@@ -473,35 +473,13 @@ class AbstractImage(ImageFileMixin, CollectionMember, index.Indexed, models.Mode
Note: If using custom image models, an instance of the custom rendition
model will be returned.
Rendition = self.get_rendition_model()
- cache_key = filter.get_cache_key(self)
- # Interrogate prefetched values first (if available)
- prefetched_renditions = self._get_prefetched_renditions()
- if prefetched_renditions is not None:
- for rendition in prefetched_renditions:
- if (
- rendition.filter_spec == filter.spec
- and rendition.focal_point_key == cache_key
- ):
- return rendition
- # If renditions were prefetched, assume that if a suitable match
- # existed, it would have been present and already returned above
- # (avoiding further cache/db lookups)
+ try:
+ return self.find_existing_renditions(filter)[filter]
+ except KeyError:
raise Rendition.DoesNotExist
- # Next, query the cache (if configured)
- if self.renditions_cache is not None:
- key = Rendition.construct_cache_key(self.id, cache_key, filter.spec)
- cached_rendition = self.renditions_cache.get(key)
- if cached_rendition:
- return cached_rendition
- # Resort to a get() lookup
- return self.renditions.get(filter_spec=filter.spec, focal_point_key=cache_key)
def create_rendition(self, filter: "Filter") -> "AbstractRendition":
Creates and returns a ``Rendition`` instance with a ``file`` field