migration-operations.txt 24 KB

  1. ====================
  2. Migration Operations
  3. ====================
  4. .. module:: django.db.migrations.operations
  5. Migration files are composed of one or more ``Operation``\s, objects that
  6. declaratively record what the migration should do to your database.
  7. Django also uses these ``Operation`` objects to work out what your models
  8. looked like historically, and to calculate what changes you've made to
  9. your models since the last migration so it can automatically write
  10. your migrations; that's why they're declarative, as it means Django can
  11. easily load them all into memory and run through them without touching
  12. the database to work out what your project should look like.
  13. There are also more specialized ``Operation`` objects which are for things like
  14. :ref:`data migrations <data-migrations>` and for advanced manual database
  15. manipulation. You can also write your own ``Operation`` classes if you want
  16. to encapsulate a custom change you commonly make.
  17. If you need an empty migration file to write your own ``Operation`` objects
  18. into, use ``python manage.py makemigrations --empty yourappname``, but be aware
  19. that manually adding schema-altering operations can confuse the migration
  20. autodetector and make resulting runs of :djadmin:`makemigrations` output
  21. incorrect code.
  22. All of the core Django operations are available from the
  23. ``django.db.migrations.operations`` module.
  24. For introductory material, see the :doc:`migrations topic guide
  25. </topics/migrations>`.
  26. Schema Operations
  27. =================
  28. ``CreateModel``
  29. ---------------
  30. .. class:: CreateModel(name, fields, options=None, bases=None, managers=None)
  31. Creates a new model in the project history and a corresponding table in the
  32. database to match it.
  33. ``name`` is the model name, as would be written in the ``models.py`` file.
  34. ``fields`` is a list of 2-tuples of ``(field_name, field_instance)``.
  35. The field instance should be an unbound field (so just
  36. ``models.CharField(...)``, rather than a field taken from another model).
  37. ``options`` is an optional dictionary of values from the model's ``Meta`` class.
  38. ``bases`` is an optional list of other classes to have this model inherit from;
  39. it can contain both class objects as well as strings in the format
  40. ``"appname.ModelName"`` if you want to depend on another model (so you inherit
  41. from the historical version). If it's not supplied, it defaults to inheriting
  42. from the standard ``models.Model``.
  43. ``managers`` takes a list of 2-tuples of ``(manager_name, manager_instance)``.
  44. The first manager in the list will be the default manager for this model during
  45. migrations.
  46. ``DeleteModel``
  47. ---------------
  48. .. class:: DeleteModel(name)
  49. Deletes the model from the project history and its table from the database.
  50. ``RenameModel``
  51. ---------------
  52. .. class:: RenameModel(old_name, new_name)
  53. Renames the model from an old name to a new one.
  54. You may have to manually add
  55. this if you change the model's name and quite a few of its fields at once; to
  56. the autodetector, this will look like you deleted a model with the old name
  57. and added a new one with a different name, and the migration it creates will
  58. lose any data in the old table.
  59. ``AlterModelTable``
  60. -------------------
  61. .. class:: AlterModelTable(name, table)
  62. Changes the model's table name (the :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.db_table`
  63. option on the ``Meta`` subclass).
  64. ``AlterModelTableComment``
  65. --------------------------
  66. .. versionadded:: 4.2
  67. .. class:: AlterModelTableComment(name, table_comment)
  68. Changes the model's table comment (the
  69. :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.db_table_comment` option on the ``Meta``
  70. subclass).
  71. ``AlterUniqueTogether``
  72. -----------------------
  73. .. class:: AlterUniqueTogether(name, unique_together)
  74. Changes the model's set of unique constraints (the
  75. :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.unique_together` option on the ``Meta``
  76. subclass).
  77. ``AlterIndexTogether``
  78. ----------------------
  79. .. class:: AlterIndexTogether(name, index_together)
  80. Changes the model's set of custom indexes (the ``index_together`` option on the
  81. ``Meta`` subclass).
  82. .. warning::
  83. ``AlterIndexTogether`` is officially supported only for pre-Django 4.2
  84. migration files. For backward compatibility reasons, it's still part of the
  85. public API, and there's no plan to deprecate or remove it, but it should
  86. not be used for new migrations. Use
  87. :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.AddIndex` and
  88. :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RemoveIndex` operations instead.
  89. ``AlterOrderWithRespectTo``
  90. ---------------------------
  91. .. class:: AlterOrderWithRespectTo(name, order_with_respect_to)
  92. Makes or deletes the ``_order`` column needed for the
  93. :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.order_with_respect_to` option on the ``Meta``
  94. subclass.
  95. ``AlterModelOptions``
  96. ---------------------
  97. .. class:: AlterModelOptions(name, options)
  98. Stores changes to miscellaneous model options (settings on a model's ``Meta``)
  99. like ``permissions`` and ``verbose_name``. Does not affect the database, but
  100. persists these changes for :class:`RunPython` instances to use. ``options``
  101. should be a dictionary mapping option names to values.
  102. ``AlterModelManagers``
  103. ----------------------
  104. .. class:: AlterModelManagers(name, managers)
  105. Alters the managers that are available during migrations.
  106. ``AddField``
  107. ------------
  108. .. class:: AddField(model_name, name, field, preserve_default=True)
  109. Adds a field to a model. ``model_name`` is the model's name, ``name`` is
  110. the field's name, and ``field`` is an unbound Field instance (the thing
  111. you would put in the field declaration in ``models.py`` - for example,
  112. ``models.IntegerField(null=True)``.
  113. The ``preserve_default`` argument indicates whether the field's default
  114. value is permanent and should be baked into the project state (``True``),
  115. or if it is temporary and just for this migration (``False``) - usually
  116. because the migration is adding a non-nullable field to a table and needs
  117. a default value to put into existing rows. It does not affect the behavior
  118. of setting defaults in the database directly - Django never sets database
  119. defaults and always applies them in the Django ORM code.
  120. .. warning::
  121. On older databases, adding a field with a default value may cause a full
  122. rewrite of the table. This happens even for nullable fields and may have a
  123. negative performance impact. To avoid that, the following steps should be
  124. taken.
  125. * Add the nullable field without the default value and run the
  126. :djadmin:`makemigrations` command. This should generate a migration with
  127. an ``AddField`` operation.
  128. * Add the default value to your field and run the :djadmin:`makemigrations`
  129. command. This should generate a migration with an ``AlterField``
  130. operation.
  131. ``RemoveField``
  132. ---------------
  133. .. class:: RemoveField(model_name, name)
  134. Removes a field from a model.
  135. Bear in mind that when reversed, this is actually adding a field to a model.
  136. The operation is reversible (apart from any data loss, which is irreversible)
  137. if the field is nullable or if it has a default value that can be used to
  138. populate the recreated column. If the field is not nullable and does not have a
  139. default value, the operation is irreversible.
  140. .. admonition:: PostgreSQL
  141. ``RemoveField`` will also delete any additional database objects that are
  142. related to the removed field (like views, for example). This is because the
  143. resulting ``DROP COLUMN`` statement will include the ``CASCADE`` clause to
  144. ensure `dependent objects outside the table are also dropped`_.
  145. .. _dependent objects outside the table are also dropped: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-altertable.html#SQL-ALTERTABLE-PARMS-CASCADE
  146. ``AlterField``
  147. --------------
  148. .. class:: AlterField(model_name, name, field, preserve_default=True)
  149. Alters a field's definition, including changes to its type,
  150. :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.null`, :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.unique`,
  151. :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.db_column` and other field attributes.
  152. The ``preserve_default`` argument indicates whether the field's default
  153. value is permanent and should be baked into the project state (``True``),
  154. or if it is temporary and just for this migration (``False``) - usually
  155. because the migration is altering a nullable field to a non-nullable one and
  156. needs a default value to put into existing rows. It does not affect the
  157. behavior of setting defaults in the database directly - Django never sets
  158. database defaults and always applies them in the Django ORM code.
  159. Note that not all changes are possible on all databases - for example, you
  160. cannot change a text-type field like ``models.TextField()`` into a number-type
  161. field like ``models.IntegerField()`` on most databases.
  162. ``RenameField``
  163. ---------------
  164. .. class:: RenameField(model_name, old_name, new_name)
  165. Changes a field's name (and, unless :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.db_column`
  166. is set, its column name).
  167. ``AddIndex``
  168. ------------
  169. .. class:: AddIndex(model_name, index)
  170. Creates an index in the database table for the model with ``model_name``.
  171. ``index`` is an instance of the :class:`~django.db.models.Index` class.
  172. ``RemoveIndex``
  173. ---------------
  174. .. class:: RemoveIndex(model_name, name)
  175. Removes the index named ``name`` from the model with ``model_name``.
  176. ``RenameIndex``
  177. ---------------
  178. .. class:: RenameIndex(model_name, new_name, old_name=None, old_fields=None)
  179. Renames an index in the database table for the model with ``model_name``.
  180. Exactly one of ``old_name`` and ``old_fields`` can be provided. ``old_fields``
  181. is an iterable of the strings, often corresponding to fields of
  182. :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.index_together`.
  183. On databases that don't support an index renaming statement (SQLite and MariaDB
  184. < 10.5.2), the operation will drop and recreate the index, which can be
  185. expensive.
  186. ``AddConstraint``
  187. -----------------
  188. .. class:: AddConstraint(model_name, constraint)
  189. Creates a :doc:`constraint </ref/models/constraints>` in the database table for
  190. the model with ``model_name``.
  191. ``RemoveConstraint``
  192. --------------------
  193. .. class:: RemoveConstraint(model_name, name)
  194. Removes the constraint named ``name`` from the model with ``model_name``.
  195. Special Operations
  196. ==================
  197. ``RunSQL``
  198. ----------
  199. .. class:: RunSQL(sql, reverse_sql=None, state_operations=None, hints=None, elidable=False)
  200. Allows running of arbitrary SQL on the database - useful for more advanced
  201. features of database backends that Django doesn't support directly.
  202. ``sql``, and ``reverse_sql`` if provided, should be strings of SQL to run on
  203. the database. On most database backends (all but PostgreSQL), Django will
  204. split the SQL into individual statements prior to executing them.
  205. .. warning::
  206. On PostgreSQL and SQLite, only use ``BEGIN`` or ``COMMIT`` in your SQL in
  207. :ref:`non-atomic migrations <non-atomic-migrations>`, to avoid breaking
  208. Django's transaction state.
  209. You can also pass a list of strings or 2-tuples. The latter is used for passing
  210. queries and parameters in the same way as :ref:`cursor.execute()
  211. <executing-custom-sql>`. These three operations are equivalent::
  212. migrations.RunSQL("INSERT INTO musician (name) VALUES ('Reinhardt');")
  213. migrations.RunSQL([("INSERT INTO musician (name) VALUES ('Reinhardt');", None)])
  214. migrations.RunSQL([("INSERT INTO musician (name) VALUES (%s);", ["Reinhardt"])])
  215. If you want to include literal percent signs in the query, you have to double
  216. them if you are passing parameters.
  217. The ``reverse_sql`` queries are executed when the migration is unapplied. They
  218. should undo what is done by the ``sql`` queries. For example, to undo the above
  219. insertion with a deletion::
  220. migrations.RunSQL(
  221. sql=[("INSERT INTO musician (name) VALUES (%s);", ["Reinhardt"])],
  222. reverse_sql=[("DELETE FROM musician where name=%s;", ["Reinhardt"])],
  223. )
  224. If ``reverse_sql`` is ``None`` (the default), the ``RunSQL`` operation is
  225. irreversible.
  226. The ``state_operations`` argument allows you to supply operations that are
  227. equivalent to the SQL in terms of project state. For example, if you are
  228. manually creating a column, you should pass in a list containing an ``AddField``
  229. operation here so that the autodetector still has an up-to-date state of the
  230. model. If you don't, when you next run ``makemigrations``, it won't see any
  231. operation that adds that field and so will try to run it again. For example::
  232. migrations.RunSQL(
  233. "ALTER TABLE musician ADD COLUMN name varchar(255) NOT NULL;",
  234. state_operations=[
  235. migrations.AddField(
  236. "musician",
  237. "name",
  238. models.CharField(max_length=255),
  239. ),
  240. ],
  241. )
  242. The optional ``hints`` argument will be passed as ``**hints`` to the
  243. :meth:`allow_migrate` method of database routers to assist them in making
  244. routing decisions. See :ref:`topics-db-multi-db-hints` for more details on
  245. database hints.
  246. The optional ``elidable`` argument determines whether or not the operation will
  247. be removed (elided) when :ref:`squashing migrations <migration-squashing>`.
  248. .. attribute:: RunSQL.noop
  249. Pass the ``RunSQL.noop`` attribute to ``sql`` or ``reverse_sql`` when you
  250. want the operation not to do anything in the given direction. This is
  251. especially useful in making the operation reversible.
  252. ``RunPython``
  253. -------------
  254. .. class:: RunPython(code, reverse_code=None, atomic=None, hints=None, elidable=False)
  255. Runs custom Python code in a historical context. ``code`` (and ``reverse_code``
  256. if supplied) should be callable objects that accept two arguments; the first is
  257. an instance of ``django.apps.registry.Apps`` containing historical models that
  258. match the operation's place in the project history, and the second is an
  259. instance of :class:`SchemaEditor
  260. <django.db.backends.base.schema.BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor>`.
  261. The ``reverse_code`` argument is called when unapplying migrations. This
  262. callable should undo what is done in the ``code`` callable so that the
  263. migration is reversible. If ``reverse_code`` is ``None`` (the default), the
  264. ``RunPython`` operation is irreversible.
  265. The optional ``hints`` argument will be passed as ``**hints`` to the
  266. :meth:`allow_migrate` method of database routers to assist them in making a
  267. routing decision. See :ref:`topics-db-multi-db-hints` for more details on
  268. database hints.
  269. The optional ``elidable`` argument determines whether or not the operation will
  270. be removed (elided) when :ref:`squashing migrations <migration-squashing>`.
  271. You are advised to write the code as a separate function above the ``Migration``
  272. class in the migration file, and pass it to ``RunPython``. Here's an example of
  273. using ``RunPython`` to create some initial objects on a ``Country`` model::
  274. from django.db import migrations
  275. def forwards_func(apps, schema_editor):
  276. # We get the model from the versioned app registry;
  277. # if we directly import it, it'll be the wrong version
  278. Country = apps.get_model("myapp", "Country")
  279. db_alias = schema_editor.connection.alias
  280. Country.objects.using(db_alias).bulk_create(
  281. [
  282. Country(name="USA", code="us"),
  283. Country(name="France", code="fr"),
  284. ]
  285. )
  286. def reverse_func(apps, schema_editor):
  287. # forwards_func() creates two Country instances,
  288. # so reverse_func() should delete them.
  289. Country = apps.get_model("myapp", "Country")
  290. db_alias = schema_editor.connection.alias
  291. Country.objects.using(db_alias).filter(name="USA", code="us").delete()
  292. Country.objects.using(db_alias).filter(name="France", code="fr").delete()
  293. class Migration(migrations.Migration):
  294. dependencies = []
  295. operations = [
  296. migrations.RunPython(forwards_func, reverse_func),
  297. ]
  298. This is generally the operation you would use to create
  299. :ref:`data migrations <data-migrations>`, run
  300. custom data updates and alterations, and anything else you need access to an
  301. ORM and/or Python code for.
  302. Much like :class:`RunSQL`, ensure that if you change schema inside here you're
  303. either doing it outside the scope of the Django model system (e.g. triggers)
  304. or that you use :class:`SeparateDatabaseAndState` to add in operations that will
  305. reflect your changes to the model state - otherwise, the versioned ORM and
  306. the autodetector will stop working correctly.
  307. By default, ``RunPython`` will run its contents inside a transaction on
  308. databases that do not support DDL transactions (for example, MySQL and
  309. Oracle). This should be safe, but may cause a crash if you attempt to use
  310. the ``schema_editor`` provided on these backends; in this case, pass
  311. ``atomic=False`` to the ``RunPython`` operation.
  312. On databases that do support DDL transactions (SQLite and PostgreSQL),
  313. ``RunPython`` operations do not have any transactions automatically added
  314. besides the transactions created for each migration. Thus, on PostgreSQL, for
  315. example, you should avoid combining schema changes and ``RunPython`` operations
  316. in the same migration or you may hit errors like ``OperationalError: cannot
  317. ALTER TABLE "mytable" because it has pending trigger events``.
  318. If you have a different database and aren't sure if it supports DDL
  319. transactions, check the ``django.db.connection.features.can_rollback_ddl``
  320. attribute.
  321. If the ``RunPython`` operation is part of a :ref:`non-atomic migration
  322. <non-atomic-migrations>`, the operation will only be executed in a transaction
  323. if ``atomic=True`` is passed to the ``RunPython`` operation.
  324. .. warning::
  325. ``RunPython`` does not magically alter the connection of the models for you;
  326. any model methods you call will go to the default database unless you
  327. give them the current database alias (available from
  328. ``schema_editor.connection.alias``, where ``schema_editor`` is the second
  329. argument to your function).
  330. .. staticmethod:: RunPython.noop
  331. Pass the ``RunPython.noop`` method to ``code`` or ``reverse_code`` when
  332. you want the operation not to do anything in the given direction. This is
  333. especially useful in making the operation reversible.
  334. ``SeparateDatabaseAndState``
  335. ----------------------------
  336. .. class:: SeparateDatabaseAndState(database_operations=None, state_operations=None)
  337. A highly specialized operation that lets you mix and match the database
  338. (schema-changing) and state (autodetector-powering) aspects of operations.
  339. It accepts two lists of operations. When asked to apply state, it will use the
  340. ``state_operations`` list (this is a generalized version of :class:`RunSQL`'s
  341. ``state_operations`` argument). When asked to apply changes to the database, it
  342. will use the ``database_operations`` list.
  343. If the actual state of the database and Django's view of the state get out of
  344. sync, this can break the migration framework, even leading to data loss. It's
  345. worth exercising caution and checking your database and state operations
  346. carefully. You can use :djadmin:`sqlmigrate` and :djadmin:`dbshell` to check
  347. your database operations. You can use :djadmin:`makemigrations`, especially
  348. with :option:`--dry-run<makemigrations --dry-run>`, to check your state
  349. operations.
  350. For an example using ``SeparateDatabaseAndState``, see
  351. :ref:`changing-a-manytomanyfield-to-use-a-through-model`.
  352. .. _writing-your-own-migration-operation:
  353. Writing your own
  354. ================
  355. Operations have a relatively simple API, and they're designed so that you can
  356. easily write your own to supplement the built-in Django ones. The basic
  357. structure of an ``Operation`` looks like this::
  358. from django.db.migrations.operations.base import Operation
  359. class MyCustomOperation(Operation):
  360. # If this is False, it means that this operation will be ignored by
  361. # sqlmigrate; if true, it will be run and the SQL collected for its output.
  362. reduces_to_sql = False
  363. # If this is False, Django will refuse to reverse past this operation.
  364. reversible = False
  365. def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
  366. # Operations are usually instantiated with arguments in migration
  367. # files. Store the values of them on self for later use.
  368. pass
  369. def state_forwards(self, app_label, state):
  370. # The Operation should take the 'state' parameter (an instance of
  371. # django.db.migrations.state.ProjectState) and mutate it to match
  372. # any schema changes that have occurred.
  373. pass
  374. def database_forwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
  375. # The Operation should use schema_editor to apply any changes it
  376. # wants to make to the database.
  377. pass
  378. def database_backwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
  379. # If reversible is True, this is called when the operation is reversed.
  380. pass
  381. def describe(self):
  382. # This is used to describe what the operation does in console output.
  383. return "Custom Operation"
  384. @property
  385. def migration_name_fragment(self):
  386. # Optional. A filename part suitable for automatically naming a
  387. # migration containing this operation, or None if not applicable.
  388. return "custom_operation_%s_%s" % (self.arg1, self.arg2)
  389. You can take this template and work from it, though we suggest looking at the
  390. built-in Django operations in ``django.db.migrations.operations`` - they cover
  391. a lot of the example usage of semi-internal aspects of the migration framework
  392. like ``ProjectState`` and the patterns used to get historical models, as well
  393. as ``ModelState`` and the patterns used to mutate historical models in
  394. ``state_forwards()``.
  395. Some things to note:
  396. * You don't need to learn too much about ``ProjectState`` to write migrations;
  397. just know that it has an ``apps`` property that gives access to an app
  398. registry (which you can then call ``get_model`` on).
  399. * ``database_forwards`` and ``database_backwards`` both get two states passed
  400. to them; these represent the difference the ``state_forwards`` method would
  401. have applied, but are given to you for convenience and speed reasons.
  402. * If you want to work with model classes or model instances from the
  403. ``from_state`` argument in ``database_forwards()`` or
  404. ``database_backwards()``, you must render model states using the
  405. ``clear_delayed_apps_cache()`` method to make related models available::
  406. def database_forwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
  407. # This operation should have access to all models. Ensure that all models are
  408. # reloaded in case any are delayed.
  409. from_state.clear_delayed_apps_cache()
  410. ...
  411. * ``to_state`` in the database_backwards method is the *older* state; that is,
  412. the one that will be the current state once the migration has finished reversing.
  413. * You might see implementations of ``references_model`` on the built-in
  414. operations; this is part of the autodetection code and does not matter for
  415. custom operations.
  416. .. warning::
  417. For performance reasons, the :class:`~django.db.models.Field` instances in
  418. ``ModelState.fields`` are reused across migrations. You must never change
  419. the attributes on these instances. If you need to mutate a field in
  420. ``state_forwards()``, you must remove the old instance from
  421. ``ModelState.fields`` and add a new instance in its place. The same is true
  422. for the :class:`~django.db.models.Manager` instances in
  423. ``ModelState.managers``.
  424. As an example, let's make an operation that loads PostgreSQL extensions (which
  425. contain some of PostgreSQL's more exciting features). Since there's no model
  426. state changes, all it does is run one command::
  427. from django.db.migrations.operations.base import Operation
  428. class LoadExtension(Operation):
  429. reversible = True
  430. def __init__(self, name):
  431. self.name = name
  432. def state_forwards(self, app_label, state):
  433. pass
  434. def database_forwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
  435. schema_editor.execute("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS %s" % self.name)
  436. def database_backwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
  437. schema_editor.execute("DROP EXTENSION %s" % self.name)
  438. def describe(self):
  439. return "Creates extension %s" % self.name
  440. @property
  441. def migration_name_fragment(self):
  442. return "create_extension_%s" % self.name