123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492 |
- """Tests for reading and writing configuration files."""
- import os
- import sys
- from io import BytesIO
- from unittest import skipIf
- from unittest.mock import patch
- from dulwich.config import (
- ConfigDict,
- ConfigFile,
- StackedConfig,
- _check_section_name,
- _check_variable_name,
- _escape_value,
- _format_string,
- _parse_string,
- apply_instead_of,
- parse_submodules,
- )
- from . import TestCase
- class ConfigFileTests(TestCase):
- def from_file(self, text):
- return ConfigFile.from_file(BytesIO(text))
- def test_empty(self):
- ConfigFile()
- def test_eq(self):
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile(), ConfigFile())
- def test_default_config(self):
- cf = self.from_file(
- b"""[core]
- \trepositoryformatversion = 0
- \tfilemode = true
- \tbare = false
- \tlogallrefupdates = true
- """
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- ConfigFile(
- {
- (b"core",): {
- b"repositoryformatversion": b"0",
- b"filemode": b"true",
- b"bare": b"false",
- b"logallrefupdates": b"true",
- }
- }
- ),
- cf,
- )
- def test_from_file_empty(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"")
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile(), cf)
- def test_empty_line_before_section(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"\n[section]\n")
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile({(b"section",): {}}), cf)
- def test_comment_before_section(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"# foo\n[section]\n")
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile({(b"section",): {}}), cf)
- def test_comment_after_section(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[section] # foo\n")
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile({(b"section",): {}}), cf)
- def test_comment_after_variable(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[section]\nbar= foo # a comment\n")
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile({(b"section",): {b"bar": b"foo"}}), cf)
- def test_comment_character_within_value_string(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b'[section]\nbar= "foo#bar"\n')
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile({(b"section",): {b"bar": b"foo#bar"}}), cf)
- def test_comment_character_within_section_string(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b'[branch "foo#bar"] # a comment\nbar= foo\n')
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile({(b"branch", b"foo#bar"): {b"bar": b"foo"}}), cf)
- def test_closing_bracket_within_section_string(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b'[branch "foo]bar"] # a comment\nbar= foo\n')
- self.assertEqual(ConfigFile({(b"branch", b"foo]bar"): {b"bar": b"foo"}}), cf)
- def test_from_file_section(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[core]\nfoo = bar\n")
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"core", b"foo"), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_multiple(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[core]\nfoo = bar\nfoo = blah\n")
- self.assertEqual([b"bar", b"blah"], list(cf.get_multivar((b"core",), b"foo")))
- self.assertEqual([], list(cf.get_multivar((b"core",), b"blah")))
- def test_from_file_utf8_bom(self):
- text = "[core]\nfoo = b\u00e4r\n".encode("utf-8-sig")
- cf = self.from_file(text)
- self.assertEqual(b"b\xc3\xa4r", cf.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_section_case_insensitive_lower(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[cOre]\nfOo = bar\n")
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"core", b"foo"), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_section_case_insensitive_mixed(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[cOre]\nfOo = bar\n")
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"core",), b"fOo"))
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"cOre", b"fOo"), b"fOo"))
- def test_from_file_with_mixed_quoted(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b'[core]\nfoo = "bar"la\n')
- self.assertEqual(b"barla", cf.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_section_with_open_brackets(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.from_file, b"[core\nfoo = bar\n")
- def test_from_file_value_with_open_quoted(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.from_file, b'[core]\nfoo = "bar\n')
- def test_from_file_with_quotes(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[core]\n" b'foo = " bar"\n')
- self.assertEqual(b" bar", cf.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_with_interrupted_line(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[core]\n" b"foo = bar\\\n" b" la\n")
- self.assertEqual(b"barla", cf.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_with_boolean_setting(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[core]\n" b"foo\n")
- self.assertEqual(b"true", cf.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_subsection(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b'[branch "foo"]\nfoo = bar\n')
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"branch", b"foo"), b"foo"))
- def test_from_file_subsection_invalid(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.from_file, b'[branch "foo]\nfoo = bar\n')
- def test_from_file_subsection_not_quoted(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[branch.foo]\nfoo = bar\n")
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"branch", b"foo"), b"foo"))
- def test_write_preserve_multivar(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[core]\nfoo = bar\nfoo = blah\n")
- f = BytesIO()
- cf.write_to_file(f)
- self.assertEqual(b"[core]\n\tfoo = bar\n\tfoo = blah\n", f.getvalue())
- def test_write_to_file_empty(self):
- c = ConfigFile()
- f = BytesIO()
- c.write_to_file(f)
- self.assertEqual(b"", f.getvalue())
- def test_write_to_file_section(self):
- c = ConfigFile()
- c.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"bar")
- f = BytesIO()
- c.write_to_file(f)
- self.assertEqual(b"[core]\n\tfoo = bar\n", f.getvalue())
- def test_write_to_file_subsection(self):
- c = ConfigFile()
- c.set((b"branch", b"blie"), b"foo", b"bar")
- f = BytesIO()
- c.write_to_file(f)
- self.assertEqual(b'[branch "blie"]\n\tfoo = bar\n', f.getvalue())
- def test_same_line(self):
- cf = self.from_file(b"[branch.foo] foo = bar\n")
- self.assertEqual(b"bar", cf.get((b"branch", b"foo"), b"foo"))
- def test_quoted_newlines_windows(self):
- cf = self.from_file(
- b"[alias]\r\n"
- b"c = '!f() { \\\r\n"
- b' printf \'[git commit -m \\"%s\\"]\\n\' \\"$*\\" && \\\r\n'
- b' git commit -m \\"$*\\"; \\\r\n'
- b" }; f'\r\n"
- )
- self.assertEqual(list(cf.sections()), [(b"alias",)])
- self.assertEqual(
- b"'!f() { printf '[git commit -m \"%s\"]\n' " b'"$*" && git commit -m "$*"',
- cf.get((b"alias",), b"c"),
- )
- def test_quoted(self):
- cf = self.from_file(
- b"""[gui]
- \tfontdiff = -family \\\"Ubuntu Mono\\\" -size 11 -overstrike 0
- """
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- ConfigFile(
- {
- (b"gui",): {
- b"fontdiff": b'-family "Ubuntu Mono" -size 11 -overstrike 0',
- }
- }
- ),
- cf,
- )
- def test_quoted_multiline(self):
- cf = self.from_file(
- b"""[alias]
- who = \"!who() {\\
- git log --no-merges --pretty=format:'%an - %ae' $@ | uniq -c | sort -rn;\\
- };\\
- who\"
- """
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- ConfigFile(
- {
- (b"alias",): {
- b"who": (
- b"!who() {git log --no-merges --pretty=format:'%an - "
- b"%ae' $@ | uniq -c | sort -rn;};who"
- )
- }
- }
- ),
- cf,
- )
- def test_set_hash_gets_quoted(self):
- c = ConfigFile()
- c.set(b"xandikos", b"color", b"#665544")
- f = BytesIO()
- c.write_to_file(f)
- self.assertEqual(b'[xandikos]\n\tcolor = "#665544"\n', f.getvalue())
- class ConfigDictTests(TestCase):
- def test_get_set(self):
- cd = ConfigDict()
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, cd.get, b"foo", b"core")
- cd.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"bla")
- self.assertEqual(b"bla", cd.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- cd.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"bloe")
- self.assertEqual(b"bloe", cd.get((b"core",), b"foo"))
- def test_get_boolean(self):
- cd = ConfigDict()
- cd.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"true")
- self.assertTrue(cd.get_boolean((b"core",), b"foo"))
- cd.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"false")
- self.assertFalse(cd.get_boolean((b"core",), b"foo"))
- cd.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"invalid")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, cd.get_boolean, (b"core",), b"foo")
- def test_dict(self):
- cd = ConfigDict()
- cd.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"bla")
- cd.set((b"core2",), b"foo", b"bloe")
- self.assertEqual([(b"core",), (b"core2",)], list(cd.keys()))
- self.assertEqual(cd[(b"core",)], {b"foo": b"bla"})
- cd[b"a"] = b"b"
- self.assertEqual(cd[b"a"], b"b")
- def test_items(self):
- cd = ConfigDict()
- cd.set((b"core",), b"foo", b"bla")
- cd.set((b"core2",), b"foo", b"bloe")
- self.assertEqual([(b"foo", b"bla")], list(cd.items((b"core",))))
- def test_items_nonexistant(self):
- cd = ConfigDict()
- cd.set((b"core2",), b"foo", b"bloe")
- self.assertEqual([], list(cd.items((b"core",))))
- def test_sections(self):
- cd = ConfigDict()
- cd.set((b"core2",), b"foo", b"bloe")
- self.assertEqual([(b"core2",)], list(cd.sections()))
- class StackedConfigTests(TestCase):
- def test_default_backends(self):
- StackedConfig.default_backends()
- @skipIf(sys.platform != "win32", "Windows specific config location.")
- def test_windows_config_from_path(self):
- from dulwich.config import get_win_system_paths
- install_dir = os.path.join("C:", "foo", "Git")
- self.overrideEnv("PATH", os.path.join(install_dir, "cmd"))
- with patch("os.path.exists", return_value=True):
- paths = set(get_win_system_paths())
- self.assertEqual(
- {
- os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROGRAMDATA"), "Git", "config"),
- os.path.join(install_dir, "etc", "gitconfig"),
- },
- paths,
- )
- @skipIf(sys.platform != "win32", "Windows specific config location.")
