= 'conversations_full' module.exports.description = 'List all SMS and iMessage conversations and their messages (dump only)' // Specify this reporter requires a backup. // The second parameter to func() is now a backup instead of the path to one. module.exports.requiresBackup = true module.exports.deprecated = true // Specify this reporter supports the promises API for allowing chaining of reports. module.exports.usesPromises = true module.exports.func = async function (program, backup, resolve, reject) { // if (program.dump) { // return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let conversations = await backup.getConversations() let conversations_full = [] for (let el of conversations) { let messages = await backup.getMessages(el.ROWID, true) for (let message of messages) { message.conversation = el message.attachments = await backup.getMessageAttachments(message.ROWID) } conversations_full.push(...messages) } // Use the configured formatter to print the rows. const result = program.formatter.format(conversations_full, { // Color formatting? program: program, // Columns to be displayed in human-readable printouts. // Some formatters, like raw or CSV, ignore these. columns: { 'conversation_id': el => el.conversation.ROWID, 'date': el => el.conversation.XFORMATTEDDATESTRING || '??', 'service': el => el.conversation.service_name + '', 'chat_name': el => el.conversation.chat_identifier + '', 'display_name': el => el.conversation.display_name + '', 'message_id': el => el.ROWID + '', 'content': el => el.text + '', 'date': el => + '', 'date_read': el => el.date_read + '', 'date_delivered': el => el.date_delivered + '', 'is_delivered': el => el.is_delivered + '', 'is_finished': el => el.is_finished + '', 'is_from_me': el => el.is_from_me + '', 'is_read': el => el.is_read + '', 'is_sent': el => el.is_sent + '', 'attachments': el => => at.filename) } }) resolve(result) }