const log = require('../util/log') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs-extra') = 'voicemail-files' module.exports.description = 'List all or extract voicemail files (iOS 10+)' // Specify this reporter requires a backup. // The second parameter to func() is now a backup instead of the path to one. module.exports.requiresBackup = true // Specify this reporter supports the promises API for allowing chaining of reports. module.exports.usesPromises = true module.exports.func = function (program, backup, resolve, reject) { backup.getVoicemailFileList() .then((list) => { // Extract to the specified location if (program.extract) { for (var item of list) { try { var outDir = path.join(program.extract, path.basename(item.relativePath)) fs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(outDir)) fs.createReadStream(backup.getFileName(item.fileID)).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(outDir)) item.output_dir = outDir } catch (e) { log.error(`Couldn't Export: ${item.relativePath}`, e) } } } // Generate report. var result = program.formatter.format(list, { program: program, columns: { 'ID': el => el.fileID, 'Path': el => el.relativePath, 'Export Path': el => el.output_dir || '' } }) resolve(result) }) .catch(reject) }