# test_graph.py -- Tests for merge base
# Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin B. Hendricks, Stratford Ontario Canada
# Dulwich is dual-licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 and the GNU
# General Public License as public by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0
# or (at your option) any later version. You can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of either of these two licenses.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# You should have received a copy of the licenses; if not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy of the GNU General Public License
# and <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> for a copy of the Apache
# License, Version 2.0.

"""Tests for dulwich.graph."""

from dulwich.graph import WorkList, _find_lcas, can_fast_forward
from dulwich.repo import MemoryRepo
from dulwich.tests.utils import make_commit

from . import TestCase

class FindMergeBaseTests(TestCase):
    def run_test(dag, inputs):
        def lookup_parents(commit_id):
            return dag[commit_id]

        def lookup_stamp(commit_id):
            # any constant timestamp value here will work to force
            # this test to test the same behaviour as done previously
            return 100

        c1 = inputs[0]
        c2s = inputs[1:]
        return set(_find_lcas(lookup_parents, c1, c2s, lookup_stamp))

    def test_multiple_lca(self):
        # two lowest common ancestors
        graph = {
            "5": ["1", "2"],
            "4": ["3", "1"],
            "3": ["2"],
            "2": ["0"],
            "1": [],
            "0": [],
        self.assertEqual(self.run_test(graph, ["4", "5"]), {"1", "2"})

    def test_no_common_ancestor(self):
        # no common ancestor
        graph = {
            "4": ["2"],
            "3": ["1"],
            "2": [],
            "1": ["0"],
            "0": [],
        self.assertEqual(self.run_test(graph, ["4", "3"]), set())

    def test_ancestor(self):
        # ancestor
        graph = {
            "G": ["D", "F"],
            "F": ["E"],
            "D": ["C"],
            "C": ["B"],
            "E": ["B"],
            "B": ["A"],
            "A": [],
        self.assertEqual(self.run_test(graph, ["D", "C"]), {"C"})

    def test_direct_parent(self):
        # parent
        graph = {
            "G": ["D", "F"],
            "F": ["E"],
            "D": ["C"],
            "C": ["B"],
            "E": ["B"],
            "B": ["A"],
            "A": [],
        self.assertEqual(self.run_test(graph, ["G", "D"]), {"D"})

    def test_another_crossover(self):
        # Another cross over
        graph = {
            "G": ["D", "F"],
            "F": ["E", "C"],
            "D": ["C", "E"],
            "C": ["B"],
            "E": ["B"],
            "B": ["A"],
            "A": [],
        self.assertEqual(self.run_test(graph, ["D", "F"]), {"E", "C"})

    def test_three_way_merge_lca(self):
        # three way merge commit straight from git docs
        graph = {
            "C": ["C1"],
            "C1": ["C2"],
            "C2": ["C3"],
            "C3": ["C4"],
            "C4": ["2"],
            "B": ["B1"],
            "B1": ["B2"],
            "B2": ["B3"],
            "B3": ["1"],
            "A": ["A1"],
            "A1": ["A2"],
            "A2": ["A3"],
            "A3": ["1"],
            "1": ["2"],
            "2": [],
        # assumes a theoretical merge M exists that merges B and C first
        # which actually means find the first LCA from either of B OR C with A
        self.assertEqual(self.run_test(graph, ["A", "B", "C"]), {"1"})

    def test_octopus(self):
        # octopus algorithm test
        # test straight from git docs of A, B, and C
        # but this time use octopus to find lcas of A, B, and C simultaneously
        graph = {
            "C": ["C1"],
            "C1": ["C2"],
            "C2": ["C3"],
            "C3": ["C4"],
            "C4": ["2"],
            "B": ["B1"],
            "B1": ["B2"],
            "B2": ["B3"],
            "B3": ["1"],
            "A": ["A1"],
            "A1": ["A2"],
            "A2": ["A3"],
            "A3": ["1"],
            "1": ["2"],
            "2": [],

        def lookup_parents(cid):
            return graph[cid]

        def lookup_stamp(commit_id):
            # any constant timestamp value here will work to force
            # this test to test the same behaviour as done previously
            return 100

        lcas = ["A"]
        others = ["B", "C"]
        for cmt in others:
            next_lcas = []
            for ca in lcas:
                res = _find_lcas(lookup_parents, cmt, [ca], lookup_stamp)
            lcas = next_lcas[:]
        self.assertEqual(set(lcas), {"2"})

class CanFastForwardTests(TestCase):
    def test_ff(self):
        r = MemoryRepo()
        base = make_commit()
        c1 = make_commit(parents=[base.id])
        c2 = make_commit(parents=[c1.id])
        r.object_store.add_objects([(base, None), (c1, None), (c2, None)])
        self.assertTrue(can_fast_forward(r, c1.id, c1.id))
        self.assertTrue(can_fast_forward(r, base.id, c1.id))
        self.assertTrue(can_fast_forward(r, c1.id, c2.id))
        self.assertFalse(can_fast_forward(r, c2.id, c1.id))

    def test_diverged(self):
        r = MemoryRepo()
        base = make_commit()
        c1 = make_commit(parents=[base.id])
        c2a = make_commit(parents=[c1.id], message=b"2a")
        c2b = make_commit(parents=[c1.id], message=b"2b")
        r.object_store.add_objects([(base, None), (c1, None), (c2a, None), (c2b, None)])
        self.assertTrue(can_fast_forward(r, c1.id, c2a.id))
        self.assertTrue(can_fast_forward(r, c1.id, c2b.id))
        self.assertFalse(can_fast_forward(r, c2a.id, c2b.id))
        self.assertFalse(can_fast_forward(r, c2b.id, c2a.id))

class WorkListTest(TestCase):
    def test_WorkList(self):
        # tuples of (timestamp, value) are stored in a Priority MaxQueue
        # repeated use of get should return them in maxheap timestamp
        # order: largest time value (most recent in time) first then earlier/older
        wlst = WorkList()
        wlst.add((100, "Test Value 1"))
        wlst.add((50, "Test Value 2"))
        wlst.add((200, "Test Value 3"))
        self.assertTrue(wlst.get() == (200, "Test Value 3"))
        self.assertTrue(wlst.get() == (100, "Test Value 1"))
        wlst.add((150, "Test Value 4"))
        self.assertTrue(wlst.get() == (150, "Test Value 4"))
        self.assertTrue(wlst.get() == (50, "Test Value 2"))