tests.py 24 KB

  1. import base64
  2. import hashlib
  3. import json
  4. import os
  5. import shutil
  6. import sys
  7. import tempfile as sys_tempfile
  8. import unittest
  9. from io import BytesIO, StringIO
  10. from urllib.parse import quote
  11. from django.core.files import temp as tempfile
  12. from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
  13. from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParser, parse_header
  14. from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TestCase, client, override_settings
  15. from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
  16. from . import uploadhandler
  17. from .models import FileModel
  18. UNICODE_FILENAME = 'test-0123456789_中文_Orléans.jpg'
  19. MEDIA_ROOT = sys_tempfile.mkdtemp()
  20. UPLOAD_TO = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'test_upload')
  21. @override_settings(MEDIA_ROOT=MEDIA_ROOT, ROOT_URLCONF='file_uploads.urls', MIDDLEWARE=[])
  22. class FileUploadTests(TestCase):
  23. @classmethod
  24. def setUpClass(cls):
  25. super().setUpClass()
  26. if not os.path.isdir(MEDIA_ROOT):
  27. os.makedirs(MEDIA_ROOT)
  28. @classmethod
  29. def tearDownClass(cls):
  30. shutil.rmtree(MEDIA_ROOT)
  31. super().tearDownClass()
  32. def test_simple_upload(self):
  33. with open(__file__, 'rb') as fp:
  34. post_data = {
  35. 'name': 'Ringo',
  36. 'file_field': fp,
  37. }
  38. response = self.client.post('/upload/', post_data)
  39. self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  40. def test_large_upload(self):
  41. file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
  42. with file(suffix=".file1") as file1, file(suffix=".file2") as file2:
  43. file1.write(b'a' * (2 ** 21))
  44. file1.seek(0)
  45. file2.write(b'a' * (10 * 2 ** 20))
  46. file2.seek(0)
  47. post_data = {
  48. 'name': 'Ringo',
  49. 'file_field1': file1,
  50. 'file_field2': file2,
  51. }
  52. for key in list(post_data):
  53. try:
  54. post_data[key + '_hash'] = hashlib.sha1(post_data[key].read()).hexdigest()
  55. post_data[key].seek(0)
  56. except AttributeError:
  57. post_data[key + '_hash'] = hashlib.sha1(force_bytes(post_data[key])).hexdigest()
  58. response = self.client.post('/verify/', post_data)
  59. self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  60. def _test_base64_upload(self, content, encode=base64.b64encode):
  61. payload = client.FakePayload("\r\n".join([
  62. '--' + client.BOUNDARY,
  63. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test.txt"',
  64. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  65. 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64',
  66. '']))
  67. payload.write(b"\r\n" + encode(force_bytes(content)) + b"\r\n")
  68. payload.write('--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--\r\n')
  69. r = {
  70. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload),
  72. 'PATH_INFO': "/echo_content/",
  74. 'wsgi.input': payload,
  75. }
  76. response = self.client.request(**r)
  77. received = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  78. self.assertEqual(received['file'], content)
  79. def test_base64_upload(self):
  80. self._test_base64_upload("This data will be transmitted base64-encoded.")
  81. def test_big_base64_upload(self):
  82. self._test_base64_upload("Big data" * 68000) # > 512Kb
  83. def test_big_base64_newlines_upload(self):
  84. self._test_base64_upload("Big data" * 68000, encode=base64.encodebytes)
  85. def test_unicode_file_name(self):
  86. tdir = sys_tempfile.mkdtemp()
  87. self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tdir, True)
  88. # This file contains Chinese symbols and an accented char in the name.
  89. with open(os.path.join(tdir, UNICODE_FILENAME), 'w+b') as file1:
  90. file1.write(b'b' * (2 ** 10))
  91. file1.seek(0)
  92. post_data = {
  93. 'file_unicode': file1,
  94. }
  95. response = self.client.post('/unicode_name/', post_data)
  96. self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  97. def test_unicode_file_name_rfc2231(self):
  98. """
  99. Test receiving file upload when filename is encoded with RFC2231
  100. (#22971).
  101. """
  102. payload = client.FakePayload()
  103. payload.write('\r\n'.join([
  104. '--' + client.BOUNDARY,
  105. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_unicode"; filename*=UTF-8\'\'%s' % quote(UNICODE_FILENAME),
  106. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  107. '',
  108. 'You got pwnd.\r\n',
  109. '\r\n--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--\r\n'
  110. ]))
  111. r = {
  112. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload),
  114. 'PATH_INFO': "/unicode_name/",
  116. 'wsgi.input': payload,
  117. }
  118. response = self.client.request(**r)
  119. self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  120. def test_unicode_name_rfc2231(self):
  121. """
  122. Test receiving file upload when filename is encoded with RFC2231
  123. (#22971).
  124. """
  125. payload = client.FakePayload()
  126. payload.write(
  127. '\r\n'.join([
  128. '--' + client.BOUNDARY,
  129. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name*=UTF-8\'\'file_unicode; filename*=UTF-8\'\'%s' % quote(
  131. ),
  132. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  133. '',
  134. 'You got pwnd.\r\n',
  135. '\r\n--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--\r\n'
  136. ])
  137. )
  138. r = {
  139. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload),
  141. 'PATH_INFO': "/unicode_name/",
  143. 'wsgi.input': payload,
  144. }
  145. response = self.client.request(**r)
  146. self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  147. def test_blank_filenames(self):
  148. """
  149. Receiving file upload when filename is blank (before and after
  150. sanitization) should be okay.
  151. """
  152. # The second value is normalized to an empty name by
  153. # MultiPartParser.IE_sanitize()
  154. filenames = ['', 'C:\\Windows\\']
  155. payload = client.FakePayload()
  156. for i, name in enumerate(filenames):
  157. payload.write('\r\n'.join([
  158. '--' + client.BOUNDARY,
  159. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file%s"; filename="%s"' % (i, name),
  160. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  161. '',
  162. 'You got pwnd.\r\n'
  163. ]))
  164. payload.write('\r\n--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--\r\n')
  165. r = {
  166. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload),
  168. 'PATH_INFO': '/echo/',
  170. 'wsgi.input': payload,
  171. }
  172. response = self.client.request(**r)
  173. self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  174. # Empty filenames should be ignored
  175. received = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  176. for i, name in enumerate(filenames):
  177. self.assertIsNone(received.get('file%s' % i))
  178. def test_dangerous_file_names(self):
  179. """Uploaded file names should be sanitized before ever reaching the view."""
  180. # This test simulates possible directory traversal attacks by a
  181. # malicious uploader We have to do some monkeybusiness here to construct
  182. # a malicious payload with an invalid file name (containing os.sep or
  183. # os.pardir). This similar to what an attacker would need to do when
  184. # trying such an attack.
  185. scary_file_names = [
  186. "/tmp/hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, *nix-style.
  187. "C:\\Windows\\hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, win-style.
  188. "C:/Windows/hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, broken-style.
  189. "\\tmp\\hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, broken in a different way.
  190. "/tmp\\hax0rd.txt", # Absolute path, broken by mixing.
  191. "subdir/hax0rd.txt", # Descendant path, *nix-style.
  192. "subdir\\hax0rd.txt", # Descendant path, win-style.
  193. "sub/dir\\hax0rd.txt", # Descendant path, mixed.
  194. "../../hax0rd.txt", # Relative path, *nix-style.
  195. "..\\..\\hax0rd.txt", # Relative path, win-style.
  196. "../..\\hax0rd.txt" # Relative path, mixed.
  197. ]
  198. payload = client.FakePayload()
  199. for i, name in enumerate(scary_file_names):
  200. payload.write('\r\n'.join([
  201. '--' + client.BOUNDARY,
  202. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file%s"; filename="%s"' % (i, name),
  203. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  204. '',
  205. 'You got pwnd.\r\n'
  206. ]))
  207. payload.write('\r\n--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--\r\n')
  208. r = {
  209. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload),
  211. 'PATH_INFO': "/echo/",
  213. 'wsgi.input': payload,
  214. }
  215. response = self.client.request(**r)
  216. # The filenames should have been sanitized by the time it got to the view.
  217. received = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  218. for i, name in enumerate(scary_file_names):
  219. got = received["file%s" % i]
  220. self.assertEqual(got, "hax0rd.txt")
  221. def test_filename_overflow(self):
  222. """File names over 256 characters (dangerous on some platforms) get fixed up."""
