{:title "FreshSpooge" :layout :fresh :navbar? false :home? true :toc? true :video-yt-id "owr-z4-y05c" :video-thumbnail-url "/media/videos/ispooge/whats-ispooge-live.jpg" :video-url "/media/videos/ispooge/whats-ispooge-live.hls/playlist.m3u8"
:description "FreshSpooge 3.0" }
FreshSpooge is a solution for video websites and apps.
FreshSpooge allows you to stream low latency to your viewers without commercial or other inturruption. Video chunks are written to the file system and served directly to your audience, via CDN if one is configured, using the industry-accepted techniques.
Using our scripts to import videos and playlists, you can quickly create a backup of your channel that's under your control. You can use it to demo videos offline and as a safe store for the master copies of your video. SD cards make for easy IT operations like backup.
If you've ever wanted to create a livecoding environment but haven't wanted to stream your video through external networks, now is your chance. Using as little as a RasPi you can create a streaming video solution for your organization, and make it public if you like. Third party login integration is simple to add to our boilerplate system.
IT operations are cumbersome and sometimes we store sensitive information. Worse, sometimes our computer illiterate family members store valuable information and it is lost during a confusing click through process.