security.txt 8.9 KB

  1. ==================
  2. Security in Django
  3. ==================
  4. This document is an overview of Django's security features. It includes advice
  5. on securing a Django-powered site.
  6. .. _cross-site-scripting:
  7. Cross site scripting (XSS) protection
  8. =====================================
  9. .. highlightlang:: html+django
  10. XSS attacks allow a user to inject client side scripts into the browsers of
  11. other users. This is usually achieved by storing the malicious scripts in the
  12. database where it will be retrieved and displayed to other users, or by getting
  13. users to click a link which will cause the attacker's JavaScript to be executed
  14. by the user's browser. However, XSS attacks can originate from any untrusted
  15. source of data, such as cookies or Web services, whenever the data is not
  16. sufficiently sanitized before including in a page.
  17. Using Django templates protects you against the majority of XSS attacks.
  18. However, it is important to understand what protections it provides
  19. and its limitations.
  20. Django templates :ref:`escape specific characters <automatic-html-escaping>`
  21. which are particularly dangerous to HTML. While this protects users from most
  22. malicious input, it is not entirely foolproof. For example, it will not
  23. protect the following:
  24. .. code-block:: html+django
  25. <style class={{ var }}>...</style>
  26. If ``var`` is set to ``'class1 onmouseover=javascript:func()'``, this can result
  27. in unauthorized JavaScript execution, depending on how the browser renders
  28. imperfect HTML.
  29. It is also important to be particularly careful when using ``is_safe`` with
  30. custom template tags, the :ttag:`safe` template tag, :mod:`mark_safe
  31. <django.utils.safestring>`, and when autoescape is turned off.
  32. In addition, if you are using the template system to output something other
  33. than HTML, there may be entirely separate characters and words which require
  34. escaping.
  35. You should also be very careful when storing HTML in the database, especially
  36. when that HTML is retrieved and displayed.
  37. Markup library
  38. --------------
  39. If you use :mod:`django.contrib.markup`, you need to ensure that the filters are
  40. only used on trusted input, or that you have correctly configured them to ensure
  41. they do not allow raw HTML output. See the documentation of that module for more
  42. information.
  43. Cross site request forgery (CSRF) protection
  44. ============================================
  45. CSRF attacks allow a malicious user to execute actions using the credentials
  46. of another user without that user's knowledge or consent.
  47. Django has built-in protection against most types of CSRF attacks, providing you
  48. have :ref:`enabled and used it <using-csrf>` where appropriate. However, as with
  49. any mitigation technique, there are limitations. For example, it is possible to
  50. disable the CSRF module globally or for particular views. You should only do
  51. this if you know what you are doing. There are other :ref:`limitations
  52. <csrf-limitations>` if your site has subdomains that are outside of your
  53. control.
  54. :ref:`CSRF protection works <how-csrf-works>` by checking for a nonce in each
  55. POST request. This ensures that a malicious user cannot simply "replay" a form
  56. POST to your Web site and have another logged in user unwittingly submit that
  57. form. The malicious user would have to know the nonce, which is user specific
  58. (using a cookie).
  59. Be very careful with marking views with the ``csrf_exempt`` decorator unless
  60. it is absolutely necessary.
  61. SQL injection protection
  62. ========================
  63. SQL injection is a type of attack where a malicious user is able to execute
  64. arbitrary SQL code on a database. This can result in records
  65. being deleted or data leakage.
  66. By using Django's querysets, the resulting SQL will be properly escaped by
  67. the underlying database driver. However, Django also gives developers power to
  68. write :ref:`raw queries <executing-raw-queries>` or execute
  69. :ref:`custom sql <executing-custom-sql>`. These capabilities should be used
  70. sparingly and you should always be careful to properly escape any parameters
  71. that the user can control. In addition, you should exercise caution when using
  72. :meth:`extra() <django.db.models.query.QuerySet.extra>`.
  73. Clickjacking protection
  74. =======================
  75. Clickjacking is a type of attack where a malicious site wraps another site
  76. in a frame. This attack can result in an unsuspecting user being tricked
  77. into performing unintended actions on the target site.
  78. Django contains :ref:`clickjacking protection <clickjacking-prevention>` in
  79. the form of the
  80. :mod:`X-Frame-Options middleware <django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware>`
  81. which in a supporting browser can prevent a site from being rendered inside
  82. a frame. It is possible to disable the protection on a per view basis
  83. or to configure the exact header value sent.
  84. The middleware is strongly recommended for any site that does not need to have
  85. its pages wrapped in a frame by third party sites, or only needs to allow that
  86. for a small section of the site.
  88. =========
  89. It is always better for security, though not always practical in all cases, to
  90. deploy your site behind HTTPS. Without this, it is possible for malicious
  91. network users to sniff authentication credentials or any other information
  92. transferred between client and server, and in some cases -- **active** network
  93. attackers -- to alter data that is sent in either direction.
  94. If you want the protection that HTTPS provides, and have enabled it on your
  95. server, there are some additional steps you may need:
  96. * If necessary, set :setting:`SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER`, ensuring that you have
  97. understood the warnings there thoroughly. Failure to do this can result
  98. in CSRF vulnerabilities, and failure to do it correctly can also be
  99. dangerous!
  100. * Set up redirection so that requests over HTTP are redirected to HTTPS.
  101. This could be done using a custom middleware. Please note the caveats under
  102. :setting:`SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER`. For the case of a reverse proxy, it may be
  103. easier or more secure to configure the main Web server to do the redirect to
  104. HTTPS.
  105. * Use 'secure' cookies.
  106. If a browser connects initially via HTTP, which is the default for most
  107. browsers, it is possible for existing cookies to be leaked. For this reason,
  108. you should set your :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE` and
  109. :setting:`CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE` settings to ``True``. This instructs the browser
  110. to only send these cookies over HTTPS connections. Note that this will mean
  111. that sessions will not work over HTTP, and the CSRF protection will prevent
  112. any POST data being accepted over HTTP (which will be fine if you are
  113. redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS).
  114. * Use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  115. HSTS is an HTTP header that informs a browser that all future connections
  116. to a particular site should always use HTTPS. Combined with redirecting
  117. requests over HTTP to HTTPS, this will ensure that connections always enjoy
  118. the added security of SSL provided one successful connection has occurred.
  119. HSTS is usually configured on the web server.
  120. .. _additional-security-topics:
  121. Host headers and virtual hosting
  122. ================================
  123. Django uses the ``Host`` header provided by the client to construct URLs
  124. in certain cases. While these values are sanitized to prevent Cross
  125. Site Scripting attacks, they can be used for Cross-Site Request
  126. Forgery and cache poisoning attacks in some circumstances. We
  127. recommend you ensure your Web server is configured such that:
  128. * It always validates incoming HTTP ``Host`` headers against the expected
  129. host name.
  130. * Disallows requests with no ``Host`` header.
  131. * Is *not* configured with a catch-all virtual host that forwards requests
  132. to a Django application.
  133. Additionally, as of 1.3.1, Django requires you to explicitly enable support for
  134. the ``X-Forwarded-Host`` header if your configuration requires it.
  135. Additional security topics
  136. ==========================
  137. While Django provides good security protection out of the box, it is still
  138. important to properly deploy your application and take advantage of the
  139. security protection of the Web server, operating system and other components.
  140. * Make sure that your Python code is outside of the Web server's root. This
  141. will ensure that your Python code is not accidentally served as plain text
  142. (or accidentally executed).
  143. * Take care with any :ref:`user uploaded files <file-upload-security>`.
  144. * Django does not throttle requests to authenticate users. To protect against
  145. brute-force attacks against the authentication system, you may consider
  146. deploying a Django plugin or Web server module to throttle these requests.
  147. * If your site accepts file uploads, it is strongly advised that you limit
  148. these uploads in your Web server configuration to a reasonable
  149. size in order to prevent denial of service (DOS) attacks. In Apache, this
  150. can be easily set using the LimitRequestBody_ directive.
  151. * Keep your :setting:`SECRET_KEY` a secret.
  152. * It is a good idea to limit the accessibility of your caching system and
  153. database using a firewall.
  154. .. _LimitRequestBody: