@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import { initCommentsApp } from 'wagtail-comment-frontend';
+import { STRINGS } from '../../config/wagtailConfig';
+function initComments(initialComments) {
+ // in case any widgets try to initialise themselves before the comment app,
+ // store their initialisations as callbacks to be executed when the comment app
+ // itself is finished initialising.
+ const callbacks = [];
+ window.commentApp = {
+ registerWidget: (widget) => {
+ callbacks.push(() => { window.commentApp.registerWidget(widget); });
+ }
+ };
+ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
+ const commentsElement = document.getElementById('comments');
+ const author = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('comments-author').textContent);
+ if (commentsElement && author) {
+ window.commentApp = initCommentsApp(commentsElement, author, initialComments, STRINGS);
+ callbacks.forEach((callback) => { callback(); });
+ }
+ });
+function getContentPath(fieldNode) {
+ // Return the total contentpath for an element as a string, in the form field.streamfield_uid.block...
+ if (fieldNode.closest('data-contentpath-disabled')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ let element = fieldNode.closest('[data-contentpath]');
+ const contentPaths = [];
+ while (element !== null) {
+ contentPaths.push(element.dataset.contentpath);
+ element = element.parentElement.closest('[data-contentpath]');
+ }
+ contentPaths.reverse();
+ return contentPaths.join('.');
+class BasicFieldLevelAnnotation {
+ constructor(fieldNode, node) {
+ this.node = node;
+ this.fieldNode = fieldNode;
+ this.position = '';
+ }
+ onDelete() {
+ this.node.remove();
+ }
+ onFocus() {
+ this.node.classList.remove('button-secondary');
+ this.node.ariaLabel = STRINGS.UNFOCUS_COMMENT;
+ }
+ onUnfocus() {
+ this.node.classList.add('button-secondary');
+ this.node.ariaLabel = STRINGS.UNFOCUS_COMMENT;
+ // TODO: ensure comment is focused accessibly when this is clicked,
+ // and that screenreader users can return to the annotation point when desired
+ }
+ show() {
+ this.node.classList.remove('u-hidden');
+ }
+ hide() {
+ this.node.classList.add('u-hidden');
+ }
+ setOnClickHandler(handler) {
+ this.node.addEventListener('click', handler);
+ }
+ getDesiredPosition() {
+ return (
+ this.fieldNode.getBoundingClientRect().top +
+ document.documentElement.scrollTop
+ );
+ }
+class FieldLevelCommentWidget {
+ constructor({
+ fieldNode,
+ commentAdditionNode,
+ annotationTemplateNode
+ }) {
+ this.fieldNode = fieldNode;
+ this.contentPath = getContentPath(fieldNode);
+ this.commentAdditionNode = commentAdditionNode;
+ this.annotationTemplateNode = annotationTemplateNode;
+ this.commentNumber = 0;
+ this.commentsEnabled = false;
+ }
+ onRegister(makeComment) {
+ this.commentAdditionNode.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ makeComment(this.getAnnotationForComment(), this.contentPath);
+ });
+ }
+ setEnabled(enabled) {
+ // Update whether comments are enabled for the page
+ this.commentsEnabled = enabled;
+ this.updateVisibility();
+ }
+ onChangeComments(comments) {
+ // Receives a list of comments for the widget's contentpath
+ this.commentNumber = comments.length;
+ this.updateVisibility();
+ }
+ updateVisibility() {
+ // if comments are disabled, or the widget already has at least one associated comment,
+ // don't show the comment addition button
+ if (!this.commentsEnabled || this.commentNumber > 0) {
+ this.commentAdditionNode.classList.add('u-hidden');
+ } else {
+ this.commentAdditionNode.classList.remove('u-hidden');
+ }
+ }
+ getAnnotationForComment() {
+ const annotationNode = this.annotationTemplateNode.cloneNode(true);
+ annotationNode.id = '';
+ this.commentAdditionNode.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', annotationNode);
+ return new BasicFieldLevelAnnotation(this.fieldNode, annotationNode);
+ }
+function initFieldLevelCommentWidget(fieldElement) {
+ const widget = new FieldLevelCommentWidget({
+ fieldNode: fieldElement,
+ commentAdditionNode: fieldElement.querySelector('[data-comment-add]'),
+ annotationTemplateNode: document.querySelector('#comment-icon')
+ });
+ if (widget.contentPath) {
+ window.commentApp.registerWidget(widget);
+ }
+export default {
+ initComments,
+ FieldLevelCommentWidget,
+ initFieldLevelCommentWidget