index.txt 1.5 KB

  1. ============
  2. Writing code
  3. ============
  4. So you'd like to write some code to improve Django? Awesome! There are several
  5. ways you can help Django's development:
  6. * :doc:`Report bugs <../bugs-and-features>` in our `ticket tracker`_.
  7. * Join the |django-developers| mailing list and share your ideas for how to
  8. improve Django. We're always open to suggestions. You can also interact on
  9. the `Django forum`_ and the `#django-dev IRC channel`_.
  10. * :doc:`Submit patches <submitting-patches>` for new and/or fixed behavior. If
  11. you're looking for a way to get started contributing to Django read the
  12. :doc:`/intro/contributing` tutorial and have a look at the `easy pickings`_
  13. tickets. The :ref:`patch-review-checklist` will also be helpful.
  14. * :doc:`Improve the documentation <../writing-documentation>` or :doc:`write
  15. unit tests <unit-tests>`.
  16. * :doc:`Triage tickets and review patches <../triaging-tickets>` created by
  17. other users.
  18. * Read the :doc:`../new-contributors` to help you get orientated in the
  19. development process.
  20. Browse the following sections to find out how to give your code patches the
  21. best chances to be included in Django core:
  22. .. toctree::
  23. :maxdepth: 1
  24. coding-style
  25. unit-tests
  26. submitting-patches
  27. working-with-git
  28. javascript
  29. .. _ticket tracker:
  30. .. _easy pickings:!closed&easy=1
  31. .. _#django-dev IRC channel:
  32. .. _Django forum: