1.8.txt 45 KB

  1. ============================================
  2. Django 1.8 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
  3. ============================================
  4. Welcome to Django 1.8!
  5. These release notes cover the `new features`_, as well as some `backwards
  6. incompatible changes`_ you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Django
  7. 1.6 or older versions. We've also `begun the deprecation process for some
  8. features`_, and some features have reached the end of their deprecation process
  9. and `have been removed`_.
  10. Django 1.8 has been designated as Django's second :ref:`"Long-Term Support"
  11. (LTS) <lts-releases>` release. It will receive security updates for at least
  12. three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 1.4, will
  13. end 6 months from the release date of Django 1.8.
  14. .. _`new features`: `What's new in Django 1.8`_
  15. .. _`backwards incompatible changes`: `Backwards incompatible changes in 1.8`_
  16. .. _`begun the deprecation process for some features`: `Features deprecated in 1.8`_
  17. .. _`have been removed`: `Features removed in 1.8`_
  18. Python compatibility
  19. ====================
  20. Like Django 1.7, Django 1.8 requires Python 2.7 or above, though we
  21. **highly recommend** the latest minor release.
  22. What's new in Django 1.8
  23. ========================
  24. Security enhancements
  25. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  26. Several features of the django-secure_ third-party library have been
  27. integrated into Django. :class:`django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware`
  28. provides several security enhancements to the request/response cycle. The new
  29. :djadminopt:`--deploy` option of the :djadmin:`check` command allows you to
  30. check your production settings file for ways to increase the security of your
  31. site.
  32. .. _django-secure: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-secure
  33. New PostgreSQL specific functionality
  34. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  35. Django now has a module with extensions for PostgreSQL specific features, such
  36. as :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.ArrayField` and
  37. :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.HStoreField`. A full breakdown of the
  38. features is available :doc:`in the documentation</ref/contrib/postgres/index>`.
  39. New data types
  40. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  41. * Django now has a :class:`~django.db.models.UUIDField` for storing
  42. universally unique identifiers. There is a corresponding :class:`form field
  43. <django.forms.UUIDField>`. It is stored as the native ``uuid`` data type on
  44. PostgreSQL and as a fixed length character field on other backends.
  45. Query Expressions
  46. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  47. :doc:`Query Expressions </ref/models/expressions>` allow users to create,
  48. customize, and compose complex SQL expressions. This has enabled annotate
  49. to accept expressions other than aggregates. Aggregates are now able to
  50. reference multiple fields, as well as perform arithmetic, similar to ``F()``
  51. objects.
  52. Minor features
  53. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  54. :mod:`django.contrib.admin`
  55. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  56. * :class:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin` now has a
  57. :meth:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.has_module_permission`
  58. method to allow limiting access to the module on the admin index page.
  59. * :class:`~django.contrib.admin.InlineModelAdmin` now has an attribute
  60. :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.InlineModelAdmin.show_change_link` that
  61. supports showing a link to an inline object's change form.
  62. * Use the new ``django.contrib.admin.RelatedOnlyFieldListFilter`` in
  63. :attr:`ModelAdmin.list_filter <django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.list_filter>`
  64. to limit the ``list_filter`` choices to foreign objects which are attached to
  65. those from the ``ModelAdmin``.
  66. * The :meth:`ModelAdmin.delete_view()
  67. <django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.delete_view>` displays a summary of objects
  68. to be deleted on the deletion confirmation page.
  69. * The jQuery library embedded in the admin has been upgraded to version 1.11.1.
  70. * You can now specify :attr:`AdminSite.site_url
  71. <django.contrib.admin.AdminSite.site_url>` in order to display a link to the
  72. front-end site.
  73. * You can now specify :attr:`ModelAdmin.show_full_result_count
  74. <django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.show_full_result_count>` to control whether
  75. or not the full count of objects should be displayed on a filtered admin page.
  76. :mod:`django.contrib.admindocs`
  77. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  78. * reStructuredText is now parsed in model docstrings.
  79. :mod:`django.contrib.auth`
  80. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  81. * Authorization backends can now raise
  82. :class:`~django.core.exceptions.PermissionDenied` in
  83. :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.has_perm`
  84. and :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.has_module_perms`
  85. to short-circuit permission checking.
  86. * :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm` now
  87. has a method :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm.send_email`
  88. that can be overridden to customize the mail to be sent.
  89. * The ``max_length`` of :attr:`Permission.name
  90. <django.contrib.auth.models.Permission.name>` has been increased from 50 to
  91. 255 characters. Please run the database migration.
  92. * :attr:`~django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.USERNAME_FIELD` and
  93. :attr:`~django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.REQUIRED_FIELDS` now supports
  94. :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey`\s.
  95. :mod:`django.contrib.formtools`
  96. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  97. * A :doc:`form wizard </ref/contrib/formtools/form-wizard>` using the
  98. :class:`~django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views.CookieWizardView` will now ignore
  99. an invalid cookie, and the wizard will restart from the first step. An invalid
  100. cookie can occur in cases of intentional manipulation, but also after a secret
  101. key change. Previously, this would raise ``WizardViewCookieModified``, a
  102. ``SuspiciousOperation``, causing an exception for any user with an invalid cookie
  103. upon every request to the wizard, until the cookie is removed.
  104. :mod:`django.contrib.gis`
  105. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  106. * A new :doc:`GeoJSON serializer </ref/contrib/gis/serializers>` is now
  107. available.
  108. * The Spatialite backend now supports ``Collect`` and ``Extent`` aggregates
  109. when the database version is 3.0 or later.
  110. * Compatibility shims for ``SpatialRefSys`` and ``GeometryColumns`` changed in
  111. Django 1.2 have been removed.
  112. :mod:`django.contrib.messages`
  113. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  114. * ...
  115. :mod:`django.contrib.redirects`
  116. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  117. * ...
  118. :mod:`django.contrib.sessions`
  119. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  120. * Session cookie is now deleted after
  121. :meth:`~django.contrib.sessions.backends.base.SessionBase.flush()` is called.
  122. :mod:`django.contrib.sitemaps`
  123. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  124. * The new :attr:`Sitemap.i18n <django.contrib.sitemaps.Sitemap.i18n>` attribute
  125. allows you to generate a sitemap based on the :setting:`LANGUAGES` setting.
  126. :mod:`django.contrib.sites`
  127. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  128. * :func:`~django.contrib.sites.shortcuts.get_current_site` will now lookup
  129. the current site based on :meth:`request.get_host()
  130. <django.http.HttpRequest.get_host>` if the :setting:`SITE_ID` setting is not
  131. defined.
  132. :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles`
  133. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  134. * ...
  135. :mod:`django.contrib.syndication`
  136. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  137. * ...
  138. Cache
  139. ^^^^^
  140. * The ``incr()`` method of the
  141. ``django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache`` backend is now thread-safe.
  142. Cryptography
  143. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  144. * The ``max_age`` parameter of the
  145. :meth:`django.core.signing.TimestampSigner.unsign` method now also accept a
  146. :py:class:`datetime.timedelta` object.
  147. Database backends
  148. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  149. * The MySQL backend no longer strips microseconds from ``datetime`` values as
  150. MySQL 5.6.4 and up supports fractional seconds depending on the declaration
  151. of the datetime field (when ``DATETIME`` includes fractional precision greater
  152. than 0). New datetime database columns created with Django 1.8 and MySQL 5.6.4
  153. and up will support microseconds. See the :ref:`MySQL database notes
  154. <mysql-fractional-seconds>` for more details.
  155. Email
  156. ^^^^^
  157. * :ref:`Email backends <topic-email-backends>` now support the context manager
  158. protocol for opening and closing connections.
  159. * The SMTP email backend now supports ``keyfile`` and ``certfile``
  160. authentication with the :setting:`EMAIL_SSL_CERTFILE` and
  161. :setting:`EMAIL_SSL_KEYFILE` settings.
  162. * The SMTP :class:`~django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend` now supports
  163. setting the ``timeout`` parameter with the :setting:`EMAIL_TIMEOUT` setting.
  164. File Storage
  165. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  166. * ...
  167. File Uploads
  168. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  169. * ...
  170. Forms
  171. ^^^^^
  172. * Form widgets now render attributes with a value of ``True`` or ``False``
  173. as HTML5 boolean attributes.
  174. * The new :meth:`~django.forms.Form.has_error()` method allows checking
  175. if a specific error has happened.
  176. * If :attr:`~django.forms.Form.required_css_class` is defined on a form, then
  177. the ``<label>`` tags for required fields will have this class present in its
  178. attributes.
  179. * The rendering of non-field errors in unordered lists (``<ul>``) now includes
  180. ``nonfield`` in its list of classes to distinguish them from field-specific
  181. errors.
  182. * :class:`~django.forms.Field` now accepts a
  183. :attr:`~django.forms.Field.label_suffix` argument, which will override the
  184. form's :attr:`~django.forms.Form.label_suffix`. This enables customizing the
  185. suffix on a per-field basis — previously it wasn't possible to override
  186. a form's :attr:`~django.forms.Form.label_suffix` while using shortcuts such
  187. as ``{{ form.as_p }}`` in templates.
  188. * :class:`~django.forms.extras.widgets.SelectDateWidget` now accepts an
  189. :attr:`~django.forms.extras.widgets.SelectDateWidget.empty_label` argument, which will
  190. override the top list choice label when :class:`~django.forms.DateField` is not required.
  191. * After an :class:`~django.forms.ImageField` has been cleaned and validated, the
  192. ``UploadedFile`` object will have an additional ``image`` attribute containing
  193. the Pillow ``Image`` instance used to check if the file was a valid image. It
  194. will also update ``UploadedFile.content_type`` with the image's content type
  195. as determined by Pillow.
  196. * You can now pass a callable that returns an iterable of choices when
  197. instantiating a :class:`~django.forms.ChoiceField`.
  198. Generic Views
  199. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  200. * Generic views that use :class:`~django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin`
  201. may now specify the ordering applied to the
  202. :attr:`~django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin.queryset` by setting
  203. :attr:`~django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin.ordering` or overriding
  204. :meth:`~django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin.get_ordering()`.
  205. * The new :attr:`SingleObjectMixin.query_pk_and_slug
  206. <django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectMixin.query_pk_and_slug>`
  207. attribute allows changing the behavior of
  208. :meth:`~django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectMixin.get_object()`
  209. so that it'll perform its lookup using both the primary key and the slug.
  210. * The :meth:`~django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin.get_form()` method doesn't
  211. require a ``form_class`` to be provided anymore. If not provided ``form_class``
  212. defaults to :meth:`~django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin.get_form_class()`.
  213. Internationalization
  214. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  215. * :setting:`FORMAT_MODULE_PATH` can now be a list of strings representing
  216. module paths. This allows importing several format modules from different
  217. reusable apps. It also allows overriding those custom formats in your main
  218. Django project.
  219. Logging
  220. ^^^^^^^
  221. * The :class:`django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler` class now has a
  222. :meth:`~django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler.send_mail` method to make it more
  223. subclass friendly.