  223. long_str = 'f' * 300
  224. cases = [
  225. # field name, filename, expected
  226. ('long_filename', '%s.txt' % long_str, '%s.txt' % long_str[:251]),
  227. ('long_extension', 'foo.%s' % long_str, '.%s' % long_str[:254]),
  228. ('no_extension', long_str, long_str[:255]),
  229. ('no_filename', '.%s' % long_str, '.%s' % long_str[:254]),
  230. ('long_everything', '%s.%s' % (long_str, long_str), '.%s' % long_str[:254]),
  231. ]
  232. payload = client.FakePayload()
  233. for name, filename, _ in cases:
  234. payload.write("\r\n".join([
  235. '--' + client.BOUNDARY,
  236. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{}"; filename="{}"',
  237. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  238. '',
  239. 'Oops.',
  240. ''
  241. ]).format(name, filename))
  242. payload.write('\r\n--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--\r\n')
  243. r = {
  244. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload),
  246. 'PATH_INFO': "/echo/",
  248. 'wsgi.input': payload,
  249. }
  250. response = self.client.request(**r)
  251. result = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  252. for name, _, expected in cases:
  253. got = result[name]
  254. self.assertEqual(expected, got, 'Mismatch for {}'.format(name))
  255. self.assertLess(len(got), 256,
  256. "Got a long file name (%s characters)." % len(got))
  257. def test_file_content(self):
  258. file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
  259. with file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as no_content_type, file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as simple_file:
  260. no_content_type.write(b'no content')
  261. no_content_type.seek(0)
  262. simple_file.write(b'text content')
  263. simple_file.seek(0)
  264. simple_file.content_type = 'text/plain'
  265. string_io = StringIO('string content')
  266. bytes_io = BytesIO(b'binary content')
  267. response = self.client.post('/echo_content/', {
  268. 'no_content_type': no_content_type,
  269. 'simple_file': simple_file,
  270. 'string': string_io,
  271. 'binary': bytes_io,
  272. })
  273. received = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  274. self.assertEqual(received['no_content_type'], 'no content')
  275. self.assertEqual(received['simple_file'], 'text content')
  276. self.assertEqual(received['string'], 'string content')
  277. self.assertEqual(received['binary'], 'binary content')
  278. def test_content_type_extra(self):
  279. """Uploaded files may have content type parameters available."""
  280. file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
  281. with file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as no_content_type, file(suffix=".ctype_extra") as simple_file:
  282. no_content_type.write(b'something')
  283. no_content_type.seek(0)
  284. simple_file.write(b'something')
  285. simple_file.seek(0)
  286. simple_file.content_type = 'text/plain; test-key=test_value'
  287. response = self.client.post('/echo_content_type_extra/', {
  288. 'no_content_type': no_content_type,
  289. 'simple_file': simple_file,
  290. })
  291. received = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  292. self.assertEqual(received['no_content_type'], {})
  293. self.assertEqual(received['simple_file'], {'test-key': 'test_value'})
  294. def test_truncated_multipart_handled_gracefully(self):
  295. """
  296. If passed an incomplete multipart message, MultiPartParser does not
  297. attempt to read beyond the end of the stream, and simply will handle
  298. the part that can be parsed gracefully.
  299. """
  300. payload_str = "\r\n".join([
  301. '--' + client.BOUNDARY,
  302. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="foo.txt"',
  303. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  304. '',
  305. 'file contents'
  306. '--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--',
  307. '',
  308. ])
  309. payload = client.FakePayload(payload_str[:-10])
  310. r = {
  311. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload),
  313. 'PATH_INFO': '/echo/',
  315. 'wsgi.input': payload,
  316. }
  317. got = json.loads(self.client.request(**r).content.decode('utf-8'))
  318. self.assertEqual(got, {})
  319. def test_empty_multipart_handled_gracefully(self):
  320. """
  321. If passed an empty multipart message, MultiPartParser will return
  322. an empty QueryDict.
  323. """
  324. r = {
  325. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': 0,
  327. 'PATH_INFO': '/echo/',
  329. 'wsgi.input': client.FakePayload(b''),
  330. }
  331. got = json.loads(self.client.request(**r).content.decode('utf-8'))
  332. self.assertEqual(got, {})
  333. def test_custom_upload_handler(self):
  334. file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
  335. with file() as smallfile, file() as bigfile:
  336. # A small file (under the 5M quota)
  337. smallfile.write(b'a' * (2 ** 21))
  338. smallfile.seek(0)
  339. # A big file (over the quota)
  340. bigfile.write(b'a' * (10 * 2 ** 20))
  341. bigfile.seek(0)
  342. # Small file posting should work.
