@@ -23,74 +23,127 @@ Alternate to `Versioneer <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/versioneer/>`_ using
`Dulwich <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dulwich>`_ to sort tags by time from
newest to oldest.
-Import this module into the package ``__init__.py`` and then set ``__version__``
-as follows::
+Copy the following into the package ``__init__.py`` module::
from dulwich.contrib.release_robot import get_current_version
+ from dulwich.repo import NotGitRepository
+ import os
+ import importlib
- __version__ = get_current_version()
- # other dunder classes like __author__, etc.
+ BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) # this directory
+ VER_FILE = 'version' # name of file to store version
+ # use release robot to try to get current Git tag
+ try:
+ GIT_TAG = get_current_version(os.path.dirname(BASEDIR))
+ except NotGitRepository:
+ GIT_TAG = None
+ # check version file
+ try:
+ version = importlib.import_module('%s.%s' % (__name__, VER_FILE))
+ except ImportError:
+ VERSION = None
+ else:
+ # update version file if it differs from Git tag
+ if GIT_TAG is not None and VERSION != GIT_TAG:
+ with open(os.path.join(BASEDIR, VER_FILE + '.py'), 'w') as vf:
+ vf.write('VERSION = "%s"\n' % GIT_TAG)
+ else:
+ GIT_TAG = VERSION # if Git tag is none use version file
+ VERSION = GIT_TAG # version
+ __version__ = VERSION
+ # other dunder constants like __author__, __email__, __url__, etc.
This example assumes the tags have a leading "v" like "v0.3", and that the
-``.git`` folder is in the project folder that containts the package folder.
+``.git`` folder is in a project folder that containts the package folder.
+ * project
+ |
+ * .git
+ |
+ +-* package
+ |
+ * __init__.py <-- put __version__ here
-from dulwich.repo import Repo
-import time
import datetime
-import os
import re
import sys
+import time
+from dulwich.repo import Repo
-DIRNAME = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-PROJDIR = os.path.dirname(DIRNAME)
-PATTERN = '[ a-zA-Z_\-]*([\d\.]+[\-\w\.]*)'
+PROJDIR = '.'
+PATTERN = r'[ a-zA-Z_\-]*([\d\.]+[\-\w\.]*)'
def get_recent_tags(projdir=PROJDIR):
"""Get list of tags in order from newest to oldest and their datetimes.
:param projdir: path to ``.git``
- :returns: list of (tag, [datetime, commit, author]) sorted from new to old
+ :returns: list of tags sorted by commit time from newest to oldest
+ Each tag in the list contains the tag name, commit time, commit id, author
+ and any tag meta. If a tag isn't annotated, then its tag meta is ``None``.
+ Otherwise the tag meta is a tuple containing the tag time, tag id and tag
+ name. Time is in UTC.
- project = Repo(projdir) # dulwich repository object
- refs = project.get_refs() # dictionary of refs and their SHA-1 values
- tags = {} # empty dictionary to hold tags, commits and datetimes
- # iterate over refs in repository
- for key, value in refs.items():
- obj = project.get_object(value) # dulwich object from SHA-1
- # check if object is tag
- if obj.type_name != 'tag':
- # skip ref if not a tag
- continue
- # strip the leading text from "refs/tag/<tag name>" to get "tag name"
- _, tag = key.rsplit('/', 1)
- # check if tag object is commit, altho it should always be true
- if obj.object[0].type_name == 'commit':
- commit = project.get_object(obj.object[1]) # commit object
+ with Repo(projdir) as project: # dulwich repository object
+ refs = project.get_refs() # dictionary of refs and their SHA-1 values
+ tags = {} # empty dictionary to hold tags, commits and datetimes
+ # iterate over refs in repository
+ for key, value in refs.items():
+ key = key.decode('utf-8') # compatible with Python-3
+ obj = project.get_object(value) # dulwich object from SHA-1
+ # don't just check if object is "tag" b/c it could be a "commit"
+ # instead check if "tags" is in the ref-name
+ if u'tags' not in key:
+ # skip ref if not a tag
+ continue
+ # strip the leading text from refs to get "tag name"
+ _, tag = key.rsplit(u'/', 1)
+ # check if tag object is "commit" or "tag" pointing to a "commit"
+ try:
+ commit = obj.object # a tuple (commit class, commit id)
+ except AttributeError:
+ commit = obj
+ tag_meta = None
+ else:
+ tag_meta = (
+ datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime(obj.tag_time)[:6]),
+ obj.id.decode('utf-8'),
+ obj.name.decode('utf-8')
+ ) # compatible with Python-3
+ commit = project.get_object(commit[1]) # commit object
# get tag commit datetime, but dulwich returns seconds since
# beginning of epoch, so use Python time module to convert it to
# timetuple then convert to datetime
tags[tag] = [
- commit.id,
- commit.author
- ]
+ commit.id.decode('utf-8'),
+ commit.author.decode('utf-8'),
+ tag_meta
+ ] # compatible with Python-3
# return list of tags sorted by their datetimes from newest to oldest
return sorted(tags.items(), key=lambda tag: tag[1][0], reverse=True)
-def get_current_version(pattern=PATTERN, projdir=PROJDIR, logger=None):
+def get_current_version(projdir=PROJDIR, pattern=PATTERN, logger=None):
"""Return the most recent tag, using an options regular expression pattern.
The default pattern will strip any characters preceding the first semantic
version. *EG*: "Release-0.2.1-rc.1" will be come "0.2.1-rc.1". If no match
is found, then the most recent tag is return without modification.
- :param pattern: regular expression pattern with group that matches version
:param projdir: path to ``.git``
+ :param pattern: regular expression pattern with group that matches version
:param logger: a Python logging instance to capture exception
:returns: tag matching first group in regular expression pattern
@@ -99,9 +152,9 @@ def get_current_version(pattern=PATTERN, projdir=PROJDIR, logger=None):
tag = tags[0][0]
except IndexError:
- m = re.match(pattern, tag)
+ matches = re.match(pattern, tag)
- current_version = m.group(1)
+ current_version = matches.group(1)
except (IndexError, AttributeError) as err:
if logger:
@@ -109,21 +162,9 @@ def get_current_version(pattern=PATTERN, projdir=PROJDIR, logger=None):
return current_version
-def test_tag_pattern():
- test_cases = {
- '0.3': '0.3', 'v0.3': '0.3', 'release0.3': '0.3', 'Release-0.3': '0.3',
- 'v0.3rc1': '0.3rc1', 'v0.3-rc1': '0.3-rc1', 'v0.3-rc.1': '0.3-rc.1',
- 'version 0.3': '0.3', 'version_0.3_rc_1': '0.3_rc_1', 'v1': '1',
- '0.3rc1': '0.3rc1'
- }
- for tc, version in test_cases.iteritems():
- m = re.match(PATTERN, tc)
- assert m.group(1) == version
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- projdir = sys.argv[1]
+ _PROJDIR = sys.argv[1]
- projdir = PROJDIR
- print(get_current_version(projdir=projdir))
+ print(get_current_version(projdir=_PROJDIR))