  224. Management Commands
  225. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  226. * :djadmin:`dumpdata` now has the option :djadminopt:`--output` which allows
  227. specifying the file to which the serialized data is written.
  228. * :djadmin:`makemessages` and :djadmin:`compilemessages` now have the option
  229. :djadminopt:`--exclude` which allows exclusion of specific locales from
  230. processing.
  231. * The :djadminopt:`--ignorenonexistent` option of the :djadmin:`loaddata`
  232. management command now ignores data for models that no longer exist.
  233. * :djadmin:`runserver` now uses daemon threads for faster reloading.
  234. * :djadmin:`inspectdb` now outputs ``Meta.unique_together``.
  235. * When calling management commands from code through :ref:`call_command
  236. <call-command>` and passing options, the option name can match the command
  237. line option name (without the initial dashes) or the final option destination
  238. variable name, but in either case, the resulting option received by the
  239. command is now always the ``dest`` name specified in the command option
  240. definition (as long as the command uses the new :py:mod:`argparse` module).
  241. * The :djadmin:`dbshell` command now supports MySQL's optional SSL certificate
  242. authority setting (``--ssl-ca``).
  243. * The :djadminopt:`--name` option for :djadmin:`makemigrations` allows you to
  244. to give the migration(s) a custom name instead of a generated one.
  245. * The :djadmin:`loaddata` command now prevents repeated fixture loading. If
  246. :setting:`FIXTURE_DIRS` contains duplicates or a default fixture directory
  247. path (``app_name/fixtures``), an exception is raised.
  248. Middleware
  249. ^^^^^^^^^^
  250. * The :attr:`CommonMiddleware.response_redirect_class
  251. <django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware.response_redirect_class>`
  252. attribute allows you to customize the redirects issued by the middleware.
  253. Migrations
  254. ^^^^^^^^^^
  255. * The :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RunSQL` operation can now handle
  256. parameters passed to the SQL statements.
  257. * It is now possible to have migrations (most probably :ref:`data migrations
  258. <data-migrations>`) for applications without models.
  259. Models
  260. ^^^^^^
  261. * Django now logs at most 9000 queries in ``connections.queries``, in order
  262. to prevent excessive memory usage in long-running processes in debug mode.
  263. * There is now a model ``Meta`` option to define a
  264. :attr:`default related name <django.db.models.Options.default_related_name>`
  265. for all relational fields of a model.
  266. * Pickling models and querysets across different versions of Django isn't
  267. officially supported (it may work, but there's no guarantee). An extra
  268. variable that specifies the current Django version is now added to the
  269. pickled state of models and querysets, and Django raises a ``RuntimeWarning``
  270. when these objects are unpickled in a different version than the one in
  271. which they were pickled.
  272. * Added :meth:`Model.from_db() <django.db.models.Model.from_db()>` which
  273. Django uses whenever objects are loaded using the ORM. The method allows
  274. customizing model loading behavior.
  275. * ``extra(select={...})`` now allows you to escape a literal ``%s`` sequence
  276. using ``%%s``.
  277. * :doc:`Custom Lookups</howto/custom-lookups>` can now be registered using
  278. a decorator pattern.
  279. * The new :attr:`Transform.bilateral <django.db.models.Transform.bilateral>`
  280. attribute allows creating bilateral transformations. These transformations
  281. are applied to both ``lhs`` and ``rhs`` when used in a lookup expression,
  282. providing opportunities for more sophisticated lookups.
  283. Signals
  284. ^^^^^^^
  285. * Exceptions from the ``(receiver, exception)`` tuples returned by
  286. :meth:`Signal.send_robust() <django.dispatch.Signal.send_robust>` now have
  287. their traceback attached as a ``__traceback__`` attribute.
  288. * The ``environ`` argument, which contains the WSGI environment structure from
  289. the request, was added to the :data:`~django.core.signals.request_started`
  290. signal.
  291. System Check Framework
  292. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  293. * :attr:`~django.core.checks.register` can now be used as a function.
  294. Templates
  295. ^^^^^^^^^
  296. * :tfilter:`urlize` now supports domain-only links that include characters after
  297. the top-level domain (e.g. ``djangoproject.com/`` and
  298. ``djangoproject.com/download/``).
  299. * :tfilter:`urlize` doesn't treat exclamation marks at the end of a domain or
  300. its query string as part of the URL (the URL in e.g. ``'djangoproject.com!``
  301. is ``djangoproject.com``)
  302. Requests and Responses
  303. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  304. * ``WSGIRequest`` now respects paths starting with ``//``.
  305. * The :meth:`HttpRequest.build_absolute_uri()
  306. <django.http.HttpRequest.build_absolute_uri>` method now handles paths
  307. starting with ``//`` correctly.
  308. * If :setting:`DEBUG` is ``True`` and a request raises a
  309. :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.SuspiciousOperation`, the response will be
  310. rendered with a detailed error page.
  311. * The ``query_string`` argument of :class:`~django.http.QueryDict` is now
  312. optional, defaulting to ``None``, so a blank ``QueryDict`` can now be
  313. instantiated with ``QueryDict()`` instead of ``QueryDict(None)`` or
  314. ``QueryDict('')``.
  315. * The ``GET`` and ``POST`` attributes of an :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest`
  316. object are now :class:`~django.http.QueryDict`\s rather than dictionaries,
  317. and the ``FILES`` attribute is now a ``MultiValueDict``.
  318. This brings this class into line with the documentation and with
  319. ``WSGIRequest``.
  320. * The :attr:`HttpResponse.charset <django.http.HttpResponse.charset>` attribute
  321. was added.
  322. * ``WSGIRequestHandler`` now follows RFC in converting URI to IRI, using
  323. ``uri_to_iri()``.
  324. * The :meth:`HttpRequest.get_full_path()
  325. <django.http.HttpRequest.get_full_path>` method now escapes unsafe characters
  326. from the path portion of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) properly.
  327. * :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` now implements a few additional methods
  328. like :meth:`~django.http.HttpResponse.getvalue` so that instances can be used
  329. as stream objects.
  330. Tests
  331. ^^^^^
  332. * The :class:`RequestFactory.trace() <django.test.RequestFactory>`
  333. and :class:`Client.trace() <django.test.Client.trace>` methods were
  334. implemented, allowing you to create ``TRACE`` requests in your tests.
  335. * The ``count`` argument was added to
  336. :meth:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertTemplateUsed`. This allows you to
  337. assert that a template was rendered a specific number of times.
  338. * The new :meth:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertJSONNotEqual` assertion
  339. allows you to test that two JSON fragments are not equal.
  340. * Added the ability to preserve the test database by adding the
  341. :djadminopt:`--keepdb` flag.
  342. * Added the :attr:`~django.test.Response.resolver_match` attribute to test
  343. client responses.
  344. * Added several settings that allow customization of test tablespace parameters
  345. for Oracle: :setting:`DATAFILE`, :setting:`DATAFILE_TMP`,
  346. :setting:`DATAFILE_MAXSIZE` and :setting:`DATAFILE_TMP_MAXSIZE`.
  347. Validators
  348. ^^^^^^^^^^
  349. * ...
  350. Backwards incompatible changes in 1.8
  351. =====================================
  352. .. warning::
  353. In addition to the changes outlined in this section, be sure to review the
  354. :ref:`deprecation plan <deprecation-removed-in-1.8>` for any features that
  355. have been removed. If you haven't updated your code within the
  356. deprecation timeline for a given feature, its removal may appear as a
  357. backwards incompatible change.
  358. Related object operations are run in a transaction
  359. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  360. Some operations on related objects such as
  361. :meth:`~django.db.models.fields.related.RelatedManager.add()` or
  362. :ref:`direct assignment<direct-assignment>` ran multiple data modifying
  363. queries without wrapping them in transactions. To reduce the risk of data
  364. corruption, all data modifying methods that affect multiple related objects
  365. (i.e. ``add()``, ``remove()``, ``clear()``, and :ref:`direct assignment
  366. <direct-assignment>`) now perform their data modifying queries from within a
  367. transaction, provided your database supports transactions.
  368. This has one backwards incompatible side effect, signal handlers triggered from
  369. these methods are now executed within the method's transaction and any
  370. exception in a signal handler will prevent the whole operation.
  371. Assigning unsaved objects to relations raises an error
  372. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  373. Assigning unsaved objects to a :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey`,
  374. :class:`~django.contrib.contenttypes.fields.GenericForeignKey`, and
  375. :class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` now raises a :exc:`ValueError`.
  376. Previously, the assignment of an unsaved object would be silently ignored.
  377. For example::
  378. >>> book = Book.objects.create(name="Django")
  379. >>> book.author = Author(name="John")
  380. >>> book.author.save()
  381. >>> book.save()
  382. >>> Book.objects.get(name="Django")
  383. >>> book.author
  384. >>>
  385. Now, an error will be raised to prevent data loss::
  386. >>> book.author = Author(name="john")
  387. Traceback (most recent call last):
  388. ...
  389. ValueError: Cannot assign "<Author: John>": "Author" instance isn't saved in the database.
  390. Management commands that only accept positional arguments
  391. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  392. If you have written a custom management command that only accepts positional
  393. arguments and you didn't specify the
  394. :attr:`~django.core.management.BaseCommand.args` command variable, you might
  395. get an error like ``Error: unrecognized arguments: ...``, as variable parsing
  396. is now based on :py:mod:`argparse` which doesn't implicitly accept positional
  397. arguments. You can make your command backwards compatible by simply setting the
  398. :attr:`~django.core.management.BaseCommand.args` class variable. However, if
  399. you don't have to keep compatibility with older Django versions, it's better to
  400. implement the new :meth:`~django.core.management.BaseCommand.add_arguments`
  401. method as described in :doc:`/howto/custom-management-commands`.
  402. Custom test management command arguments through test runner
  403. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  404. The method to add custom arguments to the `test` management command through the
  405. test runner has changed. Previously, you could provide an `option_list` class
  406. variable on the test runner to add more arguments (à la :py:mod:`optparse`).
  407. Now to implement the same behavior, you have to create an
  408. ``add_arguments(cls, parser)`` class method on the test runner and call
  409. ``parser.add_argument`` to add any custom arguments, as parser is now an
  410. :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance.
  411. Model check ensures auto-generated column names are within limits specified by database
  412. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  413. A field name that's longer than the column name length supported by a database
  414. can create problems. For example, with MySQL you'll get an exception trying to
  415. create the column, and with PostgreSQL the column name is truncated by the
  416. database (you may see a warning in the PostgreSQL logs).
  417. A model check has been introduced to better alert users to this scenario before
  418. the actual creation of database tables.
  419. If you have an existing model where this check seems to be a false positive,
  420. for example on PostgreSQL where the name was already being truncated, simply
  421. use :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.db_column` to specify the name that's being
  422. used.
  423. The check also applies to the columns generated in an implicit
  424. ``ManyToManyField.through`` model. If you run into an issue there, use
  425. :attr:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField.through` to create an explicit model
  426. and then specify :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.db_column` on its column(s)
  427. as needed.
  428. Query relation lookups now check object types
  429. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  430. Querying for model lookups now checks if the object passed is of correct type
  431. and raises a :exc:`ValueError` if not. Previously, Django didn't care if the
  432. object was of correct type; it just used the object's related field attribute
  433. (e.g. ``id``) for the lookup. Now, an error is raised to prevent incorrect
  434. lookups::
  435. >>> book = Book.objects.create(name="Django")
  436. >>> book = Book.objects.filter(author=book)
  437. Traceback (most recent call last):
  438. ...
  439. ValueError: Cannot query "<Book: Django>": Must be "Author" instance.
  440. Default ``EmailField.max_length`` increased to 254
  441. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  442. The old default 75 character ``max_length`` was not capable of storing all
  443. possible RFC3696/5321-compliant email addresses. In order to store all
  444. possible valid email addresses, the ``max_length`` has been increased to 254
  445. characters. You will need to generate and apply database migrations for your
  446. affected models (or add ``max_length=75`` if you wish to keep the length on
  447. your current fields). A migration for
  448. :attr:`django.contrib.auth.models.User.email` is included.
  449. Support for PostgreSQL versions older than 9.0
  450. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  451. The end of upstream support periods was reached in July 2014 for PostgreSQL 8.4.
  452. As a consequence, Django 1.8 sets 9.0 as the minimum PostgreSQL version it
  453. officially supports.
  454. This also includes dropping support for PostGIS 1.3 and 1.4 as these versions
  455. are not supported on versions of PostgreSQL later than 8.4.
  456. Django also now requires the use of Psycopg2 version 2.0.9 or higher.
  457. Support for MySQL versions older than 5.5
  458. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  459. The end of upstream support periods was reached in January 2012 for MySQL 5.0
  460. and December 2013 for MySQL 5.1. As a consequence, Django 1.8 sets 5.5 as the
  461. minimum MySQL version it officially supports.
  462. Support for Oracle versions older than 11.1
  463. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  464. The end of upstream support periods was reached in July 2010 for Oracle 9.2,
  465. January 2012 for Oracle 10.1, and July 2013 for Oracle 10.2. As a consequence,
  466. Django 1.8 sets 11.1 as the minimum Oracle version it officially supports.
  467. Specific privileges used instead of roles for tests on Oracle
  468. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  469. Earlier versions of Django granted the CONNECT and RESOURCE roles to the test
  470. user on Oracle. These roles have been deprecated, so Django 1.8 uses the
  471. specific underlying privileges instead. This changes the privileges required
  472. of the main user for running tests (unless the project is configured to avoid
  473. creating a test user). The exact privileges required now are detailed in
  474. :ref:`Oracle notes <oracle-notes>`.
  475. ``AbstractUser.last_login`` allows null values
  476. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  477. The :attr:`AbstractUser.last_login <django.contrib.auth.models.User.last_login>`
  478. field now allows null values. Previously, it defaulted to the time when the user
  479. was created which was misleading if the user never logged in. Please run the
  480. database migration. If your custom user inherits from ``AbstractUser`` and you
  481. wish to set ``last_login`` to ``NULL`` for users who haven't logged in, you can
  482. run this query::
  483. from django.db import models
  484. from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
  485. from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser
  486. UserModel = get_user_model()
  487. if issubclass(UserModel, AbstractBaseUser):
  488. UserModel._default_manager.filter(
  489. last_login=models.F('date_joined')
  490. ).update(last_login=None)
  491. :mod:`django.contrib.gis`
  492. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  493. * Support for GEOS 3.1 and GDAL 1.6 has been dropped.
  494. * Support for SpatiaLite < 2.4 has been dropped.
  495. * GIS-specific lookups have been refactored to use the
  496. :class:`django.db.models.Lookup` API.
  497. * The default ``str`` representation of
  498. :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` objects has been changed from
  499. WKT to EWKT format (including the SRID). As this representation is used in
  500. the serialization framework, that means that ``dumpdata`` output will now
  501. contain the SRID value of geometry objects.
  502. Priority of context processors for ``TemplateResponse`` brought in line with ``render``
  503. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  504. The :class:`~django.template.response.TemplateResponse` constructor is designed to be a
  505. drop-in replacement for the :func:`~django.shortcuts.render` function. However,
  506. it had a slight incompatibility, in that for ``TemplateResponse``, context data
  507. from the passed in context dictionary could be shadowed by context data returned
  508. from context processors, whereas for ``render`` it was the other way
  509. around. This was a bug, and the behavior of ``render`` is more appropriate,
  510. since it allows the globally defined context processors to be overridden locally
  511. in the view. If you were relying on the fact context data in a
  512. ``TemplateResponse`` could be overridden using a context processor, you will
  513. need to change your code.
  514. Miscellaneous
  515. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  516. * ``connections.queries`` is now a read-only attribute.
  517. * Database connections are considered equal only if they're the same object.
  518. They aren't hashable any more.
  519. * :class:`~django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware` used to disable compression
  520. for some content types when the request is from Internet Explorer, in order
  521. to work around a bug in IE6 and earlier. This behavior could affect
  522. performance on IE7 and later. It was removed.
  523. * ``URLField.to_python`` no longer adds a trailing slash to pathless URLs.
  524. * The :tfilter:`length` template filter now returns ``0`` for an undefined
  525. variable, rather than an empty string.
  526. * ``ForeignKey.default_error_message['invalid']`` has been changed from
  527. ``'%(model)s instance with pk %(pk)r does not exist.'`` to
  528. ``'%(model)s instance with %(field)s %(value)r does not exist.'`` If you are
  529. using this message in your own code, please update the list of interpolated
  530. parameters. Internally, Django will continue to provide the
  531. ``pk`` parameter in ``params`` for backwards compatibility.
  532. * ``UserCreationForm.errors_messages['duplicate_username']`` is no longer used.
  533. If you wish to customize that error message, :ref:`override it on the form
  534. <modelforms-overriding-default-fields>` using the ``'unique'`` key in
  535. ``Meta.errors_messages['username']`` or, if you have a custom form field for
  536. ``'username'``, using the the ``'unique'`` key in its
  537. :attr:`~django.forms.Field.error_messages` argument.
  538. * ``AdminSite`` no longer takes an ``app_name`` argument and its ``app_name``
  539. attribute has been removed. The application name is always ``admin`` (as
  540. opposed to the instance name which you can still customize using
  541. ``AdminSite(name="...")``.
  542. * Internal changes were made to the :class:`~django.forms.ClearableFileInput`
  543. widget to allow more customization. The undocumented ``url_markup_template``
  544. attribute was removed in favor of ``template_with_initial``.
  545. * For consistency with other major vendors, the ``en_GB`` locale now has Monday
  546. as the first day of the week.
  547. * Seconds have been removed from any locales that had them in ``TIME_FORMAT``,
  549. * The default max size of the Oracle test tablespace has increased from 200M
  550. to 500M.
  551. * :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` and
  552. :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse_lazy` now return Unicode strings
  553. instead of byte strings.
  554. * The ``CacheClass`` shim has been removed from all cache backends.
  555. These aliases were provided for backwards compatibility with Django 1.3.
  556. If you are still using them, please update your project to use the real
  557. class name found in the :setting:`BACKEND <CACHES-BACKEND>` key of the
  558. :setting:`CACHES` setting.
  559. * By default, :ref:`call_command <call-command>` now always skips the check
  560. framework (unless you pass it ``skip_checks=False``).
  561. * When iterating over lines, :class:`~django.core.files.File` now uses
  562. `universal newlines`_. The following are recognized as ending a line: the
  563. Unix end-of-line convention ``'\n'``, the Windows convention ``'\r\n'``, and
  564. the old Macintosh convention ``'\r'``.
  565. .. _universal newlines: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0278
  566. * The Memcached cache backends ``MemcachedCache`` and ``PyLibMCCache`` will
  567. delete a key if ``set()`` fails. This is necessary to ensure the ``cache_db``
  568. session store always fetches the most current session data.
  569. .. _deprecated-features-1.8:
  570. Features deprecated in 1.8
  571. ==========================
  572. Loading ``cycle`` and ``firstof`` template tags from ``future`` library
  573. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  574. Django 1.6 introduced ``{% load cycle from future %}`` and
  575. ``{% load firstof from future %}`` syntax for forward compatibility of the
  576. :ttag:`cycle` and :ttag:`firstof` template tags. This syntax is now deprecated
  577. and will be removed in Django 2.0. You can simply remove the
  578. ``{% load ... from future %}`` tags.
  579. ``django.conf.urls.patterns()``
  580. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  581. In the olden days of Django, it was encouraged to reference views as strings
  582. in ``urlpatterns``::
  583. urlpatterns = patterns('',
  584. url('^$', 'myapp.views.myview'),
  585. )
  586. and Django would magically import ``myapp.views.myview`` internally and turn
  587. the string into a real function reference. In order to reduce repetition when
  588. referencing many views from the same module, the ``patterns()`` function takes
  589. a required initial ``prefix`` argument which is prepended to all
  590. views-as-strings in that set of ``urlpatterns``::
  591. urlpatterns = patterns('myapp.views',
  592. url('^$', 'myview'),
  593. url('^other/$', 'otherview'),
  594. )
  595. In the modern era, we have updated the tutorial to instead recommend importing
  596. your views module and referencing your view functions (or classes) directly.
  597. This has a number of advantages, all deriving from the fact that we are using
  598. normal Python in place of "Django String Magic": the errors when you mistype a
  599. view name are less obscure, IDEs can help with autocompletion of view names,
  600. etc.
  601. So these days, the above use of the ``prefix`` arg is much more likely to be
  602. written (and is better written) as::
  603. from myapp import views
  604. urlpatterns = patterns('',
  605. url('^$', views.myview),
  606. url('^other/$', views.otherview),
  607. )
  608. Thus ``patterns()`` serves little purpose and is a burden when teaching new users
  609. (answering the newbie's question "why do I need this empty string as the first
  610. argument to ``patterns()``?"). For these reasons, we are deprecating it.
  611. Updating your code is as simple as ensuring that ``urlpatterns`` is a list of
  612. :func:`django.conf.urls.url` instances. For example::
  613. from django.conf.urls import url
  614. from myapp import views
  615. urlpatterns = [
  616. url('^$', views.myview),
  617. url('^other/$', views.otherview),
  618. ]
  619. Passing a string as ``view`` to :func:`~django.conf.urls.url`
  620. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  621. Related to the previous item, referencing views as strings in the ``url()``
  622. function is deprecated. Pass the callable view as described in the previous
  623. section instead.
  624. ``django.test.SimpleTestCase.urls``
  625. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  626. The attribute :attr:`SimpleTestCase.urls <django.test.SimpleTestCase.urls>`
  627. for specifying URLconf configuration in tests has been deprecated and will be
  628. removed in Django 2.0. Use :func:`@override_settings(ROOT_URLCONF=...)
  629. <django.test.override_settings>` instead.
  630. ``prefix`` argument to :func:`~django.conf.urls.i18n.i18n_patterns`
  631. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  632. Related to the previous item, the ``prefix`` argument to
  633. :func:`django.conf.urls.i18n.i18n_patterns` has been deprecated. Simply pass a
  634. list of :func:`django.conf.urls.url` instances instead.
  635. Using an incorrect count of unpacked values in the :ttag:`for` template tag
  636. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  637. Using an incorrect count of unpacked values in :ttag:`for` tag will raise an
  638. exception rather than fail silently in Django 2.0.
  639. Passing a dotted path to :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse()` and :ttag:`url`
  640. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  641. Reversing URLs by Python path is an expensive operation as it causes the
  642. path being reversed to be imported. This behavior has also resulted in a
  643. `security issue`_. Use :ref:`named URL patterns <naming-url-patterns>`
  644. for reversing instead.
  645. If you are using :mod:`django.contrib.sitemaps`, add the ``name`` argument to
  646. the ``url`` that references :func:`django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap`::
  647. from django.contrib.sitemaps.views import sitemap
  648. url(r'^sitemap\.xml$', sitemap, {'sitemaps': sitemaps},
  649. name='django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap')
  650. to ensure compatibility when reversing by Python path is removed in Django 2.0.
  651. Similarly for GIS sitemaps, add ``name='django.contrib.gis.sitemaps.views.kml'``
  652. or ``name='django.contrib.gis.sitemaps.views.kmz'``.
  653. .. _security issue: https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2014/apr/21/security/#s-issue-unexpected-code-execution-using-reverse
  654. Aggregate methods and modules
  655. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  656. The ``django.db.models.sql.aggregates`` and
  657. ``django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.aggregates`` modules (both private API), have
  658. been deprecated as ``django.db.models.aggregates`` and
  659. ``django.contrib.gis.db.models.aggregates`` are now also responsible
  660. for SQL generation. The old modules will be removed in Django 2.0.
  661. If you were using the old modules, see :doc:`Query Expressions
  662. </ref/models/expressions>` for instructions on rewriting custom aggregates
  663. using the new stable API.
  664. The following methods and properties of ``django.db.models.sql.query.Query``
  665. have also been deprecated and the backwards compatibility shims will be removed
  666. in Django 2.0:
  667. * ``Query.aggregates``, replaced by ``annotations``.
  668. * ``Query.aggregate_select``, replaced by ``annotation_select``.
  669. * ``Query.add_aggregate()``, replaced by ``add_annotation()``.
  670. * ``Query.set_aggregate_mask()``, replaced by ``set_annotation_mask()``.
  671. * ``Query.append_aggregate_mask()``, replaced by ``append_annotation_mask()``.
  672. Extending management command arguments through ``Command.option_list``
  673. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  674. Management commands now use :py:mod:`argparse` instead of :py:mod:`optparse` to
  675. parse command-line arguments passed to commands. This also means that the way
  676. to add custom arguments to commands has changed: instead of extending the
  677. ``option_list`` class list, you should now override the
  678. :meth:`~django.core.management.BaseCommand.add_arguments` method and add
  679. arguments through ``argparse.add_argument()``. See
  680. :ref:`this example <custom-commands-options>` for more details.
  681. ``django.core.management.NoArgsCommand``
  682. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  683. The class :class:`~django.core.management.NoArgsCommand` is now deprecated and
  684. will be removed in Django 2.0. Use :class:`~django.core.management.BaseCommand`
  685. instead, which takes no arguments by default.
  686. ``cache_choices`` option of ``ModelChoiceField`` and ``ModelMultipleChoiceField``
  687. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  688. :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceField` and
  689. :class:`~django.forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField` took an undocumented, untested
  690. option ``cache_choices``. This cached querysets between multiple renderings of
  691. the same ``Form`` object. This option is subject to an accelerated deprecation
  692. and will be removed in Django 1.9.
  693. ``django.template.resolve_variable()``
  694. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  695. The function has been informally marked as "Deprecated" for some time. Replace
  696. ``resolve_variable(path, context)`` with
  697. ``django.template.Variable(path).resolve(context)``.
  698. ``django.contrib.webdesign``
  699. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  700. It provided the :ttag:`lorem` template tag which is now included in the
  701. built-in tags. Simply remove ``'django.contrib.webdesign'`` from
  702. :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` and ``{% load webdesign %}`` from your templates.
  703. ``error_message`` argument to ``django.forms.RegexField``
  704. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  705. It provided backwards compatibility for pre-1.0 code, but its functionality is
  706. redundant. Use ``Field.error_messages['invalid']`` instead.
  707. Old :tfilter:`unordered_list` syntax
  708. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  709. An older (pre-1.0), more restrictive and verbose input format for the
  710. :tfilter:`unordered_list` template filter has been deprecated::
  711. ``['States', [['Kansas', [['Lawrence', []], ['Topeka', []]]], ['Illinois', []]]]``
  712. Using the new syntax, this becomes::
  713. ``['States', ['Kansas', ['Lawrence', 'Topeka'], 'Illinois']]``
  714. ``django.forms.Field._has_changed()``
  715. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  716. Rename this method to :meth:`~django.forms.Field.has_changed` by removing the
  717. leading underscore. The old name will still work until Django 2.0.
