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- ==============
- Custom lookups
- ==============
- .. versionadded:: 1.7
- .. module:: django.db.models.lookups
- :synopsis: Custom lookups
- .. currentmodule:: django.db.models
- By default Django offers a wide variety of :ref:`built-in lookups
- <field-lookups>` for filtering (for example, ``exact`` and ``icontains``). This
- documentation explains how to write custom lookups and how to alter the working
- of existing lookups.
- A simple Lookup example
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Let's start with a simple custom lookup. We will write a custom lookup ``ne``
- which works opposite to ``exact``. ``Author.objects.filter(name__ne='Jack')``
- will translate to the SQL::
- "author"."name" <> 'Jack'
- This SQL is backend independent, so we don't need to worry about different
- databases.
- There are two steps to making this work. Firstly we need to implement the
- lookup, then we need to tell Django about it. The implementation is quite
- straightforward::
- from django.db.models import Lookup
- class NotEqual(Lookup):
- lookup_name = 'ne'
- def as_sql(self, qn, connection):
- lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(qn, connection)
- rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(qn, connection)
- params = lhs_params + rhs_params
- return '%s <> %s' % (lhs, rhs), params
- To register the ``NotEqual`` lookup we will just need to call
- ``register_lookup`` on the field class we want the lookup to be available. In
- this case, the lookup makes sense on all ``Field`` subclasses, so we register
- it with ``Field`` directly::
- from django.db.models.fields import Field
- Field.register_lookup(NotEqual)
- We can now use ``foo__ne`` for any field ``foo``. You will need to ensure that
- this registration happens before you try to create any querysets using it. You
- could place the implementation in a ``models.py`` file, or register the lookup
- in the ``ready()`` method of an ``AppConfig``.
- Taking a closer look at the implementation, the first required attribute is
- ``lookup_name``. This allows the ORM to understand how to interpret ``name__ne``
- and use ``NotEqual`` to generate the SQL. By convention, these names are always
- lowercase strings containing only letters, but the only hard requirement is
- that it must not contain the string ``__``.
- A ``Lookup`` works against two values, ``lhs`` and ``rhs``, standing for
- left-hand side and right-hand side. The left-hand side is usually a field
- reference, but it can be anything implementing the :ref:`query expression API
- <query-expression>`. The right-hand is the value given by the user. In the
- example ``Author.objects.filter(name__ne='Jack')``, the left-hand side is a
- reference to the ``name`` field of the ``Author`` model, and ``'Jack'`` is the
- right-hand side.
- We call ``process_lhs`` and ``process_rhs`` to convert them into the values we
- need for SQL. In the above example, ``process_lhs`` returns
- ``('"author"."name"', [])`` and ``process_rhs`` returns ``('"%s"', ['Jack'])``.
- In this example there were no parameters for the left hand side, but this would
- depend on the object we have, so we still need to include them in the
- parameters we return.
- Finally we combine the parts into a SQL expression with ``<>``, and supply all
- the parameters for the query. We then return a tuple containing the generated
- SQL string and the parameters.
- A simple transformer example
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The custom lookup above is great, but in some cases you may want to be able to
- chain lookups together. For example, let's suppose we are building an
- application where we want to make use of the ``abs()`` operator.
- We have an ``Experiment`` model which records a start value, end value and the
- change (start - end). We would like to find all experiments where the change
- was equal to a certain amount (``Experiment.objects.filter(change__abs=27)``),
- or where it did not exceed a certain amount
- (``Experiment.objects.filter(change__abs__lt=27)``).
- .. note::
- This example is somewhat contrived, but it demonstrates nicely the range of
- functionality which is possible in a database backend independent manner,
- and without duplicating functionality already in Django.
- We will start by writing a ``AbsoluteValue`` transformer. This will use the SQL
- function ``ABS()`` to transform the value before comparison::
- from django.db.models import Transform
- class AbsoluteValue(Transform):
- lookup_name = 'abs'
- def as_sql(self, qn, connection):
- lhs, params = qn.compile(self.lhs)
- return "ABS(%s)" % lhs, params
- Next, lets register it for ``IntegerField``::
- from django.db.models import IntegerField
- IntegerField.register_lookup(AbsoluteValue)
- We can now run the queries we had before.
- ``Experiment.objects.filter(change__abs=27)`` will generate the following SQL::
- SELECT ... WHERE ABS("experiments"."change") = 27
- By using ``Transform`` instead of ``Lookup`` it means we are able to chain
- further lookups afterwards. So
- ``Experiment.objects.filter(change__abs__lt=27)`` will generate the following
- SQL::
- SELECT ... WHERE ABS("experiments"."change") < 27
- Subclasses of ``Transform`` usually only operate on the left-hand side of the
- expression. Further lookups will work on the transformed value. Note that in
- this case where there is no other lookup specified, Django interprets
- ``change__abs=27`` as ``change__abs__exact=27``.
- When looking for which lookups are allowable after the ``Transform`` has been
- applied, Django uses the ``output_type`` attribute. We didn't need to specify
- this here as it didn't change, but supposing we were applying ``AbsoluteValue``
- to some field which represents a more complex type (for example a point
- relative to an origin, or a complex number) then we may have wanted to specify
- ``output_type = FloatField``, which will ensure that further lookups like
- ``abs__lte`` behave as they would for a ``FloatField``.
- Writing an efficient abs__lt lookup
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When using the above written ``abs`` lookup, the SQL produced will not use
- indexes efficiently in some cases. In particular, when we use
- ``change__abs__lt=27``, this is equivalent to ``change__gt=-27`` AND
- ``change__lt=27``. (For the ``lte`` case we could use the SQL ``BETWEEN``).
- So we would like ``Experiment.objects.filter(change__abs__lt=27)`` to generate
- the following SQL::
- SELECT .. WHERE "experiments"."change" < 27 AND "experiments"."change" > -27
- The implementation is::
- from django.db.models import Lookup
- class AbsoluteValueLessThan(Lookup):
- lookup_name = 'lt'
- def as_sql(self, qn, connection):
- lhs, lhs_params = qn.compile(self.lhs.lhs)
- rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(qn, connection)
- params = lhs_params + rhs_params + lhs_params + rhs_params
- return '%s < %s AND %s > -%s' % (lhs, rhs, lhs, rhs), params
- AbsoluteValue.register_lookup(AbsoluteValueLessThan)
- There are a couple of notable things going on. First, ``AbsoluteValueLessThan``
- isn't calling ``process_lhs()``. Instead it skips the transformation of the
- ``lhs`` done by ``AbsoluteValue`` and uses the original ``lhs``. That is, we
- want to get ``27`` not ``ABS(27)``. Referring directly to ``self.lhs.lhs`` is
- safe as ``AbsoluteValueLessThan`` can be accessed only from the
- ``AbsoluteValue`` lookup, that is the ``lhs`` is always an instance of
- ``AbsoluteValue``.
- Notice also that as both sides are used multiple times in the query the params
- need to contain ``lhs_params`` and ``rhs_params`` multiple times.
- The final query does the inversion (``27`` to ``-27``) directly in the
- database. The reason for doing this is that if the self.rhs is something else
- than a plain integer value (for example an ``F()`` reference) we can't do the
- transformations in Python.
- .. note::
- In fact, most lookups with ``__abs`` could be implemented as range queries
- like this, and on most database backends it is likely to be more sensible to
- do so as you can make use of the indexes. However with PostgreSQL you may
- want to add an index on ``abs(change)`` which would allow these queries to
- be very efficient.
- Writing alternative implementations for existing lookups
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sometimes different database vendors require different SQL for the same
- operation. For this example we will rewrite a custom implementation for
- MySQL for the NotEqual operator. Instead of ``<>`` we will be using ``!=``
- operator. (Note that in reality almost all databases support both, including
- all the official databases supported by Django).
- We can change the behaviour on a specific backend by creating a subclass of
- ``NotEqual`` with a ``as_mysql`` method::
- class MySQLNotEqual(NotEqual):
- def as_mysql(self, qn, connection):
- lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(qn, connection)
- rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(qn, connection)
- params = lhs_params + rhs_params
- return '%s != %s' % (lhs, rhs), params
- Field.register_lookup(MySQLNotExact)
- We can then register it with ``Field``. It takes the place of the original
- ``NotEqual`` class as it has the same ``lookup_name``.
