@@ -145,7 +145,56 @@ We are now ready to create a blog. To do so, run
Add the new ``blog`` app to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in ``mysite/settings/base.py``.
-The following example defines a basic blog post model in ``blog/models.py``:
+Blog Index and Posts
+Lets start with a simple index page for our blog. In ``blog/models.py``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class BlogIndexPage(Page):
+ intro = RichTextField(blank=True)
+ content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
+ FieldPanel('intro', classname="full")
+ ]
+Run ``python manage.py makemigrations`` and ``python manage.py migrate``.
+Since the model is called ``BlogIndexPage``, the default template name
+(unless we override it) will be ``blog/templates/blog/blog_index_page.html:``
+.. code-block:: html+django
+ {% extends "base.html" %}
+ {% load wagtailcore_tags %}
+ {% block body_class %}template-blogindexpage{% endblock %}
+ {% block content %}
+ <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
+ <div class="intro">{{ page.intro|richtext }}</div>
+ {% for post in page.get_children %}
+ <h2><a href="{% slugurl post.slug %}">{{ post.title }}</a></h2>
+ {{ post.specific.intro }}
+ {{ post.specific.body|richtext }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endblock %}
+Most of this should be familiar, but we'll explain ``get_children`` a bit later.
+Note the ``slugurl`` tag, which is similar to Django's ``url`` tag but
+intended to take a Wagtail slug as an argument.
+In the Wagtail admin, create a ``BlogIndexPage`` under the Homepage,
+make sure it has the slug "blog" on the Promote tab, and publish it.
+You should now be able to access the url ``/blog`` on your site
+(note how the slug from the Promote tab defines the page URL).
+Now we need a model and template for our blog posts. In ``blog/models.py``:
.. code-block:: python
@@ -173,7 +222,6 @@ The following example defines a basic blog post model in ``blog/models.py``:
FieldPanel('body', classname="full")
.. note::
On Wagtail versions before 1.5, ``search_fields`` needs to be defined as a tuple:
@@ -185,6 +233,8 @@ The following example defines a basic blog post model in ``blog/models.py``:
+Run ``python manage.py makemigrations`` and ``python manage.py migrate``.
Create a template at ``blog/templates/blog/blog_page.html``:
.. code-block:: html+django
@@ -202,21 +252,85 @@ Create a template at ``blog/templates/blog/blog_page.html``:
<div class="intro">{{ page.intro }}</div>
{{ page.body|richtext }}
+ <p><a href="{{ page.get_parent.url }}">Return to blog</a></p>
{% endblock %}
-Run ``python manage.py makemigrations`` and ``python manage.py migrate``.
+Note the use of Wagtail's built-in ``get_parent()`` method to obtain the
+URL of the blog this post is a part of.
+Now create a few blog posts as children of ``BlogIndexPage.``
+Be sure to select type "BlogPage" when creating your posts.
-.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_4.png
- :alt: Create page screen
+.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_4a.png
+ :alt: Create blog post as child of BlogIndex
+.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_4b.png
+ :alt: Choose type BlogPost
+Wagtail gives you full control over what kinds of content can be created under
+various parent content types, but we won't go into that here. By default,
+any page type can be a child of any other page type.
.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_5.png
:alt: Page edit screen
+You should now have the very beginnings of a working blog.
+Access the ``/blog`` URL and you should see something like this:
+.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_7.png
+ :alt: Blog basics
+Titles should link to post pages, and a link back to the blog's
+homepage should appear in the footer of each post page.
+Parents and Children
+Much of the work you'll be doing in Wagtail revolves around the concept of hierarchical
+"tree" structures consisting of nodes and leaves (see :doc:`../reference/pages/theory`).
+In this case, the ``BlogIndexPage`` is a "node" and individual ``BlogPage`` instances
+are the "leaves".
+Take another look at the guts of ``BlogIndexPage:``
+.. code-block:: html+django
+ {% for post in page.get_children %}
+ <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
+ {{ post.specific.intro }}
+ {{ post.specific.body|richtext }}
+ {% endfor %}
+Every "page" in Wagtail can call out to its parent or children
+from its own position in the hierarchy. But why do we have to
+specify ``post.specific.title`` rather than ``post.title?``
+This has to do with the way we defined our model:
+``class BlogPage(Page):``
+The ``get_children()`` method got us a list of ``Page`` base classes. When we want to reference
+properties of the instances that inherits from the base class, Wagtail provides the ``specific``
+method that retrieves the actual ``BlogPage`` record.
+To tighten up template code like this, we could use Django's ``with`` tag:
+.. code-block:: html+django
+ {% for post in page.get_children %}
+ {% with post=post.specific %}
+ <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
+ {{ post.intro }}
+ {{ post.body|richtext }}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endfor %}
Image support
-Wagtail provides support for images out of the box. To add them to your
+Wagtail provides support for images out of the box. To add them to
+your ``BlogPage`` model:
.. code-block:: python
@@ -284,143 +398,167 @@ Adjust your blog page template to include the image:
You can read more about using images in templates in the
:doc:`docs <../topics/images>`.
-Blog Index
-Let us extend the Blog app to provide an index.
-.. code-block:: python
- class BlogIndexPage(Page):
- intro = RichTextField(blank=True)
- content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
- FieldPanel('intro', classname="full")
- ]
-The above creates an index type to collect all our blog posts.
-.. code-block:: html+django
- {% extends "base.html" %}
- {% load wagtailcore_tags %}
- {% block body_class %}template-blogindexpage{% endblock %}
- {% block content %}
- <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
- <div class="intro">{{ page.intro|richtext }}</div>
- {% endblock %}
-Related items
+Tagging Posts
-Let's extend the BlogIndexPage to add related links. The related links
-can be BlogPages or external links. Change ``blog/models.py`` to
+Let's say we want to let editors "tag" their posts, so that readers can, e.g.,
+view all bicycle-related content together. For this, we'll need to invoke
+the tagging system bundled with Wagtail, attach it to the ``BlogPage``
+model and content panels, and render linked tags on the blog post template.
+Of course, we'll need a working tag-specific URL view as well.
+First, alter ``models.py`` once more:
.. code-block:: python
from django.db import models
+ from modelcluster.tags import ClusterTaggableManager
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
+ from taggit.models import TaggedItemBase
- from wagtail.wagtailcore.models import Page, Orderable
+ from wagtail.wagtailcore.models import Page
from wagtail.wagtailcore.fields import RichTextField
- from wagtail.wagtailadmin.edit_handlers import (FieldPanel,
- InlinePanel,
- MultiFieldPanel,
- PageChooserPanel)
+ from wagtail.wagtailadmin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel, MultiFieldPanel
from wagtail.wagtailimages.edit_handlers import ImageChooserPanel
from wagtail.wagtailsearch import index
- # ...
+ class BlogPageTag(TaggedItemBase):
+ content_object = ParentalKey('BlogPage', related_name='tagged_items')
- class LinkFields(models.Model):
- link_external = models.URLField("External link", blank=True)
- link_page = models.ForeignKey(
- 'wagtailcore.Page',
+ class BlogPage(Page):
+ main_image = models.ForeignKey(
+ 'wagtailimages.Image',
+ on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
+ date = models.DateField("Post date")
+ intro = models.CharField(max_length=250)
+ body = RichTextField(blank=True)
+ tags = ClusterTaggableManager(through=BlogPageTag, blank=True)
- @property
- def link(self):
- if self.link_page:
- return self.link_page.url
- else:
- return self.link_external
+ search_fields = Page.search_fields + [
+ index.SearchField('intro'),
+ index.SearchField('body'),
+ ]
- panels = [
- FieldPanel('link_external'),
- PageChooserPanel('link_page'),
+ content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
+ FieldPanel('date'),
+ ImageChooserPanel('main_image'),
+ FieldPanel('intro'),
+ FieldPanel('body'),
+ MultiFieldPanel([
+ FieldPanel('tags'),
+ ], heading="Tags"),
- class Meta:
- abstract = True
+ class BlogIndexPage(Page):
+ intro = RichTextField(blank=True)
- # Related links
- class RelatedLink(LinkFields):
- title = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="Link title")
+Note the new ``modelcluster`` and ``taggit`` imports, the addition of a new
+``BlogPageTag`` model, the addition of a ``tags`` field on ``BlogPage``,
+and the use of ``MultiFieldPanel`` in ``content_panels`` to let users
+select tags.
- panels = [
- FieldPanel('title'),
- MultiFieldPanel(LinkFields.panels, "Link"),
- ]
+Edit one of your ``BlogPage`` instances, and you should now be able to tag posts:
- class Meta:
- abstract = True
+.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_8.png
+ :alt: Tagging a post
+To render tags on a ``BlogPage``, add this to ``blog_page.html:``
- class BlogIndexPage(Page):
- intro = RichTextField(blank=True)
+.. code-block:: html+django
- content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
- FieldPanel('intro', classname="full"),
- InlinePanel('related_links', label="Related links"),
- ]
+ {% if page.specific.tags.all.count %}
+ <div class="tags">
+ <h3>Tags</h3>
+ {% for tag in page.specific.tags.all %}
+ <a href="{% slugurl 'tags' %}?tag={{ tag }}"><button type="button">{{ tag }}</button></a>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+Visiting a blog post with tags should now show a set of linked
+buttons at the bottom - one for each tag. However, clicking a button
+will get you a 404, since we haven't yet defined a "tags" view, which
+is going to require a little extra magic. Add to ``models.py:``
+.. code-block:: python
- class BlogIndexRelatedLink(Orderable, RelatedLink):
- page = ParentalKey('BlogIndexPage', related_name='related_links')
+ class BlogTagIndexPage(Page):
-.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_7.png
- :alt: Blog index edit screen
+ def get_context(self, request):
+ # Filter by tag
+ tag = request.GET.get('tag')
+ blogpages = BlogPage.objects.filter().filter(tags__name=tag)
+ # Update template context
+ context = super(BlogTagIndexPage, self).get_context(request)
+ context['blogpages'] = blogpages
+ return context
-Extend ``blog_index_page.html`` to show related items
+Note that this Page-based model defines no fields of its own.
+Even without fields, subclassing ``Page`` makes it a part of the
+Wagtail ecosystem, so that you can give it a title and URL in the
+admin, and so that you can manipulate its contents by returning
+a queryset from its ``get_context()`` method.
+Migrate this in, then create a new ``BlogTagIndexPage`` in the admin.
+You'll probably want to create the new page/view under Homepage,
+parallel to your Blog index. Give it the slug "tags" on the Promote tab.
+Access ``/tags`` and Django will tell you what you probably already knew:
+you need to create a template ``blog/blog_tag_index_page.html:``
.. code-block:: html+django
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load wagtailcore_tags %}
- {% block body_class %}template-blogindexpage{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
- <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
- <div class="intro">{{ page.intro|richtext }}</div>
- {% if page.related_links.all %}
- <ul>
- {% for item in page.related_links.all %}
- <li><a href="{{ item.link }}">{{ item.title }}</a></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
+ {% if request.GET.tag|length %}
+ <h4>Showing pages tagged "{{ request.GET.tag|safe }}"</h4>
{% endif %}
+ {% for blogpage in blogpages %}
+ <p>
+ <strong><a href="{% pageurl blogpage %}">{{ blogpage.title }}</a></strong><br />
+ <small>Revised: {{ blogpage.latest_revision_created_at }}</small><br />
+ {% if blogpage.author %}
+ <p>By {{ blogpage.author.profile }}</p>
+ {% endif %}
+ </p>
+ {% empty %}
+ No pages found with that tag.
+ {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
-You now have a fully working blog with featured blog posts.
+Unlike in the previous example, we're linking to pages here with the builtin ``pageurl``
+tag rather than ``slugurl``. The difference is that ``pageurl`` takes a Page object
+as an argument. Use whichever one best suits your purpose.
-.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_8.png
- :alt: Barebones blog index
+We're also calling the built-in ``latest_revision_created_at`` field on the ``Page``
+model - handy to know this is always available.
+We haven't yet added an "author" field to our ``BlogPage`` model, nor do we have
+a Profile model for authors - we'll leave those as an exercise for the reader.
+Clicking the tag button at the bottom of a BlogPost should now render a page
+something like this:
+.. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_9.png
+ :alt: A simple tag view
Where next