. IntegerPK,
  111. Node,
  112. Note,
  113. Tag,
  114. TagM2MTest,
  115. TagUniqueRename,
  116. Thing,
  117. UniqueTest,
  118. ]
  119. # Utility functions
  120. def setUp(self):
  121. # local_models should contain test dependent model classes that will be
  122. # automatically removed from the app cache on test tear down.
  123. self.local_models = []
  124. # isolated_local_models contains models that are in test methods
  125. # decorated with @isolate_apps.
  126. self.isolated_local_models = []
  127. def tearDown(self):
  128. # Delete any tables made for our models
  129. self.delete_tables()
  130. new_apps.clear_cache()
  131. for model in new_apps.get_models():
  132. model._meta._expire_cache()
  133. if "schema" in new_apps.all_models:
  134. for model in self.local_models:
  135. for many_to_many in model._meta.many_to_many:
  136. through = many_to_many.remote_field.through
  137. if through and through._meta.auto_created:
  138. del new_apps.all_models["schema"][through._meta.model_name]
  139. del new_apps.all_models["schema"][model._meta.model_name]
  140. if self.isolated_local_models:
  141. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  142. for model in self.isolated_local_models:
  143. editor.delete_model(model)
  144. def delete_tables(self):
  145. "Deletes all model tables for our models for a clean test environment"
  146. converter = connection.introspection.identifier_converter
  147. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  148. connection.disable_constraint_checking()
  149. table_names = connection.introspection.table_names()
  150. if connection.features.ignores_table_name_case:
  151. table_names = [table_name.lower() for table_name in table_names]
  152. for model in itertools.chain(SchemaTests.models, self.local_models):
  153. tbl = converter(model._meta.db_table)
  154. if connection.features.ignores_table_name_case:
  155. tbl = tbl.lower()
  156. if tbl in table_names:
  157. editor.delete_model(model)
  158. table_names.remove(tbl)
  159. connection.enable_constraint_checking()
  160. def column_classes(self, model):
  161. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  162. columns = {
  163. d[0]: (connection.introspection.get_field_type(d[1], d), d)
  164. for d in connection.introspection.get_table_description(
  165. cursor,
  166. model._meta.db_table,
  167. )
  168. }
  169. # SQLite has a different format for field_type
  170. for name, (type, desc) in columns.items():
  171. if isinstance(type, tuple):
  172. columns[name] = (type[0], desc)
  173. return columns
  174. def get_primary_key(self, table):
  175. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  176. return connection.introspection.get_primary_key_column(cursor, table)
  177. def get_indexes(self, table):
  178. """
  179. Get the indexes on the table using a new cursor.
  180. """
  181. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  182. return [
  183. c["columns"][0]
  184. for c in connection.introspection.get_constraints(
  185. cursor, table
  186. ).values()
  187. if c["index"] and len(c["columns"]) == 1
  188. ]
  189. def get_uniques(self, table):
  190. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  191. return [
  192. c["columns"][0]
  193. for c in connection.introspection.get_constraints(
  194. cursor, table
  195. ).values()
  196. if c["unique"] and len(c["columns"]) == 1
  197. ]
  198. def get_constraints(self, table):
  199. """
  200. Get the constraints on a table using a new cursor.
  201. """
  202. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  203. return connection.introspection.get_constraints(cursor, table)
  204. def get_constraints_for_column(self, model, column_name):
  205. constraints = self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  206. constraints_for_column = []
  207. for name, details in constraints.items():
  208. if details["columns"] == [column_name]:
  209. constraints_for_column.append(name)
  210. return sorted(constraints_for_column)
  211. def check_added_field_default(
  212. self,
  213. schema_editor,
  214. model,
  215. field,
  216. field_name,
  217. expected_default,
  218. cast_function=None,
  219. ):
  220. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  221. schema_editor.add_field(model, field)
  222. cursor.execute(
  223. "SELECT {} FROM {};".format(field_name, model._meta.db_table)
  224. )
  225. database_default = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
  226. if cast_function and type(database_default) != type(expected_default):
  227. database_default = cast_function(database_default)
  228. self.assertEqual(database_default, expected_default)
  229. def get_constraints_count(self, table, column, fk_to):
  230. """
  231. Return a dict with keys 'fks', 'uniques, and 'indexes' indicating the
  232. number of foreign keys, unique constraints, and indexes on
  233. `table`.`column`. The `fk_to` argument is a 2-tuple specifying the
  234. expected foreign key relationship's (table, column).
  235. """
  236. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  237. constraints = connection.introspection.get_constraints(cursor, table)
  238. counts = {"fks": 0, "uniques": 0, "indexes": 0}
  239. for c in constraints.values():
  240. if c["columns"] == [column]:
  241. if c["foreign_key"] == fk_to:
  242. counts["fks"] += 1
  243. if c["unique"]:
  244. counts["uniques"] += 1
  245. elif c["index"]:
  246. counts["indexes"] += 1
  247. return counts
  248. def get_column_collation(self, table, column):
  249. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  250. return next(
  251. f.collation
  252. for f in connection.introspection.get_table_description(cursor, table)
  253. if f.name == column
  254. )
  255. def assertIndexOrder(self, table, index, order):
  256. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  257. self.assertIn(index, constraints)
  258. index_orders = constraints[index]["orders"]
  259. self.assertTrue(
  260. all(val == expected for val, expected in zip(index_orders, order))
  261. )
  262. def assertForeignKeyExists(self, model, column, expected_fk_table, field="id"):
  263. """
  264. Fail if the FK constraint on `model.Meta.db_table`.`column` to
  265. `expected_fk_table`.id doesn't exist.
  266. """
  267. if not connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys:
  268. return
  269. constraints = self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  270. constraint_fk = None
  271. for details in constraints.values():
  272. if details["columns"] == [column] and details["foreign_key"]:
  273. constraint_fk = details["foreign_key"]
  274. break
  275. self.assertEqual(constraint_fk, (expected_fk_table, field))
  276. def assertForeignKeyNotExists(self, model, column, expected_fk_table):
  277. if not connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys:
  278. return
  279. with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
  280. self.assertForeignKeyExists(model, column, expected_fk_table)
  281. # Tests
  282. def test_creation_deletion(self):
  283. """
  284. Tries creating a model's table, and then deleting it.
  285. """
  286. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  287. # Create the table
  288. editor.create_model(Author)
  289. # The table is there
  290. list(Author.objects.all())
  291. # Clean up that table
  292. editor.delete_model(Author)
  293. # No deferred SQL should be left over.
  294. self.assertEqual(editor.deferred_sql, [])
  295. # The table is gone
  296. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  297. list(Author.objects.all())
  298. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  299. def test_fk(self):
  300. "Creating tables out of FK order, then repointing, works"
  301. # Create the table
  302. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  303. editor.create_model(Book)
  304. editor.create_model(Author)
  305. editor.create_model(Tag)
  306. # Initial tables are there
  307. list(Author.objects.all())
  308. list(Book.objects.all())
  309. # Make sure the FK constraint is present
  310. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  311. Book.objects.create(
  312. author_id=1,
  313. title="Much Ado About Foreign Keys",
  314. pub_date=datetime.datetime.now(),
  315. )
  316. # Repoint the FK constraint
  317. old_field = Book._meta.get_field("author")
  318. new_field = ForeignKey(Tag, CASCADE)
  319. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  320. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  321. editor.alter_field(Book, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  322. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "schema_tag")
  323. @skipUnlessDBFeature("can_create_inline_fk")
  324. def test_inline_fk(self):
  325. # Create some tables.
  326. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  327. editor.create_model(Author)
  328. editor.create_model(Book)
  329. editor.create_model(Note)
  330. self.assertForeignKeyNotExists(Note, "book_id", "schema_book")
  331. # Add a foreign key from one to the other.
  332. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  333. new_field = ForeignKey(Book, CASCADE)
  334. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("book")
  335. editor.add_field(Note, new_field)
  336. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Note, "book_id", "schema_book")
  337. # Creating a FK field with a constraint uses a single statement without
  338. # a deferred ALTER TABLE.
  339. self.assertFalse(
  340. [
  341. sql
  342. for sql in (str(statement) for statement in editor.deferred_sql)
  343. if sql.startswith("ALTER TABLE") and "ADD CONSTRAINT" in sql
  344. ]
  345. )
  346. @skipUnlessDBFeature("can_create_inline_fk")
  347. def test_add_inline_fk_update_data(self):
  348. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  349. editor.create_model(Node)
  350. # Add an inline foreign key and update data in the same transaction.
  351. new_field = ForeignKey(Node, CASCADE, related_name="new_fk", null=True)
  352. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("new_parent_fk")
  353. parent = Node.objects.create()
  354. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  355. editor.add_field(Node, new_field)
  356. editor.execute("UPDATE schema_node SET new_parent_fk_id = %s;", [parent.pk])
  357. assertIndex = (
  358. self.assertIn
  359. if connection.features.indexes_foreign_keys
  360. else self.assertNotIn
  361. )
  362. assertIndex("new_parent_fk_id", self.get_indexes(Node._meta.db_table))
  363. @skipUnlessDBFeature(
  364. "can_create_inline_fk",
  365. "allows_multiple_constraints_on_same_fields",
  366. )
  367. @isolate_apps("schema")
  368. def test_add_inline_fk_index_update_data(self):
  369. class Node(Model):
  370. class Meta:
  371. app_label = "schema"
  372. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  373. editor.create_model(Node)
  374. # Add an inline foreign key, update data, and an index in the same
  375. # transaction.
  376. new_field = ForeignKey(Node, CASCADE, related_name="new_fk", null=True)
  377. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("new_parent_fk")
  378. parent = Node.objects.create()
  379. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  380. editor.add_field(Node, new_field)
  381. Node._meta.add_field(new_field)
  382. editor.execute("UPDATE schema_node SET new_parent_fk_id = %s;", [parent.pk])
  383. editor.add_index(
  384. Node, Index(fields=["new_parent_fk"], name="new_parent_inline_fk_idx")
  385. )
  386. self.assertIn("new_parent_fk_id", self.get_indexes(Node._meta.db_table))
  387. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  388. def test_char_field_with_db_index_to_fk(self):
  389. # Create the table
  390. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  391. editor.create_model(Author)
  392. editor.create_model(AuthorCharFieldWithIndex)
  393. # Change CharField to FK
  394. old_field = AuthorCharFieldWithIndex._meta.get_field("char_field")
  395. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE, blank=True)
  396. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("char_field")
  397. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  398. editor.alter_field(
  399. AuthorCharFieldWithIndex, old_field, new_field, strict=True
  400. )
  401. self.assertForeignKeyExists(
  402. AuthorCharFieldWithIndex, "char_field_id", "schema_author"
  403. )
  404. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  405. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_index_on_text_field")
  406. def test_text_field_with_db_index_to_fk(self):
  407. # Create the table
  408. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  409. editor.create_model(Author)
  410. editor.create_model(AuthorTextFieldWithIndex)
  411. # Change TextField to FK
  412. old_field = AuthorTextFieldWithIndex._meta.get_field("text_field")
  413. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE, blank=True)
  414. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("text_field")
  415. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  416. editor.alter_field(
  417. AuthorTextFieldWithIndex, old_field, new_field, strict=True
  418. )
  419. self.assertForeignKeyExists(
  420. AuthorTextFieldWithIndex, "text_field_id", "schema_author"
  421. )
  422. @isolate_apps("schema")
  423. def test_char_field_pk_to_auto_field(self):
  424. class Foo(Model):
  425. id = CharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True)
  426. class Meta:
  427. app_label = "schema"
  428. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  429. editor.create_model(Foo)
  430. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo]
  431. old_field = Foo._meta.get_field("id")
  432. new_field = AutoField(primary_key=True)
  433. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  434. new_field.model = Foo
  435. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  436. editor.alter_field(Foo, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  437. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  438. def test_fk_to_proxy(self):
  439. "Creating a FK to a proxy model creates database constraints."
  440. class AuthorProxy(Author):
  441. class Meta:
  442. app_label = "schema"
  443. apps = new_apps
  444. proxy = True
  445. class AuthorRef(Model):
  446. author = ForeignKey(AuthorProxy, on_delete=CASCADE)
  447. class Meta:
  448. app_label = "schema"
  449. apps = new_apps
  450. self.local_models = [AuthorProxy, AuthorRef]
  451. # Create the table
  452. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  453. editor.create_model(Author)
  454. editor.create_model(AuthorRef)
  455. self.assertForeignKeyExists(AuthorRef, "author_id", "schema_author")
  456. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys", "can_introspect_foreign_keys")
  457. def test_fk_db_constraint(self):
  458. "The db_constraint parameter is respected"
  459. # Create the table
  460. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  461. editor.create_model(Tag)
  462. editor.create_model(Author)
  463. editor.create_model(BookWeak)
  464. # Initial tables are there
  465. list(Author.objects.all())
  466. list(Tag.objects.all())
  467. list(BookWeak.objects.all())
  468. self.assertForeignKeyNotExists(BookWeak, "author_id", "schema_author")
  469. # Make a db_constraint=False FK
  470. new_field = ForeignKey(Tag, CASCADE, db_constraint=False)
  471. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("tag")
  472. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  473. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  474. self.assertForeignKeyNotExists(Author, "tag_id", "schema_tag")
  475. # Alter to one with a constraint
  476. new_field2 = ForeignKey(Tag, CASCADE)
  477. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("tag")
  478. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  479. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  480. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Author, "tag_id", "schema_tag")
  481. # Alter to one without a constraint again
  482. new_field2 = ForeignKey(Tag, CASCADE)
  483. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("tag")
  484. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  485. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field2, new_field, strict=True)
  486. self.assertForeignKeyNotExists(Author, "tag_id", "schema_tag")
  487. @isolate_apps("schema")
  488. def test_no_db_constraint_added_during_primary_key_change(self):
  489. """
  490. When a primary key that's pointed to by a ForeignKey with
  491. db_constraint=False is altered, a foreign key constraint isn't added.
  492. """
  493. class Author(Model):
  494. class Meta:
  495. app_label = "schema"
  496. class BookWeak(Model):
  497. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE, db_constraint=False)
  498. class Meta:
  499. app_label = "schema"
  500. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  501. editor.create_model(Author)
  502. editor.create_model(BookWeak)
  503. self.assertForeignKeyNotExists(BookWeak, "author_id", "schema_author")
  504. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("id")
  505. new_field = BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
  506. new_field.model = Author
  507. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  508. # @isolate_apps() and inner models are needed to have the model
  509. # relations populated, otherwise this doesn't act as a regression test.
  510. self.assertEqual(len(new_field.model._meta.related_objects), 1)
  511. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  512. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  513. self.assertForeignKeyNotExists(BookWeak, "author_id", "schema_author")
  514. def _test_m2m_db_constraint(self, M2MFieldClass):
  515. class LocalAuthorWithM2M(Model):
  516. name = CharField(max_length=255)
  517. class Meta:
  518. app_label = "schema"
  519. apps = new_apps
  520. self.local_models = [LocalAuthorWithM2M]
  521. # Create the table
  522. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  523. editor.create_model(Tag)
  524. editor.create_model(LocalAuthorWithM2M)
  525. # Initial tables are there
  526. list(LocalAuthorWithM2M.objects.all())
  527. list(Tag.objects.all())
  528. # Make a db_constraint=False FK
  529. new_field = M2MFieldClass(Tag, related_name="authors", db_constraint=False)
  530. new_field.contribute_to_class(LocalAuthorWithM2M, "tags")
  531. # Add the field
  532. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  533. editor.add_field(LocalAuthorWithM2M, new_field)
  534. self.assertForeignKeyNotExists(
  535. new_field.remote_field.through, "tag_id", "schema_tag"
  536. )
  537. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  538. def test_m2m_db_constraint(self):
  539. self._test_m2m_db_constraint(ManyToManyField)
  540. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  541. def test_m2m_db_constraint_custom(self):
  542. self._test_m2m_db_constraint(CustomManyToManyField)
  543. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  544. def test_m2m_db_constraint_inherited(self):
  545. self._test_m2m_db_constraint(InheritedManyToManyField)
  546. def test_add_field(self):
  547. """
  548. Tests adding fields to models
  549. """
  550. # Create the table
  551. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  552. editor.create_model(Author)
  553. # Ensure there's no age field
  554. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  555. self.assertNotIn("age", columns)
  556. # Add the new field
  557. new_field = IntegerField(null=True)
  558. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("age")
  559. with CaptureQueriesContext(
  560. connection
  561. ) as ctx, connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  562. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  563. drop_default_sql = editor.sql_alter_column_no_default % {
  564. "column": editor.quote_name(new_field.name),
  565. }
  566. self.assertFalse(
  567. any(drop_default_sql in query["sql"] for query in ctx.captured_queries)
  568. )
  569. # Table is not rebuilt.
  570. self.assertIs(
  571. any("CREATE TABLE" in query["sql"] for query in ctx.captured_queries), False
  572. )
  573. self.assertIs(
  574. any("DROP TABLE" in query["sql"] for query in ctx.captured_queries), False
  575. )
  576. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  577. self.assertEqual(
  578. columns["age"][0],
  579. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  580. )
  581. self.assertTrue(columns["age"][1][6])
  582. def test_add_field_remove_field(self):
  583. """
  584. Adding a field and removing it removes all deferred sql referring to it.
  585. """
  586. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  587. # Create a table with a unique constraint on the slug field.
  588. editor.create_model(Tag)
  589. # Remove the slug column.
  590. editor.remove_field(Tag, Tag._meta.get_field("slug"))
  591. self.assertEqual(editor.deferred_sql, [])
  592. def test_add_field_temp_default(self):
  593. """
  594. Tests adding fields to models with a temporary default
  595. """
  596. # Create the table
  597. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  598. editor.create_model(Author)
  599. # Ensure there's no age field
  600. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  601. self.assertNotIn("age", columns)
  602. # Add some rows of data
  603. Author.objects.create(name="Andrew", height=30)
  604. Author.objects.create(name="Andrea")
  605. # Add a not-null field
  606. new_field = CharField(max_length=30, default="Godwin")
  607. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("surname")
  608. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  609. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  610. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  611. self.assertEqual(
  612. columns["surname"][0],
  613. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  614. )
  615. self.assertEqual(
  616. columns["surname"][1][6],
  617. connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls,
  618. )
  619. def test_add_field_temp_default_boolean(self):
  620. """
  621. Tests adding fields to models with a temporary default where
  622. the default is False. (#21783)
  623. """
  624. # Create the table
  625. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  626. editor.create_model(Author)
  627. # Ensure there's no age field
  628. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  629. self.assertNotIn("age", columns)
  630. # Add some rows of data
  631. Author.objects.create(name="Andrew", height=30)
  632. Author.objects.create(name="Andrea")
  633. # Add a not-null field
  634. new_field = BooleanField(default=False)
  635. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("awesome")
  636. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  637. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  638. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  639. # BooleanField are stored as TINYINT(1) on MySQL.
  640. field_type = columns["awesome"][0]
  641. self.assertEqual(
  642. field_type, connection.features.introspected_field_types["BooleanField"]
  643. )
  644. def test_add_field_default_transform(self):
  645. """
  646. Tests adding fields to models with a default that is not directly
  647. valid in the database (#22581)
  648. """
  649. class TestTransformField(IntegerField):
  650. # Weird field that saves the count of items in its value
  651. def get_default(self):
  652. return self.default
  653. def get_prep_value(self, value):
  654. if value is None:
  655. return 0
  656. return len(value)
  657. # Create the table
  658. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  659. editor.create_model(Author)
  660. # Add some rows of data
  661. Author.objects.create(name="Andrew", height=30)
  662. Author.objects.create(name="Andrea")
  663. # Add the field with a default it needs to cast (to string in this case)
  664. new_field = TestTransformField(default={1: 2})
  665. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("thing")
  666. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  667. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  668. # Ensure the field is there
  669. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  670. field_type, field_info = columns["thing"]
  671. self.assertEqual(
  672. field_type, connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"]
  673. )
  674. # Make sure the values were transformed correctly
  675. self.assertEqual(Author.objects.extra(where=["thing = 1"]).count(), 2)
  676. def test_add_field_o2o_nullable(self):
  677. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  678. editor.create_model(Author)
  679. editor.create_model(Note)
  680. new_field = OneToOneField(Note, CASCADE, null=True)
  681. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("note")
  682. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  683. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  684. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  685. self.assertIn("note_id", columns)
  686. self.assertTrue(columns["note_id"][1][6])
  687. def test_add_field_binary(self):
  688. """
  689. Tests binary fields get a sane default (#22851)
  690. """
  691. # Create the table
  692. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  693. editor.create_model(Author)
  694. # Add the new field
  695. new_field = BinaryField(blank=True)
  696. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("bits")
  697. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  698. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  699. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  700. # MySQL annoyingly uses the same backend, so it'll come back as one of
  701. # these two types.
  702. self.assertIn(columns["bits"][0], ("BinaryField", "TextField"))
  703. def test_add_field_durationfield_with_default(self):
  704. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  705. editor.create_model(Author)
  706. new_field = DurationField(default=datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
  707. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("duration")
  708. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  709. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  710. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  711. self.assertEqual(
  712. columns["duration"][0],
  713. connection.features.introspected_field_types["DurationField"],
  714. )
  715. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "mysql", "MySQL specific")
  716. def test_add_binaryfield_mediumblob(self):
  717. """
  718. Test adding a custom-sized binary field on MySQL (#24846).
  719. """
  720. # Create the table
  721. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  722. editor.create_model(Author)
  723. # Add the new field with default
  724. new_field = MediumBlobField(blank=True, default=b"123")
  725. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("bits")
  726. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  727. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  728. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  729. # Introspection treats BLOBs as TextFields
  730. self.assertEqual(columns["bits"][0], "TextField")
  731. def test_remove_field(self):
  732. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  733. editor.create_model(Author)
  734. with CaptureQueriesContext(connection) as ctx:
  735. editor.remove_field(Author, Author._meta.get_field("name"))
  736. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  737. self.assertNotIn("name", columns)
  738. if getattr(connection.features, "can_alter_table_drop_column", True):
  739. # Table is not rebuilt.
  740. self.assertIs(
  741. any("CREATE TABLE" in query["sql"] for query in ctx.captured_queries),
  742. False,
  743. )
  744. self.assertIs(
  745. any("DROP TABLE" in query["sql"] for query in ctx.captured_queries),
  746. False,
  747. )
  748. def test_alter(self):
  749. """
  750. Tests simple altering of fields
  751. """
  752. # Create the table
  753. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  754. editor.create_model(Author)
  755. # Ensure the field is right to begin with
  756. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  757. self.assertEqual(
  758. columns["name"][0],
  759. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  760. )
  761. self.assertEqual(
  762. bool(columns["name"][1][6]),
  763. bool(connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls),
  764. )
  765. # Alter the name field to a TextField
  766. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  767. new_field = TextField(null=True)
  768. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  769. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  770. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  771. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  772. self.assertEqual(columns["name"][0], "TextField")
  773. self.assertTrue(columns["name"][1][6])
  774. # Change nullability again
  775. new_field2 = TextField(null=False)
  776. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  777. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  778. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  779. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  780. self.assertEqual(columns["name"][0], "TextField")
  781. self.assertEqual(
  782. bool(columns["name"][1][6]),
  783. bool(connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls),
  784. )
  785. def test_alter_auto_field_to_integer_field(self):
  786. # Create the table
  787. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  788. editor.create_model(Author)
  789. # Change AutoField to IntegerField
  790. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("id")
  791. new_field = IntegerField(primary_key=True)
  792. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  793. new_field.model = Author
  794. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  795. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  796. # Now that ID is an IntegerField, the database raises an error if it
  797. # isn't provided.
  798. if not connection.features.supports_unspecified_pk:
  799. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  800. Author.objects.create()
  801. def test_alter_auto_field_to_char_field(self):
  802. # Create the table
  803. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  804. editor.create_model(Author)
  805. # Change AutoField to CharField
  806. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("id")
  807. new_field = CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=50)
  808. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  809. new_field.model = Author
  810. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  811. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  812. @isolate_apps("schema")
  813. def test_alter_auto_field_quoted_db_column(self):
  814. class Foo(Model):
  815. id = AutoField(primary_key=True, db_column='"quoted_id"')
  816. class Meta:
  817. app_label = "schema"
  818. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  819. editor.create_model(Foo)
  820. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo]
  821. old_field = Foo._meta.get_field("id")
  822. new_field = BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
  823. new_field.model = Foo
  824. new_field.db_column = '"quoted_id"'
  825. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  826. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  827. editor.alter_field(Foo, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  828. Foo.objects.create()
  829. def test_alter_not_unique_field_to_primary_key(self):
  830. # Create the table.
  831. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  832. editor.create_model(Author)
  833. # Change UUIDField to primary key.
  834. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("uuid")
  835. new_field = UUIDField(primary_key=True)
  836. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("uuid")
  837. new_field.model = Author
  838. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  839. editor.remove_field(Author, Author._meta.get_field("id"))
  840. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  841. # Redundant unique constraint is not added.
  842. count = self.get_constraints_count(
  843. Author._meta.db_table,
  844. Author._meta.get_field("uuid").column,
  845. None,
  846. )
  847. self.assertLessEqual(count["uniques"], 1)
  848. @isolate_apps("schema")
  849. def test_alter_primary_key_quoted_db_table(self):
  850. class Foo(Model):
  851. class Meta:
  852. app_label = "schema"
  853. db_table = '"foo"'
  854. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  855. editor.create_model(Foo)
  856. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo]
  857. old_field = Foo._meta.get_field("id")
  858. new_field = BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
  859. new_field.model = Foo
  860. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  861. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  862. editor.alter_field(Foo, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  863. Foo.objects.create()
  864. def test_alter_text_field(self):
  865. # Regression for "BLOB/TEXT column 'info' can't have a default value")
  866. # on MySQL.
  867. # Create the table
  868. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  869. editor.create_model(Note)
  870. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  871. new_field = TextField(blank=True)
  872. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  873. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  874. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  875. def test_alter_text_field_to_not_null_with_default_value(self):
  876. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  877. editor.create_model(Note)
  878. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("address")
  879. new_field = TextField(blank=True, default="", null=False)
  880. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("address")
  881. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  882. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  883. @skipUnlessDBFeature("can_defer_constraint_checks", "can_rollback_ddl")
  884. def test_alter_fk_checks_deferred_constraints(self):
  885. """
  886. #25492 - Altering a foreign key's structure and data in the same
  887. transaction.
  888. """
  889. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  890. editor.create_model(Node)
  891. old_field = Node._meta.get_field("parent")
  892. new_field = ForeignKey(Node, CASCADE)
  893. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("parent")
  894. parent = Node.objects.create()
  895. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  896. # Update the parent FK to create a deferred constraint check.
  897. Node.objects.update(parent=parent)
  898. editor.alter_field(Node, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  899. @isolate_apps("schema")
  900. def test_alter_null_with_default_value_deferred_constraints(self):
  901. class Publisher(Model):
  902. class Meta:
  903. app_label = "schema"
  904. class Article(Model):
  905. publisher = ForeignKey(Publisher, CASCADE)
  906. title = CharField(max_length=50, null=True)
  907. description = CharField(max_length=100, null=True)
  908. class Meta:
  909. app_label = "schema"
  910. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  911. editor.create_model(Publisher)
  912. editor.create_model(Article)
  913. self.isolated_local_models = [Article, Publisher]
  914. publisher = Publisher.objects.create()
  915. Article.objects.create(publisher=publisher)
  916. old_title = Article._meta.get_field("title")
  917. new_title = CharField(max_length=50, null=False, default="")
  918. new_title.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  919. old_description = Article._meta.get_field("description")
  920. new_description = CharField(max_length=100, null=False, default="")
  921. new_description.set_attributes_from_name("description")
  922. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  923. editor.alter_field(Article, old_title, new_title, strict=True)
  924. editor.alter_field(Article, old_description, new_description, strict=True)
  925. def test_alter_text_field_to_date_field(self):
  926. """
  927. #25002 - Test conversion of text field to date field.
  928. """
  929. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  930. editor.create_model(Note)
  931. Note.objects.create(info="1988-05-05")
  932. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  933. new_field = DateField(blank=True)
  934. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  935. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  936. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  937. # Make sure the field isn't nullable
  938. columns = self.column_classes(Note)
  939. self.assertFalse(columns["info"][1][6])
  940. def test_alter_text_field_to_datetime_field(self):
  941. """
  942. #25002 - Test conversion of text field to datetime field.
  943. """
  944. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  945. editor.create_model(Note)
  946. Note.objects.create(info="1988-05-05 3:16:17.4567")
  947. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  948. new_field = DateTimeField(blank=True)
  949. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  950. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  951. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  952. # Make sure the field isn't nullable
  953. columns = self.column_classes(Note)
  954. self.assertFalse(columns["info"][1][6])
  955. def test_alter_text_field_to_time_field(self):
  956. """
  957. #25002 - Test conversion of text field to time field.
  958. """
  959. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  960. editor.create_model(Note)
  961. Note.objects.create(info="3:16:17.4567")
  962. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  963. new_field = TimeField(blank=True)
  964. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  965. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  966. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  967. # Make sure the field isn't nullable
  968. columns = self.column_classes(Note)
  969. self.assertFalse(columns["info"][1][6])
  970. @skipIfDBFeature("interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls")
  971. def test_alter_textual_field_keep_null_status(self):
  972. """
  973. Changing a field type shouldn't affect the not null status.
  974. """
  975. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  976. editor.create_model(Note)
  977. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  978. Note.objects.create(info=None)
  979. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  980. new_field = CharField(max_length=50)
  981. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  982. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  983. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  984. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  985. Note.objects.create(info=None)
  986. @skipUnlessDBFeature("interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls")
  987. def test_alter_textual_field_not_null_to_null(self):
  988. """
  989. Nullability for textual fields is preserved on databases that
  990. interpret empty strings as NULLs.
  991. """
  992. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  993. editor.create_model(Author)
  994. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  995. # Field is nullable.
  996. self.assertTrue(columns["uuid"][1][6])
  997. # Change to NOT NULL.
  998. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("uuid")
  999. new_field = SlugField(null=False, blank=True)
  1000. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("uuid")
  1001. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1002. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1003. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  1004. # Nullability is preserved.
  1005. self.assertTrue(columns["uuid"][1][6])
  1006. def test_alter_numeric_field_keep_null_status(self):
  1007. """
  1008. Changing a field type shouldn't affect the not null status.
  1009. """
  1010. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1011. editor.create_model(UniqueTest)
  1012. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  1013. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=None, slug="aaa")
  1014. old_field = UniqueTest._meta.get_field("year")
  1015. new_field = BigIntegerField()
  1016. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("year")
  1017. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1018. editor.alter_field(UniqueTest, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1019. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  1020. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=None, slug="bbb")
  1021. def test_alter_null_to_not_null(self):
  1022. """
  1023. #23609 - Tests handling of default values when altering from NULL to NOT NULL.
  1024. """
  1025. # Create the table
  1026. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1027. editor.create_model(Author)
  1028. # Ensure the field is right to begin with
  1029. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  1030. self.assertTrue(columns["height"][1][6])
  1031. # Create some test data
  1032. Author.objects.create(name="Not null author", height=12)
  1033. Author.objects.create(name="Null author")
  1034. # Verify null value
  1035. self.assertEqual(Author.objects.get(name="Not null author").height, 12)
  1036. self.assertIsNone(Author.objects.get(name="Null author").height)
  1037. # Alter the height field to NOT NULL with default
  1038. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("height")
  1039. new_field = PositiveIntegerField(default=42)
  1040. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("height")
  1041. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1042. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1043. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  1044. self.assertFalse(columns["height"][1][6])
  1045. # Verify default value
  1046. self.assertEqual(Author.objects.get(name="Not null author").height, 12)
  1047. self.assertEqual(Author.objects.get(name="Null author").height, 42)
  1048. def test_alter_charfield_to_null(self):
  1049. """
  1050. #24307 - Should skip an alter statement on databases with
  1051. interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls when changing a CharField to null.
  1052. """
  1053. # Create the table
  1054. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1055. editor.create_model(Author)
  1056. # Change the CharField to null
  1057. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  1058. new_field = copy(old_field)
  1059. new_field.null = True
  1060. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1061. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1062. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  1063. def test_alter_char_field_decrease_length(self):
  1064. # Create the table.
  1065. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1066. editor.create_model(Author)
  1067. Author.objects.create(name="x" * 255)
  1068. # Change max_length of CharField.
  1069. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  1070. new_field = CharField(max_length=254)
  1071. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  1072. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1073. msg = "value too long for type character varying(254)"
  1074. with self.assertRaisesMessage(DataError, msg):
  1075. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1076. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  1077. def test_alter_field_with_custom_db_type(self):
  1078. from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
  1079. class Foo(Model):
  1080. field = ArrayField(CharField(max_length=255))
  1081. class Meta:
  1082. app_label = "schema"
  1083. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1084. editor.create_model(Foo)
  1085. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo]
  1086. old_field = Foo._meta.get_field("field")
  1087. new_field = ArrayField(CharField(max_length=16))
  1088. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("field")
  1089. new_field.model = Foo
  1090. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1091. editor.alter_field(Foo, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1092. @isolate_apps("schema")
  1093. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  1094. def test_alter_array_field_decrease_base_field_length(self):
  1095. from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
  1096. class ArrayModel(Model):
  1097. field = ArrayField(CharField(max_length=16))
  1098. class Meta:
  1099. app_label = "schema"
  1100. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1101. editor.create_model(ArrayModel)
  1102. self.isolated_local_models = [ArrayModel]
  1103. ArrayModel.objects.create(field=["x" * 16])
  1104. old_field = ArrayModel._meta.get_field("field")
  1105. new_field = ArrayField(CharField(max_length=15))
  1106. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("field")
  1107. new_field.model = ArrayModel
  1108. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1109. msg = "value too long for type character varying(15)"
  1110. with self.assertRaisesMessage(DataError, msg):
  1111. editor.alter_field(ArrayModel, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1112. @isolate_apps("schema")
  1113. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  1114. def test_alter_array_field_decrease_nested_base_field_length(self):
  1115. from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
  1116. class ArrayModel(Model):
  1117. field = ArrayField(ArrayField(CharField(max_length=16)))
  1118. class Meta:
  1119. app_label = "schema"
  1120. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1121. editor.create_model(ArrayModel)
  1122. self.isolated_local_models = [ArrayModel]
  1123. ArrayModel.objects.create(field=[["x" * 16]])
  1124. old_field = ArrayModel._meta.get_field("field")
  1125. new_field = ArrayField(ArrayField(CharField(max_length=15)))
  1126. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("field")
  1127. new_field.model = ArrayModel
  1128. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1129. msg = "value too long for type character varying(15)"
  1130. with self.assertRaisesMessage(DataError, msg):
  1131. editor.alter_field(ArrayModel, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1132. def test_alter_textfield_to_null(self):
  1133. """
  1134. #24307 - Should skip an alter statement on databases with
  1135. interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls when changing a TextField to null.
  1136. """
  1137. # Create the table
  1138. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1139. editor.create_model(Note)
  1140. # Change the TextField to null
  1141. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  1142. new_field = copy(old_field)
  1143. new_field.null = True
  1144. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1145. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1146. def test_alter_null_to_not_null_keeping_default(self):
  1147. """
  1148. #23738 - Can change a nullable field with default to non-nullable
  1149. with the same default.
  1150. """
  1151. # Create the table
  1152. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1153. editor.create_model(AuthorWithDefaultHeight)
  1154. # Ensure the field is right to begin with
  1155. columns = self.column_classes(AuthorWithDefaultHeight)
  1156. self.assertTrue(columns["height"][1][6])
  1157. # Alter the height field to NOT NULL keeping the previous default
  1158. old_field = AuthorWithDefaultHeight._meta.get_field("height")
  1159. new_field = PositiveIntegerField(default=42)
  1160. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("height")
  1161. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1162. editor.alter_field(
  1163. AuthorWithDefaultHeight, old_field, new_field, strict=True
  1164. )
  1165. columns = self.column_classes(AuthorWithDefaultHeight)
  1166. self.assertFalse(columns["height"][1][6])
  1167. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  1168. def test_alter_fk(self):
  1169. """
  1170. Tests altering of FKs
  1171. """
  1172. # Create the table
  1173. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1174. editor.create_model(Author)
  1175. editor.create_model(Book)
  1176. # Ensure the field is right to begin with
  1177. columns = self.column_classes(Book)
  1178. self.assertEqual(
  1179. columns["author_id"][0],
  1180. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1181. )
  1182. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "schema_author")
  1183. # Alter the FK
  1184. old_field = Book._meta.get_field("author")
  1185. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE, editable=False)
  1186. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1187. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1188. editor.alter_field(Book, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1189. columns = self.column_classes(Book)
  1190. self.assertEqual(
  1191. columns["author_id"][0],
  1192. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1193. )
  1194. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "schema_author")
  1195. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  1196. def test_alter_to_fk(self):
  1197. """
  1198. #24447 - Tests adding a FK constraint for an existing column
  1199. """
  1200. class LocalBook(Model):
  1201. author = IntegerField()
  1202. title = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
  1203. pub_date = DateTimeField()
  1204. class Meta:
  1205. app_label = "schema"
  1206. apps = new_apps
  1207. self.local_models = [LocalBook]
  1208. # Create the tables
  1209. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1210. editor.create_model(Author)
  1211. editor.create_model(LocalBook)
  1212. # Ensure no FK constraint exists
  1213. constraints = self.get_constraints(LocalBook._meta.db_table)
  1214. for details in constraints.values():
  1215. if details["foreign_key"]:
  1216. self.fail(
  1217. "Found an unexpected FK constraint to %s" % details["columns"]
  1218. )
  1219. old_field = LocalBook._meta.get_field("author")
  1220. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  1221. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1222. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1223. editor.alter_field(LocalBook, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1224. self.assertForeignKeyExists(LocalBook, "author_id", "schema_author")
  1225. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys", "can_introspect_foreign_keys")
  1226. def test_alter_o2o_to_fk(self):
  1227. """
  1228. #24163 - Tests altering of OneToOneField to ForeignKey
  1229. """
  1230. # Create the table
  1231. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1232. editor.create_model(Author)
  1233. editor.create_model(BookWithO2O)
  1234. # Ensure the field is right to begin with
  1235. columns = self.column_classes(BookWithO2O)
  1236. self.assertEqual(
  1237. columns["author_id"][0],
  1238. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1239. )
  1240. # Ensure the field is unique
  1241. author = Author.objects.create(name="Joe")
  1242. BookWithO2O.objects.create(
  1243. author=author, title="Django 1", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1244. )
  1245. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  1246. BookWithO2O.objects.create(
  1247. author=author, title="Django 2", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1248. )
  1249. BookWithO2O.objects.all().delete()
  1250. self.assertForeignKeyExists(BookWithO2O, "author_id", "schema_author")
  1251. # Alter the OneToOneField to ForeignKey
  1252. old_field = BookWithO2O._meta.get_field("author")
  1253. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  1254. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1255. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1256. editor.alter_field(BookWithO2O, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1257. columns = self.column_classes(Book)
  1258. self.assertEqual(
  1259. columns["author_id"][0],
  1260. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1261. )
  1262. # Ensure the field is not unique anymore
  1263. Book.objects.create(
  1264. author=author, title="Django 1", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1265. )
  1266. Book.objects.create(
  1267. author=author, title="Django 2", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1268. )
  1269. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "schema_author")
  1270. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys", "can_introspect_foreign_keys")
  1271. def test_alter_fk_to_o2o(self):
  1272. """
  1273. #24163 - Tests altering of ForeignKey to OneToOneField
  1274. """
  1275. # Create the table
  1276. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1277. editor.create_model(Author)
  1278. editor.create_model(Book)
  1279. # Ensure the field is right to begin with
  1280. columns = self.column_classes(Book)
  1281. self.assertEqual(
  1282. columns["author_id"][0],
  1283. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1284. )
  1285. # Ensure the field is not unique
  1286. author = Author.objects.create(name="Joe")
  1287. Book.objects.create(
  1288. author=author, title="Django 1", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1289. )
  1290. Book.objects.create(
  1291. author=author, title="Django 2", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1292. )
  1293. Book.objects.all().delete()
  1294. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "schema_author")
  1295. # Alter the ForeignKey to OneToOneField
  1296. old_field = Book._meta.get_field("author")
  1297. new_field = OneToOneField(Author, CASCADE)
  1298. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1299. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1300. editor.alter_field(Book, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1301. columns = self.column_classes(BookWithO2O)
  1302. self.assertEqual(
  1303. columns["author_id"][0],
  1304. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1305. )
  1306. # Ensure the field is unique now
  1307. BookWithO2O.objects.create(
  1308. author=author, title="Django 1", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1309. )
  1310. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  1311. BookWithO2O.objects.create(
  1312. author=author, title="Django 2", pub_date=datetime.datetime.now()
  1313. )
  1314. self.assertForeignKeyExists(BookWithO2O, "author_id", "schema_author")
  1315. def test_alter_field_fk_to_o2o(self):
  1316. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1317. editor.create_model(Author)
  1318. editor.create_model(Book)
  1319. expected_fks = (
  1320. 1
  1321. if connection.features.supports_foreign_keys
  1322. and connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys
  1323. else 0
  1324. )
  1325. expected_indexes = 1 if connection.features.indexes_foreign_keys else 0
  1326. # Check the index is right to begin with.
  1327. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1328. Book._meta.db_table,
  1329. Book._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1330. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1331. )
  1332. self.assertEqual(
  1333. counts,
  1334. {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 0, "indexes": expected_indexes},
  1335. )
  1336. old_field = Book._meta.get_field("author")
  1337. new_field = OneToOneField(Author, CASCADE)
  1338. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1339. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1340. editor.alter_field(Book, old_field, new_field)
  1341. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1342. Book._meta.db_table,
  1343. Book._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1344. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1345. )
  1346. # The index on ForeignKey is replaced with a unique constraint for
  1347. # OneToOneField.
  1348. self.assertEqual(counts, {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 1, "indexes": 0})
  1349. def test_alter_field_fk_keeps_index(self):
  1350. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1351. editor.create_model(Author)
  1352. editor.create_model(Book)
  1353. expected_fks = (
  1354. 1
  1355. if connection.features.supports_foreign_keys
  1356. and connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys
  1357. else 0
  1358. )
  1359. expected_indexes = 1 if connection.features.indexes_foreign_keys else 0
  1360. # Check the index is right to begin with.
  1361. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1362. Book._meta.db_table,
  1363. Book._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1364. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1365. )
  1366. self.assertEqual(
  1367. counts,
  1368. {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 0, "indexes": expected_indexes},
  1369. )
  1370. old_field = Book._meta.get_field("author")
  1371. # on_delete changed from CASCADE.
  1372. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, PROTECT)
  1373. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1374. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1375. editor.alter_field(Book, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1376. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1377. Book._meta.db_table,
  1378. Book._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1379. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1380. )
  1381. # The index remains.
  1382. self.assertEqual(
  1383. counts,
  1384. {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 0, "indexes": expected_indexes},
  1385. )
  1386. def test_alter_field_o2o_to_fk(self):
  1387. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1388. editor.create_model(Author)
  1389. editor.create_model(BookWithO2O)
  1390. expected_fks = (
  1391. 1
  1392. if connection.features.supports_foreign_keys
  1393. and connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys
  1394. else 0
  1395. )
  1396. # Check the unique constraint is right to begin with.
  1397. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1398. BookWithO2O._meta.db_table,
  1399. BookWithO2O._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1400. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1401. )
  1402. self.assertEqual(counts, {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 1, "indexes": 0})
  1403. old_field = BookWithO2O._meta.get_field("author")
  1404. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  1405. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1406. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1407. editor.alter_field(BookWithO2O, old_field, new_field)
  1408. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1409. BookWithO2O._meta.db_table,
  1410. BookWithO2O._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1411. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1412. )
  1413. # The unique constraint on OneToOneField is replaced with an index for
  1414. # ForeignKey.
  1415. self.assertEqual(counts, {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 0, "indexes": 1})
  1416. def test_alter_field_o2o_keeps_unique(self):
  1417. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1418. editor.create_model(Author)
  1419. editor.create_model(BookWithO2O)
  1420. expected_fks = (
  1421. 1
  1422. if connection.features.supports_foreign_keys
  1423. and connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys
  1424. else 0
  1425. )
  1426. # Check the unique constraint is right to begin with.
  1427. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1428. BookWithO2O._meta.db_table,
  1429. BookWithO2O._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1430. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1431. )
  1432. self.assertEqual(counts, {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 1, "indexes": 0})
  1433. old_field = BookWithO2O._meta.get_field("author")
  1434. # on_delete changed from CASCADE.
  1435. new_field = OneToOneField(Author, PROTECT)
  1436. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  1437. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1438. editor.alter_field(BookWithO2O, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1439. counts = self.get_constraints_count(
  1440. BookWithO2O._meta.db_table,
  1441. BookWithO2O._meta.get_field("author").column,
  1442. (Author._meta.db_table, Author._meta.pk.column),
  1443. )
  1444. # The unique constraint remains.
  1445. self.assertEqual(counts, {"fks": expected_fks, "uniques": 1, "indexes": 0})
  1446. @skipUnlessDBFeature("ignores_table_name_case")
  1447. def test_alter_db_table_case(self):
  1448. # Create the table
  1449. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1450. editor.create_model(Author)
  1451. # Alter the case of the table
  1452. old_table_name = Author._meta.db_table
  1453. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1454. editor.alter_db_table(Author, old_table_name, old_table_name.upper())
  1455. def test_alter_implicit_id_to_explicit(self):
  1456. """
  1457. Should be able to convert an implicit "id" field to an explicit "id"
  1458. primary key field.
  1459. """
  1460. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1461. editor.create_model(Author)
  1462. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("id")
  1463. new_field = AutoField(primary_key=True)
  1464. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  1465. new_field.model = Author
  1466. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1467. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1468. # This will fail if DROP DEFAULT is inadvertently executed on this
  1469. # field which drops the id sequence, at least on PostgreSQL.
  1470. Author.objects.create(name="Foo")
  1471. Author.objects.create(name="Bar")
  1472. def test_alter_autofield_pk_to_bigautofield_pk(self):
  1473. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1474. editor.create_model(Author)
  1475. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("id")
  1476. new_field = BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
  1477. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  1478. new_field.model = Author
  1479. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1480. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1481. Author.objects.create(name="Foo", pk=1)
  1482. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  1483. sequence_reset_sqls = connection.ops.sequence_reset_sql(
  1484. no_style(), [Author]
  1485. )
  1486. if sequence_reset_sqls:
  1487. cursor.execute(sequence_reset_sqls[0])
  1488. self.assertIsNotNone(Author.objects.create(name="Bar"))
  1489. def test_alter_autofield_pk_to_smallautofield_pk(self):
  1490. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1491. editor.create_model(Author)
  1492. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("id")
  1493. new_field = SmallAutoField(primary_key=True)
  1494. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  1495. new_field.model = Author
  1496. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1497. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1498. Author.objects.create(name="Foo", pk=1)
  1499. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  1500. sequence_reset_sqls = connection.ops.sequence_reset_sql(
  1501. no_style(), [Author]
  1502. )
  1503. if sequence_reset_sqls:
  1504. cursor.execute(sequence_reset_sqls[0])
  1505. self.assertIsNotNone(Author.objects.create(name="Bar"))
  1506. def test_alter_int_pk_to_autofield_pk(self):
  1507. """
  1508. Should be able to rename an IntegerField(primary_key=True) to
  1509. AutoField(primary_key=True).
  1510. """
  1511. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1512. editor.create_model(IntegerPK)
  1513. old_field = IntegerPK._meta.get_field("i")
  1514. new_field = AutoField(primary_key=True)
  1515. new_field.model = IntegerPK
  1516. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("i")
  1517. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1518. editor.alter_field(IntegerPK, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1519. # A model representing the updated model.
  1520. class IntegerPKToAutoField(Model):
  1521. i = AutoField(primary_key=True)
  1522. j = IntegerField(unique=True)
  1523. class Meta:
  1524. app_label = "schema"
  1525. apps = new_apps
  1526. db_table = IntegerPK._meta.db_table
  1527. # An id (i) is generated by the database.
  1528. obj = IntegerPKToAutoField.objects.create(j=1)
  1529. self.assertIsNotNone(obj.i)
  1530. def test_alter_int_pk_to_bigautofield_pk(self):
  1531. """
  1532. Should be able to rename an IntegerField(primary_key=True) to
  1533. BigAutoField(primary_key=True).
  1534. """
  1535. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1536. editor.create_model(IntegerPK)
  1537. old_field = IntegerPK._meta.get_field("i")
  1538. new_field = BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
  1539. new_field.model = IntegerPK
  1540. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("i")
  1541. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1542. editor.alter_field(IntegerPK, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1543. # A model representing the updated model.
  1544. class IntegerPKToBigAutoField(Model):
  1545. i = BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
  1546. j = IntegerField(unique=True)
  1547. class Meta:
  1548. app_label = "schema"
  1549. apps = new_apps
  1550. db_table = IntegerPK._meta.db_table
  1551. # An id (i) is generated by the database.
  1552. obj = IntegerPKToBigAutoField.objects.create(j=1)
  1553. self.assertIsNotNone(obj.i)
  1554. @isolate_apps("schema")
  1555. def test_alter_smallint_pk_to_smallautofield_pk(self):
  1556. """
  1557. Should be able to rename an SmallIntegerField(primary_key=True) to
  1558. SmallAutoField(primary_key=True).
  1559. """
  1560. class SmallIntegerPK(Model):
  1561. i = SmallIntegerField(primary_key=True)
  1562. class Meta:
  1563. app_label = "schema"
  1564. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1565. editor.create_model(SmallIntegerPK)
  1566. self.isolated_local_models = [SmallIntegerPK]
  1567. old_field = SmallIntegerPK._meta.get_field("i")
  1568. new_field = SmallAutoField(primary_key=True)
  1569. new_field.model = SmallIntegerPK
  1570. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("i")
  1571. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1572. editor.alter_field(SmallIntegerPK, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1573. def test_alter_int_pk_to_int_unique(self):
  1574. """
  1575. Should be able to rename an IntegerField(primary_key=True) to
  1576. IntegerField(unique=True).
  1577. """
  1578. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1579. editor.create_model(IntegerPK)
  1580. # Delete the old PK
  1581. old_field = IntegerPK._meta.get_field("i")
  1582. new_field = IntegerField(unique=True)
  1583. new_field.model = IntegerPK
  1584. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("i")
  1585. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1586. editor.alter_field(IntegerPK, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1587. # The primary key constraint is gone. Result depends on database:
  1588. # 'id' for SQLite, None for others (must not be 'i').
  1589. self.assertIn(self.get_primary_key(IntegerPK._meta.db_table), ("id", None))
  1590. # Set up a model class as it currently stands. The original IntegerPK
  1591. # class is now out of date and some backends make use of the whole
  1592. # model class when modifying a field (such as sqlite3 when remaking a
  1593. # table) so an outdated model class leads to incorrect results.
  1594. class Transitional(Model):
  1595. i = IntegerField(unique=True)
  1596. j = IntegerField(unique=True)
  1597. class Meta:
  1598. app_label = "schema"
  1599. apps = new_apps
  1600. db_table = "INTEGERPK"
  1601. # model requires a new PK
  1602. old_field = Transitional._meta.get_field("j")
  1603. new_field = IntegerField(primary_key=True)
  1604. new_field.model = Transitional
  1605. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("j")
  1606. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1607. editor.alter_field(Transitional, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1608. # Create a model class representing the updated model.
  1609. class IntegerUnique(Model):
  1610. i = IntegerField(unique=True)
  1611. j = IntegerField(primary_key=True)
  1612. class Meta:
  1613. app_label = "schema"
  1614. apps = new_apps
  1615. db_table = "INTEGERPK"
  1616. # Ensure unique constraint works.
  1617. IntegerUnique.objects.create(i=1, j=1)
  1618. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  1619. IntegerUnique.objects.create(i=1, j=2)
  1620. def test_rename(self):
  1621. """
  1622. Tests simple altering of fields
  1623. """
  1624. # Create the table
  1625. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1626. editor.create_model(Author)
  1627. # Ensure the field is right to begin with
  1628. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  1629. self.assertEqual(
  1630. columns["name"][0],
  1631. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  1632. )
  1633. self.assertNotIn("display_name", columns)
  1634. # Alter the name field's name
  1635. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  1636. new_field = CharField(max_length=254)
  1637. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("display_name")
  1638. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1639. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1640. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  1641. self.assertEqual(
  1642. columns["display_name"][0],
  1643. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  1644. )
  1645. self.assertNotIn("name", columns)
  1646. @isolate_apps("schema")
  1647. def test_rename_referenced_field(self):
  1648. class Author(Model):
  1649. name = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  1650. class Meta:
  1651. app_label = "schema"
  1652. class Book(Model):
  1653. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE, to_field="name")
  1654. class Meta:
  1655. app_label = "schema"
  1656. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1657. editor.create_model(Author)
  1658. editor.create_model(Book)
  1659. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  1660. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("renamed")
  1661. with connection.schema_editor(
  1662. atomic=connection.features.supports_atomic_references_rename
  1663. ) as editor:
  1664. editor.alter_field(Author, Author._meta.get_field("name"), new_field)
  1665. # Ensure the foreign key reference was updated.
  1666. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "schema_author", "renamed")
  1667. @skipIfDBFeature("interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls")
  1668. def test_rename_keep_null_status(self):
  1669. """
  1670. Renaming a field shouldn't affect the not null status.
  1671. """
  1672. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1673. editor.create_model(Note)
  1674. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  1675. Note.objects.create(info=None)
  1676. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  1677. new_field = TextField()
  1678. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("detail_info")
  1679. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1680. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1681. columns = self.column_classes(Note)
  1682. self.assertEqual(columns["detail_info"][0], "TextField")
  1683. self.assertNotIn("info", columns)
  1684. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  1685. NoteRename.objects.create(detail_info=None)
  1686. def _test_m2m_create(self, M2MFieldClass):
  1687. """
  1688. Tests M2M fields on models during creation
  1689. """
  1690. class LocalBookWithM2M(Model):
  1691. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  1692. title = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
  1693. pub_date = DateTimeField()
  1694. tags = M2MFieldClass("TagM2MTest", related_name="books")
  1695. class Meta:
  1696. app_label = "schema"
  1697. apps = new_apps
  1698. self.local_models = [LocalBookWithM2M]
  1699. # Create the tables
  1700. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1701. editor.create_model(Author)
  1702. editor.create_model(TagM2MTest)
  1703. editor.create_model(LocalBookWithM2M)
  1704. # Ensure there is now an m2m table there
  1705. columns = self.column_classes(
  1706. LocalBookWithM2M._meta.get_field("tags").remote_field.through
  1707. )
  1708. self.assertEqual(
  1709. columns["tagm2mtest_id"][0],
  1710. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1711. )
  1712. def test_m2m_create(self):
  1713. self._test_m2m_create(ManyToManyField)
  1714. def test_m2m_create_custom(self):
  1715. self._test_m2m_create(CustomManyToManyField)
  1716. def test_m2m_create_inherited(self):
  1717. self._test_m2m_create(InheritedManyToManyField)
  1718. def _test_m2m_create_through(self, M2MFieldClass):
  1719. """
  1720. Tests M2M fields on models during creation with through models
  1721. """
  1722. class LocalTagThrough(Model):
  1723. book = ForeignKey("schema.LocalBookWithM2MThrough", CASCADE)
  1724. tag = ForeignKey("schema.TagM2MTest", CASCADE)
  1725. class Meta:
  1726. app_label = "schema"
  1727. apps = new_apps
  1728. class LocalBookWithM2MThrough(Model):
  1729. tags = M2MFieldClass(
  1730. "TagM2MTest", related_name="books", through=LocalTagThrough
  1731. )
  1732. class Meta:
  1733. app_label = "schema"
  1734. apps = new_apps
  1735. self.local_models = [LocalTagThrough, LocalBookWithM2MThrough]
  1736. # Create the tables
  1737. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1738. editor.create_model(LocalTagThrough)
  1739. editor.create_model(TagM2MTest)
  1740. editor.create_model(LocalBookWithM2MThrough)
  1741. # Ensure there is now an m2m table there
  1742. columns = self.column_classes(LocalTagThrough)
  1743. self.assertEqual(
  1744. columns["book_id"][0],
  1745. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1746. )
  1747. self.assertEqual(
  1748. columns["tag_id"][0],
  1749. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1750. )
  1751. def test_m2m_create_through(self):
  1752. self._test_m2m_create_through(ManyToManyField)
  1753. def test_m2m_create_through_custom(self):
  1754. self._test_m2m_create_through(CustomManyToManyField)
  1755. def test_m2m_create_through_inherited(self):
  1756. self._test_m2m_create_through(InheritedManyToManyField)
  1757. def test_m2m_through_remove(self):
  1758. class LocalAuthorNoteThrough(Model):
  1759. book = ForeignKey("schema.Author", CASCADE)
  1760. tag = ForeignKey("self", CASCADE)
  1761. class Meta:
  1762. app_label = "schema"
  1763. apps = new_apps
  1764. class LocalNoteWithM2MThrough(Model):
  1765. authors = ManyToManyField("schema.Author", through=LocalAuthorNoteThrough)
  1766. class Meta:
  1767. app_label = "schema"
  1768. apps = new_apps
  1769. self.local_models = [LocalAuthorNoteThrough, LocalNoteWithM2MThrough]
  1770. # Create the tables.
  1771. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1772. editor.create_model(Author)
  1773. editor.create_model(LocalAuthorNoteThrough)
  1774. editor.create_model(LocalNoteWithM2MThrough)
  1775. # Remove the through parameter.
  1776. old_field = LocalNoteWithM2MThrough._meta.get_field("authors")
  1777. new_field = ManyToManyField("Author")
  1778. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("authors")
  1779. msg = (
  1780. f"Cannot alter field {old_field} into {new_field} - they are not "
  1781. f"compatible types (you cannot alter to or from M2M fields, or add or "
  1782. f"remove through= on M2M fields)"
  1783. )
  1784. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1785. with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
  1786. editor.alter_field(LocalNoteWithM2MThrough, old_field, new_field)
  1787. def _test_m2m(self, M2MFieldClass):
  1788. """
  1789. Tests adding/removing M2M fields on models
  1790. """
  1791. class LocalAuthorWithM2M(Model):
  1792. name = CharField(max_length=255)
  1793. class Meta:
  1794. app_label = "schema"
  1795. apps = new_apps
  1796. self.local_models = [LocalAuthorWithM2M]
  1797. # Create the tables
  1798. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1799. editor.create_model(LocalAuthorWithM2M)
  1800. editor.create_model(TagM2MTest)
  1801. # Create an M2M field
  1802. new_field = M2MFieldClass("schema.TagM2MTest", related_name="authors")
  1803. new_field.contribute_to_class(LocalAuthorWithM2M, "tags")
  1804. # Ensure there's no m2m table there
  1805. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  1806. self.column_classes(new_field.remote_field.through)
  1807. # Add the field
  1808. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1809. editor.add_field(LocalAuthorWithM2M, new_field)
  1810. # Ensure there is now an m2m table there
  1811. columns = self.column_classes(new_field.remote_field.through)
  1812. self.assertEqual(
  1813. columns["tagm2mtest_id"][0],
  1814. connection.features.introspected_field_types["IntegerField"],
  1815. )
  1816. # "Alter" the field. This should not rename the DB table to itself.
  1817. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1818. editor.alter_field(LocalAuthorWithM2M, new_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1819. # Remove the M2M table again
  1820. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1821. editor.remove_field(LocalAuthorWithM2M, new_field)
  1822. # Ensure there's no m2m table there
  1823. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  1824. self.column_classes(new_field.remote_field.through)
  1825. # Make sure the model state is coherent with the table one now that
  1826. # we've removed the tags field.
  1827. opts = LocalAuthorWithM2M._meta
  1828. opts.local_many_to_many.remove(new_field)
  1829. del new_apps.all_models["schema"][
  1830. new_field.remote_field.through._meta.model_name
  1831. ]
  1832. opts._expire_cache()
  1833. def test_m2m(self):
  1834. self._test_m2m(ManyToManyField)
  1835. def test_m2m_custom(self):
  1836. self._test_m2m(CustomManyToManyField)
  1837. def test_m2m_inherited(self):
  1838. self._test_m2m(InheritedManyToManyField)
  1839. def _test_m2m_through_alter(self, M2MFieldClass):
  1840. """
  1841. Tests altering M2Ms with explicit through models (should no-op)
  1842. """
  1843. class LocalAuthorTag(Model):
  1844. author = ForeignKey("schema.LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough", CASCADE)
  1845. tag = ForeignKey("schema.TagM2MTest", CASCADE)
  1846. class Meta:
  1847. app_label = "schema"
  1848. apps = new_apps
  1849. class LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough(Model):
  1850. name = CharField(max_length=255)
  1851. tags = M2MFieldClass(
  1852. "schema.TagM2MTest", related_name="authors", through=LocalAuthorTag
  1853. )
  1854. class Meta:
  1855. app_label = "schema"
  1856. apps = new_apps
  1857. self.local_models = [LocalAuthorTag, LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough]
  1858. # Create the tables
  1859. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1860. editor.create_model(LocalAuthorTag)
  1861. editor.create_model(LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough)
  1862. editor.create_model(TagM2MTest)
  1863. # Ensure the m2m table is there
  1864. self.assertEqual(len(self.column_classes(LocalAuthorTag)), 3)
  1865. # "Alter" the field's blankness. This should not actually do anything.
  1866. old_field = LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough._meta.get_field("tags")
  1867. new_field = M2MFieldClass(
  1868. "schema.TagM2MTest", related_name="authors", through=LocalAuthorTag
  1869. )
  1870. new_field.contribute_to_class(LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough, "tags")
  1871. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1872. editor.alter_field(
  1873. LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough, old_field, new_field, strict=True
  1874. )
  1875. # Ensure the m2m table is still there
  1876. self.assertEqual(len(self.column_classes(LocalAuthorTag)), 3)
  1877. def test_m2m_through_alter(self):
  1878. self._test_m2m_through_alter(ManyToManyField)
  1879. def test_m2m_through_alter_custom(self):
  1880. self._test_m2m_through_alter(CustomManyToManyField)
  1881. def test_m2m_through_alter_inherited(self):
  1882. self._test_m2m_through_alter(InheritedManyToManyField)
  1883. def _test_m2m_repoint(self, M2MFieldClass):
  1884. """
  1885. Tests repointing M2M fields
  1886. """
  1887. class LocalBookWithM2M(Model):
  1888. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  1889. title = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
  1890. pub_date = DateTimeField()
  1891. tags = M2MFieldClass("TagM2MTest", related_name="books")
  1892. class Meta:
  1893. app_label = "schema"
  1894. apps = new_apps
  1895. self.local_models = [LocalBookWithM2M]
  1896. # Create the tables
  1897. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1898. editor.create_model(Author)
  1899. editor.create_model(LocalBookWithM2M)
  1900. editor.create_model(TagM2MTest)
  1901. editor.create_model(UniqueTest)
  1902. # Ensure the M2M exists and points to TagM2MTest
  1903. if connection.features.supports_foreign_keys:
  1904. self.assertForeignKeyExists(
  1905. LocalBookWithM2M._meta.get_field("tags").remote_field.through,
  1906. "tagm2mtest_id",
  1907. "schema_tagm2mtest",
  1908. )
  1909. # Repoint the M2M
  1910. old_field = LocalBookWithM2M._meta.get_field("tags")
  1911. new_field = M2MFieldClass(UniqueTest)
  1912. new_field.contribute_to_class(LocalBookWithM2M, "uniques")
  1913. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1914. editor.alter_field(LocalBookWithM2M, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1915. # Ensure old M2M is gone
  1916. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  1917. self.column_classes(
  1918. LocalBookWithM2M._meta.get_field("tags").remote_field.through
  1919. )
  1920. # This model looks like the new model and is used for teardown.
  1921. opts = LocalBookWithM2M._meta
  1922. opts.local_many_to_many.remove(old_field)
  1923. # Ensure the new M2M exists and points to UniqueTest
  1924. if connection.features.supports_foreign_keys:
  1925. self.assertForeignKeyExists(
  1926. new_field.remote_field.through, "uniquetest_id", "schema_uniquetest"
  1927. )
  1928. def test_m2m_repoint(self):
  1929. self._test_m2m_repoint(ManyToManyField)
  1930. def test_m2m_repoint_custom(self):
  1931. self._test_m2m_repoint(CustomManyToManyField)
  1932. def test_m2m_repoint_inherited(self):
  1933. self._test_m2m_repoint(InheritedManyToManyField)
  1934. @isolate_apps("schema")
  1935. def test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model(self):
  1936. class LocalTagM2MTest(Model):
  1937. title = CharField(max_length=255)
  1938. class Meta:
  1939. app_label = "schema"
  1940. class LocalM2M(Model):
  1941. tags = ManyToManyField(LocalTagM2MTest)
  1942. class Meta:
  1943. app_label = "schema"
  1944. # Create the tables.
  1945. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1946. editor.create_model(LocalM2M)
  1947. editor.create_model(LocalTagM2MTest)
  1948. self.isolated_local_models = [LocalM2M, LocalTagM2MTest]
  1949. # Ensure the m2m table is there.
  1950. self.assertEqual(len(self.column_classes(LocalM2M)), 1)
  1951. # Alter a field in LocalTagM2MTest.
  1952. old_field = LocalTagM2MTest._meta.get_field("title")
  1953. new_field = CharField(max_length=254)
  1954. new_field.contribute_to_class(LocalTagM2MTest, "title1")
  1955. # @isolate_apps() and inner models are needed to have the model
  1956. # relations populated, otherwise this doesn't act as a regression test.
  1957. self.assertEqual(len(new_field.model._meta.related_objects), 1)
  1958. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1959. editor.alter_field(LocalTagM2MTest, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1960. # Ensure the m2m table is still there.
  1961. self.assertEqual(len(self.column_classes(LocalM2M)), 1)
  1962. @skipUnlessDBFeature(
  1963. "supports_column_check_constraints", "can_introspect_check_constraints"
  1964. )
  1965. def test_check_constraints(self):
  1966. """
  1967. Tests creating/deleting CHECK constraints
  1968. """
  1969. # Create the tables
  1970. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1971. editor.create_model(Author)
  1972. # Ensure the constraint exists
  1973. constraints = self.get_constraints(Author._meta.db_table)
  1974. if not any(
  1975. details["columns"] == ["height"] and details["check"]
  1976. for details in constraints.values()
  1977. ):
  1978. self.fail("No check constraint for height found")
  1979. # Alter the column to remove it
  1980. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("height")
  1981. new_field = IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
  1982. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("height")
  1983. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1984. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  1985. constraints = self.get_constraints(Author._meta.db_table)
  1986. for details in constraints.values():
  1987. if details["columns"] == ["height"] and details["check"]:
  1988. self.fail("Check constraint for height found")
  1989. # Alter the column to re-add it
  1990. new_field2 = Author._meta.get_field("height")
  1991. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  1992. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  1993. constraints = self.get_constraints(Author._meta.db_table)
  1994. if not any(
  1995. details["columns"] == ["height"] and details["check"]
  1996. for details in constraints.values()
  1997. ):
  1998. self.fail("No check constraint for height found")
  1999. @skipUnlessDBFeature(
  2000. "supports_column_check_constraints", "can_introspect_check_constraints"
  2001. )
  2002. @isolate_apps("schema")
  2003. def test_check_constraint_timedelta_param(self):
  2004. class DurationModel(Model):
  2005. duration = DurationField()
  2006. class Meta:
  2007. app_label = "schema"
  2008. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2009. editor.create_model(DurationModel)
  2010. self.isolated_local_models = [DurationModel]
  2011. constraint_name = "duration_gte_5_minutes"
  2012. constraint = CheckConstraint(
  2013. check=Q(duration__gt=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)),
  2014. name=constraint_name,
  2015. )
  2016. DurationModel._meta.constraints = [constraint]
  2017. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2018. editor.add_constraint(DurationModel, constraint)
  2019. constraints = self.get_constraints(DurationModel._meta.db_table)
  2020. self.assertIn(constraint_name, constraints)
  2021. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError), atomic():
  2022. DurationModel.objects.create(duration=datetime.timedelta(minutes=4))
  2023. DurationModel.objects.create(duration=datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
  2024. @skipUnlessDBFeature(
  2025. "supports_column_check_constraints", "can_introspect_check_constraints"
  2026. )
  2027. def test_remove_field_check_does_not_remove_meta_constraints(self):
  2028. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2029. editor.create_model(Author)
  2030. # Add the custom check constraint
  2031. constraint = CheckConstraint(
  2032. check=Q(height__gte=0), name="author_height_gte_0_check"
  2033. )
  2034. custom_constraint_name = constraint.name
  2035. Author._meta.constraints = [constraint]
  2036. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2037. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2038. # Ensure the constraints exist
  2039. constraints = self.get_constraints(Author._meta.db_table)
  2040. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2041. other_constraints = [
  2042. name
  2043. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2044. if details["columns"] == ["height"]
  2045. and details["check"]
  2046. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2047. ]
  2048. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2049. # Alter the column to remove field check
  2050. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("height")
  2051. new_field = IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
  2052. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("height")
  2053. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2054. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  2055. constraints = self.get_constraints(Author._meta.db_table)
  2056. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2057. other_constraints = [
  2058. name
  2059. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2060. if details["columns"] == ["height"]
  2061. and details["check"]
  2062. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2063. ]
  2064. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 0)
  2065. # Alter the column to re-add field check
  2066. new_field2 = Author._meta.get_field("height")
  2067. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2068. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  2069. constraints = self.get_constraints(Author._meta.db_table)
  2070. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2071. other_constraints = [
  2072. name
  2073. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2074. if details["columns"] == ["height"]
  2075. and details["check"]
  2076. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2077. ]
  2078. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2079. # Drop the check constraint
  2080. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2081. Author._meta.constraints = []
  2082. editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2083. def test_unique(self):
  2084. """
  2085. Tests removing and adding unique constraints to a single column.
  2086. """
  2087. # Create the table
  2088. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2089. editor.create_model(Tag)
  2090. # Ensure the field is unique to begin with
  2091. Tag.objects.create(title="foo", slug="foo")
  2092. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  2093. Tag.objects.create(title="bar", slug="foo")
  2094. Tag.objects.all().delete()
  2095. # Alter the slug field to be non-unique
  2096. old_field = Tag._meta.get_field("slug")
  2097. new_field = SlugField(unique=False)
  2098. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  2099. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2100. editor.alter_field(Tag, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  2101. # Ensure the field is no longer unique
  2102. Tag.objects.create(title="foo", slug="foo")
  2103. Tag.objects.create(title="bar", slug="foo")
  2104. Tag.objects.all().delete()
  2105. # Alter the slug field to be unique
  2106. new_field2 = SlugField(unique=True)
  2107. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  2108. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2109. editor.alter_field(Tag, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  2110. # Ensure the field is unique again
  2111. Tag.objects.create(title="foo", slug="foo")
  2112. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  2113. Tag.objects.create(title="bar", slug="foo")
  2114. Tag.objects.all().delete()
  2115. # Rename the field
  2116. new_field3 = SlugField(unique=True)
  2117. new_field3.set_attributes_from_name("slug2")
  2118. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2119. editor.alter_field(Tag, new_field2, new_field3, strict=True)
  2120. # Ensure the field is still unique
  2121. TagUniqueRename.objects.create(title="foo", slug2="foo")
  2122. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  2123. TagUniqueRename.objects.create(title="bar", slug2="foo")
  2124. Tag.objects.all().delete()
  2125. def test_unique_name_quoting(self):
  2126. old_table_name = TagUniqueRename._meta.db_table
  2127. try:
  2128. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2129. editor.create_model(TagUniqueRename)
  2130. editor.alter_db_table(TagUniqueRename, old_table_name, "unique-table")
  2131. TagUniqueRename._meta.db_table = "unique-table"
  2132. # This fails if the unique index name isn't quoted.
  2133. editor.alter_unique_together(TagUniqueRename, [], (("title", "slug2"),))
  2134. finally:
  2135. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2136. editor.delete_model(TagUniqueRename)
  2137. TagUniqueRename._meta.db_table = old_table_name
  2138. @isolate_apps("schema")
  2139. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  2140. def test_unique_no_unnecessary_fk_drops(self):
  2141. """
  2142. If AlterField isn't selective about dropping foreign key constraints
  2143. when modifying a field with a unique constraint, the AlterField
  2144. incorrectly drops and recreates the Book.author foreign key even though
  2145. it doesn't restrict the field being changed (#29193).
  2146. """
  2147. class Author(Model):
  2148. name = CharField(max_length=254, unique=True)
  2149. class Meta:
  2150. app_label = "schema"
  2151. class Book(Model):
  2152. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  2153. class Meta:
  2154. app_label = "schema"
  2155. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2156. editor.create_model(Author)
  2157. editor.create_model(Book)
  2158. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  2159. new_field.model = Author
  2160. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  2161. with self.assertLogs("django.db.backends.schema", "DEBUG") as cm:
  2162. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2163. editor.alter_field(Author, Author._meta.get_field("name"), new_field)
  2164. # One SQL statement is executed to alter the field.
  2165. self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1)
  2166. @isolate_apps("schema")
  2167. def test_unique_and_reverse_m2m(self):
  2168. """
  2169. AlterField can modify a unique field when there's a reverse M2M
  2170. relation on the model.
  2171. """
  2172. class Tag(Model):
  2173. title = CharField(max_length=255)
  2174. slug = SlugField(unique=True)
  2175. class Meta:
  2176. app_label = "schema"
  2177. class Book(Model):
  2178. tags = ManyToManyField(Tag, related_name="books")
  2179. class Meta:
  2180. app_label = "schema"
  2181. self.isolated_local_models = [Book._meta.get_field("tags").remote_field.through]
  2182. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2183. editor.create_model(Tag)
  2184. editor.create_model(Book)
  2185. new_field = SlugField(max_length=75, unique=True)
  2186. new_field.model = Tag
  2187. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  2188. with self.assertLogs("django.db.backends.schema", "DEBUG") as cm:
  2189. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2190. editor.alter_field(Tag, Tag._meta.get_field("slug"), new_field)
  2191. # One SQL statement is executed to alter the field.
  2192. self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1)
  2193. # Ensure that the field is still unique.
  2194. Tag.objects.create(title="foo", slug="foo")
  2195. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  2196. Tag.objects.create(title="bar", slug="foo")
  2197. @skipUnlessDBFeature("allows_multiple_constraints_on_same_fields")
  2198. def test_remove_field_unique_does_not_remove_meta_constraints(self):
  2199. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2200. editor.create_model(AuthorWithUniqueName)
  2201. self.local_models = [AuthorWithUniqueName]
  2202. # Add the custom unique constraint
  2203. constraint = UniqueConstraint(fields=["name"], name="author_name_uniq")
  2204. custom_constraint_name = constraint.name
  2205. AuthorWithUniqueName._meta.constraints = [constraint]
  2206. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2207. editor.add_constraint(AuthorWithUniqueName, constraint)
  2208. # Ensure the constraints exist
  2209. constraints = self.get_constraints(AuthorWithUniqueName._meta.db_table)
  2210. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2211. other_constraints = [
  2212. name
  2213. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2214. if details["columns"] == ["name"]
  2215. and details["unique"]
  2216. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2217. ]
  2218. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2219. # Alter the column to remove field uniqueness
  2220. old_field = AuthorWithUniqueName._meta.get_field("name")
  2221. new_field = CharField(max_length=255)
  2222. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  2223. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2224. editor.alter_field(AuthorWithUniqueName, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  2225. constraints = self.get_constraints(AuthorWithUniqueName._meta.db_table)
  2226. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2227. other_constraints = [
  2228. name
  2229. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2230. if details["columns"] == ["name"]
  2231. and details["unique"]
  2232. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2233. ]
  2234. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 0)
  2235. # Alter the column to re-add field uniqueness
  2236. new_field2 = AuthorWithUniqueName._meta.get_field("name")
  2237. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2238. editor.alter_field(AuthorWithUniqueName, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  2239. constraints = self.get_constraints(AuthorWithUniqueName._meta.db_table)
  2240. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2241. other_constraints = [
  2242. name
  2243. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2244. if details["columns"] == ["name"]
  2245. and details["unique"]
  2246. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2247. ]
  2248. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2249. # Drop the unique constraint
  2250. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2251. AuthorWithUniqueName._meta.constraints = []
  2252. editor.remove_constraint(AuthorWithUniqueName, constraint)
  2253. def test_unique_together(self):
  2254. """
  2255. Tests removing and adding unique_together constraints on a model.
  2256. """
  2257. # Create the table
  2258. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2259. editor.create_model(UniqueTest)
  2260. # Ensure the fields are unique to begin with
  2261. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2012, slug="foo")
  2262. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2011, slug="foo")
  2263. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2011, slug="bar")
  2264. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  2265. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2012, slug="foo")
  2266. UniqueTest.objects.all().delete()
  2267. # Alter the model to its non-unique-together companion
  2268. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2269. editor.alter_unique_together(
  2270. UniqueTest, UniqueTest._meta.unique_together, []
  2271. )
  2272. # Ensure the fields are no longer unique
  2273. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2012, slug="foo")
  2274. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2012, slug="foo")
  2275. UniqueTest.objects.all().delete()
  2276. # Alter it back
  2277. new_field2 = SlugField(unique=True)
  2278. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  2279. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2280. editor.alter_unique_together(
  2281. UniqueTest, [], UniqueTest._meta.unique_together
  2282. )
  2283. # Ensure the fields are unique again
  2284. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2012, slug="foo")
  2285. with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
  2286. UniqueTest.objects.create(year=2012, slug="foo")
  2287. UniqueTest.objects.all().delete()
  2288. def test_unique_together_with_fk(self):
  2289. """
  2290. Tests removing and adding unique_together constraints that include
  2291. a foreign key.
  2292. """
  2293. # Create the table
  2294. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2295. editor.create_model(Author)
  2296. editor.create_model(Book)
  2297. # Ensure the fields are unique to begin with
  2298. self.assertEqual(Book._meta.unique_together, ())
  2299. # Add the unique_together constraint
  2300. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2301. editor.alter_unique_together(Book, [], [["author", "title"]])
  2302. # Alter it back
  2303. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2304. editor.alter_unique_together(Book, [["author", "title"]], [])
  2305. def test_unique_together_with_fk_with_existing_index(self):
  2306. """
  2307. Tests removing and adding unique_together constraints that include
  2308. a foreign key, where the foreign key is added after the model is
  2309. created.
  2310. """
  2311. # Create the tables
  2312. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2313. editor.create_model(Author)
  2314. editor.create_model(BookWithoutAuthor)
  2315. new_field = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  2316. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  2317. editor.add_field(BookWithoutAuthor, new_field)
  2318. # Ensure the fields aren't unique to begin with
  2319. self.assertEqual(Book._meta.unique_together, ())
  2320. # Add the unique_together constraint
  2321. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2322. editor.alter_unique_together(Book, [], [["author", "title"]])
  2323. # Alter it back
  2324. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2325. editor.alter_unique_together(Book, [["author", "title"]], [])
  2326. @skipUnlessDBFeature("allows_multiple_constraints_on_same_fields")
  2327. def test_remove_unique_together_does_not_remove_meta_constraints(self):
  2328. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2329. editor.create_model(AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday)
  2330. self.local_models = [AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday]
  2331. # Add the custom unique constraint
  2332. constraint = UniqueConstraint(
  2333. fields=["name", "birthday"], name="author_name_birthday_uniq"
  2334. )
  2335. custom_constraint_name = constraint.name
  2336. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday._meta.constraints = [constraint]
  2337. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2338. editor.add_constraint(AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday, constraint)
  2339. # Ensure the constraints exist
  2340. constraints = self.get_constraints(
  2341. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday._meta.db_table
  2342. )
  2343. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2344. other_constraints = [
  2345. name
  2346. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2347. if details["columns"] == ["name", "birthday"]
  2348. and details["unique"]
  2349. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2350. ]
  2351. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2352. # Remove unique together
  2353. unique_together = AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday._meta.unique_together
  2354. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2355. editor.alter_unique_together(
  2356. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday, unique_together, []
  2357. )
  2358. constraints = self.get_constraints(
  2359. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday._meta.db_table
  2360. )
  2361. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2362. other_constraints = [
  2363. name
  2364. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2365. if details["columns"] == ["name", "birthday"]
  2366. and details["unique"]
  2367. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2368. ]
  2369. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 0)
  2370. # Re-add unique together
  2371. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2372. editor.alter_unique_together(
  2373. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday, [], unique_together
  2374. )
  2375. constraints = self.get_constraints(
  2376. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday._meta.db_table
  2377. )
  2378. self.assertIn(custom_constraint_name, constraints)
  2379. other_constraints = [
  2380. name
  2381. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2382. if details["columns"] == ["name", "birthday"]
  2383. and details["unique"]
  2384. and name != custom_constraint_name
  2385. ]
  2386. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2387. # Drop the unique constraint
  2388. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2389. AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday._meta.constraints = []
  2390. editor.remove_constraint(AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday, constraint)
  2391. def test_unique_constraint(self):
  2392. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2393. editor.create_model(Author)
  2394. constraint = UniqueConstraint(fields=["name"], name="name_uq")
  2395. # Add constraint.
  2396. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2397. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2398. sql = constraint.create_sql(Author, editor)
  2399. table = Author._meta.db_table
  2400. self.assertIs(sql.references_table(table), True)
  2401. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  2402. # Remove constraint.
  2403. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2404. editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2405. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2406. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2407. def test_func_unique_constraint(self):
  2408. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2409. editor.create_model(Author)
  2410. constraint = UniqueConstraint(Upper("name").desc(), name="func_upper_uq")
  2411. # Add constraint.
  2412. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2413. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2414. sql = constraint.create_sql(Author, editor)
  2415. table = Author._meta.db_table
  2416. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  2417. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  2418. self.assertIndexOrder(table, constraint.name, ["DESC"])
  2419. self.assertIn(constraint.name, constraints)
  2420. self.assertIs(constraints[constraint.name]["unique"], True)
  2421. # SQL contains a database function.
  2422. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  2423. self.assertIn("UPPER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("name"), str(sql))
  2424. # Remove constraint.
  2425. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2426. editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2427. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2428. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2429. def test_composite_func_unique_constraint(self):
  2430. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2431. editor.create_model(Author)
  2432. editor.create_model(BookWithSlug)
  2433. constraint = UniqueConstraint(
  2434. Upper("title"),
  2435. Lower("slug"),
  2436. name="func_upper_lower_unq",
  2437. )
  2438. # Add constraint.
  2439. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2440. editor.add_constraint(BookWithSlug, constraint)
  2441. sql = constraint.create_sql(BookWithSlug, editor)
  2442. table = BookWithSlug._meta.db_table
  2443. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  2444. self.assertIn(constraint.name, constraints)
  2445. self.assertIs(constraints[constraint.name]["unique"], True)
  2446. # SQL contains database functions.
  2447. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "title"), True)
  2448. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "slug"), True)
  2449. sql = str(sql)
  2450. self.assertIn("UPPER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("title"), sql)
  2451. self.assertIn("LOWER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("slug"), sql)
  2452. self.assertLess(sql.index("UPPER"), sql.index("LOWER"))
  2453. # Remove constraint.
  2454. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2455. editor.remove_constraint(BookWithSlug, constraint)
  2456. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2457. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2458. def test_unique_constraint_field_and_expression(self):
  2459. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2460. editor.create_model(Author)
  2461. constraint = UniqueConstraint(
  2462. F("height").desc(),
  2463. "uuid",
  2464. Lower("name").asc(),
  2465. name="func_f_lower_field_unq",
  2466. )
  2467. # Add constraint.
  2468. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2469. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2470. sql = constraint.create_sql(Author, editor)
  2471. table = Author._meta.db_table
  2472. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  2473. self.assertIndexOrder(table, constraint.name, ["DESC", "ASC", "ASC"])
  2474. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  2475. self.assertIs(constraints[constraint.name]["unique"], True)
  2476. self.assertEqual(len(constraints[constraint.name]["columns"]), 3)
  2477. self.assertEqual(constraints[constraint.name]["columns"][1], "uuid")
  2478. # SQL contains database functions and columns.
  2479. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "height"), True)
  2480. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  2481. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "uuid"), True)
  2482. self.assertIn("LOWER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("name"), str(sql))
  2483. # Remove constraint.
  2484. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2485. editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2486. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2487. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes", "supports_partial_indexes")
  2488. def test_func_unique_constraint_partial(self):
  2489. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2490. editor.create_model(Author)
  2491. constraint = UniqueConstraint(
  2492. Upper("name"),
  2493. name="func_upper_cond_weight_uq",
  2494. condition=Q(weight__isnull=False),
  2495. )
  2496. # Add constraint.
  2497. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2498. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2499. sql = constraint.create_sql(Author, editor)
  2500. table = Author._meta.db_table
  2501. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  2502. self.assertIn(constraint.name, constraints)
  2503. self.assertIs(constraints[constraint.name]["unique"], True)
  2504. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  2505. self.assertIn("UPPER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("name"), str(sql))
  2506. self.assertIn(
  2507. "WHERE %s IS NOT NULL" % editor.quote_name("weight"),
  2508. str(sql),
  2509. )
  2510. # Remove constraint.
  2511. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2512. editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2513. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2514. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes", "supports_covering_indexes")
  2515. def test_func_unique_constraint_covering(self):
  2516. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2517. editor.create_model(Author)
  2518. constraint = UniqueConstraint(
  2519. Upper("name"),
  2520. name="func_upper_covering_uq",
  2521. include=["weight", "height"],
  2522. )
  2523. # Add constraint.
  2524. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2525. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2526. sql = constraint.create_sql(Author, editor)
  2527. table = Author._meta.db_table
  2528. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  2529. self.assertIn(constraint.name, constraints)
  2530. self.assertIs(constraints[constraint.name]["unique"], True)
  2531. self.assertEqual(
  2532. constraints[constraint.name]["columns"],
  2533. [None, "weight", "height"],
  2534. )
  2535. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  2536. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "weight"), True)
  2537. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "height"), True)
  2538. self.assertIn("UPPER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("name"), str(sql))
  2539. self.assertIn(
  2540. "INCLUDE (%s, %s)"
  2541. % (
  2542. editor.quote_name("weight"),
  2543. editor.quote_name("height"),
  2544. ),
  2545. str(sql),
  2546. )
  2547. # Remove constraint.
  2548. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2549. editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2550. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2551. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2552. def test_func_unique_constraint_lookups(self):
  2553. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2554. editor.create_model(Author)
  2555. with register_lookup(CharField, Lower), register_lookup(IntegerField, Abs):
  2556. constraint = UniqueConstraint(
  2557. F("name__lower"),
  2558. F("weight__abs"),
  2559. name="func_lower_abs_lookup_uq",
  2560. )
  2561. # Add constraint.
  2562. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2563. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2564. sql = constraint.create_sql(Author, editor)
  2565. table = Author._meta.db_table
  2566. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  2567. self.assertIn(constraint.name, constraints)
  2568. self.assertIs(constraints[constraint.name]["unique"], True)
  2569. # SQL contains columns.
  2570. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  2571. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "weight"), True)
  2572. # Remove constraint.
  2573. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2574. editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2575. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2576. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2577. def test_func_unique_constraint_collate(self):
  2578. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  2579. if not collation:
  2580. self.skipTest("This backend does not support case-insensitive collations.")
  2581. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2582. editor.create_model(Author)
  2583. editor.create_model(BookWithSlug)
  2584. constraint = UniqueConstraint(
  2585. Collate(F("title"), collation=collation).desc(),
  2586. Collate("slug", collation=collation),
  2587. name="func_collate_uq",
  2588. )
  2589. # Add constraint.
  2590. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2591. editor.add_constraint(BookWithSlug, constraint)
  2592. sql = constraint.create_sql(BookWithSlug, editor)
  2593. table = BookWithSlug._meta.db_table
  2594. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  2595. self.assertIn(constraint.name, constraints)
  2596. self.assertIs(constraints[constraint.name]["unique"], True)
  2597. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  2598. self.assertIndexOrder(table, constraint.name, ["DESC", "ASC"])
  2599. # SQL contains columns and a collation.
  2600. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "title"), True)
  2601. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "slug"), True)
  2602. self.assertIn("COLLATE %s" % editor.quote_name(collation), str(sql))
  2603. # Remove constraint.
  2604. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2605. editor.remove_constraint(BookWithSlug, constraint)
  2606. self.assertNotIn(constraint.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  2607. @skipIfDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2608. def test_func_unique_constraint_unsupported(self):
  2609. # UniqueConstraint is ignored on databases that don't support indexes on
  2610. # expressions.
  2611. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2612. editor.create_model(Author)
  2613. constraint = UniqueConstraint(F("name"), name="func_name_uq")
  2614. with connection.schema_editor() as editor, self.assertNumQueries(0):
  2615. self.assertIsNone(editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint))
  2616. self.assertIsNone(editor.remove_constraint(Author, constraint))
  2617. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2618. def test_func_unique_constraint_nonexistent_field(self):
  2619. constraint = UniqueConstraint(Lower("nonexistent"), name="func_nonexistent_uq")
  2620. msg = (
  2621. "Cannot resolve keyword 'nonexistent' into field. Choices are: "
  2622. "height, id, name, uuid, weight"
  2623. )
  2624. with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
  2625. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2626. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2627. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2628. def test_func_unique_constraint_nondeterministic(self):
  2629. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2630. editor.create_model(Author)
  2631. constraint = UniqueConstraint(Random(), name="func_random_uq")
  2632. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2633. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  2634. editor.add_constraint(Author, constraint)
  2635. @ignore_warnings(category=RemovedInDjango51Warning)
  2636. def test_index_together(self):
  2637. """
  2638. Tests removing and adding index_together constraints on a model.
  2639. """
  2640. # Create the table
  2641. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2642. editor.create_model(Tag)
  2643. # Ensure there's no index on the year/slug columns first
  2644. self.assertIs(
  2645. any(
  2646. c["index"]
  2647. for c in self.get_constraints("schema_tag").values()
  2648. if c["columns"] == ["slug", "title"]
  2649. ),
  2650. False,
  2651. )
  2652. # Alter the model to add an index
  2653. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2654. editor.alter_index_together(Tag, [], [("slug", "title")])
  2655. # Ensure there is now an index
  2656. self.assertIs(
  2657. any(
  2658. c["index"]
  2659. for c in self.get_constraints("schema_tag").values()
  2660. if c["columns"] == ["slug", "title"]
  2661. ),
  2662. True,
  2663. )
  2664. # Alter it back
  2665. new_field2 = SlugField(unique=True)
  2666. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  2667. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2668. editor.alter_index_together(Tag, [("slug", "title")], [])
  2669. # Ensure there's no index
  2670. self.assertIs(
  2671. any(
  2672. c["index"]
  2673. for c in self.get_constraints("schema_tag").values()
  2674. if c["columns"] == ["slug", "title"]
  2675. ),
  2676. False,
  2677. )
  2678. @ignore_warnings(category=RemovedInDjango51Warning)
  2679. def test_index_together_with_fk(self):
  2680. """
  2681. Tests removing and adding index_together constraints that include
  2682. a foreign key.
  2683. """
  2684. # Create the table
  2685. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2686. editor.create_model(Author)
  2687. editor.create_model(Book)
  2688. # Ensure the fields are unique to begin with
  2689. self.assertEqual(Book._meta.index_together, ())
  2690. # Add the unique_together constraint
  2691. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2692. editor.alter_index_together(Book, [], [["author", "title"]])
  2693. # Alter it back
  2694. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2695. editor.alter_index_together(Book, [["author", "title"]], [])
  2696. @ignore_warnings(category=RemovedInDjango51Warning)
  2697. @isolate_apps("schema")
  2698. def test_create_index_together(self):
  2699. """
  2700. Tests creating models with index_together already defined
  2701. """
  2702. class TagIndexed(Model):
  2703. title = CharField(max_length=255)
  2704. slug = SlugField(unique=True)
  2705. class Meta:
  2706. app_label = "schema"
  2707. index_together = [["slug", "title"]]
  2708. # Create the table
  2709. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2710. editor.create_model(TagIndexed)
  2711. self.isolated_local_models = [TagIndexed]
  2712. # Ensure there is an index
  2713. self.assertIs(
  2714. any(
  2715. c["index"]
  2716. for c in self.get_constraints("schema_tagindexed").values()
  2717. if c["columns"] == ["slug", "title"]
  2718. ),
  2719. True,
  2720. )
  2721. @skipUnlessDBFeature("allows_multiple_constraints_on_same_fields")
  2722. @ignore_warnings(category=RemovedInDjango51Warning)
  2723. @isolate_apps("schema")
  2724. def test_remove_index_together_does_not_remove_meta_indexes(self):
  2725. class AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday(Model):
  2726. name = CharField(max_length=255)
  2727. birthday = DateField()
  2728. class Meta:
  2729. app_label = "schema"
  2730. index_together = [["name", "birthday"]]
  2731. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2732. editor.create_model(AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday)
  2733. self.isolated_local_models = [AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday]
  2734. # Add the custom index
  2735. index = Index(fields=["name", "birthday"], name="author_name_birthday_idx")
  2736. custom_index_name = index.name
  2737. AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday._meta.indexes = [index]
  2738. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2739. editor.add_index(AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday, index)
  2740. # Ensure the indexes exist
  2741. constraints = self.get_constraints(
  2742. AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday._meta.db_table
  2743. )
  2744. self.assertIn(custom_index_name, constraints)
  2745. other_constraints = [
  2746. name
  2747. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2748. if details["columns"] == ["name", "birthday"]
  2749. and details["index"]
  2750. and name != custom_index_name
  2751. ]
  2752. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2753. # Remove index together
  2754. index_together = AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday._meta.index_together
  2755. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2756. editor.alter_index_together(
  2757. AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday, index_together, []
  2758. )
  2759. constraints = self.get_constraints(
  2760. AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday._meta.db_table
  2761. )
  2762. self.assertIn(custom_index_name, constraints)
  2763. other_constraints = [
  2764. name
  2765. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2766. if details["columns"] == ["name", "birthday"]
  2767. and details["index"]
  2768. and name != custom_index_name
  2769. ]
  2770. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 0)
  2771. # Re-add index together
  2772. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2773. editor.alter_index_together(
  2774. AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday, [], index_together
  2775. )
  2776. constraints = self.get_constraints(
  2777. AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday._meta.db_table
  2778. )
  2779. self.assertIn(custom_index_name, constraints)
  2780. other_constraints = [
  2781. name
  2782. for name, details in constraints.items()
  2783. if details["columns"] == ["name", "birthday"]
  2784. and details["index"]
  2785. and name != custom_index_name
  2786. ]
  2787. self.assertEqual(len(other_constraints), 1)
  2788. # Drop the index
  2789. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2790. AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday._meta.indexes = []
  2791. editor.remove_index(AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday, index)
  2792. @isolate_apps("schema")
  2793. def test_db_table(self):
  2794. """
  2795. Tests renaming of the table
  2796. """
  2797. class Author(Model):
  2798. name = CharField(max_length=255)
  2799. class Meta:
  2800. app_label = "schema"
  2801. class Book(Model):
  2802. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  2803. class Meta:
  2804. app_label = "schema"
  2805. # Create the table and one referring it.
  2806. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2807. editor.create_model(Author)
  2808. editor.create_model(Book)
  2809. # Ensure the table is there to begin with
  2810. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  2811. self.assertEqual(
  2812. columns["name"][0],
  2813. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  2814. )
  2815. # Alter the table
  2816. with connection.schema_editor(
  2817. atomic=connection.features.supports_atomic_references_rename
  2818. ) as editor:
  2819. editor.alter_db_table(Author, "schema_author", "schema_otherauthor")
  2820. Author._meta.db_table = "schema_otherauthor"
  2821. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  2822. self.assertEqual(
  2823. columns["name"][0],
  2824. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  2825. )
  2826. # Ensure the foreign key reference was updated
  2827. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "schema_otherauthor")
  2828. # Alter the table again
  2829. with connection.schema_editor(
  2830. atomic=connection.features.supports_atomic_references_rename
  2831. ) as editor:
  2832. editor.alter_db_table(Author, "schema_otherauthor", "schema_author")
  2833. # Ensure the table is still there
  2834. Author._meta.db_table = "schema_author"
  2835. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  2836. self.assertEqual(
  2837. columns["name"][0],
  2838. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  2839. )
  2840. def test_add_remove_index(self):
  2841. """
  2842. Tests index addition and removal
  2843. """
  2844. # Create the table
  2845. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2846. editor.create_model(Author)
  2847. # Ensure the table is there and has no index
  2848. self.assertNotIn("title", self.get_indexes(Author._meta.db_table))
  2849. # Add the index
  2850. index = Index(fields=["name"], name="author_title_idx")
  2851. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2852. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  2853. self.assertIn("name", self.get_indexes(Author._meta.db_table))
  2854. # Drop the index
  2855. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2856. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  2857. self.assertNotIn("name", self.get_indexes(Author._meta.db_table))
  2858. def test_remove_db_index_doesnt_remove_custom_indexes(self):
  2859. """
  2860. Changing db_index to False doesn't remove indexes from Meta.indexes.
  2861. """
  2862. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2863. editor.create_model(AuthorWithIndexedName)
  2864. self.local_models = [AuthorWithIndexedName]
  2865. # Ensure the table has its index
  2866. self.assertIn("name", self.get_indexes(AuthorWithIndexedName._meta.db_table))
  2867. # Add the custom index
  2868. index = Index(fields=["-name"], name="author_name_idx")
  2869. author_index_name = index.name
  2870. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2871. db_index_name = editor._create_index_name(
  2872. table_name=AuthorWithIndexedName._meta.db_table,
  2873. column_names=("name",),
  2874. )
  2875. try:
  2876. AuthorWithIndexedName._meta.indexes = [index]
  2877. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2878. editor.add_index(AuthorWithIndexedName, index)
  2879. old_constraints = self.get_constraints(AuthorWithIndexedName._meta.db_table)
  2880. self.assertIn(author_index_name, old_constraints)
  2881. self.assertIn(db_index_name, old_constraints)
  2882. # Change name field to db_index=False
  2883. old_field = AuthorWithIndexedName._meta.get_field("name")
  2884. new_field = CharField(max_length=255)
  2885. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  2886. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2887. editor.alter_field(
  2888. AuthorWithIndexedName, old_field, new_field, strict=True
  2889. )
  2890. new_constraints = self.get_constraints(AuthorWithIndexedName._meta.db_table)
  2891. self.assertNotIn(db_index_name, new_constraints)
  2892. # The index from Meta.indexes is still in the database.
  2893. self.assertIn(author_index_name, new_constraints)
  2894. # Drop the index
  2895. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2896. editor.remove_index(AuthorWithIndexedName, index)
  2897. finally:
  2898. AuthorWithIndexedName._meta.indexes = []
  2899. def test_order_index(self):
  2900. """
  2901. Indexes defined with ordering (ASC/DESC) defined on column
  2902. """
  2903. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2904. editor.create_model(Author)
  2905. # The table doesn't have an index
  2906. self.assertNotIn("title", self.get_indexes(Author._meta.db_table))
  2907. index_name = "author_name_idx"
  2908. # Add the index
  2909. index = Index(fields=["name", "-weight"], name=index_name)
  2910. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2911. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  2912. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  2913. self.assertIndexOrder(Author._meta.db_table, index_name, ["ASC", "DESC"])
  2914. # Drop the index
  2915. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2916. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  2917. def test_indexes(self):
  2918. """
  2919. Tests creation/altering of indexes
  2920. """
  2921. # Create the table
  2922. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2923. editor.create_model(Author)
  2924. editor.create_model(Book)
  2925. # Ensure the table is there and has the right index
  2926. self.assertIn(
  2927. "title",
  2928. self.get_indexes(Book._meta.db_table),
  2929. )
  2930. # Alter to remove the index
  2931. old_field = Book._meta.get_field("title")
  2932. new_field = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=False)
  2933. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  2934. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2935. editor.alter_field(Book, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  2936. # Ensure the table is there and has no index
  2937. self.assertNotIn(
  2938. "title",
  2939. self.get_indexes(Book._meta.db_table),
  2940. )
  2941. # Alter to re-add the index
  2942. new_field2 = Book._meta.get_field("title")
  2943. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2944. editor.alter_field(Book, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  2945. # Ensure the table is there and has the index again
  2946. self.assertIn(
  2947. "title",
  2948. self.get_indexes(Book._meta.db_table),
  2949. )
  2950. # Add a unique column, verify that creates an implicit index
  2951. new_field3 = BookWithSlug._meta.get_field("slug")
  2952. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2953. editor.add_field(Book, new_field3)
  2954. self.assertIn(
  2955. "slug",
  2956. self.get_uniques(Book._meta.db_table),
  2957. )
  2958. # Remove the unique, check the index goes with it
  2959. new_field4 = CharField(max_length=20, unique=False)
  2960. new_field4.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  2961. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2962. editor.alter_field(BookWithSlug, new_field3, new_field4, strict=True)
  2963. self.assertNotIn(
  2964. "slug",
  2965. self.get_uniques(Book._meta.db_table),
  2966. )
  2967. def test_text_field_with_db_index(self):
  2968. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2969. editor.create_model(AuthorTextFieldWithIndex)
  2970. # The text_field index is present if the database supports it.
  2971. assertion = (
  2972. self.assertIn
  2973. if connection.features.supports_index_on_text_field
  2974. else self.assertNotIn
  2975. )
  2976. assertion(
  2977. "text_field", self.get_indexes(AuthorTextFieldWithIndex._meta.db_table)
  2978. )
  2979. def _index_expressions_wrappers(self):
  2980. index_expression = IndexExpression()
  2981. index_expression.set_wrapper_classes(connection)
  2982. return ", ".join(
  2983. [
  2984. wrapper_cls.__qualname__
  2985. for wrapper_cls in index_expression.wrapper_classes
  2986. ]
  2987. )
  2988. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2989. def test_func_index_multiple_wrapper_references(self):
  2990. index = Index(OrderBy(F("name").desc(), descending=True), name="name")
  2991. msg = (
  2992. "Multiple references to %s can't be used in an indexed expression."
  2993. % self._index_expressions_wrappers()
  2994. )
  2995. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  2996. with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
  2997. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  2998. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  2999. def test_func_index_invalid_topmost_expressions(self):
  3000. index = Index(Upper(F("name").desc()), name="name")
  3001. msg = (
  3002. "%s must be topmost expressions in an indexed expression."
  3003. % self._index_expressions_wrappers()
  3004. )
  3005. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3006. with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
  3007. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3008. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3009. def test_func_index(self):
  3010. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3011. editor.create_model(Author)
  3012. index = Index(Lower("name").desc(), name="func_lower_idx")
  3013. # Add index.
  3014. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3015. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3016. sql = index.create_sql(Author, editor)
  3017. table = Author._meta.db_table
  3018. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  3019. self.assertIndexOrder(table, index.name, ["DESC"])
  3020. # SQL contains a database function.
  3021. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  3022. self.assertIn("LOWER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("name"), str(sql))
  3023. # Remove index.
  3024. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3025. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  3026. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3027. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3028. def test_func_index_f(self):
  3029. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3030. editor.create_model(Tag)
  3031. index = Index("slug", F("title").desc(), name="func_f_idx")
  3032. # Add index.
  3033. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3034. editor.add_index(Tag, index)
  3035. sql = index.create_sql(Tag, editor)
  3036. table = Tag._meta.db_table
  3037. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3038. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  3039. self.assertIndexOrder(Tag._meta.db_table, index.name, ["ASC", "DESC"])
  3040. # SQL contains columns.
  3041. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "slug"), True)
  3042. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "title"), True)
  3043. # Remove index.
  3044. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3045. editor.remove_index(Tag, index)
  3046. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3047. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3048. def test_func_index_lookups(self):
  3049. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3050. editor.create_model(Author)
  3051. with register_lookup(CharField, Lower), register_lookup(IntegerField, Abs):
  3052. index = Index(
  3053. F("name__lower"),
  3054. F("weight__abs"),
  3055. name="func_lower_abs_lookup_idx",
  3056. )
  3057. # Add index.
  3058. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3059. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3060. sql = index.create_sql(Author, editor)
  3061. table = Author._meta.db_table
  3062. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3063. # SQL contains columns.
  3064. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  3065. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "weight"), True)
  3066. # Remove index.
  3067. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3068. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  3069. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3070. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3071. def test_composite_func_index(self):
  3072. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3073. editor.create_model(Author)
  3074. index = Index(Lower("name"), Upper("name"), name="func_lower_upper_idx")
  3075. # Add index.
  3076. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3077. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3078. sql = index.create_sql(Author, editor)
  3079. table = Author._meta.db_table
  3080. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3081. # SQL contains database functions.
  3082. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  3083. sql = str(sql)
  3084. self.assertIn("LOWER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("name"), sql)
  3085. self.assertIn("UPPER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("name"), sql)
  3086. self.assertLess(sql.index("LOWER"), sql.index("UPPER"))
  3087. # Remove index.
  3088. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3089. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  3090. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3091. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3092. def test_composite_func_index_field_and_expression(self):
  3093. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3094. editor.create_model(Author)
  3095. editor.create_model(Book)
  3096. index = Index(
  3097. F("author").desc(),
  3098. Lower("title").asc(),
  3099. "pub_date",
  3100. name="func_f_lower_field_idx",
  3101. )
  3102. # Add index.
  3103. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3104. editor.add_index(Book, index)
  3105. sql = index.create_sql(Book, editor)
  3106. table = Book._meta.db_table
  3107. constraints = self.get_constraints(table)
  3108. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  3109. self.assertIndexOrder(table, index.name, ["DESC", "ASC", "ASC"])
  3110. self.assertEqual(len(constraints[index.name]["columns"]), 3)
  3111. self.assertEqual(constraints[index.name]["columns"][2], "pub_date")
  3112. # SQL contains database functions and columns.
  3113. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "author_id"), True)
  3114. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "title"), True)
  3115. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "pub_date"), True)
  3116. self.assertIn("LOWER(%s)" % editor.quote_name("title"), str(sql))
  3117. # Remove index.
  3118. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3119. editor.remove_index(Book, index)
  3120. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3121. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3122. @isolate_apps("schema")
  3123. def test_func_index_f_decimalfield(self):
  3124. class Node(Model):
  3125. value = DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
  3126. class Meta:
  3127. app_label = "schema"
  3128. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3129. editor.create_model(Node)
  3130. index = Index(F("value"), name="func_f_decimalfield_idx")
  3131. # Add index.
  3132. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3133. editor.add_index(Node, index)
  3134. sql = index.create_sql(Node, editor)
  3135. table = Node._meta.db_table
  3136. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3137. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "value"), True)
  3138. # SQL doesn't contain casting.
  3139. self.assertNotIn("CAST", str(sql))
  3140. # Remove index.
  3141. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3142. editor.remove_index(Node, index)
  3143. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3144. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3145. def test_func_index_cast(self):
  3146. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3147. editor.create_model(Author)
  3148. index = Index(Cast("weight", FloatField()), name="func_cast_idx")
  3149. # Add index.
  3150. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3151. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3152. sql = index.create_sql(Author, editor)
  3153. table = Author._meta.db_table
  3154. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3155. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "weight"), True)
  3156. # Remove index.
  3157. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3158. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  3159. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3160. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3161. def test_func_index_collate(self):
  3162. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  3163. if not collation:
  3164. self.skipTest("This backend does not support case-insensitive collations.")
  3165. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3166. editor.create_model(Author)
  3167. editor.create_model(BookWithSlug)
  3168. index = Index(
  3169. Collate(F("title"), collation=collation).desc(),
  3170. Collate("slug", collation=collation),
  3171. name="func_collate_idx",
  3172. )
  3173. # Add index.
  3174. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3175. editor.add_index(BookWithSlug, index)
  3176. sql = index.create_sql(BookWithSlug, editor)
  3177. table = Book._meta.db_table
  3178. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3179. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  3180. self.assertIndexOrder(table, index.name, ["DESC", "ASC"])
  3181. # SQL contains columns and a collation.
  3182. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "title"), True)
  3183. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "slug"), True)
  3184. self.assertIn("COLLATE %s" % editor.quote_name(collation), str(sql))
  3185. # Remove index.
  3186. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3187. editor.remove_index(Book, index)
  3188. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3189. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3190. @skipIfDBFeature("collate_as_index_expression")
  3191. def test_func_index_collate_f_ordered(self):
  3192. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  3193. if not collation:
  3194. self.skipTest("This backend does not support case-insensitive collations.")
  3195. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3196. editor.create_model(Author)
  3197. index = Index(
  3198. Collate(F("name").desc(), collation=collation),
  3199. name="func_collate_f_desc_idx",
  3200. )
  3201. # Add index.
  3202. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3203. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3204. sql = index.create_sql(Author, editor)
  3205. table = Author._meta.db_table
  3206. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3207. if connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
  3208. self.assertIndexOrder(table, index.name, ["DESC"])
  3209. # SQL contains columns and a collation.
  3210. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "name"), True)
  3211. self.assertIn("COLLATE %s" % editor.quote_name(collation), str(sql))
  3212. # Remove index.
  3213. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3214. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  3215. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3216. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3217. def test_func_index_calc(self):
  3218. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3219. editor.create_model(Author)
  3220. index = Index(F("height") / (F("weight") + Value(5)), name="func_calc_idx")
  3221. # Add index.
  3222. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3223. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3224. sql = index.create_sql(Author, editor)
  3225. table = Author._meta.db_table
  3226. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3227. # SQL contains columns and expressions.
  3228. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "height"), True)
  3229. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "weight"), True)
  3230. sql = str(sql)
  3231. self.assertIs(
  3232. sql.index(editor.quote_name("height"))
  3233. < sql.index("/")
  3234. < sql.index(editor.quote_name("weight"))
  3235. < sql.index("+")
  3236. < sql.index("5"),
  3237. True,
  3238. )
  3239. # Remove index.
  3240. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3241. editor.remove_index(Author, index)
  3242. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3243. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes", "supports_json_field")
  3244. @isolate_apps("schema")
  3245. def test_func_index_json_key_transform(self):
  3246. class JSONModel(Model):
  3247. field = JSONField()
  3248. class Meta:
  3249. app_label = "schema"
  3250. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3251. editor.create_model(JSONModel)
  3252. self.isolated_local_models = [JSONModel]
  3253. index = Index("field__some_key", name="func_json_key_idx")
  3254. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3255. editor.add_index(JSONModel, index)
  3256. sql = index.create_sql(JSONModel, editor)
  3257. table = JSONModel._meta.db_table
  3258. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3259. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "field"), True)
  3260. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3261. editor.remove_index(JSONModel, index)
  3262. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3263. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes", "supports_json_field")
  3264. @isolate_apps("schema")
  3265. def test_func_index_json_key_transform_cast(self):
  3266. class JSONModel(Model):
  3267. field = JSONField()
  3268. class Meta:
  3269. app_label = "schema"
  3270. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3271. editor.create_model(JSONModel)
  3272. self.isolated_local_models = [JSONModel]
  3273. index = Index(
  3274. Cast(KeyTextTransform("some_key", "field"), IntegerField()),
  3275. name="func_json_key_cast_idx",
  3276. )
  3277. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3278. editor.add_index(JSONModel, index)
  3279. sql = index.create_sql(JSONModel, editor)
  3280. table = JSONModel._meta.db_table
  3281. self.assertIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3282. self.assertIs(sql.references_column(table, "field"), True)
  3283. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3284. editor.remove_index(JSONModel, index)
  3285. self.assertNotIn(index.name, self.get_constraints(table))
  3286. @skipIfDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3287. def test_func_index_unsupported(self):
  3288. # Index is ignored on databases that don't support indexes on
  3289. # expressions.
  3290. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3291. editor.create_model(Author)
  3292. index = Index(F("name"), name="random_idx")
  3293. with connection.schema_editor() as editor, self.assertNumQueries(0):
  3294. self.assertIsNone(editor.add_index(Author, index))
  3295. self.assertIsNone(editor.remove_index(Author, index))
  3296. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3297. def test_func_index_nonexistent_field(self):
  3298. index = Index(Lower("nonexistent"), name="func_nonexistent_idx")
  3299. msg = (
  3300. "Cannot resolve keyword 'nonexistent' into field. Choices are: "
  3301. "height, id, name, uuid, weight"
  3302. )
  3303. with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
  3304. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3305. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3306. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_expression_indexes")
  3307. def test_func_index_nondeterministic(self):
  3308. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3309. editor.create_model(Author)
  3310. index = Index(Random(), name="func_random_idx")
  3311. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3312. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  3313. editor.add_index(Author, index)
  3314. def test_primary_key(self):
  3315. """
  3316. Tests altering of the primary key
  3317. """
  3318. # Create the table
  3319. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3320. editor.create_model(Tag)
  3321. # Ensure the table is there and has the right PK
  3322. self.assertEqual(self.get_primary_key(Tag._meta.db_table), "id")
  3323. # Alter to change the PK
  3324. id_field = Tag._meta.get_field("id")
  3325. old_field = Tag._meta.get_field("slug")
  3326. new_field = SlugField(primary_key=True)
  3327. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  3328. new_field.model = Tag
  3329. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3330. editor.remove_field(Tag, id_field)
  3331. editor.alter_field(Tag, old_field, new_field)
  3332. # Ensure the PK changed
  3333. self.assertNotIn(
  3334. "id",
  3335. self.get_indexes(Tag._meta.db_table),
  3336. )
  3337. self.assertEqual(self.get_primary_key(Tag._meta.db_table), "slug")
  3338. def test_alter_primary_key_the_same_name(self):
  3339. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3340. editor.create_model(Thing)
  3341. old_field = Thing._meta.get_field("when")
  3342. new_field = CharField(max_length=2, primary_key=True)
  3343. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("when")
  3344. new_field.model = Thing
  3345. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3346. editor.alter_field(Thing, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3347. self.assertEqual(self.get_primary_key(Thing._meta.db_table), "when")
  3348. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3349. editor.alter_field(Thing, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  3350. self.assertEqual(self.get_primary_key(Thing._meta.db_table), "when")
  3351. def test_context_manager_exit(self):
  3352. """
  3353. Ensures transaction is correctly closed when an error occurs
  3354. inside a SchemaEditor context.
  3355. """
  3356. class SomeError(Exception):
  3357. pass
  3358. try:
  3359. with connection.schema_editor():
  3360. raise SomeError
  3361. except SomeError:
  3362. self.assertFalse(connection.in_atomic_block)
  3363. @skipIfDBFeature("can_rollback_ddl")
  3364. def test_unsupported_transactional_ddl_disallowed(self):
  3365. message = (
  3366. "Executing DDL statements while in a transaction on databases "
  3367. "that can't perform a rollback is prohibited."
  3368. )
  3369. with atomic(), connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3370. with self.assertRaisesMessage(TransactionManagementError, message):
  3371. editor.execute(
  3372. editor.sql_create_table % {"table": "foo", "definition": ""}
  3373. )
  3374. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys", "indexes_foreign_keys")
  3375. def test_foreign_key_index_long_names_regression(self):
  3376. """
  3377. Regression test for #21497.
  3378. Only affects databases that supports foreign keys.
  3379. """
  3380. # Create the table
  3381. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3382. editor.create_model(AuthorWithEvenLongerName)
  3383. editor.create_model(BookWithLongName)
  3384. # Find the properly shortened column name
  3385. column_name = connection.ops.quote_name(
  3386. "author_foreign_key_with_really_long_field_name_id"
  3387. )
  3388. column_name = column_name[1:-1].lower() # unquote, and, for Oracle, un-upcase
  3389. # Ensure the table is there and has an index on the column
  3390. self.assertIn(
  3391. column_name,
  3392. self.get_indexes(BookWithLongName._meta.db_table),
  3393. )
  3394. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  3395. def test_add_foreign_key_long_names(self):
  3396. """
  3397. Regression test for #23009.
  3398. Only affects databases that supports foreign keys.
  3399. """
  3400. # Create the initial tables
  3401. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3402. editor.create_model(AuthorWithEvenLongerName)
  3403. editor.create_model(BookWithLongName)
  3404. # Add a second FK, this would fail due to long ref name before the fix
  3405. new_field = ForeignKey(
  3406. AuthorWithEvenLongerName, CASCADE, related_name="something"
  3407. )
  3408. new_field.set_attributes_from_name(
  3409. "author_other_really_long_named_i_mean_so_long_fk"
  3410. )
  3411. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3412. editor.add_field(BookWithLongName, new_field)
  3413. @isolate_apps("schema")
  3414. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  3415. def test_add_foreign_key_quoted_db_table(self):
  3416. class Author(Model):
  3417. class Meta:
  3418. db_table = '"table_author_double_quoted"'
  3419. app_label = "schema"
  3420. class Book(Model):
  3421. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  3422. class Meta:
  3423. app_label = "schema"
  3424. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3425. editor.create_model(Author)
  3426. editor.create_model(Book)
  3427. self.isolated_local_models = [Author]
  3428. if connection.vendor == "mysql":
  3429. self.assertForeignKeyExists(
  3430. Book, "author_id", '"table_author_double_quoted"'
  3431. )
  3432. else:
  3433. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Book, "author_id", "table_author_double_quoted")
  3434. def test_add_foreign_object(self):
  3435. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3436. editor.create_model(BookForeignObj)
  3437. self.local_models = [BookForeignObj]
  3438. new_field = ForeignObject(
  3439. Author, on_delete=CASCADE, from_fields=["author_id"], to_fields=["id"]
  3440. )
  3441. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  3442. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3443. editor.add_field(BookForeignObj, new_field)
  3444. def test_creation_deletion_reserved_names(self):
  3445. """
  3446. Tries creating a model's table, and then deleting it when it has a
  3447. SQL reserved name.
  3448. """
  3449. # Create the table
  3450. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3451. try:
  3452. editor.create_model(Thing)
  3453. except OperationalError as e:
  3454. self.fail(
  3455. "Errors when applying initial migration for a model "
  3456. "with a table named after an SQL reserved word: %s" % e
  3457. )
  3458. # The table is there
  3459. list(Thing.objects.all())
  3460. # Clean up that table
  3461. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3462. editor.delete_model(Thing)
  3463. # The table is gone
  3464. with self.assertRaises(DatabaseError):
  3465. list(Thing.objects.all())
  3466. def test_remove_constraints_capital_letters(self):
  3467. """
  3468. #23065 - Constraint names must be quoted if they contain capital letters.
  3469. """
  3470. def get_field(*args, field_class=IntegerField, **kwargs):
  3471. kwargs["db_column"] = "CamelCase"
  3472. field = field_class(*args, **kwargs)
  3473. field.set_attributes_from_name("CamelCase")
  3474. return field
  3475. model = Author
  3476. field = get_field()
  3477. table = model._meta.db_table
  3478. column = field.column
  3479. identifier_converter = connection.introspection.identifier_converter
  3480. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3481. editor.create_model(model)
  3482. editor.add_field(model, field)
  3483. constraint_name = "CamelCaseIndex"
  3484. expected_constraint_name = identifier_converter(constraint_name)
  3485. editor.execute(
  3486. editor.sql_create_index
  3487. % {
  3488. "table": editor.quote_name(table),
  3489. "name": editor.quote_name(constraint_name),
  3490. "using": "",
  3491. "columns": editor.quote_name(column),
  3492. "extra": "",
  3493. "condition": "",
  3494. "include": "",
  3495. }
  3496. )
  3497. self.assertIn(
  3498. expected_constraint_name, self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  3499. )
  3500. editor.alter_field(model, get_field(db_index=True), field, strict=True)
  3501. self.assertNotIn(
  3502. expected_constraint_name, self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  3503. )
  3504. constraint_name = "CamelCaseUniqConstraint"
  3505. expected_constraint_name = identifier_converter(constraint_name)
  3506. editor.execute(editor._create_unique_sql(model, [field], constraint_name))
  3507. self.assertIn(
  3508. expected_constraint_name, self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  3509. )
  3510. editor.alter_field(model, get_field(unique=True), field, strict=True)
  3511. self.assertNotIn(
  3512. expected_constraint_name, self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  3513. )
  3514. if editor.sql_create_fk and connection.features.can_introspect_foreign_keys:
  3515. constraint_name = "CamelCaseFKConstraint"
  3516. expected_constraint_name = identifier_converter(constraint_name)
  3517. editor.execute(
  3518. editor.sql_create_fk
  3519. % {
  3520. "table": editor.quote_name(table),
  3521. "name": editor.quote_name(constraint_name),
  3522. "column": editor.quote_name(column),
  3523. "to_table": editor.quote_name(table),
  3524. "to_column": editor.quote_name(model._meta.auto_field.column),
  3525. "deferrable": connection.ops.deferrable_sql(),
  3526. }
  3527. )
  3528. self.assertIn(
  3529. expected_constraint_name, self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  3530. )
  3531. editor.alter_field(
  3532. model,
  3533. get_field(Author, CASCADE, field_class=ForeignKey),
  3534. field,
  3535. strict=True,
  3536. )
  3537. self.assertNotIn(
  3538. expected_constraint_name, self.get_constraints(model._meta.db_table)
  3539. )
  3540. def test_add_field_use_effective_default(self):
  3541. """
  3542. #23987 - effective_default() should be used as the field default when
  3543. adding a new field.
  3544. """
  3545. # Create the table
  3546. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3547. editor.create_model(Author)
  3548. # Ensure there's no surname field
  3549. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  3550. self.assertNotIn("surname", columns)
  3551. # Create a row
  3552. Author.objects.create(name="Anonymous1")
  3553. # Add new CharField to ensure default will be used from effective_default
  3554. new_field = CharField(max_length=15, blank=True)
  3555. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("surname")
  3556. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3557. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  3558. # Ensure field was added with the right default
  3559. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  3560. cursor.execute("SELECT surname FROM schema_author;")
  3561. item = cursor.fetchall()[0]
  3562. self.assertEqual(
  3563. item[0],
  3564. None if connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls else "",
  3565. )
  3566. def test_add_field_default_dropped(self):
  3567. # Create the table
  3568. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3569. editor.create_model(Author)
  3570. # Ensure there's no surname field
  3571. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  3572. self.assertNotIn("surname", columns)
  3573. # Create a row
  3574. Author.objects.create(name="Anonymous1")
  3575. # Add new CharField with a default
  3576. new_field = CharField(max_length=15, blank=True, default="surname default")
  3577. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("surname")
  3578. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3579. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  3580. # Ensure field was added with the right default
  3581. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  3582. cursor.execute("SELECT surname FROM schema_author;")
  3583. item = cursor.fetchall()[0]
  3584. self.assertEqual(item[0], "surname default")
  3585. # And that the default is no longer set in the database.
  3586. field = next(
  3587. f
  3588. for f in connection.introspection.get_table_description(
  3589. cursor, "schema_author"
  3590. )
  3591. if f.name == "surname"
  3592. )
  3593. if connection.features.can_introspect_default:
  3594. self.assertIsNone(field.default)
  3595. def test_add_field_default_nullable(self):
  3596. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3597. editor.create_model(Author)
  3598. # Add new nullable CharField with a default.
  3599. new_field = CharField(max_length=15, blank=True, null=True, default="surname")
  3600. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("surname")
  3601. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3602. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  3603. Author.objects.create(name="Anonymous1")
  3604. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  3605. cursor.execute("SELECT surname FROM schema_author;")
  3606. item = cursor.fetchall()[0]
  3607. self.assertIsNone(item[0])
  3608. field = next(
  3609. f
  3610. for f in connection.introspection.get_table_description(
  3611. cursor,
  3612. "schema_author",
  3613. )
  3614. if f.name == "surname"
  3615. )
  3616. # Field is still nullable.
  3617. self.assertTrue(field.null_ok)
  3618. # The database default is no longer set.
  3619. if connection.features.can_introspect_default:
  3620. self.assertIn(field.default, ["NULL", None])
  3621. def test_add_textfield_default_nullable(self):
  3622. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3623. editor.create_model(Author)
  3624. # Add new nullable TextField with a default.
  3625. new_field = TextField(blank=True, null=True, default="text")
  3626. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("description")
  3627. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3628. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  3629. Author.objects.create(name="Anonymous1")
  3630. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  3631. cursor.execute("SELECT description FROM schema_author;")
  3632. item = cursor.fetchall()[0]
  3633. self.assertIsNone(item[0])
  3634. field = next(
  3635. f
  3636. for f in connection.introspection.get_table_description(
  3637. cursor,
  3638. "schema_author",
  3639. )
  3640. if f.name == "description"
  3641. )
  3642. # Field is still nullable.
  3643. self.assertTrue(field.null_ok)
  3644. # The database default is no longer set.
  3645. if connection.features.can_introspect_default:
  3646. self.assertIn(field.default, ["NULL", None])
  3647. def test_alter_field_default_dropped(self):
  3648. # Create the table
  3649. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3650. editor.create_model(Author)
  3651. # Create a row
  3652. Author.objects.create(name="Anonymous1")
  3653. self.assertIsNone(Author.objects.get().height)
  3654. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("height")
  3655. # The default from the new field is used in updating existing rows.
  3656. new_field = IntegerField(blank=True, default=42)
  3657. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("height")
  3658. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3659. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3660. self.assertEqual(Author.objects.get().height, 42)
  3661. # The database default should be removed.
  3662. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  3663. field = next(
  3664. f
  3665. for f in connection.introspection.get_table_description(
  3666. cursor, "schema_author"
  3667. )
  3668. if f.name == "height"
  3669. )
  3670. if connection.features.can_introspect_default:
  3671. self.assertIsNone(field.default)
  3672. def test_alter_field_default_doesnt_perform_queries(self):
  3673. """
  3674. No queries are performed if a field default changes and the field's
  3675. not changing from null to non-null.
  3676. """
  3677. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3678. editor.create_model(AuthorWithDefaultHeight)
  3679. old_field = AuthorWithDefaultHeight._meta.get_field("height")
  3680. new_default = old_field.default * 2
  3681. new_field = PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, default=new_default)
  3682. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("height")
  3683. with connection.schema_editor() as editor, self.assertNumQueries(0):
  3684. editor.alter_field(
  3685. AuthorWithDefaultHeight, old_field, new_field, strict=True
  3686. )
  3687. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_foreign_keys")
  3688. def test_alter_field_fk_attributes_noop(self):
  3689. """
  3690. No queries are performed when changing field attributes that don't
  3691. affect the schema.
  3692. """
  3693. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3694. editor.create_model(Author)
  3695. editor.create_model(Book)
  3696. old_field = Book._meta.get_field("author")
  3697. new_field = ForeignKey(
  3698. Author,
  3699. blank=True,
  3700. editable=False,
  3701. error_messages={"invalid": "error message"},
  3702. help_text="help text",
  3703. limit_choices_to={"limit": "choice"},
  3704. on_delete=PROTECT,
  3705. related_name="related_name",
  3706. related_query_name="related_query_name",
  3707. validators=[lambda x: x],
  3708. verbose_name="verbose name",
  3709. )
  3710. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  3711. with connection.schema_editor() as editor, self.assertNumQueries(0):
  3712. editor.alter_field(Book, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3713. with connection.schema_editor() as editor, self.assertNumQueries(0):
  3714. editor.alter_field(Book, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  3715. def test_alter_field_choices_noop(self):
  3716. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3717. editor.create_model(Author)
  3718. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  3719. new_field = CharField(
  3720. choices=(("Jane", "Jane"), ("Joe", "Joe")),
  3721. max_length=255,
  3722. )
  3723. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  3724. with connection.schema_editor() as editor, self.assertNumQueries(0):
  3725. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3726. with connection.schema_editor() as editor, self.assertNumQueries(0):
  3727. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  3728. def test_add_textfield_unhashable_default(self):
  3729. # Create the table
  3730. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3731. editor.create_model(Author)
  3732. # Create a row
  3733. Author.objects.create(name="Anonymous1")
  3734. # Create a field that has an unhashable default
  3735. new_field = TextField(default={})
  3736. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  3737. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3738. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  3739. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3740. def test_add_indexed_charfield(self):
  3741. field = CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
  3742. field.set_attributes_from_name("nom_de_plume")
  3743. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3744. editor.create_model(Author)
  3745. editor.add_field(Author, field)
  3746. # Should create two indexes; one for like operator.
  3747. self.assertEqual(
  3748. self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "nom_de_plume"),
  3749. [
  3750. "schema_author_nom_de_plume_7570a851",
  3751. "schema_author_nom_de_plume_7570a851_like",
  3752. ],
  3753. )
  3754. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3755. def test_add_unique_charfield(self):
  3756. field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  3757. field.set_attributes_from_name("nom_de_plume")
  3758. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3759. editor.create_model(Author)
  3760. editor.add_field(Author, field)
  3761. # Should create two indexes; one for like operator.
  3762. self.assertEqual(
  3763. self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "nom_de_plume"),
  3764. [
  3765. "schema_author_nom_de_plume_7570a851_like",
  3766. "schema_author_nom_de_plume_key",
  3767. ],
  3768. )
  3769. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3770. def test_alter_field_add_index_to_charfield(self):
  3771. # Create the table and verify no initial indexes.
  3772. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3773. editor.create_model(Author)
  3774. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "name"), [])
  3775. # Alter to add db_index=True and create 2 indexes.
  3776. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  3777. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
  3778. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  3779. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3780. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3781. self.assertEqual(
  3782. self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "name"),
  3783. ["schema_author_name_1fbc5617", "schema_author_name_1fbc5617_like"],
  3784. )
  3785. # Remove db_index=True to drop both indexes.
  3786. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3787. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  3788. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "name"), [])
  3789. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3790. def test_alter_field_add_unique_to_charfield(self):
  3791. # Create the table and verify no initial indexes.
  3792. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3793. editor.create_model(Author)
  3794. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "name"), [])
  3795. # Alter to add unique=True and create 2 indexes.
  3796. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  3797. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  3798. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  3799. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3800. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3801. self.assertEqual(
  3802. self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "name"),
  3803. ["schema_author_name_1fbc5617_like", "schema_author_name_1fbc5617_uniq"],
  3804. )
  3805. # Remove unique=True to drop both indexes.
  3806. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3807. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  3808. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "name"), [])
  3809. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3810. def test_alter_field_add_index_to_textfield(self):
  3811. # Create the table and verify no initial indexes.
  3812. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3813. editor.create_model(Note)
  3814. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Note, "info"), [])
  3815. # Alter to add db_index=True and create 2 indexes.
  3816. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  3817. new_field = TextField(db_index=True)
  3818. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  3819. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3820. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3821. self.assertEqual(
  3822. self.get_constraints_for_column(Note, "info"),
  3823. ["schema_note_info_4b0ea695", "schema_note_info_4b0ea695_like"],
  3824. )
  3825. # Remove db_index=True to drop both indexes.
  3826. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3827. editor.alter_field(Note, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  3828. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Note, "info"), [])
  3829. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3830. def test_alter_field_add_unique_to_charfield_with_db_index(self):
  3831. # Create the table and verify initial indexes.
  3832. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3833. editor.create_model(BookWithoutAuthor)
  3834. self.assertEqual(
  3835. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3836. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like"],
  3837. )
  3838. # Alter to add unique=True (should replace the index)
  3839. old_field = BookWithoutAuthor._meta.get_field("title")
  3840. new_field = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True, unique=True)
  3841. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  3842. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3843. editor.alter_field(BookWithoutAuthor, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3844. self.assertEqual(
  3845. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3846. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_uniq"],
  3847. )
  3848. # Alter to remove unique=True (should drop unique index)
  3849. new_field2 = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
  3850. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  3851. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3852. editor.alter_field(BookWithoutAuthor, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  3853. self.assertEqual(
  3854. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3855. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like"],
  3856. )
  3857. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3858. def test_alter_field_remove_unique_and_db_index_from_charfield(self):
  3859. # Create the table and verify initial indexes.
  3860. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3861. editor.create_model(BookWithoutAuthor)
  3862. self.assertEqual(
  3863. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3864. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like"],
  3865. )
  3866. # Alter to add unique=True (should replace the index)
  3867. old_field = BookWithoutAuthor._meta.get_field("title")
  3868. new_field = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True, unique=True)
  3869. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  3870. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3871. editor.alter_field(BookWithoutAuthor, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3872. self.assertEqual(
  3873. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3874. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_uniq"],
  3875. )
  3876. # Alter to remove both unique=True and db_index=True (should drop all indexes)
  3877. new_field2 = CharField(max_length=100)
  3878. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  3879. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3880. editor.alter_field(BookWithoutAuthor, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  3881. self.assertEqual(
  3882. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"), []
  3883. )
  3884. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3885. def test_alter_field_swap_unique_and_db_index_with_charfield(self):
  3886. # Create the table and verify initial indexes.
