@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import $ from 'jquery';
+function createDocumentChooser(id) {
+ const chooserElement = $('#' + id + '-chooser');
+ const docTitle = chooserElement.find('.title');
+ const input = $('#' + id);
+ const editLink = chooserElement.find('.edit-link');
+ const chooserBaseUrl = chooserElement.data('chooserUrl');
+ /*
+ Construct initial state of the chooser from the rendered (static) HTML and arguments passed to
+ createDocumentChooser. State is either null (= no document chosen) or a dict of id, title and
+ edit_link.
+ The result returned from the document chooser modal (see get_document_result_data in
+ wagtail.documents.views.chooser) is a superset of this, and can therefore be passed directly to
+ chooser.setState.
+ */
+ let state = null;
+ if (input.val()) {
+ state = {
+ id: input.val(),
+ edit_link: editLink.attr('href'),
+ title: docTitle.text(),
+ };
+ }
+ /* define public API functions for the chooser */
+ const chooser = {
+ getState: () => state,
+ getValue: () => state && state.id,
+ setState: (newState) => {
+ if (newState) {
+ input.val(newState.id);
+ docTitle.text(newState.title);
+ chooserElement.removeClass('blank');
+ editLink.attr('href', newState.edit_link);
+ } else {
+ input.val('');
+ chooserElement.addClass('blank');
+ }
+ state = newState;
+ },
+ openChooserModal: () => {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef, new-cap
+ ModalWorkflow({
+ url: chooserBaseUrl,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
+ responses: {
+ documentChosen: (result) => {
+ chooser.setState(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ clear: () => {
+ chooser.setState(null);
+ },
+ };
+ $('.action-choose', chooserElement).on('click', () => {
+ chooser.openChooserModal();
+ });
+ $('.action-clear', chooserElement).on('click', () => {
+ chooser.clear();
+ });
+ return chooser;
+window.createDocumentChooser = createDocumentChooser;