# General server settings server: port: 2069 bind: max_payload_size: 102400 # Max size of each JSON payload backlog: size: 0 # Max number of payloads to keep in backlog cache (set to 0 to disable) max_age: 48h # Maximum age of a backlog item before culling it (set to 0 to never prune on age) # Uncomment the parts below for TLS support #tls: # port: 2070 # cert: /path/to/domain.crt # key: /path/to/domain.key # chain: /path/to/domain.chain # storage: backlog.json # File-storage for backlog between restarts. Comment out to disable. # Client settings clients: # Payloaders are clients that are allowed to push events (CIDR-based) payloaders: - - # Oldschoolers denotes clients expecting binary events, such as svnwcsub oldschoolers: - svnwcsub # Secure topics are a list of topics that may only be broadcast by certain authenticated users. # Default is nil, which means all topics are allowed by anyone in the allow CIDRs secure_topics: ~ # ldap: # uri: ldaps://ldap.example.org # user_dn: uid=%s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org # base_scope: dc=example,dc=org # membership_patterns: # - member=uid=%s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org: # - uid=%s # acl: # "cn=syadmins,ou=teams,dc=example,dc=org": # - accounts # - restricted # uid=janedoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org: # - accounts # - contracts # - hr #sqs: # defaultQueue: # queue: myQueueName.fifo # region: us-east-1 # delete: true # If set, deletes items from SQS as they are processed. Comment out to keep items in SQS # # The below can be commented out to use basic ~/.aws/credentials configuration for the user # key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID # secret: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY