123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import json
- from django.test import SimpleTestCase
- from django.utils import six, text
- from django.utils.functional import lazystr
- from django.utils.translation import override
- IS_WIDE_BUILD = (len('\U0001F4A9') == 1)
- class TestUtilsText(SimpleTestCase):
- def test_get_text_list(self):
- self.assertEqual(text.get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), 'a, b, c or d')
- self.assertEqual(text.get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'and'), 'a, b and c')
- self.assertEqual(text.get_text_list(['a', 'b'], 'and'), 'a and b')
- self.assertEqual(text.get_text_list(['a']), 'a')
- self.assertEqual(text.get_text_list([]), '')
- with override('ar'):
- self.assertEqual(text.get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c']), "a، b أو c")
- def test_smart_split(self):
- testdata = [
- ('This is "a person" test.',
- ['This', 'is', '"a person"', 'test.']),
- ('This is "a person\'s" test.',
- ['This', 'is', '"a person\'s"', 'test.']),
- ('This is "a person\\"s" test.',
- ['This', 'is', '"a person\\"s"', 'test.']),
- ('"a \'one',
- ['"a', "'one"]),
- ('all friends\' tests',
- ['all', 'friends\'', 'tests']),
- ('url search_page words="something else"',
- ['url', 'search_page', 'words="something else"']),
- ("url search_page words='something else'",
- ['url', 'search_page', "words='something else'"]),
- ('url search_page words "something else"',
- ['url', 'search_page', 'words', '"something else"']),
- ('url search_page words-"something else"',
- ['url', 'search_page', 'words-"something else"']),
- ('url search_page words=hello',
- ['url', 'search_page', 'words=hello']),
- ('url search_page words="something else',
- ['url', 'search_page', 'words="something', 'else']),
- ("cut:','|cut:' '",
- ["cut:','|cut:' '"]),
- (lazystr("a b c d"), # Test for #20231
- ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
- ]
- for test, expected in testdata:
- self.assertEqual(list(text.smart_split(test)), expected)
- def test_truncate_chars(self):
- truncator = text.Truncator(
- 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'
- )
- self.assertEqual('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
- truncator.chars(100)),
- self.assertEqual('The quick brown fox ...',
- truncator.chars(23)),
- self.assertEqual('The quick brown fo.....',
- truncator.chars(23, '.....')),
- # Ensure that we normalize our unicode data first
- nfc = text.Truncator('o\xfco\xfco\xfco\xfc')
- nfd = text.Truncator('ou\u0308ou\u0308ou\u0308ou\u0308')
- self.assertEqual('oüoüoüoü', nfc.chars(8))
- self.assertEqual('oüoüoüoü', nfd.chars(8))
- self.assertEqual('oü...', nfc.chars(5))
- self.assertEqual('oü...', nfd.chars(5))
- # Ensure the final length is calculated correctly when there are
- # combining characters with no precomposed form, and that combining
- # characters are not split up.
- truncator = text.Truncator('-B\u030AB\u030A----8')
- self.assertEqual('-B\u030A...', truncator.chars(5))
- self.assertEqual('-B\u030AB\u030A-...', truncator.chars(7))
- self.assertEqual('-B\u030AB\u030A----8', truncator.chars(8))
- # Ensure the length of the end text is correctly calculated when it
- # contains combining characters with no precomposed form.
- truncator = text.Truncator('-----')
- self.assertEqual('---B\u030A', truncator.chars(4, 'B\u030A'))
- self.assertEqual('-----', truncator.chars(5, 'B\u030A'))
- # Make a best effort to shorten to the desired length, but requesting
- # a length shorter than the ellipsis shouldn't break
- self.assertEqual('...', text.Truncator('asdf').chars(1))
- # Ensure that lazy strings are handled correctly
- self.assertEqual(text.Truncator(lazystr('The quick brown fox')).chars(12), 'The quick...')
- def test_truncate_words(self):
- truncator = text.Truncator('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy '
- 'dog.')
- self.assertEqual('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
- truncator.words(10))
- self.assertEqual('The quick brown fox...', truncator.words(4))
- self.assertEqual('The quick brown fox[snip]',
- truncator.words(4, '[snip]'))
- # Ensure that lazy strings are handled correctly
- truncator = text.Truncator(lazystr('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'))
- self.assertEqual('The quick brown fox...', truncator.words(4))
- def test_truncate_html_words(self):
- truncator = text.Truncator('<p id="par"><strong><em>The quick brown fox'
- ' jumped over the lazy dog.</em></strong></p>')
- self.assertEqual('<p id="par"><strong><em>The quick brown fox jumped over'
- ' the lazy dog.</em></strong></p>', truncator.words(10, html=True))
- self.assertEqual('<p id="par"><strong><em>The quick brown fox...</em>'
- '</strong></p>', truncator.words(4, html=True))
- self.assertEqual('<p id="par"><strong><em>The quick brown fox....</em>'
- '</strong></p>', truncator.words(4, '....', html=True))
- self.assertEqual('<p id="par"><strong><em>The quick brown fox</em>'
- '</strong></p>', truncator.words(4, '', html=True))
- # Test with new line inside tag
- truncator = text.Truncator('<p>The quick <a href="xyz.html"\n'
- 'id="mylink">brown fox</a> jumped over the lazy dog.</p>')
- self.assertEqual('<p>The quick <a href="xyz.html"\n'
- 'id="mylink">brown...</a></p>', truncator.words(3, '...', html=True))
- # Test self-closing tags
- truncator = text.Truncator('<br/>The <hr />quick brown fox jumped over'
- ' the lazy dog.')
