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- At the moment, Dulwich is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
- version 2 or later.
- We'd like to relicense Dulwich under the Apache v2 (or later) license, as
- the GPL is problematic for many free software Python projects that are under
- BSD-style licenses. See also https://github.com/jelmer/dulwich/issues/153
- For reference, a full copy of the Apachev2 license can be found here:
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- New contributions to Dulwich should be dual licensed under the GNU GPLv2 (or
- later) and the Apachev2 (or later) licenses.
- Contributions made prior were contributed under the GPLv2 (or later) license
- alone. Code written by the following contributors has not (yet) been relicensed
- under dual Apachev2/GPLv2:
- Artem Tikhomirov <artem.tikhomirov@syntevo.com>
- Risto Kankkunen <risto.kankkunen@f-secure.com> <risto.kankkunen@iki.fi>
- If your name is in this list and you'd be happy to relicense your contribution
- under dual GPLv2/Apachev2, then please send me an e-mail (jelmer@jelmer.uk) or
- a pull request on GitHub removing your name from the list above.