tests.py 31 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from __future__ import unicode_literals
  3. import errno
  4. import os
  5. import shutil
  6. import sys
  7. import tempfile
  8. import threading
  9. import time
  10. import unittest
  11. import warnings
  12. from datetime import datetime, timedelta
  13. from django.core.cache import cache
  14. from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousFileOperation, SuspiciousOperation
  15. from django.core.files.base import ContentFile, File
  16. from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage, get_storage_class
  17. from django.core.files.uploadedfile import (
  18. InMemoryUploadedFile, SimpleUploadedFile, TemporaryUploadedFile,
  19. )
  20. from django.test import (
  21. LiveServerTestCase, SimpleTestCase, TestCase, override_settings,
  22. )
  23. from django.utils import six
  24. from django.utils._os import upath
  25. from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
  26. from .models import Storage, temp_storage, temp_storage_location
  27. FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX = '[A-Za-z0-9]{7}'
  28. class GetStorageClassTests(SimpleTestCase):
  29. def test_get_filesystem_storage(self):
  30. """
  31. get_storage_class returns the class for a storage backend name/path.
  32. """
  33. self.assertEqual(
  34. get_storage_class('django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage'),
  35. FileSystemStorage)
  36. def test_get_invalid_storage_module(self):
  37. """
  38. get_storage_class raises an error if the requested import don't exist.
  39. """
  40. with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ImportError, "No module named '?storage'?"):
  41. get_storage_class('storage.NonExistingStorage')
  42. def test_get_nonexisting_storage_class(self):
  43. """
  44. get_storage_class raises an error if the requested class don't exist.
  45. """
  46. self.assertRaises(ImportError, get_storage_class,
  47. 'django.core.files.storage.NonExistingStorage')
  48. def test_get_nonexisting_storage_module(self):
  49. """
  50. get_storage_class raises an error if the requested module don't exist.
  51. """
  52. # Error message may or may not be the fully qualified path.
  53. with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ImportError,
  54. "No module named '?(django.core.files.)?non_existing_storage'?"):
  55. get_storage_class(
  56. 'django.core.files.non_existing_storage.NonExistingStorage')
  57. class FileStorageDeconstructionTests(unittest.TestCase):
  58. def test_deconstruction(self):
  59. path, args, kwargs = temp_storage.deconstruct()
  60. self.assertEqual(path, "django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage")
  61. self.assertEqual(args, tuple())
  62. self.assertEqual(kwargs, {'location': temp_storage_location})
  63. kwargs_orig = {
  64. 'location': temp_storage_location,
  65. 'base_url': 'http://myfiles.example.com/'
  66. }
  67. storage = FileSystemStorage(**kwargs_orig)
  68. path, args, kwargs = storage.deconstruct()
  69. self.assertEqual(kwargs, kwargs_orig)
  70. class FileStorageTests(unittest.TestCase):
  71. storage_class = FileSystemStorage
  72. def setUp(self):
  73. self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  74. self.storage = self.storage_class(location=self.temp_dir,
  75. base_url='/test_media_url/')
  76. # Set up a second temporary directory which is ensured to have a mixed
  77. # case name.
  78. self.temp_dir2 = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='aBc')
  79. def tearDown(self):
  80. shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
  81. shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir2)
  82. def test_empty_location(self):
  83. """
  84. Makes sure an exception is raised if the location is empty
  85. """
  86. storage = self.storage_class(location='')
  87. self.assertEqual(storage.base_location, '')
  88. self.assertEqual(storage.location, upath(os.getcwd()))
  89. def test_file_access_options(self):
  90. """
  91. Standard file access options are available, and work as expected.
  92. """
  93. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('storage_test'))
  94. f = self.storage.open('storage_test', 'w')
  95. f.write('storage contents')
  96. f.close()
  97. self.assertTrue(self.storage.exists('storage_test'))
  98. f = self.storage.open('storage_test', 'r')
  99. self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'storage contents')
  100. f.close()
  101. self.storage.delete('storage_test')
  102. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('storage_test'))
  103. def test_file_accessed_time(self):
  104. """
  105. File storage returns a Datetime object for the last accessed time of
  106. a file.
  107. """
  108. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('test.file'))
  109. f = ContentFile('custom contents')
  110. f_name = self.storage.save('test.file', f)
  111. atime = self.storage.accessed_time(f_name)
  112. self.assertEqual(atime, datetime.fromtimestamp(
  113. os.path.getatime(self.storage.path(f_name))))
  114. self.assertLess(datetime.now() - self.storage.accessed_time(f_name), timedelta(seconds=2))
  115. self.storage.delete(f_name)
  116. def test_file_created_time(self):
  117. """
  118. File storage returns a Datetime object for the creation time of
  119. a file.
  120. """
  121. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('test.file'))
  122. f = ContentFile('custom contents')
  123. f_name = self.storage.save('test.file', f)
  124. ctime = self.storage.created_time(f_name)
  125. self.assertEqual(ctime, datetime.fromtimestamp(
  126. os.path.getctime(self.storage.path(f_name))))
  127. self.assertLess(datetime.now() - self.storage.created_time(f_name), timedelta(seconds=2))
  128. self.storage.delete(f_name)
  129. def test_file_modified_time(self):
  130. """
  131. File storage returns a Datetime object for the last modified time of
  132. a file.
  133. """
  134. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('test.file'))
  135. f = ContentFile('custom contents')
  136. f_name = self.storage.save('test.file', f)
  137. mtime = self.storage.modified_time(f_name)
  138. self.assertEqual(mtime, datetime.fromtimestamp(
  139. os.path.getmtime(self.storage.path(f_name))))
  140. self.assertLess(datetime.now() - self.storage.modified_time(f_name), timedelta(seconds=2))
  141. self.storage.delete(f_name)
  142. def test_file_save_without_name(self):
  143. """
  144. File storage extracts the filename from the content object if no
  145. name is given explicitly.
  146. """
  147. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('test.file'))
  148. f = ContentFile('custom contents')
  149. f.name = 'test.file'
  150. storage_f_name = self.storage.save(None, f)
  151. self.assertEqual(storage_f_name, f.name)
  152. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, f.name)))
  153. self.storage.delete(storage_f_name)
  154. def test_file_save_with_path(self):
  155. """
  156. Saving a pathname should create intermediate directories as necessary.
  157. """
  158. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('path/to'))
  159. self.storage.save('path/to/test.file',
  160. ContentFile('file saved with path'))
  161. self.assertTrue(self.storage.exists('path/to'))
  162. with self.storage.open('path/to/test.file') as f:
  163. self.assertEqual(f.read(), b'file saved with path')
  164. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(
  165. os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'path', 'to', 'test.file')))
  166. self.storage.delete('path/to/test.file')
  167. def test_save_doesnt_close(self):
  168. with TemporaryUploadedFile('test', 'text/plain', 1, 'utf8') as file:
  169. file.write(b'1')
  170. file.seek(0)
  171. self.assertFalse(file.closed)
  172. self.storage.save('path/to/test.file', file)
  173. self.assertFalse(file.closed)
  174. self.assertFalse(file.file.closed)
  175. file = InMemoryUploadedFile(six.StringIO('1'), '', 'test',
  176. 'text/plain', 1, 'utf8')
  177. with file:
  178. self.assertFalse(file.closed)
  179. self.storage.save('path/to/test.file', file)
  180. self.assertFalse(file.closed)
  181. self.assertFalse(file.file.closed)
  182. def test_file_path(self):
  183. """
  184. File storage returns the full path of a file
  185. """
  186. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('test.file'))
  187. f = ContentFile('custom contents')
  188. f_name = self.storage.save('test.file', f)
  189. self.assertEqual(self.storage.path(f_name),
  190. os.path.join(self.temp_dir, f_name))
  191. self.storage.delete(f_name)
  192. def test_file_url(self):
  193. """
  194. File storage returns a url to access a given file from the Web.
  195. """
  196. self.assertEqual(self.storage.url('test.file'),
  197. '%s%s' % (self.storage.base_url, 'test.file'))
  198. # should encode special chars except ~!*()'
  199. # like encodeURIComponent() JavaScript function do
  200. self.assertEqual(self.storage.url(r"""~!*()'@#$%^&*abc`+ =.file"""),
  201. """/test_media_url/~!*()'%40%23%24%25%5E%26*abc%60%2B%20%3D.file""")
  202. # should translate os path separator(s) to the url path separator
  203. self.assertEqual(self.storage.url("""a/b\\c.file"""),
  204. """/test_media_url/a/b/c.file""")
  205. self.storage.base_url = None
  206. self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.storage.url, 'test.file')
  207. # #22717: missing ending slash in base_url should be auto-corrected
  208. storage = self.storage_class(location=self.temp_dir,
  209. base_url='/no_ending_slash')
  210. self.assertEqual(
  211. storage.url('test.file'),
  212. '%s%s' % (storage.base_url, 'test.file')
  213. )
  214. def test_listdir(self):
  215. """
  216. File storage returns a tuple containing directories and files.
  217. """
  218. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('storage_test_1'))
  219. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('storage_test_2'))
  220. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('storage_dir_1'))
  221. self.storage.save('storage_test_1', ContentFile('custom content'))
  222. self.storage.save('storage_test_2', ContentFile('custom content'))
  223. os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'storage_dir_1'))
  224. dirs, files = self.storage.listdir('')
  225. self.assertEqual(set(dirs), {'storage_dir_1'})
  226. self.assertEqual(set(files),
  227. {'storage_test_1', 'storage_test_2'})
  228. self.storage.delete('storage_test_1')
  229. self.storage.delete('storage_test_2')
  230. os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'storage_dir_1'))
  231. def test_file_storage_prevents_directory_traversal(self):
  232. """
  233. File storage prevents directory traversal (files can only be accessed if
  234. they're below the storage location).
  235. """
  236. self.assertRaises(SuspiciousOperation, self.storage.exists, '..')
  237. self.assertRaises(SuspiciousOperation, self.storage.exists, '/etc/passwd')
  238. def test_file_storage_preserves_filename_case(self):
  239. """The storage backend should preserve case of filenames."""
  240. # Create a storage backend associated with the mixed case name
  241. # directory.
  242. other_temp_storage = self.storage_class(location=self.temp_dir2)
  243. # Ask that storage backend to store a file with a mixed case filename.
  244. mixed_case = 'CaSe_SeNsItIvE'
  245. file = other_temp_storage.open(mixed_case, 'w')
  246. file.write('storage contents')
  247. file.close()
  248. self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.temp_dir2, mixed_case),
  249. other_temp_storage.path(mixed_case))
  250. other_temp_storage.delete(mixed_case)
  251. def test_makedirs_race_handling(self):
  252. """
  253. File storage should be robust against directory creation race conditions.
  254. """
  255. real_makedirs = os.makedirs
  256. # Monkey-patch os.makedirs, to simulate a normal call, a raced call,
  257. # and an error.
  258. def fake_makedirs(path):
  259. if path == os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'normal'):
  260. real_makedirs(path)
  261. elif path == os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'raced'):
  262. real_makedirs(path)
  263. raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, 'simulated EEXIST')
  264. elif path == os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'error'):
  265. raise OSError(errno.EACCES, 'simulated EACCES')
  266. else:
  267. self.fail('unexpected argument %r' % path)
  268. try:
  269. os.makedirs = fake_makedirs
  270. self.storage.save('normal/test.file',
  271. ContentFile('saved normally'))
  272. with self.storage.open('normal/test.file') as f:
  273. self.assertEqual(f.read(), b'saved normally')
  274. self.storage.save('raced/test.file',
  275. ContentFile('saved with race'))
  276. with self.storage.open('raced/test.file') as f:
  277. self.assertEqual(f.read(), b'saved with race')
  278. # Check that OSErrors aside from EEXIST are still raised.
  279. self.assertRaises(OSError,
  280. self.storage.save, 'error/test.file', ContentFile('not saved'))
  281. finally:
  282. os.makedirs = real_makedirs
  283. def test_remove_race_handling(self):
  284. """
  285. File storage should be robust against file removal race conditions.
  286. """
  287. real_remove = os.remove
  288. # Monkey-patch os.remove, to simulate a normal call, a raced call,
  289. # and an error.
  290. def fake_remove(path):
  291. if path == os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'normal.file'):
  292. real_remove(path)
  293. elif path == os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'raced.file'):
  294. real_remove(path)
  295. raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'simulated ENOENT')
  296. elif path == os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'error.file'):
  297. raise OSError(errno.EACCES, 'simulated EACCES')
  298. else:
  299. self.fail('unexpected argument %r' % path)
  300. try:
  301. os.remove = fake_remove
  302. self.storage.save('normal.file', ContentFile('delete normally'))
  303. self.storage.delete('normal.file')
  304. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('normal.file'))
  305. self.storage.save('raced.file', ContentFile('delete with race'))
  306. self.storage.delete('raced.file')
  307. self.assertFalse(self.storage.exists('normal.file'))
  308. # Check that OSErrors aside from ENOENT are still raised.
