@@ -1,34 +1,13 @@
-The Repository
+The object store
-After this introduction, let's start directly with code::
+The objects are stored in the ``object store`` of the repository.
>>> from dulwich.repo import Repo
-The access to every object is through the Repo object. You can open an
-existing repository or you can create a new one. There are two types of Git
- Regular Repositories -- They are the ones you create using ``git init`` and
- you daily use. They contain a ``.git`` folder.
- Bare Repositories -- There is not ".git" folder. The top-level folder
- contains itself the "branches", "hooks"... folders. These are used for
- published repositories (mirrors).
-Let's create a folder and turn it into a repository, like ``git init`` would::
- >>> from os import mkdir
- >>> mkdir("myrepo")
- >>> repo = Repo.init("myrepo")
- >>> repo
- <Repo at 'myrepo'>
-You can already look a the structure of the "myrepo/.git" folder, though it
-is mostly empty for now.
+ >>> repo = Repo.init("myrepo", mkdir=True)
Initial commit
When you use Git, you generally add or modify content. As our repository is
empty for now, we'll start by adding a new file::
@@ -94,7 +73,7 @@ Now our repository is officialy tracking a branch named "master" refering to a
single commit.
Playing again with Git
At this point you can come back to the shell, go into the "myrepo" folder and
type ``git status`` to let Git confirm that this is a regular repository on
@@ -115,5 +94,77 @@ blob::
$ cat spam
My file content
-.. attention:: Remember to recreate the repo object when you modify the
- repository outside of Dulwich!
+Changing a File and Committing it
+Now we have a first commit, the next one will show a difference.
+As seen in the introduction, it's about making a path in a tree point to a
+new blob. The old blob will remain to compute the diff. The tree is altered
+and the new commit'task is to point to this new version.
+Let's first build the blob::
+ >>> from dulwich.objects import Blob
+ >>> spam = Blob.from_string("My new file content\n")
+ >>> spam.id
+ '16ee2682887a962f854ebd25a61db16ef4efe49f'
+An alternative is to alter the previously constructed blob object::
+ >>> blob.data = "My new file content\n"
+ >>> blob.id
+ '16ee2682887a962f854ebd25a61db16ef4efe49f'
+In any case, update the blob id known as "spam". You also have the
+opportunity of changing its mode::
+ >>> tree["spam"] = (0100644, spam.id)
+Now let's record the change::
+ >>> from dulwich.objects import Commit
+ >>> from time import time
+ >>> c2 = Commit()
+ >>> c2.tree = tree.id
+ >>> c2.parents = [commit.id]
+ >>> c2.author = c2.committer = "John Doe <john@example.com>"
+ >>> c2.commit_time = c2.author_time = int(time())
+ >>> c2.commit_timezone = c2.author_timezone = 0
+ >>> c2.encoding = "UTF-8"
+ >>> c2.message = 'Changing "spam"'
+In this new commit we record the changed tree id, and most important, the
+previous commit as the parent. Parents are actually a list because a commit
+may happen to have several parents after merging branches.
+Let's put the objects in the object store::
+ >>> repo.object_store.add_object(spam)
+ >>> repo.object_store.add_object(tree)
+ >>> repo.object_store.add_object(c2)
+You can already ask git to introspect this commit using ``git show`` and the
+value of ``c2.id`` as an argument. You'll see the difference will the
+previous blob recorded as "spam".
+The diff between the previous head and the new one can be printed using
+ >>> from dulwich.patch import write_tree_diff
+ >>> import sys
+ >>> write_tree_diff(sys.stdout, repo.object_store, commit.tree, tree.id)
+ diff --git a/spam b/spam
+ index c55063a..16ee268 100644
+ --- a/spam
+ +++ b/spam
+ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
+ -My file content
+ +My new file content
+You won't see it using git log because the head is still the previous
+commit. It's easy to remedy::
+ >>> repo.refs['refs/heads/master'] = c2.id
+Now all git tools will work as expected.