- self.assertEqual('<br/>The <hr />quick brown...',
- truncator.words(3, '...', html=True))
- truncator = text.Truncator('<br>The <hr/>quick <em>brown fox</em> '
- 'jumped over the lazy dog.')
- self.assertEqual('<br>The <hr/>quick <em>brown...</em>',
- truncator.words(3, '...', html=True))
- # Test html entities
- truncator = text.Truncator('<i>Buenos días!'
- ' ¿Cómo está?</i>')
- self.assertEqual('<i>Buenos días! ¿Cómo...</i>',
- truncator.words(3, '...', html=True))
- truncator = text.Truncator('<p>I <3 python, what about you?</p>')
- self.assertEqual('<p>I <3 python...</p>',
- truncator.words(3, '...', html=True))
- def test_wrap(self):
- digits = '1234 67 9'
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap(digits, 100), '1234 67 9')
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap(digits, 9), '1234 67 9')
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap(digits, 8), '1234 67\n9')
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap('short\na long line', 7),
- 'short\na long\nline')
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap('do-not-break-long-words please? ok', 8),
- 'do-not-break-long-words\nplease?\nok')
- long_word = 'l%sng' % ('o' * 20)
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap(long_word, 20), long_word)
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap('a %s word' % long_word, 10),
- 'a\n%s\nword' % long_word)
- self.assertEqual(text.wrap(lazystr(digits), 100), '1234 67 9')
- def test_normalize_newlines(self):
- self.assertEqual(text.normalize_newlines("abc\ndef\rghi\r\n"),
- "abc\ndef\nghi\n")
- self.assertEqual(text.normalize_newlines("\n\r\r\n\r"), "\n\n\n\n")
- self.assertEqual(text.normalize_newlines("abcdefghi"), "abcdefghi")
- self.assertEqual(text.normalize_newlines(""), "")
- self.assertEqual(text.normalize_newlines(lazystr("abc\ndef\rghi\r\n")), "abc\ndef\nghi\n")
- def test_normalize_newlines_bytes(self):
- """normalize_newlines should be able to handle bytes too"""
- normalized = text.normalize_newlines(b"abc\ndef\rghi\r\n")
- self.assertEqual(normalized, "abc\ndef\nghi\n")
- self.assertIsInstance(normalized, six.text_type)
- def test_phone2numeric(self):
- numeric = text.phone2numeric('0800 flowers')
- self.assertEqual(numeric, '0800 3569377')
- lazy_numeric = lazystr(text.phone2numeric('0800 flowers'))
- self.assertEqual(lazy_numeric, '0800 3569377')
- def test_slugify(self):
- items = (
- # given - expected - unicode?
- ('Hello, World!', 'hello-world', False),
- ('spam & eggs', 'spam-eggs', False),
- ('spam & ıçüş', 'spam-ıçüş', True),
- ('foo ıç bar', 'foo-ıç-bar', True),
- (' foo ıç bar', 'foo-ıç-bar', True),
- ('你好', '你好', True),
- )
- for value, output, is_unicode in items:
- self.assertEqual(text.slugify(value, allow_unicode=is_unicode), output)
- def test_unescape_entities(self):
- items = [
- ('', ''),
- ('foo', 'foo'),
- ('&', '&'),
- ('&', '&'),
- ('&', '&'),
- ('foo & bar', 'foo & bar'),
- ('foo & bar', 'foo & bar'),
- ]
- for value, output in items:
- self.assertEqual(text.unescape_entities(value), output)
- self.assertEqual(text.unescape_entities(lazystr(value)), output)
- def test_unescape_string_literal(self):
- items = [
- ('"abc"', 'abc'),
- ("'abc'", 'abc'),
- ('"a \"bc\""', 'a "bc"'),
- ("'\'ab\' c'", "'ab' c"),
- ]
- for value, output in items:
- self.assertEqual(text.unescape_string_literal(value), output)
- self.assertEqual(text.unescape_string_literal(lazystr(value)), output)
- def test_get_valid_filename(self):
- filename = "^&'@{}[],$=!-#()%+~_123.txt"
- self.assertEqual(text.get_valid_filename(filename), "-_123.txt")
- self.assertEqual(text.get_valid_filename(lazystr(filename)), "-_123.txt")
- def test_compress_sequence(self):
- data = [{'key': i} for i in range(10)]
- seq = list(json.JSONEncoder().iterencode(data))
- seq = [s.encode('utf-8') for s in seq]
- actual_length = len(b''.join(seq))
- out = text.compress_sequence(seq)
- compressed_length = len(b''.join(out))
- self.assertTrue(compressed_length < actual_length)