@@ -40,7 +40,11 @@ from dulwich import porcelain
from dulwich.diff_tree import tree_changes
from dulwich.errors import CommitError
from dulwich.objects import ZERO_SHA, Blob, Tag, Tree
-from dulwich.porcelain import CheckoutError
+from dulwich.porcelain import (
+ CheckoutError, # Hypothetical or real error class
+ add,
+ commit,
from dulwich.repo import NoIndexPresent, Repo
from dulwich.server import DictBackend
from dulwich.tests.utils import build_commit_graph, make_commit, make_object
@@ -3679,3 +3683,186 @@ class ForEachTests(PorcelainTestCase):
(b"tag", b"refs/tags/v1.1"),
+class SparseCheckoutTests(PorcelainTestCase):
+ """Integration tests for Dulwich's sparse checkout feature."""
+ # NOTE: We do NOT override `setUp()` here because the parent class
+ # (PorcelainTestCase) already:
+ # 1) Creates self.test_dir = a unique temp dir
+ # 2) Creates a subdir named "repo"
+ # 3) Calls Repo.init() on that path
+ # Re-initializing again caused FileExistsError.
+ #
+ # Utility/Placeholder
+ #
+ def sparse_checkout(self, repo, patterns, force=False):
+ """Wrapper around the actual porcelain.sparse_checkout function
+ to handle any test-specific setup or logging.
+ """
+ return porcelain.sparse_checkout(repo, patterns, force=force)
+ def _write_file(self, rel_path, content):
+ """Helper to write a file in the repository working tree."""
+ abs_path = os.path.join(self.repo_path, rel_path)
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path), exist_ok=True)
+ with open(abs_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+ return abs_path
+ def _commit_file(self, rel_path, content):
+ """Helper to write, add, and commit a file."""
+ abs_path = self._write_file(rel_path, content)
+ add(self.repo_path, paths=[abs_path])
+ commit(self.repo_path, message=b"Added " + rel_path.encode("utf-8"))
+ def _list_wtree_files(self):
+ """Return a set of all files (not dirs) present
+ in the working tree, ignoring .git/.
+ """
+ found_files = set()
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.repo_path):
+ # Skip .git in the walk
+ if ".git" in dirs:
+ dirs.remove(".git")
+ for filename in files:
+ file_rel = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), self.repo_path)
+ found_files.add(file_rel)
+ return found_files
+ def test_only_included_paths_appear_in_wtree(self):
+ """Only included paths remain in the working tree, excluded paths are removed.
+ Commits two files, "keep_me.txt" and "exclude_me.txt". Then applies a
+ sparse-checkout pattern containing only "keep_me.txt". Ensures that
+ the latter remains in the working tree, while "exclude_me.txt" is
+ removed. This verifies correct application of sparse-checkout patterns
+ to remove files not listed.
+ """
+ self._commit_file("keep_me.txt", "I'll stay\n")
+ self._commit_file("exclude_me.txt", "I'll be excluded\n")
+ patterns = ["keep_me.txt"]
+ self.sparse_checkout(self.repo, patterns)
+ actual_files = self._list_wtree_files()
+ expected_files = {"keep_me.txt"}
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected_files,
+ actual_files,
+ f"Expected only {expected_files}, but found {actual_files}",
+ )
+ def test_previously_included_paths_become_excluded(self):
+ """Previously included files become excluded after pattern changes.
+ Verifies that files initially brought into the working tree (e.g.,
+ by including `data/`) can later be excluded by narrowing the
+ sparse-checkout pattern to just `data/included_1.txt`. Confirms that
+ the file `data/included_2.txt` remains in the index with
+ skip-worktree set (rather than being removed entirely), ensuring
+ data is not lost and Dulwich correctly updates the index flags.
