test_discover_runner.py 5.9 KB

  1. import os
  2. from contextlib import contextmanager
  3. from unittest import TestSuite, TextTestRunner, defaultTestLoader
  4. from django.test import TestCase
  5. from django.test.runner import DiscoverRunner
  6. @contextmanager
  7. def change_cwd(directory):
  8. current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
  9. new_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, directory)
  10. old_cwd = os.getcwd()
  11. os.chdir(new_dir)
  12. try:
  13. yield
  14. finally:
  15. os.chdir(old_cwd)
  16. class DiscoverRunnerTest(TestCase):
  17. def test_dotted_test_module(self):
  18. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  19. ["test_discovery_sample.tests_sample"],
  20. ).countTestCases()
  21. self.assertEqual(count, 4)
  22. def test_dotted_test_class_vanilla_unittest(self):
  23. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  24. ["test_discovery_sample.tests_sample.TestVanillaUnittest"],
  25. ).countTestCases()
  26. self.assertEqual(count, 1)
  27. def test_dotted_test_class_django_testcase(self):
  28. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  29. ["test_discovery_sample.tests_sample.TestDjangoTestCase"],
  30. ).countTestCases()
  31. self.assertEqual(count, 1)
  32. def test_dotted_test_method_django_testcase(self):
  33. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  34. ["test_discovery_sample.tests_sample.TestDjangoTestCase.test_sample"],
  35. ).countTestCases()
  36. self.assertEqual(count, 1)
  37. def test_pattern(self):
  38. count = DiscoverRunner(
  39. pattern="*_tests.py",
  40. ).build_suite(["test_discovery_sample"]).countTestCases()
  41. self.assertEqual(count, 1)
  42. def test_file_path(self):
  43. with change_cwd(".."):
  44. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  45. ["test_discovery_sample/"],
  46. ).countTestCases()
  47. self.assertEqual(count, 5)
  48. def test_empty_label(self):
  49. """
  50. If the test label is empty, discovery should happen on the current
  51. working directory.
  52. """
  53. with change_cwd("."):
  54. suite = DiscoverRunner().build_suite([])
  55. self.assertEqual(
  56. suite._tests[0].id().split(".")[0],
  57. os.path.basename(os.getcwd()),
  58. )
  59. def test_empty_test_case(self):
  60. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  61. ["test_discovery_sample.tests_sample.EmptyTestCase"],
  62. ).countTestCases()
  63. self.assertEqual(count, 0)
  64. def test_discovery_on_package(self):
  65. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  66. ["test_discovery_sample.tests"],
  67. ).countTestCases()
  68. self.assertEqual(count, 1)
  69. def test_ignore_adjacent(self):
  70. """
  71. When given a dotted path to a module, unittest discovery searches
  72. not just the module, but also the directory containing the module.
  73. This results in tests from adjacent modules being run when they
  74. should not. The discover runner avoids this behavior.
  75. """
  76. count = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  77. ["test_discovery_sample.empty"],
  78. ).countTestCases()
  79. self.assertEqual(count, 0)
  80. def test_testcase_ordering(self):
  81. with change_cwd(".."):
  82. suite = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(["test_discovery_sample/"])
  83. self.assertEqual(
  84. suite._tests[0].__class__.__name__,
  85. 'TestDjangoTestCase',
  86. msg="TestDjangoTestCase should be the first test case")
  87. self.assertEqual(
  88. suite._tests[1].__class__.__name__,
  89. 'TestZimpleTestCase',
  90. msg="TestZimpleTestCase should be the second test case")
  91. # All others can follow in unspecified order, including doctests
  92. self.assertIn('DocTestCase', [t.__class__.__name__ for t in suite._tests[2:]])
  93. def test_duplicates_ignored(self):
  94. """
  95. Tests shouldn't be discovered twice when discovering on overlapping paths.
  96. """
  97. single = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(["gis_tests"]).countTestCases()
  98. dups = DiscoverRunner().build_suite(
  99. ["gis_tests", "gis_tests.geo3d"]).countTestCases()
  100. self.assertEqual(single, dups)
  101. def test_reverse(self):
  102. """
  103. Reverse should reorder tests while maintaining the grouping specified
  104. by ``DiscoverRunner.reorder_by``.
  105. """
  106. runner = DiscoverRunner(reverse=True)
  107. suite = runner.build_suite(
  108. test_labels=('test_discovery_sample', 'test_discovery_sample2'))
  109. self.assertIn('test_discovery_sample2', next(iter(suite)).id(),
  110. msg="Test labels should be reversed.")
  111. suite = runner.build_suite(test_labels=('test_discovery_sample2',))
  112. suite = tuple(suite)
  113. self.assertIn('DjangoCase', suite[0].id(),
  114. msg="Test groups should not be reversed.")
  115. self.assertIn('SimpleCase', suite[4].id(),
  116. msg="Test groups order should be preserved.")
  117. self.assertIn('DjangoCase2', suite[0].id(),
  118. msg="Django test cases should be reversed.")
  119. self.assertIn('SimpleCase2', suite[4].id(),
  120. msg="Simple test cases should be reversed.")
  121. self.assertIn('UnittestCase2', suite[8].id(),
  122. msg="Unittest test cases should be reversed.")
  123. self.assertIn('test_2', suite[0].id(),
  124. msg="Methods of Django cases should be reversed.")
  125. self.assertIn('test_2', suite[4].id(),
  126. msg="Methods of simple cases should be reversed.")
  127. self.assertIn('test_2', suite[8].id(),
  128. msg="Methods of unittest cases should be reversed.")
  129. def test_overrideable_test_suite(self):
  130. self.assertEqual(DiscoverRunner().test_suite, TestSuite)
  131. def test_overrideable_test_runner(self):
  132. self.assertEqual(DiscoverRunner().test_runner, TextTestRunner)
  133. def test_overrideable_test_loader(self):
  134. self.assertEqual(DiscoverRunner().test_loader, defaultTestLoader)