## Edge Case Debates * Is an email Inbox/conversation more like a collection or a feed? ## Content System Content sources can be registered to handle IDs. The first to be registered for a pattern will be used. It should take into account things like connectivity, availability, etc. Live API, Offline cache, Archive sources. If the live API only has 7 days of data, we may fall back cached or exported archive. ## Testing Unit and E2E tests run offline, except integration portions. We can use the cached responses and responses module to accomplish this. ## Provider template Twitter is the furthest along, but each has some distinct features. I was learning Python as I built this project. ## Extensibility We rely as much as possible on the constituent parts that we rely on. Trac is an inspiration but invents everything from scratch which is over-engineering for us at this point. We'll vet the pieces that we use well and rely on them. Trac for the HTTP routing and themes. Dataclasses for the serialization. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7505988/importing-from-a-relative-path-in-python https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/absolute-and-relative-imports-in-python/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40892104/how-to-organize-one-blueprint-with-multiple-routes-files ### Content ### Themes ### Routes