test_autodetector.py 71 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from django.conf import settings
  3. from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
  4. from django.db.migrations.autodetector import MigrationAutodetector
  5. from django.db.migrations.questioner import MigrationQuestioner
  6. from django.db.migrations.state import ProjectState, ModelState
  7. from django.db.migrations.graph import MigrationGraph
  8. from django.db.migrations.loader import MigrationLoader
  9. from django.db import models, connection
  10. from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser
  11. class DeconstructableObject(object):
  12. """
  13. A custom deconstructable object.
  14. """
  15. def deconstruct(self):
  16. return self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__, [], {}
  17. class AutodetectorTests(TestCase):
  18. """
  19. Tests the migration autodetector.
  20. """
  21. author_empty = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  22. author_name = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  23. author_name_longer = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=400))])
  24. author_name_renamed = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("names", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  25. author_name_default = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200, default='Ada Lovelace'))])
  26. author_name_deconstructable_1 = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200, default=DeconstructableObject()))])
  27. author_name_deconstructable_2 = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200, default=DeconstructableObject()))])
  28. author_name_deconstructable_3 = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200, default=models.IntegerField()))])
  29. author_name_deconstructable_4 = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200, default=models.IntegerField()))])
  30. author_custom_pk = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("pk_field", models.IntegerField(primary_key=True))])
  31. author_with_book = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200)), ("book", models.ForeignKey("otherapp.Book"))])
  32. author_with_book_order_wrt = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200)), ("book", models.ForeignKey("otherapp.Book"))], options={"order_with_respect_to": "book"})
  33. author_renamed_with_book = ModelState("testapp", "Writer", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200)), ("book", models.ForeignKey("otherapp.Book"))])
  34. author_with_publisher_string = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200)), ("publisher_name", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  35. author_with_publisher = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200)), ("publisher", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Publisher"))])
  36. author_with_custom_user = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200)), ("user", models.ForeignKey("thirdapp.CustomUser"))])
  37. author_proxy = ModelState("testapp", "AuthorProxy", [], {"proxy": True}, ("testapp.author", ))
  38. author_proxy_options = ModelState("testapp", "AuthorProxy", [], {"proxy": True, "verbose_name": "Super Author"}, ("testapp.author", ))
  39. author_proxy_notproxy = ModelState("testapp", "AuthorProxy", [], {}, ("testapp.author", ))
  40. author_proxy_third = ModelState("thirdapp", "AuthorProxy", [], {"proxy": True}, ("testapp.author", ))
  41. author_proxy_proxy = ModelState("testapp", "AAuthorProxyProxy", [], {"proxy": True}, ("testapp.authorproxy", ))
  42. author_unmanaged = ModelState("testapp", "AuthorUnmanaged", [], {"managed": False}, ("testapp.author", ))
  43. author_unmanaged_managed = ModelState("testapp", "AuthorUnmanaged", [], {}, ("testapp.author", ))
  44. author_unmanaged_default_pk = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  45. author_unmanaged_custom_pk = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [
  46. ("pk_field", models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)),
  47. ])
  48. author_with_m2m = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [
  49. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  50. ("publishers", models.ManyToManyField("testapp.Publisher")),
  51. ])
  52. author_with_m2m_through = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("publishers", models.ManyToManyField("testapp.Publisher", through="testapp.Contract"))])
  53. author_with_options = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))], {"verbose_name": "Authi", "permissions": [('can_hire', 'Can hire')]})
  54. contract = ModelState("testapp", "Contract", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Author")), ("publisher", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Publisher"))])
  55. publisher = ModelState("testapp", "Publisher", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=100))])
  56. publisher_with_author = ModelState("testapp", "Publisher", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Author")), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=100))])
  57. publisher_with_aardvark_author = ModelState("testapp", "Publisher", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Aardvark")), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=100))])
  58. publisher_with_book = ModelState("testapp", "Publisher", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("otherapp.Book")), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=100))])
  59. other_pony = ModelState("otherapp", "Pony", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  60. other_stable = ModelState("otherapp", "Stable", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  61. third_thing = ModelState("thirdapp", "Thing", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  62. book = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Author")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  63. book_proxy_fk = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("thirdapp.AuthorProxy")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  64. book_migrations_fk = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("migrations.UnmigratedModel")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  65. book_with_no_author = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  66. book_with_author_renamed = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Writer")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  67. book_with_field_and_author_renamed = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("writer", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Writer")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  68. book_with_multiple_authors = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("authors", models.ManyToManyField("testapp.Author")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  69. book_with_multiple_authors_through_attribution = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("authors", models.ManyToManyField("testapp.Author", through="otherapp.Attribution")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))])
  70. book_unique = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Author")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))], {"unique_together": {("author", "title")}})
  71. book_unique_2 = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Author")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))], {"unique_together": {("title", "author")}})
  72. book_unique_3 = ModelState("otherapp", "Book", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("newfield", models.IntegerField()), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Author")), ("title", models.CharField(max_length=200))], {"unique_together": {("title", "newfield")}})
  73. attribution = ModelState("otherapp", "Attribution", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("author", models.ForeignKey("testapp.Author")), ("book", models.ForeignKey("otherapp.Book"))])
  74. edition = ModelState("thirdapp", "Edition", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("book", models.ForeignKey("otherapp.Book"))])
  75. custom_user = ModelState("thirdapp", "CustomUser", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("username", models.CharField(max_length=255))], bases=(AbstractBaseUser, ))
  76. custom_user_no_inherit = ModelState("thirdapp", "CustomUser", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("username", models.CharField(max_length=255))])
  77. aardvark = ModelState("thirdapp", "Aardvark", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  78. aardvark_testapp = ModelState("testapp", "Aardvark", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  79. aardvark_based_on_author = ModelState("testapp", "Aardvark", [], bases=("testapp.Author", ))
  80. aardvark_pk_fk_author = ModelState("testapp", "Aardvark", [("id", models.OneToOneField("testapp.Author", primary_key=True))])
  81. knight = ModelState("eggs", "Knight", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))])
  82. rabbit = ModelState("eggs", "Rabbit", [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("knight", models.ForeignKey("eggs.Knight")), ("parent", models.ForeignKey("eggs.Rabbit"))], {"unique_together": {("parent", "knight")}})
  83. def repr_changes(self, changes):
  84. output = ""
  85. for app_label, migrations in sorted(changes.items()):
  86. output += " %s:\n" % app_label
  87. for migration in migrations:
  88. output += " %s\n" % migration.name
  89. for operation in migration.operations:
  90. output += " %s\n" % operation
  91. return output
  92. def assertNumberMigrations(self, changes, app_label, number):
  93. if len(changes.get(app_label, [])) != number:
  94. self.fail("Incorrect number of migrations (%s) for %s (expected %s)\n%s" % (
  95. len(changes.get(app_label, [])),
  96. app_label,
  97. number,
  98. self.repr_changes(changes),
  99. ))
  100. def assertOperationTypes(self, changes, app_label, index, types):
  101. if not changes.get(app_label, None):
  102. self.fail("No migrations found for %s\n%s" % (app_label, self.repr_changes(changes)))
  103. if len(changes[app_label]) < index + 1:
  104. self.fail("No migration at index %s for %s\n%s" % (index, app_label, self.repr_changes(changes)))
  105. migration = changes[app_label][index]
  106. real_types = [operation.__class__.__name__ for operation in migration.operations]
  107. if types != real_types:
  108. self.fail("Operation type mismatch for %s.%s (expected %s):\n%s" % (
  109. app_label,
  110. migration.name,
  111. types,
  112. self.repr_changes(changes),
  113. ))
  114. def assertOperationAttributes(self, changes, app_label, index, operation_index, **attrs):
  115. if not changes.get(app_label, None):
  116. self.fail("No migrations found for %s\n%s" % (app_label, self.repr_changes(changes)))
  117. if len(changes[app_label]) < index + 1:
  118. self.fail("No migration at index %s for %s\n%s" % (index, app_label, self.repr_changes(changes)))
  119. migration = changes[app_label][index]
  120. if len(changes[app_label]) < index + 1:
  121. self.fail("No operation at index %s for %s.%s\n%s" % (
  122. operation_index,
  123. app_label,
  124. migration.name,
  125. self.repr_changes(changes),
  126. ))
  127. operation = migration.operations[operation_index]
  128. for attr, value in attrs.items():
  129. if getattr(operation, attr, None) != value:
  130. self.fail("Attribute mismatch for %s.%s op #%s, %s (expected %r, got %r):\n%s" % (
  131. app_label,
  132. migration.name,
  133. operation_index,
  134. attr,
  135. value,
  136. getattr(operation, attr, None),
  137. self.repr_changes(changes),
  138. ))
  139. def make_project_state(self, model_states):
  140. "Shortcut to make ProjectStates from lists of predefined models"
  141. project_state = ProjectState()
  142. for model_state in model_states:
  143. project_state.add_model_state(model_state.clone())
  144. return project_state
  145. def test_arrange_for_graph(self):
  146. "Tests auto-naming of migrations for graph matching."
  147. # Make a fake graph
  148. graph = MigrationGraph()
  149. graph.add_node(("testapp", "0001_initial"), None)
  150. graph.add_node(("testapp", "0002_foobar"), None)
  151. graph.add_node(("otherapp", "0001_initial"), None)
  152. graph.add_dependency("testapp.0002_foobar", ("testapp", "0002_foobar"), ("testapp", "0001_initial"))
  153. graph.add_dependency("testapp.0002_foobar", ("testapp", "0002_foobar"), ("otherapp", "0001_initial"))
  154. # Use project state to make a new migration change set
  155. before = self.make_project_state([])
  156. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.other_pony, self.other_stable])
  157. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  158. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  159. # Run through arrange_for_graph
  160. changes = autodetector.arrange_for_graph(changes, graph)
  161. # Make sure there's a new name, deps match, etc.
  162. self.assertEqual(changes["testapp"][0].name, "0003_author")
  163. self.assertEqual(changes["testapp"][0].dependencies, [("testapp", "0002_foobar")])
  164. self.assertEqual(changes["otherapp"][0].name, "0002_pony_stable")
  165. self.assertEqual(changes["otherapp"][0].dependencies, [("otherapp", "0001_initial")])
  166. def test_trim_apps(self):
  167. "Tests that trim does not remove dependencies but does remove unwanted apps"
  168. # Use project state to make a new migration change set
  169. before = self.make_project_state([])
  170. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.other_pony, self.other_stable, self.third_thing])
  171. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after, MigrationQuestioner(defaults={"ask_initial": True}))
  172. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  173. # Run through arrange_for_graph
  174. graph = MigrationGraph()
  175. changes = autodetector.arrange_for_graph(changes, graph)
  176. changes["testapp"][0].dependencies.append(("otherapp", "0001_initial"))
  177. changes = autodetector._trim_to_apps(changes, {"testapp"})
  178. # Make sure there's the right set of migrations
  179. self.assertEqual(changes["testapp"][0].name, "0001_initial")
  180. self.assertEqual(changes["otherapp"][0].name, "0001_initial")
  181. self.assertNotIn("thirdapp", changes)
  182. def test_custom_migration_name(self):
  183. "Tests custom naming of migrations for graph matching."
  184. # Make a fake graph
  185. graph = MigrationGraph()
  186. graph.add_node(("testapp", "0001_initial"), None)
  187. graph.add_node(("testapp", "0002_foobar"), None)
  188. graph.add_node(("otherapp", "0001_initial"), None)
  189. graph.add_dependency("testapp.0002_foobar", ("testapp", "0002_foobar"), ("testapp", "0001_initial"))
  190. # Use project state to make a new migration change set
  191. before = self.make_project_state([])
  192. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.other_pony, self.other_stable])
  193. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  194. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  195. # Run through arrange_for_graph
  196. migration_name = 'custom_name'
  197. changes = autodetector.arrange_for_graph(changes, graph, migration_name)
  198. # Make sure there's a new name, deps match, etc.
  199. self.assertEqual(changes["testapp"][0].name, "0003_%s" % migration_name)
  200. self.assertEqual(changes["testapp"][0].dependencies, [("testapp", "0002_foobar")])
  201. self.assertEqual(changes["otherapp"][0].name, "0002_%s" % migration_name)
  202. self.assertEqual(changes["otherapp"][0].dependencies, [("otherapp", "0001_initial")])
  203. def test_new_model(self):
  204. "Tests autodetection of new models"
  205. # Make state
  206. before = self.make_project_state([])
  207. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  208. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  209. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  210. # Right number of migrations?
  211. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  212. # Right number of actions?
  213. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  214. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  215. # Right action?
  216. action = migration.operations[0]
  217. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "CreateModel")
  218. self.assertEqual(action.name, "Author")
  219. def test_old_model(self):
  220. "Tests deletion of old models"
  221. # Make state
  222. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  223. after = self.make_project_state([])
  224. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  225. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  226. # Right number of migrations?
  227. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  228. # Right number of actions?
  229. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  230. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  231. # Right action?
  232. action = migration.operations[0]
  233. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "DeleteModel")
  234. self.assertEqual(action.name, "Author")
  235. def test_add_field(self):
  236. "Tests autodetection of new fields"
  237. # Make state
  238. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  239. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  240. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  241. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  242. # Right number of migrations?
  243. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  244. # Right number of actions?
  245. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  246. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  247. # Right action?
  248. action = migration.operations[0]
  249. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AddField")
  250. self.assertEqual(action.name, "name")
  251. def test_remove_field(self):
  252. "Tests autodetection of removed fields"
  253. # Make state
  254. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  255. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  256. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  257. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  258. # Right number of migrations?
  259. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  260. # Right number of actions?
  261. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  262. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  263. # Right action?
  264. action = migration.operations[0]
  265. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RemoveField")
  266. self.assertEqual(action.name, "name")
  267. def test_alter_field(self):
  268. "Tests autodetection of new fields"
  269. # Make state
  270. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  271. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name_longer])
  272. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  273. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  274. # Right number of migrations?
  275. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  276. # Right number of actions?
  277. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  278. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  279. # Right action?
  280. action = migration.operations[0]
  281. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AlterField")
  282. self.assertEqual(action.name, "name")
  283. def test_rename_field(self):
  284. "Tests autodetection of renamed fields"
  285. # Make state
  286. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  287. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name_renamed])
  288. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after, MigrationQuestioner({"ask_rename": True}))
  289. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  290. # Check
  291. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  292. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["RenameField"])
  293. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, old_name="name", new_name="names")
  294. def test_rename_model(self):
  295. "Tests autodetection of renamed models"
  296. # Make state
  297. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_book, self.book])
  298. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_renamed_with_book, self.book_with_author_renamed])
  299. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after, MigrationQuestioner({"ask_rename_model": True}))
  300. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  301. # Right number of migrations for model rename?
  302. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  303. # Right number of actions?
  304. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  305. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  306. # Right action?
  307. action = migration.operations[0]
  308. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RenameModel")
  309. self.assertEqual(action.old_name, "Author")
  310. self.assertEqual(action.new_name, "Writer")
  311. # Now that RenameModel handles related fields too, there should be
  312. # no AlterField for the related field.
  313. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'otherapp', 0)
  314. def test_rename_model_with_renamed_rel_field(self):
  315. """
  316. Tests autodetection of renamed models while simultaneously renaming one
  317. of the fields that relate to the renamed model.
  318. """
  319. # Make state
  320. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_book, self.book])
  321. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_renamed_with_book, self.book_with_field_and_author_renamed])
  322. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after, MigrationQuestioner({"ask_rename_model": True, "ask_rename": True}))
  323. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  324. # Right number of migrations for model rename?
  325. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  326. # Right number of actions?
  327. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  328. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  329. # Right actions?
  330. action = migration.operations[0]
  331. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RenameModel")
  332. self.assertEqual(action.old_name, "Author")
  333. self.assertEqual(action.new_name, "Writer")
  334. # Right number of migrations for related field rename?
  335. # Alter is already taken care of.
  336. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'otherapp', 1)
  337. # Right number of actions?
  338. migration = changes['otherapp'][0]
  339. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  340. # Right actions?
  341. action = migration.operations[0]
  342. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RenameField")
  343. self.assertEqual(action.old_name, "author")
  344. self.assertEqual(action.new_name, "writer")
  345. def test_fk_dependency(self):
  346. "Tests that having a ForeignKey automatically adds a dependency"
  347. # Make state
  348. # Note that testapp (author) has no dependencies,
  349. # otherapp (book) depends on testapp (author),
  350. # thirdapp (edition) depends on otherapp (book)
  351. before = self.make_project_state([])
  352. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name, self.book, self.edition])
  353. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  354. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  355. # Right number of migrations?
  356. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  357. self.assertEqual(len(changes['otherapp']), 1)
  358. self.assertEqual(len(changes['thirdapp']), 1)
  359. # Right number of actions?
  360. migration1 = changes['testapp'][0]
  361. self.assertEqual(len(migration1.operations), 1)
  362. migration2 = changes['otherapp'][0]
  363. self.assertEqual(len(migration2.operations), 1)
  364. migration3 = changes['thirdapp'][0]
  365. self.assertEqual(len(migration3.operations), 1)
  366. # Right actions?
  367. action = migration1.operations[0]
  368. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "CreateModel")
  369. action = migration2.operations[0]
  370. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "CreateModel")
  371. action = migration3.operations[0]
  372. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "CreateModel")
  373. # Right dependencies?
  374. self.assertEqual(migration1.dependencies, [])
  375. self.assertEqual(migration2.dependencies, [("testapp", "auto_1")])
  376. self.assertEqual(migration3.dependencies, [("otherapp", "auto_1")])
  377. def test_proxy_fk_dependency(self):
  378. "Tests that FK dependencies still work on proxy models"
  379. # Make state
  380. # Note that testapp (author) has no dependencies,
  381. # otherapp (book) depends on testapp (authorproxy)
  382. before = self.make_project_state([])
  383. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_proxy_third, self.book_proxy_fk])
  384. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  385. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  386. # Right number of migrations?
  387. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  388. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'otherapp', 1)
  389. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'thirdapp', 1)
  390. # Right number of actions?
  391. # Right actions?
  392. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'otherapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  393. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  394. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'thirdapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  395. # Right dependencies?
  396. self.assertEqual(changes['testapp'][0].dependencies, [])
  397. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].dependencies, [("thirdapp", "auto_1")])
  398. self.assertEqual(changes['thirdapp'][0].dependencies, [("testapp", "auto_1")])
  399. def test_same_app_no_fk_dependency(self):
  400. """
  401. Tests that a migration with a FK between two models of the same app
  402. does not have a dependency to itself.
  403. """
  404. # Make state
  405. before = self.make_project_state([])
  406. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_publisher, self.publisher])
  407. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  408. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  409. # Right number/type of migrations?
  410. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  411. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel", "AddField"])
  412. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 0, name="Author")
  413. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 1, name="Publisher")
  414. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 2, name="publisher")
  415. # Right dependencies?
  416. self.assertEqual(changes['testapp'][0].dependencies, [])
  417. def test_circular_fk_dependency(self):
  418. """
  419. Tests that having a circular ForeignKey dependency automatically
  420. resolves the situation into 2 migrations on one side and 1 on the other.
  421. """
  422. # Make state
  423. before = self.make_project_state([])
  424. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_book, self.book, self.publisher_with_book])
  425. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  426. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  427. # Right number of migrations?
  428. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  429. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'otherapp', 2)
  430. # Right types?
  431. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  432. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'otherapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  433. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'otherapp', 1, ["AddField"])
  434. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 0, name="Author")
  435. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 1, name="Publisher")
  436. # Right dependencies?
  437. self.assertEqual(changes['testapp'][0].dependencies, [("otherapp", "auto_1")])
  438. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].dependencies, [])
  439. self.assertEqual(set(changes['otherapp'][1].dependencies), {("otherapp", "auto_1"), ("testapp", "auto_1")})
  440. def test_same_app_circular_fk_dependency(self):
  441. """
  442. Tests that a migration with a FK between two models of the same app
  443. does not have a dependency to itself.
  444. """
  445. # Make state
  446. before = self.make_project_state([])
  447. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_publisher, self.publisher_with_author])
  448. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  449. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  450. # Right number/type of migrations?
  451. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  452. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel", "AddField"])
  453. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 0, name="Author")
  454. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 1, name="Publisher")
  455. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 2, name="publisher")
  456. # Right dependencies?
  457. self.assertEqual(changes['testapp'][0].dependencies, [])
  458. def test_same_app_circular_fk_dependency_and_unique_together(self):
  459. """
  460. Tests that a migration with circular FK dependency does not try to
  461. create unique together constraint before creating all required fields first.
  462. See ticket #22275.
  463. """
  464. # Make state
  465. before = self.make_project_state([])
  466. after = self.make_project_state([self.knight, self.rabbit])
  467. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  468. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  469. # Right number/type of migrations?
  470. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'eggs', 1)
  471. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'eggs', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel", "AlterUniqueTogether"])
  472. self.assertFalse("unique_together" in changes['eggs'][0].operations[0].options)
  473. self.assertFalse("unique_together" in changes['eggs'][0].operations[1].options)
  474. # Right dependencies?
  475. self.assertEqual(changes['eggs'][0].dependencies, [])
  476. def test_unique_together(self):
  477. "Tests unique_together detection"
  478. # Make state
  479. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book])
  480. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book_unique])
  481. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  482. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  483. # Right number of migrations?
  484. self.assertEqual(len(changes['otherapp']), 1)
  485. # Right number of actions?
  486. migration = changes['otherapp'][0]
  487. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  488. # Right action?
  489. action = migration.operations[0]
  490. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AlterUniqueTogether")
  491. self.assertEqual(action.name, "book")
  492. self.assertEqual(action.unique_together, {("author", "title")})
  493. def test_unique_together_no_changes(self):
  494. "Tests that unique_togther doesn't generate a migration if no changes have been made"
  495. # Make state
  496. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book_unique])
  497. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book_unique])
  498. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  499. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  500. # Right number of migrations?
  501. self.assertEqual(len(changes), 0)
  502. def test_empty_foo_together(self):
  503. "#23452 - Empty unique/index_togther shouldn't generate a migration."
  504. # Explicitly testing for not specified, since this is the case after
  505. # a CreateModel operation w/o any definition on the original model
  506. model_state_not_secified = ModelState("a", "model",
  507. [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))]
  508. )
  509. # Explicitly testing for None, since this was the issue in #23452 after
  510. # a AlterFooTogether operation with e.g. () as value
  511. model_state_none = ModelState("a", "model",
  512. [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))],
  513. {"unique_together": None, "index_together": None}
  514. )
  515. # Explicitly testing for the empty set, since we now always have sets.
  516. # During removal (('col1', 'col2'),) --> () this becomes set([])
  517. model_state_empty = ModelState("a", "model",
  518. [("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True))],
  519. {"unique_together": set(), "index_together": set()}
  520. )
  521. def test(from_state, to_state, msg):
  522. before = self.make_project_state([from_state])
  523. after = self.make_project_state([to_state])
  524. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  525. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  526. if len(changes) > 0:
  527. ops = ', '.join(o.__class__.__name__ for o in changes['a'][0].operations)
  528. self.fail('Created operation(s) %s from %s' % (ops, msg))
  529. tests = (
  530. (model_state_not_secified, model_state_not_secified, '"not specified" to "not specified"'),
  531. (model_state_not_secified, model_state_none, '"not specified" to "None"'),
  532. (model_state_not_secified, model_state_empty, '"not specified" to "empty"'),
  533. (model_state_none, model_state_not_secified, '"None" to "not specified"'),
  534. (model_state_none, model_state_none, '"None" to "None"'),
  535. (model_state_none, model_state_empty, '"None" to "empty"'),
  536. (model_state_empty, model_state_not_secified, '"empty" to "not specified"'),
  537. (model_state_empty, model_state_none, '"empty" to "None"'),
  538. (model_state_empty, model_state_empty, '"empty" to "empty"'),
  539. )
  540. for t in tests:
  541. test(*t)
  542. def test_unique_together_ordering(self):
  543. "Tests that unique_together also triggers on ordering changes"
  544. # Make state
  545. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book_unique])
  546. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book_unique_2])
  547. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  548. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  549. # Right number of migrations?
  550. self.assertEqual(len(changes['otherapp']), 1)
  551. # Right number of actions?
  552. migration = changes['otherapp'][0]
  553. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  554. # Right action?
  555. action = migration.operations[0]
  556. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AlterUniqueTogether")
  557. self.assertEqual(action.name, "book")
  558. self.assertEqual(action.unique_together, {("title", "author")})
  559. def test_add_field_and_unique_together(self):
  560. "Tests that added fields will be created before using them in unique together"
  561. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book])
  562. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.book_unique_3])
  563. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  564. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  565. # Right number of migrations?
  566. self.assertEqual(len(changes['otherapp']), 1)
  567. # Right number of actions?
  568. migration = changes['otherapp'][0]
  569. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 2)
  570. # Right actions order?
  571. action1 = migration.operations[0]
  572. action2 = migration.operations[1]
  573. self.assertEqual(action1.__class__.__name__, "AddField")
  574. self.assertEqual(action2.__class__.__name__, "AlterUniqueTogether")
  575. self.assertEqual(action2.unique_together, {("title", "newfield")})
  576. def test_remove_index_together(self):
  577. author_index_together = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [
  578. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200))
  579. ], {"index_together": {("id", "name")}})
  580. before = self.make_project_state([author_index_together])
  581. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  582. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  583. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  584. # Right number of migrations?
  585. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  586. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  587. # Right number of actions?
  588. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  589. # Right actions?
  590. action = migration.operations[0]
  591. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AlterIndexTogether")
  592. self.assertEqual(action.index_together, set())
  593. def test_remove_unique_together(self):
  594. author_unique_together = ModelState("testapp", "Author", [
  595. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)), ("name", models.CharField(max_length=200))
  596. ], {"unique_together": {("id", "name")}})
  597. before = self.make_project_state([author_unique_together])
  598. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  599. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  600. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  601. # Right number of migrations?
  602. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  603. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  604. # Right number of actions?
  605. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  606. # Right actions?
  607. action = migration.operations[0]
  608. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AlterUniqueTogether")
  609. self.assertEqual(action.unique_together, set())
  610. def test_proxy(self):
  611. "Tests that the autodetector correctly deals with proxy models"
  612. # First, we test adding a proxy model
  613. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  614. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_proxy])
  615. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  616. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  617. # Right number of migrations?
  618. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  619. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["CreateModel"])
  620. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 0, name="AuthorProxy", options={"proxy": True})
  621. # Now, we test turning a proxy model into a non-proxy model
  622. # It should delete the proxy then make the real one
  623. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_proxy])
  624. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_proxy_notproxy])
  625. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  626. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  627. # Right number of migrations?
  628. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  629. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["DeleteModel", "CreateModel"])
  630. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 0, name="AuthorProxy")
  631. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 1, name="AuthorProxy", options={})
  632. def test_proxy_custom_pk(self):
  633. "#23415 - The autodetector must correctly deal with custom FK on proxy models."
  634. # First, we test the default pk field name
  635. before = self.make_project_state([])
  636. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_proxy_third, self.book_proxy_fk])
  637. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  638. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  639. # The field name the FK on the book model points to
  640. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].operations[0].fields[2][1].rel.field_name, 'id')
  641. # Now, we test the custom pk field name
  642. before = self.make_project_state([])
  643. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_custom_pk, self.author_proxy_third, self.book_proxy_fk])
  644. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  645. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  646. # The field name the FK on the book model points to
  647. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].operations[0].fields[2][1].rel.field_name, 'pk_field')
  648. def test_unmanaged(self):
  649. "Tests that the autodetector correctly deals with managed models"
  650. # First, we test adding an unmanaged model
  651. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  652. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_unmanaged])
  653. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  654. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  655. # Right number of migrations?
  656. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  657. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  658. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="AuthorUnmanaged")
  659. self.assertEqual(changes['testapp'][0].operations[0].options['managed'], False)
  660. # Now, we test turning an unmanaged model into a managed model
  661. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_unmanaged])
  662. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_unmanaged_managed])
  663. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  664. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  665. # Right number of migrations?
  666. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  667. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["DeleteModel", "CreateModel"])
  668. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="AuthorUnmanaged")
  669. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="AuthorUnmanaged")
  670. def test_unmanaged_custom_pk(self):
  671. "#23415 - The autodetector must correctly deal with custom FK on unmanaged models."
  672. # First, we test the default pk field name
  673. before = self.make_project_state([])
  674. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_unmanaged_default_pk, self.book])
  675. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  676. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  677. # The field name the FK on the book model points to
  678. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].operations[0].fields[2][1].rel.field_name, 'id')
  679. # Now, we test the custom pk field name
  680. before = self.make_project_state([])
  681. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_unmanaged_custom_pk, self.book])
  682. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  683. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  684. # The field name the FK on the book model points to
  685. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].operations[0].fields[2][1].rel.field_name, 'pk_field')
  686. @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL="thirdapp.CustomUser")
  687. def test_swappable(self):
  688. before = self.make_project_state([self.custom_user])
  689. after = self.make_project_state([self.custom_user, self.author_with_custom_user])
  690. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  691. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  692. # Right number of migrations?
  693. self.assertEqual(len(changes), 1)
  694. # Check the dependency is correct
  695. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  696. self.assertEqual(migration.dependencies, [("__setting__", "AUTH_USER_MODEL")])
  697. def test_add_field_with_default(self):
  698. """
  699. Adding a field with a default should work (#22030).
  700. """
  701. # Make state
  702. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  703. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name_default])
  704. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  705. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  706. # Right number of migrations?
  707. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  708. # Right number of actions?
  709. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  710. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  711. # Right action?
  712. action = migration.operations[0]
  713. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AddField")
  714. self.assertEqual(action.name, "name")
  715. def test_custom_deconstructable(self):
  716. """
  717. Two instances which deconstruct to the same value aren't considered a
  718. change.
  719. """
  720. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name_deconstructable_1])
  721. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name_deconstructable_2])
  722. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  723. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  724. self.assertEqual(changes, {})
  725. def test_deconstruct_field_kwarg(self):
  726. """
  727. Field instances are handled correctly by nested deconstruction.
  728. """
  729. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name_deconstructable_3])
  730. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name_deconstructable_4])
  731. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  732. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  733. self.assertEqual(changes, {})
  734. def test_deconstruct_type(self):
  735. """
  736. #22951 -- Uninstanted classes with deconstruct are correctly returned
  737. by deep_deconstruct during serialization.
  738. """
  739. author = ModelState(
  740. "testapp",
  741. "Author",
  742. [
  743. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  744. ("name", models.CharField(
  745. max_length=200,
  746. # IntegerField intentionally not instantiated.
  747. default=models.IntegerField,
  748. ))
  749. ],
  750. )
  751. # Make state
  752. before = self.make_project_state([])
  753. after = self.make_project_state([author])
  754. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  755. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  756. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  757. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  758. def test_replace_string_with_foreignkey(self):
  759. """
  760. Adding an FK in the same "spot" as a deleted CharField should work. (#22300).
  761. """
  762. # Make state
  763. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_publisher_string])
  764. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_publisher, self.publisher])
  765. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  766. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  767. # Right result?
  768. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  769. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "RemoveField", "AddField"])
  770. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="Publisher")
  771. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="publisher_name")
  772. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 2, name="publisher")
  773. def test_foreign_key_removed_before_target_model(self):
  774. """
  775. Removing an FK and the model it targets in the same change must remove
  776. the FK field before the model to maintain consistency.
  777. """
  778. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_publisher, self.publisher])
  779. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name]) # removes both the model and FK
  780. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  781. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  782. # Right number of migrations?
  783. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  784. # Right number of actions?
  785. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  786. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 2)
  787. # Right actions in right order?
  788. action = migration.operations[0]
  789. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RemoveField")
  790. self.assertEqual(action.name, "publisher")
  791. action = migration.operations[1]
  792. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "DeleteModel")
  793. self.assertEqual(action.name, "Publisher")
  794. def test_add_many_to_many(self):
  795. """
  796. Adding a ManyToManyField should not prompt for a default (#22435).
  797. """
  798. class CustomQuestioner(MigrationQuestioner):
  799. def ask_not_null_addition(self, field_name, model_name):
  800. raise Exception("Should not have prompted for not null addition")
  801. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.publisher])
  802. # Add ManyToManyField to author model
  803. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_m2m, self.publisher])
  804. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after, CustomQuestioner())
  805. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  806. # Right number of migrations?
  807. self.assertEqual(len(changes['testapp']), 1)
  808. migration = changes['testapp'][0]
  809. # Right actions in right order?
  810. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 1)
  811. action = migration.operations[0]
  812. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "AddField")
  813. self.assertEqual(action.name, "publishers")
  814. def test_create_with_through_model(self):
  815. """
  816. Adding a m2m with a through model and the models that use it should
  817. be ordered correctly.
  818. """
  819. before = self.make_project_state([])
  820. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_m2m_through, self.publisher, self.contract])
  821. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  822. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  823. # Right number of migrations?
  824. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  825. # Right actions in right order?
  826. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel", "CreateModel", "AddField", "AddField"])
  827. def test_many_to_many_removed_before_through_model(self):
  828. """
  829. Removing a ManyToManyField and the "through" model in the same change must remove
  830. the field before the model to maintain consistency.
  831. """
  832. before = self.make_project_state([self.book_with_multiple_authors_through_attribution, self.author_name, self.attribution])
  833. after = self.make_project_state([self.book_with_no_author, self.author_name]) # removes both the through model and ManyToMany
  834. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  835. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  836. # Right number of migrations?
  837. self.assertEqual(len(changes['otherapp']), 1)
  838. # Right number of actions?
  839. migration = changes['otherapp'][0]
  840. self.assertEqual(len(migration.operations), 4)
  841. # Right actions in right order?
  842. # The first two are because we can't optimise RemoveField
  843. # into DeleteModel reliably.
  844. action = migration.operations[0]
  845. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RemoveField")
  846. self.assertEqual(action.name, "author")
  847. action = migration.operations[1]
  848. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RemoveField")
  849. self.assertEqual(action.name, "book")
  850. action = migration.operations[2]
  851. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "RemoveField")
  852. self.assertEqual(action.name, "authors")
  853. action = migration.operations[3]
  854. self.assertEqual(action.__class__.__name__, "DeleteModel")
  855. self.assertEqual(action.name, "Attribution")
  856. def test_many_to_many_removed_before_through_model_2(self):
  857. """
  858. Removing a model that contains a ManyToManyField and the
  859. "through" model in the same change must remove
  860. the field before the model to maintain consistency.
  861. """
  862. before = self.make_project_state([self.book_with_multiple_authors_through_attribution, self.author_name, self.attribution])
  863. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name]) # removes both the through model and ManyToMany
  864. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  865. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  866. # Right number of migrations?
  867. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'otherapp', 1)
  868. # Right number of actions?
  869. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'otherapp', 0, ["RemoveField", "RemoveField", "RemoveField", "DeleteModel", "DeleteModel"])
  870. def test_m2m_w_through_multistep_remove(self):
  871. """
  872. A model with a m2m field that specifies a "through" model cannot be removed in the same
  873. migration as that through model as the schema will pass through an inconsistent state.
  874. The autodetector should produce two migrations to avoid this issue.
  875. """
  876. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_m2m_through, self.publisher, self.contract])
  877. after = self.make_project_state([self.publisher])
  878. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  879. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  880. # Right number of migrations?
  881. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  882. # Right actions in right order?
  883. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["RemoveField", "RemoveField", "DeleteModel", "RemoveField", "DeleteModel"])
  884. # Actions touching the right stuff?
  885. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 0, name="publishers")
  886. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 1, name="author")
  887. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 2, name="Author")
  888. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 3, name="publisher")
  889. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, "testapp", 0, 4, name="Contract")
  890. def test_non_circular_foreignkey_dependency_removal(self):
  891. """
  892. If two models with a ForeignKey from one to the other are removed at the same time,
  893. the autodetector should remove them in the correct order.
  894. """
  895. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_publisher, self.publisher_with_author])
  896. after = self.make_project_state([])
  897. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  898. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  899. # Right number of migrations?
  900. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  901. # Right actions in right order?
  902. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["RemoveField", "RemoveField", "DeleteModel", "DeleteModel"])
  903. def test_alter_model_options(self):
  904. """
  905. Changing a model's options should make a change
  906. """
  907. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  908. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_options])
  909. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  910. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  911. # Right number of migrations?
  912. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  913. # Right actions in right order?
  914. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["AlterModelOptions"])
  915. # Changing them back to empty should also make a change
  916. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_options])
  917. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty])
  918. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  919. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  920. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  921. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["AlterModelOptions"])
  922. def test_alter_model_options_proxy(self):
  923. """
  924. Changing a proxy model's options should also make a change
  925. """
  926. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_proxy, self.author_empty])
  927. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_proxy_options, self.author_empty])
  928. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  929. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  930. # Right number of migrations?
  931. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, "testapp", 1)
  932. # Right actions in right order?
  933. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, "testapp", 0, ["AlterModelOptions"])
  934. def test_set_alter_order_with_respect_to(self):
  935. "Tests that setting order_with_respect_to adds a field"
  936. # Make state
  937. before = self.make_project_state([self.book, self.author_with_book])
  938. after = self.make_project_state([self.book, self.author_with_book_order_wrt])
  939. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  940. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  941. # Right number of migrations?
  942. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  943. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["AlterOrderWithRespectTo"])
  944. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="author", order_with_respect_to="book")
  945. def test_add_alter_order_with_respect_to(self):
  946. """
  947. Tests that setting order_with_respect_to when adding the FK too
  948. does things in the right order.
  949. """
  950. # Make state
  951. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  952. after = self.make_project_state([self.book, self.author_with_book_order_wrt])
  953. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  954. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  955. # Right number of migrations?
  956. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  957. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["AddField", "AlterOrderWithRespectTo"])
  958. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, model_name="author", name="book")
  959. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="author", order_with_respect_to="book")
  960. def test_remove_alter_order_with_respect_to(self):
  961. """
  962. Tests that removing order_with_respect_to when removing the FK too
  963. does things in the right order.
  964. """
  965. # Make state
  966. before = self.make_project_state([self.book, self.author_with_book_order_wrt])
  967. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_name])
  968. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  969. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  970. # Right number of migrations?
  971. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  972. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["AlterOrderWithRespectTo", "RemoveField"])
  973. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="author", order_with_respect_to=None)
  974. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, model_name="author", name="book")
  975. def test_add_model_order_with_respect_to(self):
  976. """
  977. Tests that setting order_with_respect_to when adding the whole model
  978. does things in the right order.
  979. """
  980. # Make state
  981. before = self.make_project_state([])
  982. after = self.make_project_state([self.book, self.author_with_book_order_wrt])
  983. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  984. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  985. # Right number of migrations?
  986. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  987. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "AlterOrderWithRespectTo"])
  988. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="author", order_with_respect_to="book")
  989. # Make sure the _order field is not in the CreateModel fields
  990. self.assertNotIn("_order", [name for name, field in changes['testapp'][0].operations[0].fields])
  991. def test_swappable_first_inheritance(self):
  992. """
  993. Tests that swappable models get their CreateModel first.
  994. """
  995. # Make state
  996. before = self.make_project_state([])
  997. after = self.make_project_state([self.custom_user, self.aardvark])
  998. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  999. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1000. # Right number of migrations?
  1001. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'thirdapp', 1)
  1002. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'thirdapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  1003. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'thirdapp', 0, 0, name="CustomUser")
  1004. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'thirdapp', 0, 1, name="Aardvark")
  1005. @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL="thirdapp.CustomUser")
  1006. def test_swappable_first_setting(self):
  1007. """
  1008. Tests that swappable models get their CreateModel first.
  1009. """
  1010. # Make state
  1011. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1012. after = self.make_project_state([self.custom_user_no_inherit, self.aardvark])
  1013. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1014. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1015. # Right number of migrations?
  1016. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'thirdapp', 1)
  1017. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'thirdapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  1018. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'thirdapp', 0, 0, name="CustomUser")
  1019. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'thirdapp', 0, 1, name="Aardvark")
  1020. def test_bases_first(self):
  1021. """
  1022. Tests that bases of other models come first.
  1023. """
  1024. # Make state
  1025. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1026. after = self.make_project_state([self.aardvark_based_on_author, self.author_name])
  1027. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1028. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1029. # Right number of migrations?
  1030. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  1031. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  1032. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="Author")
  1033. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="Aardvark")
  1034. def test_proxy_bases_first(self):
  1035. """
  1036. Tests that bases of proxies come first.
  1037. """
  1038. # Make state
  1039. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1040. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.author_proxy, self.author_proxy_proxy])
  1041. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1042. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1043. # Right number of migrations?
  1044. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  1045. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  1046. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="Author")
  1047. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="AuthorProxy")
  1048. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 2, name="AAuthorProxyProxy")
  1049. def test_pk_fk_included(self):
  1050. """
  1051. Tests that a relation used as the primary key is kept as part of CreateModel.
  1052. """
  1053. # Make state
  1054. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1055. after = self.make_project_state([self.aardvark_pk_fk_author, self.author_name])
  1056. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1057. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1058. # Right number of migrations?
  1059. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  1060. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  1061. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="Author")
  1062. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="Aardvark")
  1063. def test_first_dependency(self):
  1064. """
  1065. Tests that a dependency to an app with no migrations uses __first__.
  1066. """
  1067. # Load graph
  1068. loader = MigrationLoader(connection)
  1069. # Make state
  1070. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1071. after = self.make_project_state([self.book_migrations_fk])
  1072. after.real_apps = ["migrations"]
  1073. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1074. changes = autodetector._detect_changes(graph=loader.graph)
  1075. # Right number of migrations?
  1076. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'otherapp', 1)
  1077. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'otherapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  1078. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'otherapp', 0, 0, name="Book")
  1079. # Right dependencies?
  1080. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].dependencies, [("migrations", "__first__")])
  1081. @override_settings(MIGRATION_MODULES={"migrations": "migrations.test_migrations"})
  1082. def test_last_dependency(self):
  1083. """
  1084. Tests that a dependency to an app with existing migrations uses the
  1085. last migration of that app.
  1086. """
  1087. # Load graph
  1088. loader = MigrationLoader(connection)
  1089. # Make state
  1090. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1091. after = self.make_project_state([self.book_migrations_fk])
  1092. after.real_apps = ["migrations"]
  1093. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1094. changes = autodetector._detect_changes(graph=loader.graph)
  1095. # Right number of migrations?
  1096. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'otherapp', 1)
  1097. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'otherapp', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  1098. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'otherapp', 0, 0, name="Book")
  1099. # Right dependencies?
  1100. self.assertEqual(changes['otherapp'][0].dependencies, [("migrations", "0002_second")])
  1101. def test_alter_fk_before_model_deletion(self):
  1102. """
  1103. Tests that ForeignKeys are altered _before_ the model they used to
  1104. refer to are deleted.
  1105. """
  1106. # Make state
  1107. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name, self.publisher_with_author])
  1108. after = self.make_project_state([self.aardvark_testapp, self.publisher_with_aardvark_author])
  1109. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1110. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1111. # Right number of migrations?
  1112. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  1113. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["CreateModel", "AlterField", "DeleteModel"])
  1114. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="Aardvark")
  1115. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 1, name="author")
  1116. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 2, name="Author")
  1117. def test_fk_dependency_other_app(self):
  1118. """
  1119. Tests that ForeignKeys correctly depend on other apps' models (#23100)
  1120. """
  1121. # Make state
  1122. before = self.make_project_state([self.author_name, self.book])
  1123. after = self.make_project_state([self.author_with_book, self.book])
  1124. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1125. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1126. # Right number of migrations?
  1127. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'testapp', 1)
  1128. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'testapp', 0, ["AddField"])
  1129. self.assertOperationAttributes(changes, 'testapp', 0, 0, name="book")
  1130. self.assertEqual(changes['testapp'][0].dependencies, [("otherapp", "__first__")])
  1131. def test_circular_dependency_mixed_addcreate(self):
  1132. """
  1133. Tests that the dependency resolver knows to put all CreateModel
  1134. before AddField and not become unsolvable (#23315)
  1135. """
  1136. address = ModelState("a", "Address", [
  1137. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1138. ("country", models.ForeignKey("b.DeliveryCountry")),
  1139. ])
  1140. person = ModelState("a", "Person", [
  1141. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1142. ])
  1143. apackage = ModelState("b", "APackage", [
  1144. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1145. ("person", models.ForeignKey("a.Person")),
  1146. ])
  1147. country = ModelState("b", "DeliveryCountry", [
  1148. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1149. ])
  1150. # Make state
  1151. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1152. after = self.make_project_state([address, person, apackage, country])
  1153. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1154. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1155. # Right number of migrations?
  1156. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'a', 2)
  1157. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'b', 1)
  1158. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'a', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  1159. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'a', 1, ["AddField"])
  1160. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'b', 0, ["CreateModel", "CreateModel"])
  1161. @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL="a.Tenant")
  1162. def test_circular_dependency_swappable(self):
  1163. """
  1164. Tests that the dependency resolver knows to explicitly resolve
  1165. swappable models (#23322)
  1166. """
  1167. tenant = ModelState("a", "Tenant", [
  1168. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1169. ("primary_address", models.ForeignKey("b.Address"))],
  1170. bases=(AbstractBaseUser, )
  1171. )
  1172. address = ModelState("b", "Address", [
  1173. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1174. ("tenant", models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)),
  1175. ])
  1176. # Make state
  1177. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1178. after = self.make_project_state([address, tenant])
  1179. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1180. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1181. # Right number of migrations?
  1182. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'a', 2)
  1183. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'b', 1)
  1184. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'a', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  1185. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'a', 1, ["AddField"])
  1186. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'b', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  1187. self.assertEqual(changes['a'][0].dependencies, [])
  1188. self.assertEqual(set(changes['a'][1].dependencies), {('a', 'auto_1'), ('b', 'auto_1')})
  1189. self.assertEqual(changes['b'][0].dependencies, [('__setting__', 'AUTH_USER_MODEL')])
  1190. @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL="b.Tenant")
  1191. def test_circular_dependency_swappable2(self):
  1192. """
  1193. Tests that the dependency resolver knows to explicitly resolve
  1194. swappable models but with the swappable not being the first migrated
  1195. model (#23322)
  1196. """
  1197. address = ModelState("a", "Address", [
  1198. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1199. ("tenant", models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)),
  1200. ])
  1201. tenant = ModelState("b", "Tenant", [
  1202. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1203. ("primary_address", models.ForeignKey("a.Address"))],
  1204. bases=(AbstractBaseUser, )
  1205. )
  1206. # Make state
  1207. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1208. after = self.make_project_state([address, tenant])
  1209. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1210. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1211. # Right number of migrations?
  1212. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'a', 2)
  1213. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'b', 1)
  1214. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'a', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  1215. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'a', 1, ["AddField"])
  1216. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'b', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  1217. self.assertEqual(changes['a'][0].dependencies, [])
  1218. self.assertEqual(set(changes['a'][1].dependencies), {('__setting__', 'AUTH_USER_MODEL'), ('a', 'auto_1')})
  1219. self.assertEqual(changes['b'][0].dependencies, [('a', 'auto_1')])
  1220. @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL="a.Person")
  1221. def test_circular_dependency_swappable_self(self):
  1222. """
  1223. Tests that the dependency resolver knows to explicitly resolve
  1224. swappable models (#23322)
  1225. """
  1226. person = ModelState("a", "Person", [
  1227. ("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
  1228. ("parent1", models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='children'))
  1229. ])
  1230. # Make state
  1231. before = self.make_project_state([])
  1232. after = self.make_project_state([person])
  1233. autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
  1234. changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
  1235. # Right number of migrations?
  1236. self.assertNumberMigrations(changes, 'a', 1)
  1237. self.assertOperationTypes(changes, 'a', 0, ["CreateModel"])
  1238. self.assertEqual(changes['a'][0].dependencies, [])