const fs = require('fs') const log = require('./log') // Format from here: // // January 1st, 2001, 00:00:00 UTC const APPLE_2001_EPOCH = 978307200 function parseCookie (cookieBuff) { // Read a null-terminated string from the buffer. function readNullTerminatedString (fromIndex) { let string = '' for (var i = fromIndex; cookieBuff.readInt8(i) !== 0 && i < size; i++) { string += String.fromCharCode(cookieBuff.readInt8(i)) } return string } let size = cookieBuff.readInt32LE(0) // 4 unknown bytes let flagInt = cookieBuff.readInt32LE(8) // 4 unknown bytes let urlOffset = cookieBuff.readInt32LE(16) let nameOffset = cookieBuff.readInt32LE(20) let pathOffset = cookieBuff.readInt32LE(24) let valueOffset = cookieBuff.readInt32LE(28) // END OF COOKIE 8 bytes = 0x0 let expirationEpoch = cookieBuff.readDoubleLE(40) + APPLE_2001_EPOCH let creationEpoch = cookieBuff.readDoubleLE(48) + APPLE_2001_EPOCH // Dictionary of flag strings. let flagDict = { 0: 'none', 1: 'secure', 4: 'httpOnly', 5: 'secure,httpOnly' } let flags = flagDict[flagInt] let url = readNullTerminatedString(urlOffset) let name = readNullTerminatedString(nameOffset) let path = readNullTerminatedString(pathOffset) let value = readNullTerminatedString(valueOffset) let expiration = new Date(expirationEpoch * 1000) let creation = new Date(creationEpoch * 1000) return { url, name, value, path, flags, creation, expiration } } function parsePage (page) { function checkPageHeader (page) { return page.readInt32BE(0) === 0x00000100 } // Header check fails page parse. return nothing. if (!checkPageHeader(page)) { return [] } // Get the count of cookies on this page. const cookieCount = page.readInt32LE(4) // Store the cookies. let cookies = [] for (let i = 0; i < cookieCount; i++) { // Read offset and size. const cookieOffset = page.readInt32LE(8 + i * 4) const cookieSize = page.readInt32LE(cookieOffset) // Slice buff const cookieBuff = page.slice(cookieOffset, cookieOffset + cookieSize) // Parse cookie let cookie = parseCookie(cookieBuff) // Add the cookie if parsing succeded. if (cookie) { cookies.push(cookie) } } return cookies } function parseBase (buff) { function checkHeader (buff) { return buff.readInt8(0) === 'c'.charCodeAt(0) && buff.readInt8(1) === 'o'.charCodeAt(0) && buff.readInt8(2) === 'o'.charCodeAt(0) && buff.readInt8(3) === 'k'.charCodeAt(0) } // Header check fails. Return nothing. if (!checkHeader(buff)) { return [] } let pageCount = buff.readInt32BE(4) let dataStart = (pageCount * 4) + 8 let cursor = dataStart let cookies = [] for (let i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { // Find the page size, and grab the slice from the buffer. let pageSize = buff.readInt32BE(8 + i * 4) let page = buff.slice(cursor, cursor + pageSize) cookies = [...cookies, ...parsePage(page)] // Advance the cursor to the next page's tart index. cursor += pageSize } return cookies } // This parser works on best-effort, to allow for maximum data retrival. // If parsing fails, we return nothing, or as much as we can. // errors are only raised for out-of-bounds errors, etc. module.exports.parse = function (filePath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { log.verbose('parse', filePath) try { let buff = fs.readFileSync(filePath) let result = parseBase(buff) // console.log(result) resolve(result) } catch (e) { return reject(e) } }) }