@@ -224,6 +224,24 @@ Readability is fundamental to accessibility. One of the ways to improve text con
+### prefers-reduced-motion
+Some users, such as those with vestibular disorders, may prefer a more static version of your site. You can respect this preference by using the `prefers-reduced-motion` media query in your CSS.
+@media (prefers-reduced-motion) {
+ /* styles to apply if a user's device settings are set to reduced motion */
+ /* for example, disable animations */
+ * {
+ animation: none !important;
+ transition: none !important;
+ }
+Note that `prefers-reduced-motion` is only applied for users who enabled this setting in their operating system or browser. This feature is supported by Chrome, Safari and Firefox. For more information on reduced motion, see the [MDN Web Docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-motion).
## Accessibility resources
We focus on considerations specific to Wagtail websites, but there is much more to accessibility. Here are valuable resources to learn more, for developers but also designers and authors: