facade.py 20 KB

  1. from dataclasses import asdict
  2. from typing import List
  3. from dacite import from_dict
  4. from configparser import ConfigParser
  5. import base64
  6. from flask import Flask, json, Response, render_template, request, send_from_directory, Blueprint, url_for, g
  7. from flask_cors import CORS
  8. import sqlite3
  9. import os
  10. import json
  11. import json_stream
  12. from zipfile import ZipFile
  13. import itertools
  14. import datetime
  15. import dateutil
  16. import dateutil.parser
  17. import dateutil.tz
  18. import requests
  19. from twitter_v2 import types as tv2_types
  20. from twitter_v2.archive import ArchiveTweetSource
  21. from hogumathi_app import content_system, view_model as h_vm
  22. ARCHIVE_TWEETS_PATH=os.environ.get('ARCHIVE_TWEETS_PATH', '.data/tweets.json')
  23. TWEET_DB_PATH=os.environ.get('TWEET_DB_PATH', '.data/tweet.db')
  24. twitter_app = Blueprint('twitter_archive_facade', 'twitter_archive_facade',
  25. static_folder='static',
  26. static_url_path='',
  27. url_prefix='/')
  28. @twitter_app.before_request
  29. def add_me ():
  30. #if me.startswith('twitter') and me in session:
  31. #g.twitter_user = {'id': '0'}
  32. return
  33. @twitter_app.context_processor
  34. def inject_me():
  35. #return {'twitter_user': g.twitter_user}
  36. return {}
  37. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. # Tweet Archive and old tests
  40. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48218065/programmingerror-sqlite-objects-created-in-a-thread-can-only-be-used-in-that-sa
  43. db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", check_same_thread=False)
  44. db_need_init = True
  45. if db_need_init:
  46. print("Creating tweet db...")
  47. db.execute("create table tweet (id, created_at, content)")
  48. def tweets_js_to_json (path, to_path):
  49. # open JS file provided in archive and convert it to JSON
  50. # string manipulation should be enough
  51. return True
  52. def populate_tweetsdb_from_compressed_json (db, tweets_json_path):
  53. # perf: we should find a batch size for executemany if this is too slow.
  54. # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43785569/for-loop-or-executemany-python-and-sqlite3
  55. ti = open(tweets_json_path)
  56. data = json_stream.load(ti)
  57. for tweet in data.persistent():
  58. reply = None
  59. if "reply" in tweet:
  60. reply = tweet["reply"]
  61. values = [tweet["id"], tweet["full_text_length"], tweet["date"], reply]
  62. db.execute("insert into tweet (id, full_text_length, date, reply) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", values)
  63. ti.close()
  64. return True
  65. def print_retweets (tweets_path):
  66. tweets_file = open(tweets_path, 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
  67. tweets_data = json_stream.load(tweets_file)
  68. print('[')
  69. for t in tweets_data:
  70. tweet = t.persistent()['tweet']
  71. if int(tweet['retweet_count']) > 1:
  72. print(json.dumps({'id': tweet['id'], 'x': tweet['created_at'], 'y': tweet['retweet_count']}) + ',')
  73. print(']')
  74. tweets_file.close()
  75. return True
  76. def tweet_to_actpub (t):
  77. return t
  78. @twitter_app.route('/tweets/isd', methods=['GET'])
  79. def get_tweets_isd ():
  80. # simulate GraphQL conventions with REST:
  81. # created_at[gte]=
  82. # created_at[lte]=
  83. # author=
  84. # content[re]=
  85. # expansions=media,...
  86. #results = langs_con.execute("select rowid, id, created_at, content from tweet").fetchall()
  87. #return Response(json.dumps(results), mimetype='application/json')
  88. return send_from_directory('data', 'tweets-ispoogedaily.json')
  89. @twitter_app.route('/tweets/storms', methods=['GET'])
  90. def get_tweet_storms ():
  91. #content = open('data/storm-summaries-2021.json').read()
  92. #return Response(content, mimetype='application/json')
  93. return send_from_directory('data', 'storm-summaries-2021.json')
  94. @twitter_app.route('/bookmarks', methods=['GET'])
  95. def get_bookmarks ():
  96. #content = open('data/storm-summaries-2021.json').read()
  97. #return Response(content, mimetype='application/json')
  98. return send_from_directory('data', 'bookmarks-ispoogedaily.json')
  99. @twitter_app.route('/timeline', methods=['GET'])
  100. def get_timeline ():
  101. #content = open('data/storm-summaries-2021.json').read()
  102. #return Response(content, mimetype='application/json')
  103. return send_from_directory('data', 'timeline-minimal.json')
  104. @twitter_app.route('/tweets/compressed', methods=['POST'])
  105. def post_tweets_compressed ():
  106. db_exists = os.path.exists(TWEET_DB_PATH)
  107. if not db_exists:
  108. db = sqlite3.connect(TWEET_DB_PATH)
  109. db.execute("create table tweet (id, full_text_length, date, reply)")
  110. populate_tweetsdb_from_compressed_json(db, ".data/tweet-items.json")
  111. db.commit()
  112. db.close()
  113. #content = open('data/storm-summaries-2021.json').read()
  114. #return Response(content, mimetype='application/json')
  115. return Response("ok")
  116. tweets_form_meta_data = {
  117. 'fields': [
  118. {'name': 'id'},
  119. {'name': 'created_at', 'type': 'date'},
  120. {'name': 'retweeted', 'type': 'boolean'},
  121. {'name': 'favorited', 'type': 'boolean'},
  122. {'name': 'retweet_count', 'type': 'int'},
  123. {'name': 'favorite_count', 'type': 'int'},
  124. {'name': 'full_text', 'type': 'string', 'searchable': True},
  125. {'name': 'in_reply_to_status_id_str', 'type': 'string'},
  126. {'name': 'in_reply_to_user_id', 'type': 'string'},
  127. {'name': 'in_reply_to_screen_name', 'type': 'string'}
  128. ],
  129. 'id': 'id',
  130. 'root': 'tweets',
  131. 'url': '/tweets/search',
  132. 'access': ['read']
  133. }
  134. @twitter_app.route('/tweets/form', methods=['GET'])
  135. def get_tweets_form ():
  136. response_body = {
  137. 'metaData': tweets_form_meta_data
  138. }
  139. return Response(json.dumps(response_body), mimetype="application/json")
  140. def db_tweet_to_card (tweet):
  141. user = {'username': 'ispoogedaily', 'id': '14520320'}
  142. tweet_url = 'https://twitter.com/{}/status/{}'.format(user['username'], tweet['id'])
  143. content = tweet['full_text'] + "\n\n[view tweet]({})".format(tweet_url)
  144. card = {
  145. 'id': 'tweet-' + tweet['id'],
  146. 'content': content,
  147. 'content_type': 'text/plain',
  148. 'created_at': tweet['created_at'],
  149. 'modified_at': None,
  150. 'title': '@' + user['username'] + ' at ' + tweet['created_at'],
  151. 'content_source': tweet_url,
  152. #'tweet': tweet,
  153. #'user': user
  154. }
  155. return card
  156. # tweetStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({'url': 'http://localhost:5004/tweets/search.rows.json', 'autoLoad': true})
  157. def tweet_model (tweet_data):
  158. # retweeted_by, avi_icon_url, display_name, handle, created_at, text
  159. """
  160. {"id": "797839193", "created_at": "2008-04-27T04:00:27", "retweeted": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweet_count": "0", "favorite_count": "0", "full_text": "Putting pizza on. Come over any time!", "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "author_id": "14520320"}, {"id": "797849979", "created_at": "2008-04-27T04:27:46", "retweeted": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweet_count": "0", "favorite_count": "0", "full_text": "hijacked!@!!!", "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "author_id": "14520320"}
  161. """
  162. t = {