  309. self.storage.save('error.file', ContentFile('delete with error'))
  310. self.assertRaises(OSError, self.storage.delete, 'error.file')
  311. finally:
  312. os.remove = real_remove
  313. def test_file_chunks_error(self):
  314. """
  315. Test behavior when file.chunks() is raising an error
  316. """
  317. f1 = ContentFile('chunks fails')
  318. def failing_chunks():
  319. raise IOError
  320. f1.chunks = failing_chunks
  321. with self.assertRaises(IOError):
  322. self.storage.save('error.file', f1)
  323. def test_delete_no_name(self):
  324. """
  325. Calling delete with an empty name should not try to remove the base
  326. storage directory, but fail loudly (#20660).
  327. """
  328. with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
  329. self.storage.delete('')
  330. class CustomStorage(FileSystemStorage):
  331. def get_available_name(self, name, max_length=None):
  332. """
  333. Append numbers to duplicate files rather than underscores, like Trac.
  334. """
  335. parts = name.split('.')
  336. basename, ext = parts[0], parts[1:]
  337. number = 2
  338. while self.exists(name):
  339. name = '.'.join([basename, str(number)] + ext)
  340. number += 1
  341. return name
  342. class CustomStorageTests(FileStorageTests):
  343. storage_class = CustomStorage
  344. def test_custom_get_available_name(self):
  345. first = self.storage.save('custom_storage', ContentFile('custom contents'))
  346. self.assertEqual(first, 'custom_storage')
  347. second = self.storage.save('custom_storage', ContentFile('more contents'))
  348. self.assertEqual(second, 'custom_storage.2')
  349. self.storage.delete(first)
  350. self.storage.delete(second)
  351. class FileFieldStorageTests(TestCase):
  352. def tearDown(self):
  353. shutil.rmtree(temp_storage_location)
  354. def _storage_max_filename_length(self, storage):
  355. """
  356. Query filesystem for maximum filename length (e.g. AUFS has 242).
  357. """
  358. dir_to_test = storage.location
  359. while not os.path.exists(dir_to_test):
  360. dir_to_test = os.path.dirname(dir_to_test)
  361. try:
  362. return os.pathconf(dir_to_test, 'PC_NAME_MAX')
  363. except Exception:
  364. return 255 # Should be safe on most backends
  365. def test_files(self):
  366. # Attempting to access a FileField from the class raises a descriptive
  367. # error
  368. self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: Storage.normal)
  369. # An object without a file has limited functionality.
  370. obj1 = Storage()
  371. self.assertEqual(obj1.normal.name, "")
  372. self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: obj1.normal.size)
  373. # Saving a file enables full functionality.
  374. obj1.normal.save("django_test.txt", ContentFile("content"))
  375. self.assertEqual(obj1.normal.name, "tests/django_test.txt")
  376. self.assertEqual(obj1.normal.size, 7)
  377. self.assertEqual(obj1.normal.read(), b"content")
  378. obj1.normal.close()
  379. # File objects can be assigned to FileField attributes, but shouldn't
  380. # get committed until the model it's attached to is saved.
  381. obj1.normal = SimpleUploadedFile("assignment.txt", b"content")
  382. dirs, files = temp_storage.listdir("tests")
  383. self.assertEqual(dirs, [])
  384. self.assertNotIn("assignment.txt", files)
  385. obj1.save()
  386. dirs, files = temp_storage.listdir("tests")
  387. self.assertEqual(sorted(files), ["assignment.txt", "django_test.txt"])
  388. # Save another file with the same name.
  389. obj2 = Storage()
  390. obj2.normal.save("django_test.txt", ContentFile("more content"))
  391. obj2_name = obj2.normal.name
  392. six.assertRegex(self, obj2_name, "tests/django_test_%s.txt" % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX)
  393. self.assertEqual(obj2.normal.size, 12)
  394. obj2.normal.close()
  395. # Deleting an object does not delete the file it uses.
  396. obj2.delete()
  397. obj2.normal.save("django_test.txt", ContentFile("more content"))
  398. self.assertNotEqual(obj2_name, obj2.normal.name)
  399. six.assertRegex(self, obj2.normal.name, "tests/django_test_%s.txt" % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX)
  400. obj2.normal.close()
  401. def test_filefield_read(self):
  402. # Files can be read in a little at a time, if necessary.
  403. obj = Storage.objects.create(
  404. normal=SimpleUploadedFile("assignment.txt", b"content"))
  405. obj.normal.open()
  406. self.assertEqual(obj.normal.read(3), b"con")
  407. self.assertEqual(obj.normal.read(), b"tent")
  408. self.assertEqual(list(obj.normal.chunks(chunk_size=2)), [b"co", b"nt", b"en", b"t"])
  409. obj.normal.close()
  410. def test_duplicate_filename(self):
  411. # Multiple files with the same name get _(7 random chars) appended to them.
  412. objs = [Storage() for i in range(2)]
  413. for o in objs:
  414. o.normal.save("multiple_files.txt", ContentFile("Same Content"))
  415. try:
  416. names = [o.normal.name for o in objs]
  417. self.assertEqual(names[0], "tests/multiple_files.txt")
  418. six.assertRegex(self, names[1], "tests/multiple_files_%s.txt" % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX)
  419. finally:
  420. for o in objs:
  421. o.delete()
  422. def test_file_truncation(self):
  423. # Given the max_length is limited, when multiple files get uploaded
  424. # under the same name, then the filename get truncated in order to fit
  425. # in _(7 random chars). When most of the max_length is taken by
  426. # dirname + extension and there are not enough characters in the
  427. # filename to truncate, an exception should be raised.
  428. objs = [Storage() for i in range(2)]
  429. filename = 'filename.ext'
  430. for o in objs:
  431. o.limited_length.save(filename, ContentFile('Same Content'))
  432. try:
  433. # Testing truncation.
  434. names = [o.limited_length.name for o in objs]
  435. self.assertEqual(names[0], 'tests/%s' % filename)
  436. six.assertRegex(self, names[1], 'tests/fi_%s.ext' % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX)
  437. # Testing exception is raised when filename is too short to truncate.
  438. filename = 'short.longext'
  439. objs[0].limited_length.save(filename, ContentFile('Same Content'))
  440. self.assertRaisesMessage(
  441. SuspiciousFileOperation, 'Storage can not find an available filename',
  442. objs[1].limited_length.save, *(filename, ContentFile('Same Content'))
  443. )
  444. finally:
  445. for o in objs:
  446. o.delete()
  447. @unittest.skipIf(
  448. sys.platform.startswith('win'),
  449. "Windows supports at most 260 characters in a path.",
  450. )
  451. def test_extended_length_storage(self):
  452. # Testing FileField with max_length > 255. Most systems have filename
  453. # length limitation of 255. Path takes extra chars.
  454. filename = (self._storage_max_filename_length(temp_storage) - 4) * 'a' # 4 chars for extension.
  455. obj = Storage()
  456. obj.extended_length.save('%s.txt' % filename, ContentFile('Same Content'))
  457. self.assertEqual(obj.extended_length.name, 'tests/%s.txt' % filename)
  458. self.assertEqual(obj.extended_length.read(), b'Same Content')
  459. obj.extended_length.close()
  460. def test_old_style_storage(self):
  461. # Testing backward-compatibility with old-style storage backends that
  462. # don't take ``max_length`` parameter in ``get_available_name()``
  463. # and save(). A deprecation warning should be raised.
  464. obj = Storage()
  465. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
  466. warnings.simplefilter('always')
  467. obj.old_style.save('deprecated_storage_test.txt', ContentFile('Same Content'))
  468. self.assertEqual(len(warns), 2)
  469. self.assertEqual(
  470. str(warns[0].message),
  471. 'Backwards compatibility for storage backends without support for '
  472. 'the `max_length` argument in Storage.save() will be removed in '
  473. 'Django 1.10.'
  474. )
  475. self.assertEqual(
  476. str(warns[1].message),
  477. 'Backwards compatibility for storage backends without support for '
  478. 'the `max_length` argument in Storage.get_available_name() will '
  479. 'be removed in Django 1.10.'
  480. )
  481. self.assertEqual(obj.old_style.name, 'tests/deprecated_storage_test.txt')
  482. self.assertEqual(obj.old_style.read(), b'Same Content')
  483. obj.old_style.close()
  484. def test_filefield_default(self):
  485. # Default values allow an object to access a single file.
  486. temp_storage.save('tests/default.txt', ContentFile('default content'))
  487. obj = Storage.objects.create()
  488. self.assertEqual(obj.default.name, "tests/default.txt")
  489. self.assertEqual(obj.default.read(), b"default content")
  490. obj.default.close()
  491. # But it shouldn't be deleted, even if there are no more objects using
  492. # it.
  493. obj.delete()
  494. obj = Storage()
  495. self.assertEqual(obj.default.read(), b"default content")
  496. obj.default.close()
  497. def test_empty_upload_to(self):
  498. # upload_to can be empty, meaning it does not use subdirectory.
  499. obj = Storage()
  500. obj.empty.save('django_test.txt', ContentFile('more content'))
  501. self.assertEqual(obj.empty.name, "./django_test.txt")
  502. self.assertEqual(obj.empty.read(), b"more content")
  503. obj.empty.close()
  504. def test_random_upload_to(self):
  505. # Verify the fix for #5655, making sure the directory is only
  506. # determined once.
  507. obj = Storage()
  508. obj.random.save("random_file", ContentFile("random content"))
  509. self.assertTrue(obj.random.name.endswith("/random_file"))
  510. obj.random.close()
  511. def test_custom_valid_name_callable_upload_to(self):
  512. """
  513. Storage.get_valid_name() should be called when upload_to is a callable.
  514. """
  515. obj = Storage()
  516. obj.custom_valid_name.save("random_file", ContentFile("random content"))
  517. # CustomValidNameStorage.get_valid_name() appends '_valid' to the name
  518. self.assertTrue(obj.custom_valid_name.name.endswith("/random_file_valid"))
  519. obj.custom_valid_name.close()
  520. def test_filefield_pickling(self):
  521. # Push an object into the cache to make sure it pickles properly
  522. obj = Storage()
  523. obj.normal.save("django_test.txt", ContentFile("more content"))
  524. obj.normal.close()
  525. cache.set("obj", obj)
  526. self.assertEqual(cache.get("obj").normal.name, "tests/django_test.txt")
  527. def test_file_object(self):
  528. # Create sample file
  529. temp_storage.save('tests/example.txt', ContentFile('some content'))
  530. # Load it as python file object
  531. with open(temp_storage.path('tests/example.txt')) as file_obj:
  532. # Save it using storage and read its content
  533. temp_storage.save('tests/file_obj', file_obj)
  534. self.assertTrue(temp_storage.exists('tests/file_obj'))
  535. with temp_storage.open('tests/file_obj') as f:
  536. self.assertEqual(f.read(), b'some content')
  537. def test_stringio(self):
  538. # Test passing StringIO instance as content argument to save
  539. output = six.StringIO()
  540. output.write('content')
  541. output.seek(0)
  542. # Save it and read written file
  543. temp_storage.save('tests/stringio', output)
  544. self.assertTrue(temp_storage.exists('tests/stringio'))
  545. with temp_storage.open('tests/stringio') as f:
  546. self.assertEqual(f.read(), b'content')
  547. # Tests for a race condition on file saving (#4948).
  548. # This is written in such a way that it'll always pass on platforms
  549. # without threading.
  550. class SlowFile(ContentFile):
  551. def chunks(self):
  552. time.sleep(1)
  553. return super(ContentFile, self).chunks()
  554. class FileSaveRaceConditionTest(unittest.TestCase):
  555. def setUp(self):
  556. self.storage_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  557. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(self.storage_dir)
  558. self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.save_file, args=['conflict'])
  559. def tearDown(self):
  560. shutil.rmtree(self.storage_dir)
  561. def save_file(self, name):
  562. name = self.storage.save(name, SlowFile(b"Data"))
  563. def test_race_condition(self):
  564. self.thread.start()
  565. self.save_file('conflict')
  566. self.thread.join()
  567. files = sorted(os.listdir(self.storage_dir))
  568. self.assertEqual(files[0], 'conflict')
  569. six.assertRegex(self, files[1], 'conflict_%s' % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX)
  570. @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith('win'), "Windows only partially supports umasks and chmod.")
  571. class FileStoragePermissions(unittest.TestCase):
  572. def setUp(self):
  573. self.umask = 0o027
  574. self.old_umask = os.umask(self.umask)
  575. self.storage_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  576. def tearDown(self):
  577. shutil.rmtree(self.storage_dir)
  578. os.umask(self.old_umask)
  579. @override_settings(FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS=0o654)
  580. def test_file_upload_permissions(self):
  581. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(self.storage_dir)
  582. name = self.storage.save("the_file", ContentFile("data"))
  583. actual_mode = os.stat(self.storage.path(name))[0] & 0o777
  584. self.assertEqual(actual_mode, 0o654)
  585. @override_settings(FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS=None)
  586. def test_file_upload_default_permissions(self):
  587. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(self.storage_dir)
  588. fname = self.storage.save("some_file", ContentFile("data"))
  589. mode = os.stat(self.storage.path(fname))[0] & 0o777
  590. self.assertEqual(mode, 0o666 & ~self.umask)
  591. @override_settings(FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS=0o765)
  592. def test_file_upload_directory_permissions(self):
  593. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(self.storage_dir)
  594. name = self.storage.save("the_directory/the_file", ContentFile("data"))
  595. dir_mode = os.stat(os.path.dirname(self.storage.path(name)))[0] & 0o777
  596. self.assertEqual(dir_mode, 0o765)
  597. @override_settings(FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS=None)
  598. def test_file_upload_directory_default_permissions(self):
  599. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(self.storage_dir)
  600. name = self.storage.save("the_directory/the_file", ContentFile("data"))
  601. dir_mode = os.stat(os.path.dirname(self.storage.path(name)))[0] & 0o777
  602. self.assertEqual(dir_mode, 0o777 & ~self.umask)
  603. class FileStoragePathParsing(unittest.TestCase):
  604. def setUp(self):
  605. self.storage_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  606. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(self.storage_dir)
  607. def tearDown(self):
  608. shutil.rmtree(self.storage_dir)
  609. def test_directory_with_dot(self):
  610. """Regression test for #9610.
  611. If the directory name contains a dot and the file name doesn't, make
  612. sure we still mangle the file name instead of the directory name.
  613. """
  614. self.storage.save('dotted.path/test', ContentFile("1"))
  615. self.storage.save('dotted.path/test', ContentFile("2"))
  616. files = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.storage_dir, 'dotted.path')))
  617. self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storage_dir, 'dotted_.path')))
  618. self.assertEqual(files[0], 'test')
  619. six.assertRegex(self, files[1], 'test_%s' % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX)
  620. def test_first_character_dot(self):
  621. """
  622. File names with a dot as their first character don't have an extension,
  623. and the underscore should get added to the end.
  624. """
  625. self.storage.save('dotted.path/.test', ContentFile("1"))
  626. self.storage.save('dotted.path/.test', ContentFile("2"))
  627. files = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.storage_dir, 'dotted.path')))
  628. self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storage_dir, 'dotted_.path')))
  629. self.assertEqual(files[0], '.test')
  630. six.assertRegex(self, files[1], '.test_%s' % FILE_SUFFIX_REGEX)
  631. class ContentFileStorageTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
  632. def setUp(self):
  633. self.storage_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  634. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(self.storage_dir)
  635. def tearDown(self):
  636. shutil.rmtree(self.storage_dir)
  637. def test_content_saving(self):
  638. """
  639. Test that ContentFile can be saved correctly with the filesystem storage,
  640. both if it was initialized with string or unicode content"""
  641. self.storage.save('bytes.txt', ContentFile(b"content"))
  642. self.storage.save('unicode.txt', ContentFile("español"))
  643. @override_settings(ROOT_URLCONF='file_storage.urls')
  644. class FileLikeObjectTestCase(LiveServerTestCase):
  645. """
  646. Test file-like objects (#15644).
  647. """
  648. available_apps = []
  649. def setUp(self):
  650. self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  651. self.storage = FileSystemStorage(location=self.temp_dir)
  652. def tearDown(self):
  653. shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
  654. def test_urllib2_urlopen(self):
  655. """
  656. Test the File storage API with a file like object coming from urllib2.urlopen()
  657. """
  658. file_like_object = urlopen(self.live_server_url + '/')
  659. f = File(file_like_object)
  660. stored_filename = self.storage.save("remote_file.html", f)
  661. remote_file = urlopen(self.live_server_url + '/')
  662. with self.storage.open(stored_filename) as stored_file:
  663. self.assertEqual(stored_file.read(), remote_file.read())