- def test_windows_config_from_reg(self):
- import winreg
- from dulwich.config import get_win_system_paths
- self.overrideEnv("PATH", None)
- install_dir = os.path.join("C:", "foo", "Git")
- with patch("winreg.OpenKey"):
- with patch(
- "winreg.QueryValueEx",
- return_value=(install_dir, winreg.REG_SZ),
- ):
- paths = set(get_win_system_paths())
- self.assertEqual(
- {
- os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROGRAMDATA"), "Git", "config"),
- os.path.join(install_dir, "etc", "gitconfig"),
- },
- paths,
- )
- class EscapeValueTests(TestCase):
- def test_nothing(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"foo", _escape_value(b"foo"))
- def test_backslash(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"foo\\\\", _escape_value(b"foo\\"))
- def test_newline(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"foo\\n", _escape_value(b"foo\n"))
- class FormatStringTests(TestCase):
- def test_quoted(self):
- self.assertEqual(b'" foo"', _format_string(b" foo"))
- self.assertEqual(b'"\\tfoo"', _format_string(b"\tfoo"))
- def test_not_quoted(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"foo", _format_string(b"foo"))
- self.assertEqual(b"foo bar", _format_string(b"foo bar"))
- class ParseStringTests(TestCase):
- def test_quoted(self):
- self.assertEqual(b" foo", _parse_string(b'" foo"'))
- self.assertEqual(b"\tfoo", _parse_string(b'"\\tfoo"'))
- def test_not_quoted(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"foo", _parse_string(b"foo"))
- self.assertEqual(b"foo bar", _parse_string(b"foo bar"))
- def test_nothing(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"", _parse_string(b""))
- def test_tab(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"\tbar\t", _parse_string(b"\\tbar\\t"))
- def test_newline(self):
- self.assertEqual(b"\nbar\t", _parse_string(b"\\nbar\\t\t"))
- def test_quote(self):
- self.assertEqual(b'"foo"', _parse_string(b'\\"foo\\"'))
- class CheckVariableNameTests(TestCase):
- def test_invalid(self):
- self.assertFalse(_check_variable_name(b"foo "))
- self.assertFalse(_check_variable_name(b"bar,bar"))
- self.assertFalse(_check_variable_name(b"bar.bar"))
- def test_valid(self):
- self.assertTrue(_check_variable_name(b"FOO"))
- self.assertTrue(_check_variable_name(b"foo"))
- self.assertTrue(_check_variable_name(b"foo-bar"))
- class CheckSectionNameTests(TestCase):
- def test_invalid(self):
- self.assertFalse(_check_section_name(b"foo "))
- self.assertFalse(_check_section_name(b"bar,bar"))
- def test_valid(self):
- self.assertTrue(_check_section_name(b"FOO"))
- self.assertTrue(_check_section_name(b"foo"))
- self.assertTrue(_check_section_name(b"foo-bar"))
- self.assertTrue(_check_section_name(b"bar.bar"))
- class SubmodulesTests(TestCase):
- def testSubmodules(self):
- cf = ConfigFile.from_file(
- BytesIO(
- b"""\
- [submodule "core/lib"]
- \tpath = core/lib
- \turl = https://github.com/phhusson/QuasselC.git
- """
- )
- )
- got = list(parse_submodules(cf))
- self.assertEqual(
- [
- (
- b"core/lib",
- b"https://github.com/phhusson/QuasselC.git",
- b"core/lib",
- )
- ],
- got,
- )
- def testMalformedSubmodules(self):
- cf = ConfigFile.from_file(
- BytesIO(
- b"""\
- [submodule "core/lib"]
- \tpath = core/lib
- \turl = https://github.com/phhusson/QuasselC.git
- [submodule "dulwich"]
- \turl = https://github.com/jelmer/dulwich
- """
- )
- )
- got = list(parse_submodules(cf))
- self.assertEqual(
- [
- (
- b"core/lib",
- b"https://github.com/phhusson/QuasselC.git",
- b"core/lib",
- )
- ],
- got,
- )
- class ApplyInsteadOfTests(TestCase):
- def test_none(self):
- config = ConfigDict()
- self.assertEqual(
- "https://example.com/", apply_instead_of(config, "https://example.com/")
- )
- def test_apply(self):
- config = ConfigDict()
- config.set(("url", "https://samba.org/"), "insteadOf", "https://example.com/")
- self.assertEqual(
- "https://samba.org/", apply_instead_of(config, "https://example.com/")
- )
- def test_apply_multiple(self):
- config = ConfigDict()
- config.set(("url", "https://samba.org/"), "insteadOf", "https://blah.com/")
- config.set(("url", "https://samba.org/"), "insteadOf", "https://example.com/")
- self.assertEqual(
- [b"https://blah.com/", b"https://example.com/"],
- list(config.get_multivar(("url", "https://samba.org/"), "insteadOf")),
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- "https://samba.org/", apply_instead_of(config, "https://example.com/")
- )