@@ -14,13 +14,16 @@ module.exports = async () => {
// this global is only available in the teardown but not in TestEnvironments
global.__BROWSER_GLOBAL__ = browser;
+ // Make sure this matches the origin defined in PuppeteerEnvironment.js.
+ const testOrigin = process.env.TEST_ORIGIN ?? 'http://localhost:8000';
// use the file system to expose the wsEndpoint for TestEnvironments
await mkdir(DIR, { recursive: true });
await writeFile(path.join(DIR, 'wsEndpoint'), browser.wsEndpoint());
// Automatically log into the Wagtail admin.
const page = await browser.newPage();
- await page.goto('http://localhost:8000/admin/login/');
+ await page.goto(`${testOrigin}/admin/login/`);
await page.type('#id_username', 'admin');
await page.type('#id_password', 'changeme');
await Promise.all([