+ """
+ self._commit_file("data/included_1.txt", "some content\n")
+ self._commit_file("data/included_2.txt", "other content\n")
+ initial_patterns = ["data/"]
+ self.sparse_checkout(self.repo, initial_patterns)
+ updated_patterns = ["data/included_1.txt"]
+ self.sparse_checkout(self.repo, updated_patterns)
+ actual_files = self._list_wtree_files()
+ expected_files = {os.path.join("data", "included_1.txt")}
+ self.assertEqual(expected_files, actual_files)
+ idx = self.repo.open_index()
+ self.assertIn(b"data/included_2.txt", idx)
+ entry = idx[b"data/included_2.txt"]
+ self.assertTrue(entry.skip_worktree)
+ def test_force_removes_local_changes_for_excluded_paths(self):
+ """Forced sparse checkout removes local modifications for newly excluded paths.
+ Verifies that specifying force=True allows destructive operations
+ which discard uncommitted changes. First, we commit "file1.txt" and
+ then modify it. Next, we apply a pattern that excludes the file,
+ using force=True. The local modifications (and the file) should
+ be removed, leaving the working tree empty.
+ """
+ self._commit_file("file1.txt", "original content\n")
+ file1_path = os.path.join(self.repo_path, "file1.txt")
+ with open(file1_path, "a") as f:
+ f.write("local changes!\n")
+ new_patterns = ["some_other_file.txt"]
+ self.sparse_checkout(self.repo, new_patterns, force=True)
+ actual_files = self._list_wtree_files()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ set(),
+ actual_files,
+ "Force-sparse-checkout did not remove file with local changes.",
+ )
+ def test_destructive_refuse_uncommitted_changes_without_force(self):
+ """Fail on uncommitted changes for newly excluded paths without force.
+ Ensures that a sparse checkout is blocked if it would remove local
+ modifications from the working tree. We commit 'config.yaml', then
+ modify it, and finally attempt to exclude it via new patterns without
+ using force=True. This should raise a CheckoutError rather than
+ discarding the local changes.
+ """
+ self._commit_file("config.yaml", "initial\n")
+ cfg_path = os.path.join(self.repo_path, "config.yaml")
+ with open(cfg_path, "a") as f:
+ f.write("local modifications\n")
+ exclude_patterns = ["docs/"]
+ with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
+ self.sparse_checkout(self.repo, exclude_patterns, force=False)
+ def test_fnmatch_gitignore_pattern_expansion(self):
+ """Reading/writing patterns align with gitignore/fnmatch expansions.
+ Ensures that `sparse_checkout` interprets wildcard patterns (like `*.py`)
+ in the same way Git's sparse-checkout would. Multiple files are committed
+ to `src/` (e.g. `foo.py`, `foo_test.py`, `foo_helper.py`) and to `docs/`.
+ Then the pattern `src/foo*.py` is applied, confirming that only the
+ matching Python files remain in the working tree while the Markdown file
+ under `docs/` is excluded.
+ Finally, verifies that the `.git/info/sparse-checkout` file contains the
+ specified wildcard pattern (`src/foo*.py`), ensuring correct round-trip
+ of user-supplied patterns.
+ """
+ self._commit_file("src/foo.py", "print('hello')\n")
+ self._commit_file("src/foo_test.py", "print('test')\n")
+ self._commit_file("docs/readme.md", "# docs\n")
+ self._commit_file("src/foo_helper.py", "print('helper')\n")
+ patterns = ["src/foo*.py"]
+ self.sparse_checkout(self.repo, patterns)
+ actual_files = self._list_wtree_files()
+ expected_files = {
+ os.path.join("src", "foo.py"),
+ os.path.join("src", "foo_test.py"),
+ os.path.join("src", "foo_helper.py"),
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected_files,
+ actual_files,
+ "Wildcard pattern not matched as expected. Either too strict or too broad.",
+ )
+ sc_file = os.path.join(self.repo_path, ".git", "info", "sparse-checkout")
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(sc_file))
+ with open(sc_file) as f:
+ lines = f.read().strip().split()
+ self.assertIn("src/foo*.py", lines)