# Syndication Taxonomy These items are implemented as Dataclasses and are network serializable. They are designed as a ViewModel. The Hogumathi feed syndication will be the real test of whether this is a viable approach... Strictly the network should have a different ValueObject. "Actions" will be tricky. I think they're a map currently, and require regular expressions. ## FeedItem Presently this is implemented as a ViewModel. ## FeedItemMedia Media item attached to a FeedItem ## User ## Feed FeedItems - chronologically ordered ## Collection CollectionItem - ordered by 'user' ## CollectionItem (presently implemented as FeedItem. Could end up nesting FeedItem) Think of Search and Playlist as a user, maybe read only access ## List ListMembers - ordered ## ListMember User ## Conversation Ordered collection of Messages ## Message From User. (Participant?) To Users. FeedItems can be attached. ## CollectionPage A page of ViewModel collection items with a next_token.