  163. 'id': tweet_data['id'],
  164. 'text': tweet_data['full_text'],
  165. 'created_at': tweet_data['created_at'],
  166. 'author_is_verified': False,
  167. 'conversation_id': tweet_data['id'],
  168. 'avi_icon_url': '',
  169. 'display_name': 'Archive User',
  170. 'handle': '!archive',
  171. 'author_url': url_for('.get_profile_html', user_id='0'),
  172. 'author_id': '0',
  173. 'source_url': '!source_url',
  174. 'source_author_url': '!source_author_url',
  175. #'is_edited': len(tweet_data['edit_history_tweet_ids']) > 1
  176. }
  177. t['public_metrics'] = {
  178. 'like_count': int(tweet_data['favorite_count']),
  179. 'retweet_count': int(tweet_data['retweet_count']),
  180. 'reply_count': 0,
  181. 'quote_count': 0
  182. }
  183. return t
  184. def tweet_model_vm (tweet_data) -> List[h_vm.FeedItem]:
  185. # retweeted_by, avi_icon_url, display_name, handle, created_at, text
  186. """
  187. {"id": "797839193", "created_at": "2008-04-27T04:00:27", "retweeted": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweet_count": "0", "favorite_count": "0", "full_text": "Putting pizza on. Come over any time!", "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "author_id": "14520320"}, {"id": "797849979", "created_at": "2008-04-27T04:27:46", "retweeted": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweet_count": "0", "favorite_count": "0", "full_text": "hijacked!@!!!", "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "author_id": "14520320"}
  188. """
  189. t = h_vm.FeedItem(
  190. id = tweet_data['id'],
  191. text = tweet_data['full_text'],
  192. created_at = tweet_data['created_at'],
  193. author_is_verified = False,
  194. conversation_id = tweet_data['id'],
  195. avi_icon_url = '',
  196. display_name = 'Archive User',
  197. handle = '!archive',
  198. url = url_for('twitter_archive_facade.get_tweet_html', tweet_id = tweet_data['id']),
  199. author_url = url_for('twitter_archive_facade.get_profile_html', user_id='0'),
  200. author_id = '0',
  201. source_url = '!source_url',
  202. source_author_url = '!source_author_url',
  203. #'is_edited': len(tweet_data['edit_history_tweet_ids']) > 1
  204. public_metrics = h_vm.PublicMetrics(
  205. like_count = int(tweet_data['favorite_count']),
  206. retweet_count = int(tweet_data['retweet_count']),
  207. reply_count = 0,
  208. quote_count = 0
  209. )
  210. )
  211. return t
  212. def get_user_feed (user_id, pagination_token=None, me=None):
  213. tweet_source = ArchiveTweetSource(ARCHIVE_TWEETS_PATH)
  214. db_tweets = tweet_source.get_user_timeline(author_id = user_id,
  215. since_id = pagination_token,
  216. #exclude_replies = exclude_replies == '1'
  217. )
  218. tweets = list(map(tweet_model_vm, db_tweets))
  219. next_token = db_tweets[-1]['id']
  220. collection_page = h_vm.CollectionPage(
  221. id = user_id,
  222. items = tweets,
  223. next_token = next_token
  224. )
  225. return collection_page
  226. def get_tweets (ids, me = None):
  227. tweet_source = ArchiveTweetSource(ARCHIVE_TWEETS_PATH)
  228. db_tweets = tweet_source.get_tweets(ids)
  229. tweets = list(map(tweet_model_vm, db_tweets))
  230. collection_page = h_vm.CollectionPage(
  231. id = ','.join(ids),
  232. items = tweets
  233. )
  234. return collection_page
  235. def get_tweet (tweet_id, me = None):
  236. ids = [tweet_id]
  237. collection_page = get_tweets(ids, me=me)
  238. if collection_page.items:
  239. return collection_page.items[0]
  240. def register_content_sources ():
  241. content_system.register_content_source('twitter:feed:user:', get_user_feed, id_pattern='([\d]+)')
  242. content_system.register_content_source('twitter:tweets', get_tweets, id_pattern='')
  243. content_system.register_content_source('twitter:tweet:', get_tweet, id_pattern='([\d]+)')
  244. @twitter_app.route('/profile/<user_id>.html', methods=['GET'])
  245. def get_profile_html (user_id):
  246. pagination_token = request.args.get('pagination_token')
  247. #exclude_replies = request.args.get('exclude_replies', '1')
  248. # FIXME we want to use a specific source here...
  249. collection_page = content_system.get_content(f'twitter:feed:user:{user_id}', content_source_id = 'twitter_archive_facade.facade:get_user_feed', pagination_token=pagination_token)
  250. tweets = collection_page.items
  251. next_token = collection_page.next_token
  252. query = {}
  253. if next_token:
  254. query = {
  255. **query,
  256. 'next_data_url': url_for('twitter_archive_facade.get_profile_html', user_id=user_id , pagination_token=next_token),
  257. 'next_page_url': url_for('twitter_archive_facade.get_profile_html', user_id=user_id , pagination_token=next_token)
  258. }
  259. profile_user = {
  260. 'id': user_id
  261. }
  262. if 'HX-Request' in request.headers:
  263. user = {
  264. 'id': user_id
  265. }
  266. return render_template('partial/tweets-timeline.html', user = profile_user, tweets = tweets, query = query)
  267. else:
  268. return render_template('user-profile.html', user = profile_user, tweets = tweets, query = query)
  269. @twitter_app.get('/tweet/<tweet_id>.html')
  270. @twitter_app.get('/tweets.html')
  271. def get_tweet_html (tweet_id = None):
  272. output_format = request.args.get('format')
  273. if not tweet_id:
  274. ids = request.args.get('ids').split(',')
  275. collection_page = content_system.get_content('twitter:tweets', ids=ids, content_source_id='twitter_archive_facade.facade:get_tweets')
  276. tweets = collection_page.items
  277. else:
  278. tweet = content_system.get_content(f'twitter:tweet:{tweet_id}', content_source_id='twitter_archive_facade.facade:get_tweet')
  279. tweets = [tweet]
  280. query = {}
  281. profile_user = {}
  282. if output_format == 'feed.json':
  283. return jsonify(dict(
  284. data = tweets
  285. ))
  286. else:
  287. return render_template('search.html', user = profile_user, tweets = tweets, query = query)
  288. @twitter_app.route('/latest.html', methods=['GET'])
  289. def get_timeline_home_html (variant = "reverse_chronological", pagination_token=None):
  290. return 'ok'
  291. @twitter_app.route('/conversations.html', methods=['GET'])
  292. def get_conversations_html ():
  293. return 'ok'
  294. @twitter_app.route('/bookmarks.html', methods=['GET'])
  295. def get_bookmarks_html (user_id):
  296. return 'ok'
  297. @twitter_app.route('/logout.html', methods=['GET'])
  298. def get_logout_html ():
  299. return 'ok'
  300. @twitter_app.route('/media/upload', methods=['POST'])
  301. def post_media_upload ():
  302. return 'ok'
  303. @twitter_app.route('/tweets/search', methods=['GET'])
  304. @twitter_app.route('/tweets/search.<string:response_format>', methods=['GET'])
  305. def get_tweets_search (response_format='json'):
  306. search = request.args.get('q')
  307. limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 10000))
  308. offset = int(request.args.get('offset', 0))
  309. in_reply_to_user_id = int(request.args.get('in_reply_to_user_id', 0))
  310. db = sqlite3.connect(TWEET_DB_PATH)
  311. sql = """
  312. select
  313. id, created_at, retweeted, favorited, retweet_count, favorite_count, full_text, in_reply_to_status_id_str, in_reply_to_user_id, in_reply_to_screen_name
  314. from tweet
  315. """
  316. sql_params = []
  317. if search:
  318. sql += " where full_text like ?"
  319. sql_params.append("%{}%".format(search))
  320. if in_reply_to_user_id:
  321. sql += " where in_reply_to_user_id = ?"
  322. sql_params.append(str(in_reply_to_user_id))
  323. sql += ' order by cast(id as integer)'
  324. if limit:
  325. sql += ' limit ?'
  326. sql_params.append(limit)
  327. if offset:
  328. sql += ' offset ?'
  329. sql_params.append(offset)
  330. cur = db.cursor()
  331. cur.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
  332. tweets = list(map(dict, cur.execute(sql, sql_params).fetchall()))
  333. cur.close()
  334. db.close()
  335. result = None
  336. if response_format == 'cards.json':
  337. cards = list(map(db_tweet_to_card, tweets))
  338. result = {
  339. "q": search,
  340. "cards": cards
  341. }
  342. elif response_format == 'rows.json':
  343. meta = tweets_form_meta_data
  344. fields = meta['fields']
  345. fields = list(map(lambda f: {**f[1], 'mapping': f[0]}, enumerate(fields)))
  346. meta = {**meta, 'fields': fields, 'id': '0'}
  347. def tweet_to_row (t):
  348. row = list(map(lambda f: t.get(f['name']), fields))
  349. return row
  350. rows = list(map(tweet_to_row, tweets))
  351. result = {
  352. "q": search,
  353. "metaData": meta,
  354. "tweets": rows
  355. }
  356. elif response_format == 'html':
  357. tweets = list(map(tweet_model_vm, tweets))
  358. query = {}
  359. profile_user = {}
  360. return render_template('search.html', user = profile_user, tweets = tweets, query = query)
  361. else:
  362. result = {
  363. "q": search,
  364. "tweets": tweets
  365. }
  366. return Response(json.dumps(result), mimetype="application/json")
  367. @twitter_app.route('/tweets', methods=['POST'])
  368. def post_tweets ():
  369. tweets_path = ARCHIVE_TWEETS_PATH
  370. tweets_file = open(tweets_path, 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
  371. tweets_data = json_stream.load(tweets_file)
  372. db = sqlite3.connect(TWEET_DB_PATH)
  373. db.execute('create table tweet (id integer, created_at, retweeted, favorited, retweet_count integer, favorite_count integer, full_text, in_reply_to_status_id_str integer, in_reply_to_user_id, in_reply_to_screen_name)')
  374. db.commit()
  375. i = 0
  376. cur = db.cursor()
  377. for tweet in tweets_data.persistent():
  378. t = dict(tweet['tweet'])
  379. dt = dateutil.parser.parse(t['created_at'])
  380. dt_utc = dt.astimezone(dateutil.tz.tz.gettz('UTC'))
  381. created_at = dt_utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
  382. sql = 'insert into tweet (id, created_at, retweeted, favorited, retweet_count, favorite_count, full_text, in_reply_to_status_id_str, in_reply_to_user_id, in_reply_to_screen_name) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'
  383. tweet_values = [
  384. t['id'],
  385. created_at,
  386. t['retweeted'],
  387. t['favorited'],
  388. t['retweet_count'],
  389. t['favorite_count'],
  390. t['full_text'],
  391. t.get('in_reply_to_status_id_str'),
  392. t.get('in_reply_to_user_id'),
  393. t.get('in_reply_to_screen_name')
  394. ]
  395. cur.execute(sql, tweet_values)
  396. i += 1
  397. if i % 100 == 0:
  398. cur.connection.commit()
  399. cur = db.cursor()
  400. cur.connection.commit()
  401. cur.close()
  402. db.close()
  403. tweets_file.close()
  404. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  406. def tweet_to_card (tweet, includes):
  407. if type(tweet) == t_vm.FeedItem:
  408. tweet = asdict(tweet)
  409. if type(includes) == tv2_types.TweetExpansions:
  410. includes = t_vm.cleandict(asdict(includes))
  411. user = list(filter(lambda u: u.get('id') == tweet['author_id'], includes.get('users')))[0]
  412. tweet_url = 'https://twitter.com/{}/status/{}'.format(user['username'], tweet['id'])
  413. content = tweet['text'] + "\n\n[view tweet]({})".format(tweet_url)
  414. card = {
  415. 'id': 'tweet-' + tweet['id'],
  416. 'content': content,
  417. 'content_type': 'text/markdown',
  418. 'created_at': tweet['created_at'], # can be derived from oldest in edit_history_tweet_ids
  419. 'modified_at': None, # can be derived from newest in edit_history_tweet_ids
  420. 'title': '@' + user['username'] + ' at ' + tweet['created_at'],
  421. 'content_source': tweet_url,
  422. #'tweet': tweet,
  423. #'user': user
  424. }
  425. return card
  426. def response_to_cards (response_json, add_included = True):
  427. """
  428. Seems to be unused
  429. """
  430. tweets = response_json.get('data')
  431. includes = response_json.get('includes')
  432. cards = list(map(lambda t: tweet_to_card(t, includes), tweets))
  433. if add_included:
  434. included_cards = list(map(lambda t: tweet_to_card(t, includes), includes.get('tweets')))
  435. cards += included_cards
  436. return cards