reset refs/heads/master
commit refs/heads/master
mark :1
author User <user@localhost> 1427183369 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427183369 +1300
data 6

mark :2
data 35
We will reproduce a problem here.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :3
author User <user@localhost> 1427183376 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427183376 +1300
data 11
demo file.
from :1
M 100644 :2 demo.txt

mark :4
data 62
We will reproduce a problem here.

This will take some time.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :5
author User <user@localhost> 1427185135 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185135 +1300
data 13
added a line
from :3
M 100644 :4 demo.txt

mark :6
data 57
We will reproduce a problem here.

We will change these.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :7
author User <user@localhost> 1427185245 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185245 +1300
data 14
replace a line
from :5
M 100644 :6 demo.txt

mark :8
data 52
We will change these.

Then issues will be proven.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :9
author User <user@localhost> 1427185343 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185343 +1300
data 13
Yes we will.
from :7
M 100644 :8 demo.txt

mark :10
data 69
We will change these. 

Then issues will be proven once and for all.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :11
author User <user@localhost> 1427185440 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185440 +1300
data 6
from :9
M 100644 :10 demo.txt

mark :12
data 0

commit refs/heads/master
mark :13
author User <user@localhost> 1427185512 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185516 +1300
data 26
not an actual readme, yet
from :11
M 100644 :12 readme.txt

mark :14
data 61
This will for sure we will prove a problem exist somewhere.

mark :15
data 49
okay fine add something here this is only a test

commit refs/heads/master
mark :16
author User <user@localhost> 1427185569 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185569 +1300
data 12
more things
from :13
M 100644 :14 demo.txt
M 100644 :15 readme.txt

mark :17
data 100
This will for sure we will prove a problem exist somewhere. 

Just that we need a few more commits.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :18
author User <user@localhost> 1427185659 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185659 +1300
data 13
one more try
from :16
M 100644 :17 demo.txt

mark :19
data 54
It might have something to do with number of commits?

commit refs/heads/master
mark :20
author User <user@localhost> 1427185905 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185905 +1300
data 18
is this number 9?
from :18
M 100644 :19 commitcount

mark :21
data 123
This will for sure we will prove a problem exist somewhere. 

Just that we need a few more commits.

Hey look we need more

commit refs/heads/master
mark :22
author User <user@localhost> 1427185922 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185922 +1300
data 5
from :20
M 100644 :21 demo.txt

mark :23
data 50
Okay fine add something here this is only a test.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :24
author User <user@localhost> 1427185936 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185936 +1300
data 7
from :22
M 100644 :23 readme.txt

mark :25
data 74
Okay come on this is getting boring.

Yes I went and edit all the things.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :26
author User <user@localhost> 1427185954 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185954 +1300
data 14
remove a line
from :24
M 100644 :25 demo.txt

mark :27
data 186
Okay come on this is getting boring. 

Yes I went and edit all the things. 

Of course, making test data can be somewhat tedious, especially a
minimum set that can be easily reproduced.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :28
author User <user@localhost> 1427185996 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427185996 +1300
data 25
Getting serious mode on.
from :26
M 100644 :27 demo.txt

mark :29
data 48
This is taking a bit longer than I remembered.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :30
author User <user@localhost> 1427186065 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427186065 +1300
data 40
At least we will have things minimized.
from :28
M 100644 :29 demo.txt

mark :31
data 11
there yet?

commit refs/heads/master
mark :32
author User <user@localhost> 1427186080 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427186080 +1300
data 7
are we
from :30
M 100644 :31 demo.txt

mark :33
data 237
This should be the head commit for the client repo for testing out
the failure case reported in issue 88.  Just do a git pull from the
repo that includes the following commit that is hosted with dulwich.
The issue should be reproduced.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :34
author User <user@localhost> 1427186109 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427186109 +1300
data 6
from :32
M 100644 :33 readme.txt

mark :35
data 394
This should be the commit that will trigger the bug noted in issue 88
(  To reproduce, run git
fast-import using this fast-export and host this using dulwich, and
then make a copy of this, strip out this blob and the following commit
block, import to another git repo and then git clone from the previous.

Naturally, this is part of the test case.

commit refs/heads/master
mark :36
author User <user@localhost> 1427244891 +1300
committer User <user@localhost> 1427248186 +1300
data 49
Added instructions on how to use this to readme.
from :34
M 100644 :35 readme.txt