- When compiling a query, Django first looks for ``as_%s % connection.vendor``
- methods, and then falls back to ``as_sql``. The vendor names for the in-built
- backends are ``sqlite``, ``postgresql``, ``oracle`` and ``mysql``.
- .. _query-expression:
- The Query Expression API
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A lookup can assume that the lhs responds to the query expression API.
- Currently direct field references, aggregates and ``Transform`` instances respond
- to this API.
- .. method:: as_sql(qn, connection)
- Responsible for producing the query string and parameters for the
- expression. The ``qn`` has a ``compile()`` method that can be used to
- compile other expressions. The ``connection`` is the connection used to
- execute the query.
- Calling expression.as_sql() directly is usually incorrect - instead
- ``qn.compile(expression)`` should be used. The ``qn.compile()`` method will
- take care of calling vendor-specific methods of the expression.
- .. method:: get_lookup(lookup_name)
- The ``get_lookup()`` method is used to fetch lookups. By default the
- lookup is fetched from the expression's output type in the same way
- described in registering and fetching lookup documentation below.
- It is possible to override this method to alter that behaviour.
- .. method:: as_vendorname(qn, connection)
- Works like ``as_sql()`` method. When an expression is compiled by
- ``qn.compile()``, Django will first try to call ``as_vendorname()``, where
- vendorname is the vendor name of the backend used for executing the query.
- The vendorname is one of ``postgresql``, ``oracle``, ``sqlite`` or
- ``mysql`` for Django's built-in backends.
- .. attribute:: output_type
- The ``output_type`` attribute is used by the ``get_lookup()`` method to check for
- lookups. The output_type should be a field.
- Note that this documentation lists only the public methods of the API.
- Lookup reference
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. class:: Lookup
- In addition to the attributes and methods below, lookups also support
- ``as_sql`` and ``as_vendorname`` from the query expression API.
- .. attribute:: lhs
- The ``lhs`` (left-hand side) of a lookup tells us what we are comparing the
- rhs to. It is an object which implements the query expression API. This is
- likely to be a field, an aggregate or a subclass of ``Transform``.
- .. attribute:: rhs
- The ``rhs`` (right-hand side) of a lookup is the value we are comparing the
- left hand side to. It may be a plain value, or something which compiles
- into SQL, for example an ``F()`` object or a ``Queryset``.
- .. attribute:: lookup_name
- This class level attribute is used when registering lookups. It determines
- the name used in queries to trigger this lookup. For example, ``contains``
- or ``exact``. This should not contain the string ``__``.
- .. method:: process_lhs(qn, connection)
- This returns a tuple of ``(lhs_string, lhs_params)``. In some cases you may
- wish to compile ``lhs`` directly in your ``as_sql`` methods using
- ``qn.compile(self.lhs)``.
- .. method:: process_rhs(qn, connection)
- Behaves the same as ``process_lhs`` but acts on the right-hand side.
- Transform reference
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. class:: Transform
- In addition to implementing the query expression API Transforms have the
- following methods and attributes.
- .. attribute:: lhs
- The ``lhs`` (left-hand-side) of a transform contains the value to be
- transformed. The ``lhs`` implements the query expression API.
- .. attribute:: lookup_name
- This class level attribute is used when registering lookups. It determines
- the name used in queries to trigger this lookup. For example, ``year``
- or ``dayofweek``. This should not contain the string ``__``.
- .. _lookup-registration-api:
- Registering and fetching lookups
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The lookup registration API is explained below.
- .. classmethod:: register_lookup(lookup)
- Registers the Lookup or Transform for the class. For example
- ``DateField.register_lookup(YearExact)`` will register ``YearExact`` for
- all ``DateFields`` in the project, but also for fields that are instances
- of a subclass of ``DateField`` (for example ``DateTimeField``).
- .. method:: get_lookup(lookup_name)
- Django uses ``get_lookup(lookup_name)`` to fetch lookups or transforms.
- The implementation of ``get_lookup()`` fetches lookups or transforms
- registered for the current class based on their lookup_name attribute.
- The lookup registration API is available for ``Transform`` and ``Field`` classes.