@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ To prevent deleting important revisions when they become stale, you can refer to
Support for respecting `on_delete=models.PROTECT` is added.
-If the `pages` argument is supplied, only revisions of page models will be deleted. If the `non-pages` argument is supplied, only revisions of non-page models will be deleted. If both or neither arguments are supplied, revisions of all models will be deleted.
-If deletion of a revision is not desirable, mark `Revision` with `on_delete=models.PROTECT`.
+If the `pages` argument is supplied, only revisions of page models will be deleted. If the `non-pages` argument is supplied, only revisions of non-page models will be deleted. If both or neither arguments are supplied, revisions of all models will be deleted.
+If deletion of a revision is not desirable, mark `Revision` with `on_delete=models.PROTECT`.