  718. ``django.utils.html.remove_tags()`` and ``removetags`` template filter
  719. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  720. ``django.utils.html.remove_tags()`` as well as the template filter
  721. ``removetags`` have been deprecated as they cannot guarantee safe output. Their
  722. existence is likely to lead to their use in security-sensitive contexts where
  723. they are not actually safe.
  724. The unused and undocumented ``django.utils.html.strip_entities()`` function has
  725. also been deprecated.
  726. ``is_admin_site`` argument to ``django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset()``
  727. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  728. It's a legacy option that should no longer be necessary.
  729. ``SubfieldBase``
  730. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  731. ``django.db.models.fields.subclassing.SubfieldBase`` has been deprecated and
  732. will be removed in Django 2.0. Historically, it was used to handle fields where
  733. type conversion was needed when loading from the database, but it was not used
  734. in ``.values()`` calls or in aggregates. It has been replaced with
  735. :meth:`~django.db.models.Field.from_db_value`. Note that the new approach does
  736. not call the :meth:`~django.db.models.Field.to_python` method on assignment
  737. as was the case with ``SubfieldBase``.
  738. ``django.utils.checksums``
  739. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  740. The ``django.utils.checksums`` module has been deprecated and will be removed
  741. in Django 2.0. The functionality it provided (validating checksum using the
  742. Luhn algorithm) was undocumented and not used in Django. The module has been
  743. moved to the `django-localflavor`_ package (version 1.1+).
  744. .. _django-localflavor: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-localflavor
  745. ``django.contrib.admin.helpers.InlineAdminForm.original_content_type_id``
  746. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  747. The ``original_content_type_id`` attribute on ``InlineAdminForm`` has been
  748. deprecated and will be removed in Django 2.0. Historically, it was used
  749. to construct the "view on site" URL. This URL is now accessible using the
  750. ``absolute_url`` attribute of the form.
  751. ``django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin.get_form()``’s ``form_class`` argument
  752. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  753. ``FormMixin`` subclasses that override the ``get_form()`` method should make
  754. sure to provide a default value for the ``form_class`` argument since it's
  755. now optional.
  756. Overriding ``setUpClass`` / ``tearDownClass`` in test cases
  757. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  758. The decorators :func:`~django.test.override_settings` and
  759. :func:`~django.test.modify_settings` now act at the class level when used as
  760. class decorators. As a consequence, when overriding ``setUpClass()`` or
  761. ``tearDownClass()``, the ``super`` implementation should always be called.
  762. .. removed-features-1.8:
  763. Features removed in 1.8
  764. =======================
  765. These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and so have been
  766. removed in Django 1.8 (please see the :ref:`deprecation timeline
  767. <deprecation-removed-in-1.8>` for more details):
  768. * ``django.contrib.comments`` is removed.
  769. * The following transaction management APIs are removed:
  770. - ``TransactionMiddleware``
  771. - the decorators and context managers ``autocommit``, ``commit_on_success``,
  772. and ``commit_manually``, defined in ``django.db.transaction``
  773. - the functions ``commit_unless_managed`` and ``rollback_unless_managed``,
  774. also defined in ``django.db.transaction``
  775. - the ``TRANSACTIONS_MANAGED`` setting
  776. * The :ttag:`cycle` and :ttag:`firstof` template tags auto-escape their
  777. arguments.
  778. * The ``SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS`` setting is removed.
  779. * ``django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware`` is removed.
  780. * The ``Model._meta.module_name`` alias is removed.
  781. * The backward compatible shims introduced to rename ``get_query_set``
  782. and similar queryset methods are removed. This affects the following classes:
  783. ``BaseModelAdmin``, ``ChangeList``, ``BaseCommentNode``,
  784. ``GenericForeignKey``, ``Manager``, ``SingleRelatedObjectDescriptor`` and
  785. ``ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor``.
  786. * The backward compatible shims introduced to rename the attributes
  787. ``ChangeList.root_query_set`` and ``ChangeList.query_set`` are removed.
  788. * ``django.views.defaults.shortcut`` and ``django.conf.urls.shortcut`` are
  789. removed.
  790. * Support for the Python Imaging Library (PIL) module is removed.
  791. * The following private APIs are removed:
  792. - ``django.db.backend``
  793. - ``django.db.close_connection()``
  794. - ``django.db.backends.creation.BaseDatabaseCreation.set_autocommit()``
  795. - ``django.db.transaction.is_managed()``
  796. - ``django.db.transaction.managed()``
  797. * ``django.forms.widgets.RadioInput`` is removed.
  798. * The module ``django.test.simple`` and the class
  799. ``django.test.simple.DjangoTestSuiteRunner`` are removed.
  800. * The module ``django.test._doctest`` is removed.
  801. * The ``CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY`` setting is removed.
  802. * Usage of the hard-coded *Hold down "Control", or "Command" on a Mac, to select
  803. more than one.* string to override or append to user-provided ``help_text`` in
  804. forms for ``ManyToMany`` model fields is not be performed by Django anymore
  805. either at the model or forms layer.
  806. * The ``Model._meta.get_(add|change|delete)_permission`` methods are removed.
  807. * The session key ``django_language`` is no longer read for backwards
  808. compatibility.
  809. * Geographic Sitemaps are removed
  810. (``django.contrib.gis.sitemaps.views.index`` and
  811. ``django.contrib.gis.sitemaps.views.sitemap``).
  812. * ``django.utils.html.fix_ampersands``, the ``fix_ampersands`` template filter,
  813. and ``django.utils.html.clean_html`` are removed.