  343. response = self.client.post('/quota/', {'f': smallfile})
  344. got = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  345. self.assertIn('f', got)
  346. # Large files don't go through.
  347. response = self.client.post("/quota/", {'f': bigfile})
  348. got = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  349. self.assertNotIn('f', got)
  350. def test_broken_custom_upload_handler(self):
  351. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file:
  352. file.write(b'a' * (2 ** 21))
  353. file.seek(0)
  354. # AttributeError: You cannot alter upload handlers after the upload has been processed.
  355. with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
  356. self.client.post('/quota/broken/', {'f': file})
  357. def test_fileupload_getlist(self):
  358. file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
  359. with file() as file1, file() as file2, file() as file2a:
  360. file1.write(b'a' * (2 ** 23))
  361. file1.seek(0)
  362. file2.write(b'a' * (2 * 2 ** 18))
  363. file2.seek(0)
  364. file2a.write(b'a' * (5 * 2 ** 20))
  365. file2a.seek(0)
  366. response = self.client.post('/getlist_count/', {
  367. 'file1': file1,
  368. 'field1': 'test',
  369. 'field2': 'test3',
  370. 'field3': 'test5',
  371. 'field4': 'test6',
  372. 'field5': 'test7',
  373. 'file2': (file2, file2a)
  374. })
  375. got = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
  376. self.assertEqual(got.get('file1'), 1)
  377. self.assertEqual(got.get('file2'), 2)
  378. def test_fileuploads_closed_at_request_end(self):
  379. file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
  380. with file() as f1, file() as f2a, file() as f2b:
  381. response = self.client.post('/fd_closing/t/', {
  382. 'file': f1,
  383. 'file2': (f2a, f2b),
  384. })
  385. request = response.wsgi_request
  386. # The files were parsed.
  387. self.assertTrue(hasattr(request, '_files'))
  388. file = request._files['file']
  389. self.assertTrue(file.closed)
  390. files = request._files.getlist('file2')
  391. self.assertTrue(files[0].closed)
  392. self.assertTrue(files[1].closed)
  393. def test_no_parsing_triggered_by_fd_closing(self):
  394. file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
  395. with file() as f1, file() as f2a, file() as f2b:
  396. response = self.client.post('/fd_closing/f/', {
  397. 'file': f1,
  398. 'file2': (f2a, f2b),
  399. })
  400. request = response.wsgi_request
  401. # The fd closing logic doesn't trigger parsing of the stream
  402. self.assertFalse(hasattr(request, '_files'))
  403. def test_file_error_blocking(self):
  404. """
  405. The server should not block when there are upload errors (bug #8622).
  406. This can happen if something -- i.e. an exception handler -- tries to
  407. access POST while handling an error in parsing POST. This shouldn't
  408. cause an infinite loop!
  409. """
  410. class POSTAccessingHandler(client.ClientHandler):
  411. """A handler that'll access POST during an exception."""
  412. def handle_uncaught_exception(self, request, resolver, exc_info):
  413. ret = super().handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, exc_info)
  414. request.POST # evaluate
  415. return ret
  416. # Maybe this is a little more complicated that it needs to be; but if
  417. # the django.test.client.FakePayload.read() implementation changes then
  418. # this test would fail. So we need to know exactly what kind of error
  419. # it raises when there is an attempt to read more than the available bytes:
  420. try:
  421. client.FakePayload(b'a').read(2)
  422. except Exception as err:
  423. reference_error = err
  424. # install the custom handler that tries to access request.POST
  425. self.client.handler = POSTAccessingHandler()
  426. with open(__file__, 'rb') as fp:
  427. post_data = {
  428. 'name': 'Ringo',
  429. 'file_field': fp,
  430. }
  431. try:
  432. self.client.post('/upload_errors/', post_data)
  433. except reference_error.__class__ as err:
  434. self.assertFalse(
  435. str(err) == str(reference_error),
  436. "Caught a repeated exception that'll cause an infinite loop in file uploads."
  437. )
  438. except Exception as err:
  439. # CustomUploadError is the error that should have been raised
  440. self.assertEqual(err.__class__, uploadhandler.CustomUploadError)
  441. def test_filename_case_preservation(self):
  442. """
  443. The storage backend shouldn't mess with the case of the filenames
  444. uploaded.
  445. """
  446. # Synthesize the contents of a file upload with a mixed case filename
  447. # so we don't have to carry such a file in the Django tests source code
  448. # tree.
  449. vars = {'boundary': 'oUrBoUnDaRyStRiNg'}
  450. post_data = [
  451. '--%(boundary)s',
  452. 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_field"; filename="MiXeD_cAsE.txt"',
  453. 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
  454. '',
  455. 'file contents\n'
  456. '',
  457. '--%(boundary)s--\r\n',
  458. ]
  459. response = self.client.post(
  460. '/filename_case/',
  461. '\r\n'.join(post_data) % vars,
  462. 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%(boundary)s' % vars
  463. )
  464. self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  465. id = int(response.content)
  466. obj = FileModel.objects.get(pk=id)
  467. # The name of the file uploaded and the file stored in the server-side
  468. # shouldn't differ.
  469. self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(obj.testfile.path), 'MiXeD_cAsE.txt')
  470. @override_settings(MEDIA_ROOT=MEDIA_ROOT)
  471. class DirectoryCreationTests(SimpleTestCase):
  472. """
  473. Tests for error handling during directory creation
  474. via _save_FIELD_file (ticket #6450)
  475. """
  476. @classmethod
  477. def setUpClass(cls):
  478. super().setUpClass()
  479. if not os.path.isdir(MEDIA_ROOT):
  480. os.makedirs(MEDIA_ROOT)
  481. @classmethod
  482. def tearDownClass(cls):
  483. shutil.rmtree(MEDIA_ROOT)
  484. super().tearDownClass()
  485. def setUp(self):
  486. self.obj = FileModel()
  487. @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'win32', "Python on Windows doesn't have working os.chmod().")
  488. def test_readonly_root(self):
  489. """Permission errors are not swallowed"""
  490. os.chmod(MEDIA_ROOT, 0o500)
  491. self.addCleanup(os.chmod, MEDIA_ROOT, 0o700)
  492. with self.assertRaises(PermissionError):
  493. self.obj.testfile.save('foo.txt', SimpleUploadedFile('foo.txt', b'x'), save=False)
  494. def test_not_a_directory(self):
  495. """The correct IOError is raised when the upload directory name exists but isn't a directory"""
  496. # Create a file with the upload directory name
  497. open(UPLOAD_TO, 'wb').close()
  498. self.addCleanup(os.remove, UPLOAD_TO)
  499. with self.assertRaises(IOError) as exc_info:
  500. with SimpleUploadedFile('foo.txt', b'x') as file:
  501. self.obj.testfile.save('foo.txt', file, save=False)
  502. # The test needs to be done on a specific string as IOError
  503. # is raised even without the patch (just not early enough)
  504. self.assertEqual(exc_info.exception.args[0], "%s exists and is not a directory." % UPLOAD_TO)
  505. class MultiParserTests(unittest.TestCase):
  506. def test_empty_upload_handlers(self):
  507. # We're not actually parsing here; just checking if the parser properly
  508. # instantiates with empty upload handlers.
  509. MultiPartParser({
  510. 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=_foo',
  511. 'CONTENT_LENGTH': '1'
  512. }, StringIO('x'), [], 'utf-8')
  513. def test_rfc2231_parsing(self):
  514. test_data = (
  515. (b"Content-Type: application/x-stuff; title*=us-ascii'en-us'This%20is%20%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A",
  516. "This is ***fun***"),
  517. (b"Content-Type: application/x-stuff; title*=UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4.html",
  518. "foo-ä.html"),
  519. (b"Content-Type: application/x-stuff; title*=iso-8859-1''foo-%E4.html",
  520. "foo-ä.html"),
  521. )
  522. for raw_line, expected_title in test_data:
  523. parsed = parse_header(raw_line)
  524. self.assertEqual(parsed[1]['title'], expected_title)
  525. def test_rfc2231_wrong_title(self):
  526. """
  527. Test wrongly formatted RFC 2231 headers (missing double single quotes).
  528. Parsing should not crash (#24209).
  529. """
  530. test_data = (
  531. (b"Content-Type: application/x-stuff; title*='This%20is%20%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A",
  532. b"'This%20is%20%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A"),
  533. (b"Content-Type: application/x-stuff; title*='foo.html",
  534. b"'foo.html"),
  535. (b"Content-Type: application/x-stuff; title*=bar.html",
  536. b"bar.html"),
  537. )
  538. for raw_line, expected_title in test_data:
  539. parsed = parse_header(raw_line)
  540. self.assertEqual(parsed[1]['title'], expected_title)