@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ except ImportError:
import urllib.request as urllib2
import urllib.parse as urlparse
+import certifi
+import urllib3
+import urllib3.util
import dulwich
from dulwich.errors import (
@@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ from dulwich.protocol import (
from dulwich.pack import (
+ write_pack_data,
from dulwich.refs import (
@@ -107,6 +112,13 @@ from dulwich.refs import (
+if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 9):
+ # Before Python 2.7.9 the `ssl` module lacks SNI support and lags behind in
+ # security updates. Use pyOpenSSL instead.
+ import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl
+ urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3()
def _fileno_can_read(fileno):
"""Check if a file descriptor is readable."""
return len(select.select([fileno], [], [], 0)[0]) > 0
@@ -203,7 +215,7 @@ def read_pkt_refs(proto):
refs[ref] = sha
if len(refs) == 0:
- return None, set([])
+ return {}, set([])
refs = {}
return refs, set(server_capabilities)
@@ -308,19 +320,17 @@ class GitClient(object):
raise NotImplementedError(cls.from_parsedurl)
- def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_contents,
- progress=None, write_pack=write_pack_objects):
+ def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_data,
+ progress=None):
"""Upload a pack to a remote repository.
:param path: Repository path (as bytestring)
:param update_refs: Function to determine changes to remote refs.
Receive dict with existing remote refs, returns dict with
changed refs (name -> sha, where sha=ZERO_SHA for deletions)
- :param generate_pack_contents: Function that can return a sequence of
- the shas of the objects to upload.
+ :param generate_pack_data: Function that can return a tuple
+ with number of objects and list of pack data to include
:param progress: Optional progress function
- :param write_pack: Function called with (file, iterable of objects) to
- write the objects returned by generate_pack_contents to the server.
:raises SendPackError: if server rejects the pack data
:raises UpdateRefsError: if the server supports report-status
@@ -361,7 +371,7 @@ class GitClient(object):
result = self.fetch_pack(
path, determine_wants, target.get_graph_walker(), f.write,
- except:
+ except BaseException:
@@ -635,19 +645,17 @@ class TraditionalGitClient(GitClient):
raise NotImplementedError()
- def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_contents,
- progress=None, write_pack=write_pack_objects):
+ def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_data,
+ progress=None):
"""Upload a pack to a remote repository.
:param path: Repository path (as bytestring)
:param update_refs: Function to determine changes to remote refs.
Receive dict with existing remote refs, returns dict with
changed refs (name -> sha, where sha=ZERO_SHA for deletions)
- :param generate_pack_contents: Function that can return a sequence of
- the shas of the objects to upload.
+ :param generate_pack_data: Function that can return a tuple with
+ number of objects and pack data to upload.
:param progress: Optional callback called with progress updates
- :param write_pack: Function called with (file, iterable of objects) to
- write the objects returned by generate_pack_contents to the server.
:raises SendPackError: if server rejects the pack data
:raises UpdateRefsError: if the server supports report-status
@@ -666,7 +674,7 @@ class TraditionalGitClient(GitClient):
new_refs = orig_new_refs = update_refs(dict(old_refs))
- except:
+ except BaseException:
@@ -698,14 +706,16 @@ class TraditionalGitClient(GitClient):
if (not want and
return new_refs
- objects = generate_pack_contents(have, want)
+ pack_data_count, pack_data = generate_pack_data(
+ have, want,
+ ofs_delta=(CAPABILITY_OFS_DELTA in negotiated_capabilities))
- dowrite = len(objects) > 0
+ dowrite = bool(pack_data_count)
dowrite = dowrite or any(old_refs.get(ref) != sha
for (ref, sha) in new_refs.items()
if sha != ZERO_SHA)
if dowrite:
- write_pack(proto.write_file(), objects)
+ write_pack_data(proto.write_file(), pack_data_count, pack_data)
proto, negotiated_capabilities, progress)
@@ -737,7 +747,7 @@ class TraditionalGitClient(GitClient):
wants = determine_wants(refs)
- except:
+ except BaseException:
if wants is not None:
@@ -948,19 +958,17 @@ class LocalGitClient(GitClient):
path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
return closing(Repo(path))
- def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_contents,
- progress=None, write_pack=write_pack_objects):
+ def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_data,
+ progress=None):
"""Upload a pack to a remote repository.
:param path: Repository path (as bytestring)
:param update_refs: Function to determine changes to remote refs.
Receive dict with existing remote refs, returns dict with
changed refs (name -> sha, where sha=ZERO_SHA for deletions)
- :param generate_pack_contents: Function that can return a sequence of
- the shas of the objects to upload.
+ :param generate_pack_data: Function that can return a tuple
+ with number of items and pack data to upload.
:param progress: Optional progress function
- :param write_pack: Function called with (file, iterable of objects) to
- write the objects returned by generate_pack_contents to the server.
:raises SendPackError: if server rejects the pack data
:raises UpdateRefsError: if the server supports report-status
@@ -988,7 +996,8 @@ class LocalGitClient(GitClient):
return new_refs
- target.object_store.add_objects(generate_pack_contents(have, want))
+ target.object_store.add_pack_data(
+ *generate_pack_data(have, want, ofs_delta=True))
for refname, new_sha1 in new_refs.items():
old_sha1 = old_refs.get(refname, ZERO_SHA)
@@ -1012,11 +1021,13 @@ class LocalGitClient(GitClient):
to fetch. Receives dictionary of name->sha, should return
list of shas to fetch. Defaults to all shas.
:param progress: Optional progress function
- :return: Dictionary with all remote refs (not just those fetched)
+ :return: FetchPackResult object
with self._open_repo(path) as r:
- return r.fetch(target, determine_wants=determine_wants,
+ refs = r.fetch(target, determine_wants=determine_wants,
+ return FetchPackResult(refs, r.refs.get_symrefs(),
+ agent_string())
def fetch_pack(self, path, determine_wants, graph_walker, pack_data,
@@ -1041,7 +1052,8 @@ class LocalGitClient(GitClient):
# Note that the client still expects a 0-object pack in most cases.
if objects_iter is None:
return FetchPackResult(None, symrefs, agent)
- write_pack_objects(ProtocolFile(None, pack_data), objects_iter)
+ protocol = ProtocolFile(None, pack_data)
+ write_pack_objects(protocol, objects_iter)
return FetchPackResult(r.get_refs(), symrefs, agent)
def get_refs(self, path):
@@ -1058,15 +1070,18 @@ default_local_git_client_cls = LocalGitClient
class SSHVendor(object):
"""A client side SSH implementation."""
- def connect_ssh(self, host, command, username=None, port=None):
+ def connect_ssh(self, host, command, username=None, port=None,
+ password=None, key_filename=None):
# This function was deprecated in 0.9.1
import warnings
"SSHVendor.connect_ssh has been renamed to SSHVendor.run_command",
- return self.run_command(host, command, username=username, port=port)
+ return self.run_command(host, command, username=username, port=port,
+ password=password, key_filename=key_filename)
- def run_command(self, host, command, username=None, port=None):
+ def run_command(self, host, command, username=None, port=None,
+ password=None, key_filename=None):
"""Connect to an SSH server.
Run a command remotely and return a file-like object for interaction
@@ -1076,6 +1091,8 @@ class SSHVendor(object):
:param command: Command to run (as argv array)
:param username: Optional ame of user to log in as
:param port: Optional SSH port to use
+ :param password: Optional ssh password for login or private key
+ :param key_filename: Optional path to private keyfile
raise NotImplementedError(self.run_command)
@@ -1090,16 +1107,71 @@ class StrangeHostname(Exception):
class SubprocessSSHVendor(SSHVendor):
"""SSH vendor that shells out to the local 'ssh' command."""
- def run_command(self, host, command, username=None, port=None):
- # FIXME: This has no way to deal with passwords..
+ def run_command(self, host, command, username=None, port=None,
+ password=None, key_filename=None):
+ if password:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "You can't set password or passphrase for ssh key "
+ "with SubprocessSSHVendor, use ParamikoSSHVendor instead"
+ )
args = ['ssh', '-x']
- if port is not None:
+ if port:
args.extend(['-p', str(port)])
- if username is not None:
+ if key_filename:
+ args.extend(['-i', str(key_filename)])
+ if username:
+ host = '%s@%s' % (username, host)
+ if host.startswith('-'):
+ raise StrangeHostname(hostname=host)
+ args.append(host)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args + [command], bufsize=0,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ return SubprocessWrapper(proc)
+class PuttySSHVendor(SSHVendor):
+ """SSH vendor that shells out to the local 'putty' command."""
+ def run_command(self, host, command, username=None, port=None,
+ password=None, key_filename=None):
+ if password and key_filename:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "You can't set passphrase for ssh key "
+ "with PuttySSHVendor, use ParamikoSSHVendor instead"
+ )
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ args = ['putty.exe', '-ssh']
+ else:
+ args = ['putty', '-ssh']
+ if password:
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Invoking Putty with a password exposes the password in the "
+ "process list.")
+ args.extend(['-pw', str(password)])
+ if port:
+ args.extend(['-P', str(port)])
+ if key_filename:
+ args.extend(['-i', str(key_filename)])
+ if username:
host = '%s@%s' % (username, host)
if host.startswith('-'):
raise StrangeHostname(hostname=host)
proc = subprocess.Popen(args + [command], bufsize=0,
@@ -1122,10 +1194,12 @@ get_ssh_vendor = SubprocessSSHVendor
class SSHGitClient(TraditionalGitClient):
def __init__(self, host, port=None, username=None, vendor=None,
- config=None, **kwargs):
+ config=None, password=None, key_filename=None, **kwargs):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.key_filename = key_filename
super(SSHGitClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.alternative_paths = {}
if vendor is not None:
@@ -1163,7 +1237,8 @@ class SSHGitClient(TraditionalGitClient):
argv = (self._get_cmd_path(cmd).decode(self._remote_path_encoding) +
" '" + path + "'")
con = self.ssh_vendor.run_command(
- self.host, argv, port=self.port, username=self.username)
+ self.host, argv, port=self.port, username=self.username,
+ password=self.password, key_filename=self.key_filename)
return (Protocol(con.read, con.write, con.close,
@@ -1175,47 +1250,72 @@ def default_user_agent_string():
return "git/dulwich/%s" % ".".join([str(x) for x in dulwich.__version__])
-def default_urllib2_opener(config):
+def default_urllib3_manager(config, verify_ssl=True):
+ """Return `urllib3` connection pool manager.
+ Honour detected proxy configurations.
+ :param config: `dulwich.config.ConfigDict` instance with Git configuration.
+ :param verify_ssl: Whether SSL verification is enabled.
+ :return: `urllib3.ProxyManager` instance for proxy configurations,
+ `urllib3.PoolManager` otherwise.
+ """
+ proxy_server = user_agent = None
if config is not None:
proxy_server = config.get(b"http", b"proxy")
except KeyError:
- proxy_server = None
- else:
- proxy_server = None
- handlers = []
- if proxy_server is not None:
- handlers.append(urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": proxy_server}))
- opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)
- if config is not None:
+ pass
user_agent = config.get(b"http", b"useragent")
except KeyError:
- user_agent = None
- else:
- user_agent = None
+ pass
+ ssl_kwargs = {}
+ if verify_ssl:
+ ssl_kwargs.update(cert_reqs="CERT_REQUIRED", ca_certs=certifi.where())
if user_agent is None:
user_agent = default_user_agent_string()
- opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', user_agent)]
- return opener
+ headers = {"User-agent": user_agent}
+ if proxy_server is not None:
+ # `urllib3` requires a `str` object in both Python 2 and 3, while
+ # `ConfigDict` coerces entries to `bytes` on Python 3. Compensate.
+ if not isinstance(proxy_server, str):
+ proxy_server = proxy_server.decode()
+ manager = urllib3.ProxyManager(proxy_server, headers=headers,
+ **ssl_kwargs)
+ else:
+ manager = urllib3.PoolManager(headers=headers, **ssl_kwargs)
+ return manager
class HttpGitClient(GitClient):
- def __init__(self, base_url, dumb=None, opener=None, config=None,
+ def __init__(self, base_url, dumb=None, pool_manager=None, config=None,
username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
self._base_url = base_url.rstrip("/") + "/"
self._username = username
self._password = password
self.dumb = dumb
- if opener is None:
- self.opener = default_urllib2_opener(config)
+ self.headers = {}
+ if pool_manager is None:
+ self.pool_manager = default_urllib3_manager(config)
- self.opener = opener
+ self.pool_manager = pool_manager
if username is not None:
- pass_man = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
- pass_man.add_password(None, base_url, username, password)
- self.opener.add_handler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pass_man))
+ # No escaping needed: ":" is not allowed in username:
+ # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617#section-2
+ credentials = "%s:%s" % (username, password)
+ basic_auth = urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=credentials)
+ self.pool_manager.headers.update(basic_auth)
GitClient.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def get_url(self, path):
@@ -1247,28 +1347,52 @@ class HttpGitClient(GitClient):
path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
return urlparse.urljoin(self._base_url, path).rstrip("/") + "/"
- def _http_request(self, url, headers={}, data=None,
+ def _http_request(self, url, headers=None, data=None,
- if headers is None:
- headers = dict(headers.items())
- headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
+ """Perform HTTP request.
+ :param url: Request URL.
+ :param headers: Optional custom headers to override defaults.
+ :param data: Request data.
+ :param allow_compression: Allow GZipped communication.
+ :return: Tuple (`response`, `read`), where response is an `urllib3`
+ response object with additional `content_type` and
+ `redirect_location` properties, and `read` is a consumable read
+ method for the response data.
+ """
+ req_headers = self.pool_manager.headers.copy()
+ if headers is not None:
+ req_headers.update(headers)
+ req_headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
if allow_compression:
- headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip"
+ req_headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip"
- headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity"
- req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers, data=data)
- try:
- resp = self.opener.open(req)
- except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
- if e.code == 404:
- raise NotGitRepository()
- if e.code != 200:
- raise GitProtocolError("unexpected http response %d for %s" %
- (e.code, url))
- if resp.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
- read = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(resp.read())).read
+ req_headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity"
+ if data is None:
+ resp = self.pool_manager.request("GET", url, headers=req_headers)
- read = resp.read
+ resp = self.pool_manager.request("POST", url, headers=req_headers,
+ body=data)
+ if resp.status == 404:
+ raise NotGitRepository()
+ elif resp.status != 200:
+ raise GitProtocolError("unexpected http resp %d for %s" %
+ (resp.status, url))
+ # TODO: Optimization available by adding `preload_content=False` to the
+ # request and just passing the `read` method on instead of going via
+ # `BytesIO`, if we can guarantee that the entire response is consumed
+ # before issuing the next to still allow for connection reuse from the
+ # pool.
+ if resp.getheader("Content-Encoding") == "gzip":
+ read = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(resp.data)).read
+ else:
+ read = BytesIO(resp.data).read
+ resp.content_type = resp.getheader("Content-Type")
+ resp.redirect_location = resp.get_redirect_location()
return resp, read
@@ -1281,20 +1405,16 @@ class HttpGitClient(GitClient):
url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, tail)
resp, read = self._http_request(url, headers, allow_compression=True)
- if url != resp.geturl():
+ if resp.redirect_location:
# Something changed (redirect!), so let's update the base URL
- if not resp.geturl().endswith(tail):
+ if not resp.redirect_location.endswith(tail):
raise GitProtocolError(
"Redirected from URL %s to URL %s without %s" % (
- url, resp.geturl(), tail))
- base_url = resp.geturl()[:-len(tail)]
+ url, resp.redirect_location, tail))
+ base_url = resp.redirect_location[:-len(tail)]
- content_type = resp.info().gettype()
- except AttributeError:
- content_type = resp.info().get_content_type()
- try:
- self.dumb = (not content_type.startswith("application/x-git-"))
+ self.dumb = not resp.content_type.startswith("application/x-git-")
if not self.dumb:
proto = Protocol(read, None)
# The first line should mention the service
@@ -1315,33 +1435,29 @@ class HttpGitClient(GitClient):
def _smart_request(self, service, url, data):
assert url[-1] == "/"
url = urlparse.urljoin(url, service)
+ result_content_type = "application/x-%s-result" % service
headers = {
- "Content-Type": "application/x-%s-request" % service
+ "Content-Type": "application/x-%s-request" % service,
+ "Accept": result_content_type,
+ "Content-Length": str(len(data)),
resp, read = self._http_request(url, headers, data)
- try:
- content_type = resp.info().gettype()
- except AttributeError:
- content_type = resp.info().get_content_type()
- if content_type != (
- "application/x-%s-result" % service):
+ if resp.content_type != result_content_type:
raise GitProtocolError("Invalid content-type from server: %s"
- % content_type)
+ % resp.content_type)
return resp, read
- def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_contents,
- progress=None, write_pack=write_pack_objects):
+ def send_pack(self, path, update_refs, generate_pack_data,
+ progress=None):
"""Upload a pack to a remote repository.
:param path: Repository path (as bytestring)
:param update_refs: Function to determine changes to remote refs.
Receive dict with existing remote refs, returns dict with
changed refs (name -> sha, where sha=ZERO_SHA for deletions)
- :param generate_pack_contents: Function that can return a sequence of
- the shas of the objects to upload.
+ :param generate_pack_data: Function that can return a tuple
+ with number of elements and pack data to upload.
:param progress: Optional progress function
- :param write_pack: Function called with (file, iterable of objects) to
- write the objects returned by generate_pack_contents to the server.
:raises SendPackError: if server rejects the pack data
:raises UpdateRefsError: if the server supports report-status
@@ -1354,6 +1470,7 @@ class HttpGitClient(GitClient):
b"git-receive-pack", url)
negotiated_capabilities = self._negotiate_receive_pack_capabilities(
+ negotiated_capabilities.add(capability_agent())
if CAPABILITY_REPORT_STATUS in negotiated_capabilities:
self._report_status_parser = ReportStatusParser()
@@ -1370,13 +1487,15 @@ class HttpGitClient(GitClient):
req_proto, negotiated_capabilities, old_refs, new_refs)
if not want and set(new_refs.items()).issubset(set(old_refs.items())):
return new_refs
- objects = generate_pack_contents(have, want)
- if len(objects) > 0:
- write_pack(req_proto.write_file(), objects)
+ pack_data_count, pack_data = generate_pack_data(
+ have, want,
+ ofs_delta=(CAPABILITY_OFS_DELTA in negotiated_capabilities))
+ if pack_data_count:
+ write_pack_data(req_proto.write_file(), pack_data_count, pack_data)
resp, read = self._smart_request("git-receive-pack", url,
- resp_proto = Protocol(resp.read, None)
+ resp_proto = Protocol(read, None)
resp_proto, negotiated_capabilities, progress)
return new_refs