function swapVideoPlayer(imgEl, videoUrl, videoType) { if (videoType == 'video/youtube' || videoType == 'video/bitchute') { if (videoType == 'video/youtube') { videoUrl += '?enablejsapi=1&widgetid=1&modestbranding=1&playsinline=true&showinfo=0&autoplay=1&rel=0&mute=0'; } else if (videoType == 'video/bitchute') { videoUrl += '?autoplay=1'; } var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src = videoUrl; iframe.height = imgEl.height; iframe.width = imgEl.width; iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen','allowfullscreen'); iframe.setAttribute('allow', 'autoplay'); = '0'; imgEl.replaceWith(iframe); return iframe; } var vid = document.createElement('video'); var src = document.createElement('source'); vid.appendChild(src); vid.poster = imgEl.src; vid.controls = "controls"; vid.height = imgEl.height; vid.width = imgEl.width; vid.playsInline = true; vid.autoplay = true; src.src = videoUrl; src.type = videoType; imgEl.replaceWith(vid); return vid; } function noteCardFormat (tweet, annotation) { if (!tweet) { return ""; } if (!annotation) { annotation = ''; } else { annotation = '\n' + annotation + '\n'; } var now = new Date(); var s = `--- ${formatTime(now)} ${annotation} ${extendedFormat(tweet)} `; return s; } function simpleFormat (tweet) { if (!tweet) { return ""; } var s; with (tweet) { if( !tweet['source_url'] ) { source_url = null; } s = `${source_url || ''} ${display_name} @${handle} ${created_at} ${text || '(no text)'} `; } return s.trim(); } function htmlToText(html) { var temp = document.createElement('div'); temp.innerHTML = html; return temp.textContent; // Or return temp.innerText if you need to return only visible text. It's slower. } function extendedFormat (tweet) { if (!tweet) { return ""; } var s; if (!tweet.text && tweet.html) { // FIXME: HTML to text tweet.text = htmlToText(tweet.html.replaceAll('

', '

\n\n')); } with (tweet) { var total_rt_count = (public_metrics.quote_count || 0) + (public_metrics.retweet_count || 0); s = `${source_url || ''} ${display_name} @${handle} ${created_at} ${!isNaN(public_metrics.reply_count) ? public_metrics.reply_count : 'unknown'} replies, ${total_rt_count} rts, ${public_metrics.like_count} likes ${tweet['retweeted_by'] ? 'Retweeted by ' : tweet['retweeted_by']} ${text || '(no text)'} ${tweet['card'] ? "Card:\n" + cardFormat(card) : ''} ${tweet['quoted_tweet'] ? "Quoted Tweet:\n" + simpleFormat(quoted_tweet) : ''} `; } return s.trim(); } function cardFormat (card) { if (!card) { return ""; } var s; with (card) { s = `${source_url || ''} ${display_url} ${title} ${content} `; } return s; } function jsonFormat (tweet) { return JSON.stringify(tweet, null, 2); } function formatDate (date) { return date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') + "-" + date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'); } function formatTime (date) { return ("" + date.getHours()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + ("" + date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + ("" + date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, "0") } function copyToClipboard (text) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); } function tweetById (tweetId) { var tweets = window.dataset.get().filter(t => == tweetId); if (!tweets.length) { return null; } return tweets[0].feed_item; } function copyTweetToClipboard (tweetId) { var text = noteCardFormat(tweetById(tweetId)); return copyToClipboard(text) } async function swipeTweetToNotesApp (tweetId) { const { value: annotation } = await{ input: 'textarea', inputLabel: 'Add annotation to swipe?', inputPlaceholder: 'Type your annotation here...', inputAttributes: { 'aria-label': 'Type your annotation here' }, showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: 'No annotation' }) var noteId = formatDate(new Date()) + '' var url = notesAppUrl + '/intent/prepend-text/' + noteId var text = noteCardFormat(tweetById(tweetId), annotation); var params = new URLSearchParams({ text: text, should_create: 1 }); return fetch(url + '?' + params).then(function (r) {{ icon: 'success', title: 'Tweet swiped.' }); return r; }); }