  3887. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3888. editor.create_model(BookWithoutAuthor)
  3889. self.assertEqual(
  3890. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3891. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like"],
  3892. )
  3893. # Alter to set unique=True and remove db_index=True (should replace the index)
  3894. old_field = BookWithoutAuthor._meta.get_field("title")
  3895. new_field = CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
  3896. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  3897. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3898. editor.alter_field(BookWithoutAuthor, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3899. self.assertEqual(
  3900. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3901. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_uniq"],
  3902. )
  3903. # Alter to set db_index=True and remove unique=True (should restore index)
  3904. new_field2 = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
  3905. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("title")
  3906. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3907. editor.alter_field(BookWithoutAuthor, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  3908. self.assertEqual(
  3909. self.get_constraints_for_column(BookWithoutAuthor, "title"),
  3910. ["schema_book_title_2dfb2dff", "schema_book_title_2dfb2dff_like"],
  3911. )
  3912. @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
  3913. def test_alter_field_add_db_index_to_charfield_with_unique(self):
  3914. # Create the table and verify initial indexes.
  3915. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3916. editor.create_model(Tag)
  3917. self.assertEqual(
  3918. self.get_constraints_for_column(Tag, "slug"),
  3919. ["schema_tag_slug_2c418ba3_like", "schema_tag_slug_key"],
  3920. )
  3921. # Alter to add db_index=True
  3922. old_field = Tag._meta.get_field("slug")
  3923. new_field = SlugField(db_index=True, unique=True)
  3924. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  3925. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3926. editor.alter_field(Tag, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3927. self.assertEqual(
  3928. self.get_constraints_for_column(Tag, "slug"),
  3929. ["schema_tag_slug_2c418ba3_like", "schema_tag_slug_key"],
  3930. )
  3931. # Alter to remove db_index=True
  3932. new_field2 = SlugField(unique=True)
  3933. new_field2.set_attributes_from_name("slug")
  3934. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3935. editor.alter_field(Tag, new_field, new_field2, strict=True)
  3936. self.assertEqual(
  3937. self.get_constraints_for_column(Tag, "slug"),
  3938. ["schema_tag_slug_2c418ba3_like", "schema_tag_slug_key"],
  3939. )
  3940. def test_alter_field_add_index_to_integerfield(self):
  3941. # Create the table and verify no initial indexes.
  3942. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3943. editor.create_model(Author)
  3944. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "weight"), [])
  3945. # Alter to add db_index=True and create index.
  3946. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("weight")
  3947. new_field = IntegerField(null=True, db_index=True)
  3948. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("weight")
  3949. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3950. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3951. self.assertEqual(
  3952. self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "weight"),
  3953. ["schema_author_weight_587740f9"],
  3954. )
  3955. # Remove db_index=True to drop index.
  3956. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3957. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  3958. self.assertEqual(self.get_constraints_for_column(Author, "weight"), [])
  3959. def test_alter_pk_with_self_referential_field(self):
  3960. """
  3961. Changing the primary key field name of a model with a self-referential
  3962. foreign key (#26384).
  3963. """
  3964. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3965. editor.create_model(Node)
  3966. old_field = Node._meta.get_field("node_id")
  3967. new_field = AutoField(primary_key=True)
  3968. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("id")
  3969. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3970. editor.alter_field(Node, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  3971. self.assertForeignKeyExists(Node, "parent_id", Node._meta.db_table)
  3972. @mock.patch("django.db.backends.base.schema.datetime")
  3973. @mock.patch("django.db.backends.base.schema.timezone")
  3974. def test_add_datefield_and_datetimefield_use_effective_default(
  3975. self, mocked_datetime, mocked_tz
  3976. ):
  3977. """
  3978. effective_default() should be used for DateField, DateTimeField, and
  3979. TimeField if auto_now or auto_now_add is set (#25005).
  3980. """
  3981. now = datetime.datetime(month=1, day=1, year=2000, hour=1, minute=1)
  3982. now_tz = datetime.datetime(
  3983. month=1, day=1, year=2000, hour=1, minute=1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
  3984. )
  3985. mocked_datetime.now = mock.MagicMock(return_value=now)
  3986. mocked_tz.now = mock.MagicMock(return_value=now_tz)
  3987. # Create the table
  3988. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  3989. editor.create_model(Author)
  3990. # Check auto_now/auto_now_add attributes are not defined
  3991. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  3992. self.assertNotIn("dob_auto_now", columns)
  3993. self.assertNotIn("dob_auto_now_add", columns)
  3994. self.assertNotIn("dtob_auto_now", columns)
  3995. self.assertNotIn("dtob_auto_now_add", columns)
  3996. self.assertNotIn("tob_auto_now", columns)
  3997. self.assertNotIn("tob_auto_now_add", columns)
  3998. # Create a row
  3999. Author.objects.create(name="Anonymous1")
  4000. # Ensure fields were added with the correct defaults
  4001. dob_auto_now = DateField(auto_now=True)
  4002. dob_auto_now.set_attributes_from_name("dob_auto_now")
  4003. self.check_added_field_default(
  4004. editor,
  4005. Author,
  4006. dob_auto_now,
  4007. "dob_auto_now",
  4008. now.date(),
  4009. cast_function=lambda x: x.date(),
  4010. )
  4011. dob_auto_now_add = DateField(auto_now_add=True)
  4012. dob_auto_now_add.set_attributes_from_name("dob_auto_now_add")
  4013. self.check_added_field_default(
  4014. editor,
  4015. Author,
  4016. dob_auto_now_add,
  4017. "dob_auto_now_add",
  4018. now.date(),
  4019. cast_function=lambda x: x.date(),
  4020. )
  4021. dtob_auto_now = DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
  4022. dtob_auto_now.set_attributes_from_name("dtob_auto_now")
  4023. self.check_added_field_default(
  4024. editor,
  4025. Author,
  4026. dtob_auto_now,
  4027. "dtob_auto_now",
  4028. now,
  4029. )
  4030. dt_tm_of_birth_auto_now_add = DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
  4031. dt_tm_of_birth_auto_now_add.set_attributes_from_name("dtob_auto_now_add")
  4032. self.check_added_field_default(
  4033. editor,
  4034. Author,
  4035. dt_tm_of_birth_auto_now_add,
  4036. "dtob_auto_now_add",
  4037. now,
  4038. )
  4039. tob_auto_now = TimeField(auto_now=True)
  4040. tob_auto_now.set_attributes_from_name("tob_auto_now")
  4041. self.check_added_field_default(
  4042. editor,
  4043. Author,
  4044. tob_auto_now,
  4045. "tob_auto_now",
  4046. now.time(),
  4047. cast_function=lambda x: x.time(),
  4048. )
  4049. tob_auto_now_add = TimeField(auto_now_add=True)
  4050. tob_auto_now_add.set_attributes_from_name("tob_auto_now_add")
  4051. self.check_added_field_default(
  4052. editor,
  4053. Author,
  4054. tob_auto_now_add,
  4055. "tob_auto_now_add",
  4056. now.time(),
  4057. cast_function=lambda x: x.time(),
  4058. )
  4059. def test_namespaced_db_table_create_index_name(self):
  4060. """
  4061. Table names are stripped of their namespace/schema before being used to
  4062. generate index names.
  4063. """
  4064. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4065. max_name_length = connection.ops.max_name_length() or 200
  4066. namespace = "n" * max_name_length
  4067. table_name = "t" * max_name_length
  4068. namespaced_table_name = '"%s"."%s"' % (namespace, table_name)
  4069. self.assertEqual(
  4070. editor._create_index_name(table_name, []),
  4071. editor._create_index_name(namespaced_table_name, []),
  4072. )
  4073. @unittest.skipUnless(
  4074. connection.vendor == "oracle", "Oracle specific db_table syntax"
  4075. )
  4076. def test_creation_with_db_table_double_quotes(self):
  4077. oracle_user = connection.creation._test_database_user()
  4078. class Student(Model):
  4079. name = CharField(max_length=30)
  4080. class Meta:
  4081. app_label = "schema"
  4082. apps = new_apps
  4083. db_table = '"%s"."DJANGO_STUDENT_TABLE"' % oracle_user
  4084. class Document(Model):
  4085. name = CharField(max_length=30)
  4086. students = ManyToManyField(Student)
  4087. class Meta:
  4088. app_label = "schema"
  4089. apps = new_apps
  4090. db_table = '"%s"."DJANGO_DOCUMENT_TABLE"' % oracle_user
  4091. self.isolated_local_models = [Student, Document]
  4092. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4093. editor.create_model(Student)
  4094. editor.create_model(Document)
  4095. doc = Document.objects.create(name="Test Name")
  4096. student = Student.objects.create(name="Some man")
  4097. doc.students.add(student)
  4098. @isolate_apps("schema")
  4099. @unittest.skipUnless(
  4100. connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific db_table syntax."
  4101. )
  4102. def test_namespaced_db_table_foreign_key_reference(self):
  4103. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  4104. cursor.execute("CREATE SCHEMA django_schema_tests")
  4105. def delete_schema():
  4106. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  4107. cursor.execute("DROP SCHEMA django_schema_tests CASCADE")
  4108. self.addCleanup(delete_schema)
  4109. class Author(Model):
  4110. class Meta:
  4111. app_label = "schema"
  4112. class Book(Model):
  4113. class Meta:
  4114. app_label = "schema"
  4115. db_table = '"django_schema_tests"."schema_book"'
  4116. author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  4117. author.set_attributes_from_name("author")
  4118. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4119. editor.create_model(Author)
  4120. editor.create_model(Book)
  4121. editor.add_field(Book, author)
  4122. def test_rename_table_renames_deferred_sql_references(self):
  4123. atomic_rename = connection.features.supports_atomic_references_rename
  4124. with connection.schema_editor(atomic=atomic_rename) as editor:
  4125. editor.create_model(Author)
  4126. editor.create_model(Book)
  4127. editor.alter_db_table(Author, "schema_author", "schema_renamed_author")
  4128. editor.alter_db_table(Author, "schema_book", "schema_renamed_book")
  4129. try:
  4130. self.assertGreater(len(editor.deferred_sql), 0)
  4131. for statement in editor.deferred_sql:
  4132. self.assertIs(statement.references_table("schema_author"), False)
  4133. self.assertIs(statement.references_table("schema_book"), False)
  4134. finally:
  4135. editor.alter_db_table(Author, "schema_renamed_author", "schema_author")
  4136. editor.alter_db_table(Author, "schema_renamed_book", "schema_book")
  4137. def test_rename_column_renames_deferred_sql_references(self):
  4138. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4139. editor.create_model(Author)
  4140. editor.create_model(Book)
  4141. old_title = Book._meta.get_field("title")
  4142. new_title = CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
  4143. new_title.set_attributes_from_name("renamed_title")
  4144. editor.alter_field(Book, old_title, new_title)
  4145. old_author = Book._meta.get_field("author")
  4146. new_author = ForeignKey(Author, CASCADE)
  4147. new_author.set_attributes_from_name("renamed_author")
  4148. editor.alter_field(Book, old_author, new_author)
  4149. self.assertGreater(len(editor.deferred_sql), 0)
  4150. for statement in editor.deferred_sql:
  4151. self.assertIs(statement.references_column("book", "title"), False)
  4152. self.assertIs(statement.references_column("book", "author_id"), False)
  4153. @isolate_apps("schema")
  4154. def test_referenced_field_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block(self):
  4155. """
  4156. Foreign keys without database level constraint don't prevent the field
  4157. they reference from being renamed in an atomic block.
  4158. """
  4159. class Foo(Model):
  4160. field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  4161. class Meta:
  4162. app_label = "schema"
  4163. class Bar(Model):
  4164. foo = ForeignKey(Foo, CASCADE, to_field="field", db_constraint=False)
  4165. class Meta:
  4166. app_label = "schema"
  4167. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo, Bar]
  4168. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4169. editor.create_model(Foo)
  4170. editor.create_model(Bar)
  4171. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  4172. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("renamed")
  4173. with connection.schema_editor(atomic=True) as editor:
  4174. editor.alter_field(Foo, Foo._meta.get_field("field"), new_field)
  4175. @isolate_apps("schema")
  4176. def test_referenced_table_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block(self):
  4177. """
  4178. Foreign keys without database level constraint don't prevent the table
  4179. they reference from being renamed in an atomic block.
  4180. """
  4181. class Foo(Model):
  4182. field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  4183. class Meta:
  4184. app_label = "schema"
  4185. class Bar(Model):
  4186. foo = ForeignKey(Foo, CASCADE, to_field="field", db_constraint=False)
  4187. class Meta:
  4188. app_label = "schema"
  4189. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo, Bar]
  4190. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4191. editor.create_model(Foo)
  4192. editor.create_model(Bar)
  4193. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
  4194. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("renamed")
  4195. with connection.schema_editor(atomic=True) as editor:
  4196. editor.alter_db_table(Foo, Foo._meta.db_table, "renamed_table")
  4197. Foo._meta.db_table = "renamed_table"
  4198. @isolate_apps("schema")
  4199. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_collation_on_charfield")
  4200. def test_db_collation_charfield(self):
  4201. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  4202. if not collation:
  4203. self.skipTest("Language collations are not supported.")
  4204. class Foo(Model):
  4205. field = CharField(max_length=255, db_collation=collation)
  4206. class Meta:
  4207. app_label = "schema"
  4208. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo]
  4209. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4210. editor.create_model(Foo)
  4211. self.assertEqual(
  4212. self.get_column_collation(Foo._meta.db_table, "field"),
  4213. collation,
  4214. )
  4215. @isolate_apps("schema")
  4216. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_collation_on_textfield")
  4217. def test_db_collation_textfield(self):
  4218. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  4219. if not collation:
  4220. self.skipTest("Language collations are not supported.")
  4221. class Foo(Model):
  4222. field = TextField(db_collation=collation)
  4223. class Meta:
  4224. app_label = "schema"
  4225. self.isolated_local_models = [Foo]
  4226. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4227. editor.create_model(Foo)
  4228. self.assertEqual(
  4229. self.get_column_collation(Foo._meta.db_table, "field"),
  4230. collation,
  4231. )
  4232. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_collation_on_charfield")
  4233. def test_add_field_db_collation(self):
  4234. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  4235. if not collation:
  4236. self.skipTest("Language collations are not supported.")
  4237. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4238. editor.create_model(Author)
  4239. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, db_collation=collation)
  4240. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("alias")
  4241. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4242. editor.add_field(Author, new_field)
  4243. columns = self.column_classes(Author)
  4244. self.assertEqual(
  4245. columns["alias"][0],
  4246. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  4247. )
  4248. self.assertEqual(columns["alias"][1][8], collation)
  4249. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_collation_on_charfield")
  4250. def test_alter_field_db_collation(self):
  4251. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  4252. if not collation:
  4253. self.skipTest("Language collations are not supported.")
  4254. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4255. editor.create_model(Author)
  4256. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  4257. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, db_collation=collation)
  4258. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  4259. new_field.model = Author
  4260. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4261. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  4262. self.assertEqual(
  4263. self.get_column_collation(Author._meta.db_table, "name"),
  4264. collation,
  4265. )
  4266. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4267. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  4268. self.assertIsNone(self.get_column_collation(Author._meta.db_table, "name"))
  4269. @skipUnlessDBFeature("supports_collation_on_charfield")
  4270. def test_alter_primary_key_db_collation(self):
  4271. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  4272. if not collation:
  4273. self.skipTest("Language collations are not supported.")
  4274. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4275. editor.create_model(Thing)
  4276. old_field = Thing._meta.get_field("when")
  4277. new_field = CharField(max_length=1, db_collation=collation, primary_key=True)
  4278. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("when")
  4279. new_field.model = Thing
  4280. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4281. editor.alter_field(Thing, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  4282. self.assertEqual(self.get_primary_key(Thing._meta.db_table), "when")
  4283. self.assertEqual(
  4284. self.get_column_collation(Thing._meta.db_table, "when"),
  4285. collation,
  4286. )
  4287. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4288. editor.alter_field(Thing, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  4289. self.assertEqual(self.get_primary_key(Thing._meta.db_table), "when")
  4290. self.assertIsNone(self.get_column_collation(Thing._meta.db_table, "when"))
  4291. @skipUnlessDBFeature(
  4292. "supports_collation_on_charfield", "supports_collation_on_textfield"
  4293. )
  4294. def test_alter_field_type_and_db_collation(self):
  4295. collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("non_default")
  4296. if not collation:
  4297. self.skipTest("Language collations are not supported.")
  4298. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4299. editor.create_model(Note)
  4300. old_field = Note._meta.get_field("info")
  4301. new_field = CharField(max_length=255, db_collation=collation)
  4302. new_field.set_attributes_from_name("info")
  4303. new_field.model = Note
  4304. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4305. editor.alter_field(Note, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
  4306. columns = self.column_classes(Note)
  4307. self.assertEqual(
  4308. columns["info"][0],
  4309. connection.features.introspected_field_types["CharField"],
  4310. )
  4311. self.assertEqual(columns["info"][1][8], collation)
  4312. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4313. editor.alter_field(Note, new_field, old_field, strict=True)
  4314. columns = self.column_classes(Note)
  4315. self.assertEqual(columns["info"][0], "TextField")
  4316. self.assertIsNone(columns["info"][1][8])
  4317. @skipUnlessDBFeature(
  4318. "supports_collation_on_charfield",
  4319. "supports_non_deterministic_collations",
  4320. )
  4321. def test_ci_cs_db_collation(self):
  4322. cs_collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("cs")
  4323. ci_collation = connection.features.test_collations.get("ci")
  4324. try:
  4325. if connection.vendor == "mysql":
  4326. cs_collation = "latin1_general_cs"
  4327. elif connection.vendor == "postgresql":
  4328. cs_collation = "en-x-icu"
  4329. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  4330. cursor.execute(
  4331. "CREATE COLLATION IF NOT EXISTS case_insensitive "
  4332. "(provider = icu, locale = 'und-u-ks-level2', "
  4333. "deterministic = false)"
  4334. )
  4335. ci_collation = "case_insensitive"
  4336. # Create the table.
  4337. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4338. editor.create_model(Author)
  4339. # Case-insensitive collation.
  4340. old_field = Author._meta.get_field("name")
  4341. new_field_ci = CharField(max_length=255, db_collation=ci_collation)
  4342. new_field_ci.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  4343. new_field_ci.model = Author
  4344. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4345. editor.alter_field(Author, old_field, new_field_ci, strict=True)
  4346. Author.objects.create(name="ANDREW")
  4347. self.assertIs(Author.objects.filter(name="Andrew").exists(), True)
  4348. # Case-sensitive collation.
  4349. new_field_cs = CharField(max_length=255, db_collation=cs_collation)
  4350. new_field_cs.set_attributes_from_name("name")
  4351. new_field_cs.model = Author
  4352. with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
  4353. editor.alter_field(Author, new_field_ci, new_field_cs, strict=True)
  4354. self.assertIs(Author.objects.filter(name="Andrew").exists(), False)
  4355. finally:
  4356. if connection.vendor == "postgresql":
  4357. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  4358. cursor.execute("DROP COLLATION IF EXISTS case_insensitive")