@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import {
+ useCombobox,
+ UseComboboxStateChange,
+ UseComboboxStateChangeTypes,
+} from 'downshift';
+import { gettext } from '../../utils/gettext';
+import Icon from '../Icon/Icon';
+import findMatches from './findMatches';
+export const comboBoxTriggerLabel = gettext('Insert a block');
+export const comboBoxLabel = gettext('Search options…');
+export const comboBoxNoResults = gettext('No results');
+export interface ComboBoxCategory<ItemType> {
+ type: string;
+ label: string | null;
+ items: ItemType[];
+export interface ComboBoxItem {
+ type?: string;
+ label?: string | null;
+ description?: string | null;
+ icon?: string | JSX.Element | null;
+ category?: string;
+ render?: (props: { option: ComboBoxItem }) => JSX.Element | string;
+export { UseComboboxStateChange };
+export type ComboBoxStateChange = UseComboboxStateChange<ComboBoxItem>;
+export interface ComboBoxProps<ComboBoxOption> {
+ label?: string;
+ placeholder?: string;
+ inputValue?: string;
+ items: ComboBoxCategory<ComboBoxOption>[];
+ getItemLabel: (
+ type: string | undefined,
+ item: ComboBoxOption,
+ ) => string | null | undefined;
+ getItemDescription: (item: ComboBoxOption) => string | null | undefined;
+ getSearchFields: (item: ComboBoxOption) => (string | null | undefined)[];
+ onSelect: (change: UseComboboxStateChange<ComboBoxOption>) => void;
+ noResultsText?: string;
+ * Generic ComboBox component built with downshift, with a 2-column layout.
+ */
+export default function ComboBox<ComboBoxOption extends ComboBoxItem>({
+ label,
+ placeholder,
+ inputValue,
+ items,
+ getItemLabel,
+ getItemDescription,
+ getSearchFields,
+ onSelect,
+ noResultsText,
+}: ComboBoxProps<ComboBoxOption>) {
+ // If there is no label defined, we treat the combobox as not needing its own field.
+ const inlineCombobox = !label;
+ const flatItems = items.flatMap<ComboBoxOption>(
+ (category) => category.items || [],
+ );
+ const [inputItems, setInputItems] = useState<ComboBoxOption[]>(flatItems);
+ // Re-create the categories so the two-column layout flows as expected.
+ const categories = items.reduce<ComboBoxCategory<ComboBoxOption>[]>(
+ (cats, cat, index) => {
+ if (cat.label || index === 0) {
+ return [...cats, { ...cat, items: cat.items.slice() }];
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ cats[index - 1].items = cats[index - 1].items.concat(cat.items);
+ return cats;
+ },
+ [],
+ );
+ const noResults = inputItems.length === 0;
+ const {
+ getLabelProps,
+ getMenuProps,
+ getInputProps,
+ getItemProps,
+ setHighlightedIndex,
+ setInputValue,
+ openMenu,
+ } = useCombobox<ComboBoxOption>({
+ ...(typeof inputValue !== 'undefined' && { inputValue }),
+ initialInputValue: inputValue || '',
+ items: inputItems,
+ itemToString(item: ComboBoxOption | null) {
+ if (!item) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return getItemDescription(item) || getItemLabel(item.type, item) || '';
+ },
+ selectedItem: null,
+ onSelectedItemChange: onSelect,
+ onInputValueChange: (changes) => {
+ const { inputValue: val } = changes;
+ if (!val) {
+ setInputItems(flatItems);
+ return;
+ }
+ const filtered = findMatches<ComboBoxOption>(
+ flatItems,
+ getSearchFields,
+ val,
+ );
+ setInputItems(filtered);
+ // Always reset the first item to highlighted on filtering, to speed up selection.
+ setHighlightedIndex(0);
+ },
+ });
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (inputValue) {
+ openMenu();
+ setInputValue(inputValue);
+ const filtered = findMatches<ComboBoxOption>(
+ flatItems,
+ getSearchFields,
+ inputValue,
+ );
+ setInputItems(filtered);
+ // Always reset the first item to highlighted on filtering, to speed up selection.
+ setHighlightedIndex(0);
+ } else {
+ setInputValue('');
+ setInputItems(flatItems);
+ setHighlightedIndex(-1);
+ }
+ }, [inputValue]);
+ return (
+ <div className="w-combobox">
+ {/* downshift does the label-field association itself. */}
+ {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */}
+ <label {...getLabelProps()} className="w-sr-only">
+ {label}
+ </label>
+ <div className="w-combobox__field">
+ <input
+ {...getInputProps()}
+ type="text"
+ // Prevent the field from receiving focus if it’s not visible.
+ disabled={inlineCombobox}
+ placeholder={placeholder}
+ />
+ </div>
+ {noResults ? (
+ <div className="w-combobox__status">{noResultsText}</div>
+ ) : null}
+ <div {...getMenuProps()} className="w-combobox__menu">
+ {categories.map((category) => {
+ const categoryItems = (category.items || []).filter((item) =>
+ inputItems.find((i) => i.type === item.type),
+ );
+ const itemColumns = Math.ceil(categoryItems.length / 2);
+ if (categoryItems.length === 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (
+ <div className="w-combobox__optgroup" key={category.type}>
+ {category.label ? (
+ <div className="w-combobox__optgroup-label">
+ {category.label}
+ </div>
+ ) : null}
+ {categoryItems.map((item, index) => {
+ const itemLabel = getItemLabel(item.type, item);
+ const description = getItemDescription(item);
+ const itemIndex = inputItems.findIndex(
+ (i) => i.type === item.type,
+ );
+ const itemColumn = index + 1 <= itemColumns ? 1 : 2;
+ const hasIcon =
+ typeof item.icon !== 'undefined' && item.icon !== null;
+ let icon: JSX.Element | null | undefined = null;
+ if (hasIcon) {
+ icon =
+ typeof item.icon === 'string' ? (
+ <Icon name={item.icon} />
+ ) : (
+ item.icon
+ );
+ }
+ const onMouseDown = (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ onSelect({
+ selectedItem: item,
+ type: '__item_click__' as UseComboboxStateChangeTypes.ItemClick,
+ });
+ };
+ return (
+ // Side-step Downshift event handling and trigger selection on mouse down for clicks,
+ // so we preserve keyboard focus when used within rich text editors.
+ // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions
+ <div
+ key={item.type}
+ {...getItemProps({ item, index: itemIndex })}
+ onMouseDown={onMouseDown}
+ className={`w-combobox__option w-combobox__option--col${itemColumn}`}
+ >
+ <div className="w-combobox__option-icon">
+ {icon}
+ {/* Support for rich text options using text as an icon (for example "B" for bold). */}
+ {itemLabel && !hasIcon ? <span>{itemLabel}</span> : null}
+ </div>
+ <div className="w-combobox__option-text">
+ {item.render
+ ? item.render({ option: item })
+ : description}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ );
+ })}
+ </div>
+ );
+ })}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ );