@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TestImageIndexView(TestCase, WagtailTestUtils):
for i in range(1, 50):
self.image = Image.objects.create(
title="Test image %i" % i,
- file=get_test_image_file(),
+ file=get_test_image_file(size=(1, 1)),
@@ -87,6 +87,85 @@ class TestImageIndexView(TestCase, WagtailTestUtils):
['Root', 'Evil plans', 'Good plans'])
+ def test_tags(self):
+ image_two_tags = Image.objects.create(
+ title="Test image with two tags",
+ file=get_test_image_file(),
+ )
+ image_two_tags.tags.add("one", "two")
+ response = self.get()
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ current_tag = response.context['current_tag']
+ self.assertIsNone(current_tag)
+ tags = response.context['popular_tags']
+ self.assertTrue(
+ [tag.name for tag in tags] == ["one", "two"]
+ or [tag.name for tag in tags] == ["two", "one"]
+ )
+ def test_tag_filtering(self):
+ Image.objects.create(
+ title="Test image with no tags",
+ file=get_test_image_file(),
+ )
+ image_one_tag = Image.objects.create(
+ title="Test image with one tag",
+ file=get_test_image_file(),
+ )
+ image_one_tag.tags.add("one")
+ image_two_tags = Image.objects.create(
+ title="Test image with two tags",
+ file=get_test_image_file(),
+ )
+ image_two_tags.tags.add("one", "two")
+ # no filtering
+ response = self.get()
+ self.assertEqual(response.context['images'].paginator.count, 3)
+ # filter all images with tag 'one'
+ response = self.get({'tag': 'one'})
+ self.assertEqual(response.context['images'].paginator.count, 2)
+ # filter all images with tag 'two'
+ response = self.get({'tag': 'two'})
+ self.assertEqual(response.context['images'].paginator.count, 1)
+ def test_tag_filtering_preserves_other_params(self):
+ for i in range(1, 100):
+ image = Image.objects.create(
+ title="Test image %i" % i,
+ file=get_test_image_file(size=(1, 1)),
+ )
+ if (i % 2 != 0):
+ image.tags.add('even')
+ image.save()
+ response = self.get({'tag': 'even', 'p': 2})
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ response_body = response.content.decode('utf8')
+ # prev link should exist and include tag
+ self.assertTrue(
+ "?p=2&tag=even" in response_body
+ or "?tag=even&p=1" in response_body
+ )
+ # next link should exist and include tag
+ self.assertTrue(
+ "?p=3&tag=even" in response_body
+ or "?tag=even&p=3" in response_body
+ )
class TestImageAddView(TestCase, WagtailTestUtils):
def setUp(self):