123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297 |
- ==========================
- The contenttypes framework
- ==========================
- Django includes a "contenttypes" application that can track all of
- the models installed in your Django-powered project, providing a
- high-level, generic interface for working with your models.
- Overview
- ========
- At the heart of the contenttypes application is the ``ContentType``
- model, which lives at
- ``django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType``. Instances of
- ``ContentType`` represent and store information about the models
- installed in your project, and new instances of ``ContentType`` are
- automatically created whenever new models are installed.
- Instances of ``ContentType`` have methods for returning the model
- classes they represent and for querying objects from those models.
- ``ContentType`` also has a `custom manager`_ that adds methods for
- working with ``ContentType`` and for obtaining instances of
- ``ContentType`` for a particular model.
- Relations between your models and ``ContentType`` can also be used to
- enable "generic" relationships between an instance of one of your
- models and instances of any model you have installed.
- .. _custom manager: ../model-api/#custom-managers
- Installing the contenttypes framework
- =====================================
- The contenttypes framework is included in the default
- ``INSTALLED_APPS`` list created by ``django-admin.py startproject``,
- but if you've removed it or if you manually set up your
- ``INSTALLED_APPS`` list, you can enable it by adding
- ``'django.contrib.contenttypes'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting.
- It's generally a good idea to have the contenttypes framework
- installed; several of Django's other bundled applications require it:
- * The admin application uses it to log the history of each object
- added or changed through the admin interface.
- * Django's `authentication framework`_ uses it to tie user permissions
- to specific models.
- * Django's comments system (``django.contrib.comments``) uses it to
- "attach" comments to any installed model.
- .. _authentication framework: ../authentication/
- The ``ContentType`` model
- =========================
- Each instance of ``ContentType`` has three fields which, taken
- together, uniquely describe an installed model:
- ``app_label``
- The name of the application the model is part of. This is taken from
- the ``app_label`` attribute of the model, and includes only the *last*
- part of the application's Python import path;
- "django.contrib.contenttypes", for example, becomes an ``app_label``
- of "contenttypes".
- ``model``
- The name of the model class.
- ``name``
- The human-readable name of the model. This is taken from
- `the verbose_name attribute`_ of the model.
- Let's look at an example to see how this works. If you already have
- the contenttypes application installed, and then add `the sites application`_
- to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting and run ``manage.py syncdb`` to install it,
- the model ``django.contrib.sites.models.Site`` will be installed into your
- database. Along with it a new instance of ``ContentType`` will be created with
- the following values:
- * ``app_label`` will be set to ``'sites'`` (the last part of the Python
- path "django.contrib.sites").
- * ``model`` will be set to ``'site'``.
- * ``name`` will be set to ``'site'``.
- .. _the verbose_name attribute: ../model-api/#verbose_name
- .. _the sites application: ../sites/
- Methods on ``ContentType`` instances
- ====================================
- Each ``ContentType`` instance has methods that allow you to get from a
- ``ContentType`` instance to the model it represents, or to retrieve objects
- from that model:
- ``get_object_for_this_type(**kwargs)``
- Takes a set of valid `lookup arguments`_ for the model the
- ``ContentType`` represents, and does `a get() lookup`_ on that
- model, returning the corresponding object.
- ``model_class()``
- Returns the model class represented by this ``ContentType``
- instance.
- For example, we could look up the ``ContentType`` for the ``User`` model::
- >>> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
- >>> user_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="auth", model="user")
- >>> user_type
- <ContentType: user>
- And then use it to query for a particular ``User``, or to get access
- to the ``User`` model class::
- >>> user_type.model_class()
- <class 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'>
- >>> user_type.get_object_for_this_type(username='Guido')
- <User: Guido>
- Together, ``get_object_for_this_type`` and ``model_class`` enable two
- extremely important use cases:
- 1. Using these methods, you can write high-level generic code that
- performs queries on any installed model -- instead of importing and
- using a single specific model class, you can pass an ``app_label``
- and ``model`` into a ``ContentType`` lookup at runtime, and then
- work with the model class or retrieve objects from it.
- 2. You can relate another model to ``ContentType`` as a way of tying
- instances of it to particular model classes, and use these methods
- to get access to those model classes.
- Several of Django's bundled applications make use of the latter
- technique. For example, `the permissions system`_ in Django's
- authentication framework uses a ``Permission`` model with a foreign
- key to ``ContentType``; this lets ``Permission`` represent concepts
- like "can add blog entry" or "can delete news story".
- .. _lookup arguments: ../db-api/#field-lookups
- .. _a get() lookup: ../db-api/#get-kwargs
- .. _the permissions system: ../authentication/#permissions
- The ``ContentTypeManager``
- --------------------------
- ``ContentType`` also has a custom manager, ``ContentTypeManager``,
- which adds the following methods:
- ``clear_cache()``
- Clears an internal cache used by ``ContentType`` to keep track of which
- models for which it has created ``ContentType`` instances. You probably
- won't ever need to call this method yourself; Django will call it
- automatically when it's needed.
- ``get_for_model(model)``
- Takes either a model class or an instance of a model, and returns the
- ``ContentType`` instance representing that model.
- The ``get_for_model`` method is especially useful when you know you
- need to work with a ``ContentType`` but don't want to go to the
- trouble of obtaining the model's metadata to perform a manual lookup::
- >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- >>> user_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User)
- >>> user_type
- <ContentType: user>
- Generic relations
- =================
- Adding a foreign key from one of your own models to ``ContentType``
- allows your model to effectively tie itself to another model class, as
- in the example of the ``Permission`` model above. But it's possible to
- go one step further and use ``ContentType`` to enable truly generic
- (sometimes called "polymorphic") relationships between models.
- A simple example is a tagging system, which might look like this::
- from django.db import models
- from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
- from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
- class TaggedItem(models.Model):
- tag = models.SlugField()
- content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
- object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
- content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.tag
- A normal ``ForeignKey`` can only "point to" one other model, which
- means that if the ``TaggedItem`` model used a ``ForeignKey`` it would have to
- choose one and only one model to store tags for. The contenttypes
- application provides a special field type --
- ``django.contrib.contenttypes.generic.GenericForeignKey`` -- which
- works around this and allows the relationship to be with any
- model. There are three parts to setting up a ``GenericForeignKey``:
- 1. Give your model a ``ForeignKey`` to ``ContentType``.
- 2. Give your model a field that can store a primary-key value from the
- models you'll be relating to. (For most models, this means an
- ``IntegerField`` or ``PositiveIntegerField``.)
- This field must be of the same type as the primary key of the models
- that will be involved in the generic relation. For example, if you use
- ``IntegerField``, you won't be able to form a generic relation with a
- model that uses a ``CharField`` as a primary key.
- 3. Give your model a ``GenericForeignKey``, and pass it the names of
- the two fields described above. If these fields are named
- "content_type" and "object_id", you can omit this -- those are the
- default field names ``GenericForeignKey`` will look for.
- This will enable an API similar to the one used for a normal ``ForeignKey``;
- each ``TaggedItem`` will have a ``content_object`` field that returns the
- object it's related to, and you can also assign to that field or use it when
- creating a ``TaggedItem``::
- >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- >>> guido = User.objects.get(username='Guido')
- >>> t = TaggedItem(content_object=guido, tag='bdfl')
- >>> t.save()
- >>> t.content_object
- <User: Guido>
- Due to the way ``GenericForeignKey`` is implemeneted, you cannot use such
- fields directly with filters (``filter()`` and ``exclude()``, for example) via
- the database API. They aren't normal field objects. These examples will *not*
- work::
- # This will fail
- >>> TaggedItem.objects.filter(content_object=guido)
- # This will also fail
- >>> TaggedItem.objects.get(content_object=guido)
- Reverse generic relations
- -------------------------
- If you know which models you'll be using most often, you can also add
- a "reverse" generic relationship to enable an additional API. For example::
- class Bookmark(models.Model):
- url = models.URLField()
- tags = generic.GenericRelation(TaggedItem)
- ``Bookmark`` instances will each have a ``tags`` attribute, which can
- be used to retrieve their associated ``TaggedItems``::
- >>> b = Bookmark(url='http://www.djangoproject.com/')
- >>> b.save()
- >>> t1 = TaggedItem(content_object=b, tag='django')
- >>> t1.save()
- >>> t2 = TaggedItem(content_object=b, tag='python')
- >>> t2.save()
- >>> b.tags.all()
- [<TaggedItem: django>, <TaggedItem: python>]
- If you don't add the reverse relationship, you can do the lookup manually::
- >>> b = Bookmark.objects.get(url='http://www.djangoproject.com/)
- >>> bookmark_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(b)
- >>> TaggedItem.objects.filter(content_type__pk=bookmark_type.id,
- ... object_id=b.id)
- [<TaggedItem: django>, <TaggedItem: python>]
- Note that if you delete an object that has a ``GenericRelation``, any objects
- which have a ``GenericForeignKey`` pointing at it will be deleted as well. In
- the example above, this means that if a ``Bookmark`` object were deleted, any
- ``TaggedItem`` objects pointing at it would be deleted at the same time.
- Generic relations in forms and admin
- ------------------------------------
- ``django.contrib.contenttypes.generic`` provides both a ``GenericInlineFormSet``
- and ``GenericInlineModelAdmin``. This enables the use of generic relations in
- forms and the admin. See the `model formset`_ and `admin`_ documentation for
- more information.
- ``GenericInlineModelAdmin`` options
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ``GenericInlineModelAdmin`` class inherits all properties from an
- ``InlineModelAdmin`` class. However, it adds a couple of its own for working
- with the generic relation:
- * ``ct_field`` - The name of the ``ContentType`` foreign key field on the
- model. Defaults to ``content_type``.
- * ``ct_fk_field`` - The name of the integer field that represents the ID
- of the related object. Defaults to ``object_id``.
- .. _model formset: ../modelforms/
- .. _admin: ../admin/